Change: (ement-taxy-next-unread) Use ement--room-unread-p

This commit is contained in:
Adam Porter 2022-05-30 02:16:39 -05:00
parent 6fd0d563c2
commit 151f9acc22

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@ -556,28 +556,19 @@ left."
(unless (button-at (point))
(call-interactively #'forward-button))
(cl-labels ((room-unread-p
() (pcase-let* ((`[,room ,_session] (oref (magit-current-section) value))
((cl-struct ement-room unread-notifications local) room)
((map notification_count highlight_count) unread-notifications)
((map buffer) local))
;; For now, we test both unread count and whether the buffer is
;; modified; later, we might do only the former (still to be worked
;; out how canonical notifications are handled).
(or (and (buffer-live-p buffer) (buffer-modified-p buffer))
(and unread-notifications
(or (not (zerop notification_count))
(not (zerop highlight_count))))))))
(unless (cl-loop with starting-line = (line-number-at-pos)
if (room-unread-p)
do (progn
(goto-char (button-end (button-at (point))))
(push-button (1- (point)))
(cl-return t))
else do (call-interactively #'forward-button)
while (> (line-number-at-pos) starting-line))
;; No more unread rooms.
(message "No more unread rooms"))))
(unless (cl-loop with starting-line = (line-number-at-pos)
for value = (oref (magit-current-section) value)
for room = (elt value 0)
for session = (elt value 1)
if (ement--room-unread-p room session)
do (progn
(goto-char (button-end (button-at (point))))
(push-button (1- (point)))
(cl-return t))
else do (call-interactively #'forward-button)
while (> (line-number-at-pos) starting-line))
;; No more unread rooms.
(message "No more unread rooms")))
(define-derived-mode ement-taxy-mode magit-section-mode "Ement-Taxy"
:global nil