Nathaniel Nicandro 1e246ee480 [WIP] Move all socket communication to a subprocess
With this new implementation, all communication between the kernel and the
client happens in a subprocess. When the client would like to send a message,
the parent emacs process generates the required plist and sends it to the
subprocess for encoding and sending to the kernel. When a message is received,
the subprocess decodes it and prints it to the pipe for the parent emacs
process to read.

This implementation also introduces the use of futures to avoid having to wait
for subprocess output when sending a message to the kernel. Every
`jupyter-request-*` function now returns a primitive future object which is
just a cons cell with the `car` equal to `:jupyter-future`. When the `cdr` of
the future is non-nil, then it is the message ID of the sent request. This acts
as a check to ensure that the message ID is available from the future object,
if the `cdr` is nil the ID is not available, but if the `cdr` is non-nil then
it is the message ID. The convenience function `jupyter-ensure-id` ensures that
the message ID is available and returns the ID.

The future acts as a stand in for the message ID of the encoded request which
will be retrieved from the subprocess once the message has been encoded and
sent to the kernel. This future object is meant to be passed to
`jupyter-add-receive-callback` and other related functions the same way as an
actual message id.
2017-12-17 02:53:15 -06:00

297 lines
10 KiB

(require 'hmac-def)
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'json)
(defconst jupyter-protocol-version "5.3"
"The jupyter protocol version that is implemented.")
(defconst jupyter-message-delimiter "<IDS|MSG>"
"The message delimiter required in the jupyter messaging
(defconst jupyter--false :json-false
"The symbol used to disambiguate nil from a true boolean
(defconst jupyter--received-message-types
(list 'execute-result "execute_result"
'execute-reply "execute_reply"
'inspect-reply "inspect_reply"
'complete-reply "complete_reply"
'history-reply "history_reply"
'is-complete-reply "is_complete_reply"
'comm-info-reply "comm_info_reply"
'kernel-info-reply "kernel_info_reply"
'shutdown-reply "shutdown_reply"
'interrupt-reply "interrupt_reply"
'stream "stream"
'display-data "display_data"
'update-display-data "update_display_data"
'execute-input "execute_input"
'error "error"
'status "status"
'clear-output "clear_output"
'input-reply "input_reply")
"A plist mapping symbols to received message types.
This is used to give some protection against invalid message
types in `jupyter-add-receive-callback'. If the MSG-TYPE argument
of `jupyter-add-receive-callback' does not match one of the keys
in this plist, an error is thrown.")
;;; Session object
(cl-defstruct (jupyter-session
(:constructor nil)
(&key (key nil) &aux (id (jupyter--new-uuid)))))
(id nil :read-only t)
(key nil :read-only t))
;;; Signing messages
;; https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4868
(defun sha256 (object)
(secure-hash 'sha256 object nil nil t))
(define-hmac-function hmac-sha256 sha256 64 32)
(defun jupyter--sign-message (session parts)
(if (> (length (jupyter-session-key session)) 0)
for b across (hmac-sha256 (mapconcat #'identity parts "")
(jupyter-session-key session))
concat (format "%02x" b))
(defun jupyter--new-uuid ()
"Make a version 4 UUID."
(format "%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%06x%06x"
(cl-random 65536)
(cl-random 65536)
(cl-random 65536)
;; https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122
(let ((r (cl-random 65536)))
(if (= (byteorder) ?l)
;; ?l = little-endian
(logior (logand r 4095) 16384)
;; big-endian
(logior (logand r 65295) 64)))
(let ((r (cl-random 65536)))
(if (= (byteorder) ?l)
(logior (logand r 49151) 32768)
(logior (logand r 65471) 128)))
(cl-random 16777216)
(cl-random 16777216)))
(defun jupyter--split-identities (parts)
"Extract the identities from a list of message PARTS."
(let ((idents nil))
(if (catch 'found-delim
(while (car parts)
(when (string= (car parts) jupyter-message-delimiter)
(setq parts (cdr parts)
idents (nreverse idents))
(throw 'found-delim t))
(setq idents (cons (car parts) idents)
parts (cdr parts))))
(cons idents parts)
(error "Message delimiter not in message list"))))
(defun jupyter--message-header (session msg-type)
:msg_id (jupyter--new-uuid)
:msg_type msg-type
:version jupyter-protocol-version
:username user-login-name
:session (jupyter-session-id session)
:date (format-time-string "%FT%T%z" (current-time))))
;;; Encode/decoding messages
(defun jupyter--encode-object (object)
;; Encodes nil or "" to \"{}\"
(encode-coding-string (json-encode-plist object) 'utf-8))
(defun jupyter--decode-string (str)
(let ((json-object-type 'plist)
(json-array-type 'list))
(json-read-from-string (decode-coding-string str 'utf-8))))
(cl-defun jupyter--encode-message (session
&key idents
(declare (indent 2))
(cl-check-type session jupyter-session)
(cl-check-type metadata json-plist)
(cl-check-type content json-plist)
(cl-check-type buffers list)
(let* ((header (jupyter--message-header session type))
(msg-id (plist-get header :msg_id))
(parts (mapcar #'jupyter--encode-object (list header
(cons msg-id
(when idents (if (stringp idents) (list idents) idents))
(list jupyter-message-delimiter
(jupyter--sign-message session parts))
(defun jupyter--decode-message (session parts)
(when (< (length parts) 5)
(error "Malformed message. Minimum length of parts is 5."))
(when (jupyter-session-key session)
(let ((signature (car parts)))
(when (seq-empty-p signature)
(error "Unsigned message."))
;; TODO: digest_history
;; https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter_client/blob/7a0278af7c1652ac32356d6f00ae29d24d78e61c/jupyter_client/session.py#L915
(unless (string= (jupyter--sign-message session (seq-subseq parts 1 5))
(error "Invalid signature: %s" signature))))
(header parent-header metadata content &optional buffers)
(cdr parts)
(let ((header (jupyter--decode-string header)))
:header header
:msg_id (plist-get header :msg_id)
:msg_type (plist-get header :msg_type)
:parent_header (jupyter--decode-string parent-header)
:metadata (jupyter--decode-string metadata)
:content (jupyter--decode-string content)
:buffers buffers))))
;;; Sending/receiving
(cl-defmethod jupyter--send-encoded ((session jupyter-session)
&optional flags)
"Encode MESSAGE and send it on CLIENT's CHANNEL.
The message should have a TYPE as found in the jupyter messaging
protocol. Optional variable FLAGS are the flags sent to the
underlying `zmq-send-multipart' call using the CHANNEL's socket."
(declare (indent 1))
(cl-destructuring-bind (msg-id . msg)
(jupyter--encode-message session type :content message)
;; TODO: Check for EAGAIN and reschedule the message for sending
(zmq-send-multipart socket msg flags)
(cl-defmethod jupyter--recv-decoded ((session jupyter-session) socket &optional flags)
(cl-destructuring-bind (idents . parts)
(zmq-recv-multipart socket flags))
(cons idents (jupyter--decode-message session parts))))
;;; stdin messages
(cl-defun jupyter-input-reply (&key value)
(cl-check-type value string)
(list :value value))
;;; shell messages
(cl-defun jupyter-execute-request (&key
(silent nil)
(store-history t)
(user-expressions nil)
(allow-stdin t)
(stop-on-error nil))
(cl-check-type code string)
(cl-check-type user-expressions json-plist)
(list :code code :silent (if silent t jupyter--false)
:store_history (if store-history t jupyter--false)
:user_expressions user-expressions
:allow_stdin (if allow-stdin t jupyter--false)
:stop_on_error (if stop-on-error t jupyter--false)))
(cl-defun jupyter-inspect-request (&key code pos detail)
(setq detail (or detail 0))
(unless (member detail '(0 1))
(error "Detail can only be 0 or 1 (%s)" detail))
(when (markerp pos)
(setq pos (marker-position pos)))
(cl-check-type code string)
(cl-check-type pos integer)
(list :code code :cursor_pos pos :detail_level detail))
(cl-defun jupyter-complete-request (&key code pos)
(when (markerp pos)
(setq pos (marker-position pos)))
(cl-check-type code string)
(cl-check-type pos integer)
(list :code code :cursor_pos pos))
(cl-defun jupyter-history-request (&key
(unless (member hist-access-type '("range" "tail" "search"))
(error "History access type can only be one of (range, tail, search)"))
(list :output (if output t jupyter--false) :raw (if raw t jupyter--false)
:hist_access_type hist-access-type)
((equal hist-access-type "range")
(cl-check-type session integer)
(cl-check-type start integer)
(cl-check-type stop integer)
(list :session session :start start :stop stop))
((equal hist-access-type "tail")
(cl-check-type n integer)
(list :n n))
((equal hist-access-type "search")
(cl-check-type pattern string)
(cl-check-type n integer)
(list :pattern pattern :unique (if unique t jupyter--false) :n n)))))
(cl-defun jupyter-is-complete-request (&key code)
(cl-check-type code string)
(list :code code))
(cl-defun jupyter-comm-info-request (&key target-name)
(when target-name
(cl-check-type target-name string)
(list :target_name target-name)))
(cl-defun jupyter-shutdown-request (&key restart)
(list :restart (if restart t jupyter--false)))
;;; Convenience functions
(defun jupyter-message-id (msg)
(plist-get msg :msg_id))
(defun jupyter-message-parent-id (msg)
(plist-get msg :parent_header)))
(defun jupyter-message-status-idle-p (msg)
(and (equal (plist-get msg :msg_type) "status")
(equal (plist-get (plist-get msg :content) :execution_state)
(defun jupyter-message-type (msg)
(plist-get msg :msg_type))
(provide 'jupyter-messages)
;; Local Variables:
;; byte-compile-warnings: (not free-vars)
;; End: