Add: (ement--mark-room-direct)

Due to a minor bug in ement-send-direct-message, some rooms I made
recently weren't marked as direct.  This function allows any room to
be marked as direct.  Now that that bug is fixed, it shouldn't be
needed, but it is useful for fixing such rooms, anyway.
This commit is contained in:
Adam Porter 2022-05-12 12:52:56 -05:00
parent 9839b0ed48
commit 578a0babad

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@ -842,6 +842,33 @@ Emacs 28, uses the NOERROR argument to `xml-escape-string'."
;; We still don't want to error on this, so just return the string.
(defun ement--mark-room-direct (room session)
"Mark ROOM on SESSION as a direct room.
This may be used to mark rooms as direct which, for whatever
reason (like a bug in your favorite client), were not marked as
such when they were created."
(pcase-let* (((cl-struct ement-room timeline (id room-id)) room)
((cl-struct ement-session (user local-user)) session)
((cl-struct ement-user (id local-user-id)) local-user)
(alist-get 'content
(cl-find-if (lambda (event)
(equal "" (alist-get 'type event)))
(ement-session-account-data session))))
(members (delete-dups (mapcar #'ement-event-sender timeline)))
(other-users (cl-remove local-user-id members
:key #'ement-user-id :test #'equal))
((cl-struct ement-user (id other-user-id)) (car other-users)))
(cl-assert (= 1 (length other-users)))
(cl-assert (not (map-elt direct-rooms-account-data-event-content other-user-id)) nil
"Ement: User <%s> already has a direct room on session <%s>"
other-user-id local-user-id)
(setf (map-elt direct-rooms-account-data-event-content other-user-id) (vector room-id))
(ement-put-account-data session "" direct-rooms-account-data-event-content
:then (lambda (_data)
(message "Ement: Room <%s> marked as direct for <%s>." room-id other-user-id)))
(message "Ement: Marking room as direct...")))
;;; Footer
(provide 'ement-lib)