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synced 2025-03-05 23:41:38 -05:00

Instead of constantly sending the subprocess input on every polling loop, poll for input on stdin using the poller.
286 lines
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286 lines
12 KiB
(require 'zmq)
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(require 'ring)
(require 'eieio)
(defconst jupyter-channel-socket-types
(list :hb zmq-REQ
:shell zmq-DEALER
:iopub zmq-SUB
:stdin zmq-DEALER
:control zmq-DEALER)
"The socket types for the various channels used by `jupyter'.")
;; TODO: Each channel has its own process like the heartbeat channel and does
;; the majority of encoding and decoding messages there. The parent emacs
;; process then is only responsible to carry out the actions in the messages
;; and construct replies which are then sent to the process.
;; The current implementation still creates a process, but only for polling the
;; file descriptor of the socket to check for incoming messages. What would be
;; simpler is to create one polling process and handle messages through a
;; single filter function instead of per channel.
(defclass jupyter-channel ()
:type keyword
:initarg :type
:documentation "The type of this channel. Should be one of
the keys in `jupyter-channel-socket-types', excluding `:hb'
which corresponds to the heartbeat channel and is handled
differently than the other channels. See `jupyter-hb-channel'.")
:type string
:initarg :endpoint
:documentation "The endpoint this channel is connected to.
Typical endpoints look like \"tcp://\".")
:type (or null zmq-socket)
:initform nil
:documentation "The socket this channel uses to communicate
with the kernel.")
:type ring
:initform (make-ring 10)
:documentation "A queue of messages received on this channel
that are waiting to be processed. See `jupyter-process-message'
for its use."))
:abstract t
:documentation "A base class for channels used by `jupyter'.")
(defclass jupyter-iopub-channel (jupyter-channel)
((type :initform :iopub))
:documentation "A base class for iopub channels.")
(defclass jupyter-stdin-channel (jupyter-channel)
((type :initform :stdin))
:documentation "A base class for stdin channels.")
(defclass jupyter-shell-channel (jupyter-channel)
((type :initform :shell))
:documentation "A base class for shell channels.")
(defclass jupyter-control-channel (jupyter-channel)
((type :initform :control))
:documentation "A base class for control channels.")
(defun jupyter-connect-endpoint (type endpoint &optional identity)
"Create socket with type TYPE and connect it to ENDPOINT.
If IDENTITY is non-nil, it will be set as the ROUTING_ID of the
(let ((sock (zmq-socket (current-zmq-context) type)))
(zmq-socket-set sock zmq-LINGER 1000)
(when identity
(zmq-socket-set sock zmq-ROUTING_ID identity))
(zmq-connect sock endpoint)
(defun jupyter-connect-channel (ctype endpoint &optional identity)
(plist-get jupyter-channel-socket-types ctype)
(cl-defmethod jupyter-start-channel ((channel jupyter-channel) &key identity)
"Start a CHANNEL.
If IDENTITY is non-nil, it is used as the ROUTING_ID of the
underlying channel's socket."
(unless (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel)
(let ((sock (jupyter-connect-channel
(oref channel type) (oref channel endpoint) identity)))
(oset channel socket sock))))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-start-channel ((channel jupyter-iopub-channel) &key identity)
"Start an iopub CHANNEL subscribed to all messages.
If IDENTITY is non-nil, it is used as the ROUTING_ID of the
underlying channel's socket."
(let ((sock (cl-call-next-method)))
(when sock
(zmq-socket-set sock zmq-SUBSCRIBE ""))))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-stop-channel ((channel jupyter-channel))
"Stop a CHANNEL.
The underlying socket's LINGER property is set to 0, the socket
is closed, the channel's socket property is set to nil, and any
pending messages in the channels recv-queue are removed. Note
that `jupyter-channel-alive-p' on the CHANNEL will return nil
after a call to this function."
(when (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel)
(let ((sock (oref channel socket)))
(zmq-socket-set sock zmq-LINGER 0)
(zmq-close sock)
with ring = (oref channel recv-queue)
repeat (ring-length ring) do (ring-remove ring))
(oset channel socket nil))))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-channel-alive-p ((channel jupyter-channel))
"Return non-nil if CHANNEL is alive.
A channel is alive if its socket property is bound to a
(and (slot-boundp channel 'socket)
(not (null (oref channel socket)))))
(defclass jupyter-hb-channel ()
:type keyword
:initform :hb
:documentation "The type of this channel. Should be one of
the keys in `jupyter-channel-socket-types', excluding `:hb'
which corresponds to the heartbeat channel.")
:type string
:initarg :endpoint
:documentation "The endpoint this channel is connected to.
Typical endpoints look like \"tcp://\".")
;; channel must be restarted for this to be updated
:type integer
:initform 1
:documentation "The time in seconds to wait for a response
from the kernel until the connection is assumed to be dead.")
:type (or boolean symbol)
:initform t
:documentation "A flag variable indicating that the heartbeat
channel is sending and receiving messages with the kernel.")
:type boolean
:initform nil
:documentation "A flag variable indicating that the heartbeat
channel is paused and not communicating with the kernel. To
pause the heartbeat channel use `jupyter-hb-pause', to unpause
use `jupyter-hb-unpause'.")
:type (or null process)
:initform nil
:documentation "The underlying process which runs the
heartbeat channel and communicates with the kernel."))
:documentation "A base class for heartbeat channels.")
(cl-defmethod jupyter-channel-alive-p ((channel jupyter-hb-channel))
"Return non-nil if CHANNEL is alive."
(process-live-p (oref channel process)))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-hb-beating-p ((channel jupyter-hb-channel))
"Return non-nil if the kernel associated with CHANNEL is still
(unless (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel)
(error "Heartbeat process not started"))
(process-send-string (oref channel process) "beating\n")
(accept-process-output (oref channel process) nil nil 1)
(oref channel beating))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-hb-pause ((channel jupyter-hb-channel))
"Pause checking for heartbeat events on CHANNEL."
(unless (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel)
(error "Heartbeat process not started"))
(process-send-string (oref channel process) "pause\n")
(accept-process-output (oref channel process) nil nil 1))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-hb-unpause ((channel jupyter-hb-channel))
"Unpause checking for heatbeat events on CHANNEL."
(unless (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel)
(error "Heartbeat process not started"))
(process-send-string (oref channel process) "unpause\n")
(accept-process-output (oref channel process) nil nil 1))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-stop-channel ((channel jupyter-hb-channel))
"Stop a CHANNEL."
(let ((proc (oref channel process)))
(when proc
(delete-process proc)
(kill-buffer (process-buffer proc))
(oset channel process nil))))
;; TODO: Convert the heartbeat to a timer function that runs every second
;; instead. I can just check zmq-EVENTS every second to see if the channel is
;; beating
(cl-defmethod jupyter-start-channel ((channel jupyter-hb-channel) &key identity)
"Start a CHANNEL."
(declare (indent 1))
(jupyter-stop-channel channel)
;; https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter_client/blob/master/jupyter_client/channels.py
((time-to-dead (oref channel time-to-dead))
`(lambda (ctx)
(let ((beating t)
(paused nil)
(request-time nil)
(wait-time nil)
(last-success nil))
(while t
(catch 'restart
(with-zmq-socket sock ,(plist-get jupyter-channel-socket-types
(oref channel type))
((zmq-LINGER 1000))
,(when identity
`(zmq-socket-set sock zmq-ROUTING_ID ,identity))
(zmq-connect sock ,(oref channel endpoint))
;; Poll STDIN to avoid blocking
(zmq-poller-register (current-zmq-poller) 0 zmq-POLLIN)
(zmq-poller-register (current-zmq-poller) sock zmq-POLLIN)
(while t
;; Send a ping request to the heartbeat channel and poll
;; for the reply. If any commands from stdin arrive
;; while polling, handle those and continue waiting.
;; Once the reply is received, keep polling for stdin
;; for the remaining time-to-dead period. After waiting
;; send another ping.
(if request-time
(setq wait-time (* (ceiling
(- ,time-to-dead
(unless paused
(zmq-send sock "ping"))
(setq request-time (current-time)
wait-time ,(* (ceiling time-to-dead) 1000)))
(let ((event (zmq-poller-wait
(if (> wait-time 0) wait-time 0))))
((and event (integerp (car event)))
(cl-case (read-minibuffer "")
(zmq-prin1 (cons 'beating beating)))
(setq paused t)
(zmq-prin1 '(pause . t)))
(setq paused nil)
(zmq-prin1 '(unpause . t)))))
(zmq-recv sock)
(setq beating t
last-success t))
;; When no events have arrived after the poll, its an
;; indication that a reply has been received and we
;; should send another one so set request-time to nil
;; to force another send, note that the send will not
;; happen if we are paused.
((or paused last-success)
(setq request-time nil
last-success nil))
(setq beating nil
request-time nil
last-success nil)
(throw 'restart t)))))))))))
(lexical-let ((channel channel))
(lambda (event)
(cl-case (car event)
(pause (oset channel paused (cdr event)))
(unpause (oset channel paused (not (cdr event))))
(beating (oset channel beating (cdr event)))
(otherwise (error "Invalid event from heartbeat channel."))))))))
;; Don't query when exiting
(set-process-query-on-exit-flag proc nil)
(oset channel process proc)))
(provide 'jupyter-channels)