Fix: (ement-room-start-read-receipt-timer) Set timer in variable

This commit is contained in:
Adam Porter 2022-09-09 15:13:35 -05:00
parent 46157d1126
commit 0d71dfbe6f
2 changed files with 23 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -272,7 +272,8 @@ Note that, while ~matrix-client~ remains usable, and probably will for some time
** 0.1.3-pre
Nothing new yet.
+ Read receipt-sending function was called too many times when scrolling.
** 0.1.2

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@ -2450,26 +2450,27 @@ WINDOW's end is beyond the marker. For use in
;; get updated if the user only views a room's buffer for a
;; short time.
(let ((room-buffer (window-buffer window)))
3 nil (lambda ()
(when (and (windowp window)
(eq (window-buffer window) room-buffer))
(with-selected-window window
(when-let ((read-receipt-node (ement-room--ewoc-last-matching ement-ewoc
(lambda (node-data)
(eq 'ement-room-read-receipt-marker node-data)))))
;; The read-receipt marker is visible (i.e. it's not between
;; earlier events which we have not retrieved).
(when (> (window-end) (ewoc-location read-receipt-node))
;; The window's end has been scrolled past the position of the receipt marker.
(when-let* ((window-end-node (or (ewoc-locate ement-ewoc (window-end))
(ewoc-nth ement-ewoc -1)))
(event-node (cl-typecase (ewoc-data window-end-node)
(ement-event window-end-node)
(t (ement-room--ewoc-next-matching ement-ewoc window-end-node
#'ement-event-p #'ewoc-prev)))))
(ement-room-mark-read ement-room ement-session
:read-event (ewoc-data event-node)))))))))))))
(setf ement-room-read-receipt-timer
3 nil (lambda ()
(when (and (windowp window)
(eq (window-buffer window) room-buffer))
(with-selected-window window
(when-let ((read-receipt-node (ement-room--ewoc-last-matching ement-ewoc
(lambda (node-data)
(eq 'ement-room-read-receipt-marker node-data)))))
;; The read-receipt marker is visible (i.e. it's not between
;; earlier events which we have not retrieved).
(when (> (window-end) (ewoc-location read-receipt-node))
;; The window's end has been scrolled past the position of the receipt marker.
(when-let* ((window-end-node (or (ewoc-locate ement-ewoc (window-end))
(ewoc-nth ement-ewoc -1)))
(event-node (cl-typecase (ewoc-data window-end-node)
(ement-event window-end-node)
(t (ement-room--ewoc-next-matching ement-ewoc window-end-node
#'ement-event-p #'ewoc-prev)))))
(ement-room-mark-read ement-room ement-session
:read-event (ewoc-data event-node))))))))))))))
(defun ement-room-goto-fully-read-marker ()
"Move to the fully-read marker in the current room."