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Also have do build up an ordered sequence of delayed values that are evaluated and then bind it instead of binding them directly.
439 lines
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439 lines
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;;; jupyter-monads.el --- Monadic Jupyter I/O -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2020 Nathaniel Nicandro
;; Author: Nathaniel Nicandro <nathanielnicandro@gmail.com>
;; Created: 11 May 2020
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at
;; your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(defgroup jupyter-monads nil
"Monadic Jupyter I/O"
:group 'jupyter)
(defmacro jupyter-return-delayed (&rest body)
"Return an I/O value that evaluates BODY in the I/O context.
The result of BODY is the unboxed value of the I/O value. BODY
is evaluated only once."
(declare (indent 0))
`(lambda () ,@body))
(defconst jupyter-io-nil (jupyter-return-delayed nil))
(defvar jupyter-current-io
(lambda (args)
(pcase args
(`(,(or 'message 'subscribe) . ,_)
(error "Not implemented"))
(_ (error "Unhandled IO: %s" args)))))
;; TODO: How to incorporate `make-thread', `thread-join'?
(defun jupyter-bind-delayed (io-value io-fn)
"Bind IO-VALUE to IO-FN.
Binding causes the evaluation of a delayed value, IO-VALUE (a
closure), in the current I/O context. The unwrapped
value (result of evaluating the closure) is then passed to IO-FN
which returns another delayed value. Thus binding involves
unwrapping a value by evaluating a closure and giving the result
to IO-FN which returns another delayed value to be bound at some
future time. Before, between, and after the two calls to
IO-VALUE and IO-FN, the I/O context is maintained."
(declare (indent 1))
(pcase (funcall io-value)
((and req (cl-struct jupyter-request client)
(let jupyter-current-client client))
(funcall io-fn req))
(`(timeout ,(and req (cl-struct jupyter-request)))
(error "Timed out: %s" (cl-prin1-to-string req)))
(`,value (funcall io-fn value))))
;; mlet* is like do, but for varlist. The IO values in varlist are
;; bound, just like do, and then body is evaluated in the functional
;; context.
(defmacro jupyter-mlet* (varlist &rest body)
"Bind the delayed values in VARLIST, evaluate BODY."
(declare (indent 1))
(letrec ((value (make-symbol "value"))
(lambda (vars)
(if (zerop (length vars))
`(progn ,@body)
(pcase-let ((`(,name ,io-value) (car vars)))
`(jupyter-bind-delayed ,io-value
(lambda (,value)
,@(unless (eq name '_) `((setq ,name ,value)))
,(funcall binder (cdr vars)))))))))
`(let (,@(mapcar #'car varlist))
,(funcall binder varlist))))
(defmacro jupyter-with-io (io &rest body)
(declare (indent 1))
`(let ((jupyter-current-io ,io))
;; do takes IO-actions and sequences them.
(defmacro jupyter-do (&rest io-fns)
"Bind IO-FNS in the current I/O context.
Bind nil to the first function in IO-FNS, then bind the result to
the second function, and so on. Return the result of evaluating
the last element. Each element of IO-FNS must return a delayed
(declare (indent 0))
(if (zerop (length io-fns)) 'nil
(letrec ((after-chain
(lambda (io-fns)
(if (zerop (length io-fns))
`(jupyter-after ,(funcall after-chain (cdr io-fns))
,(car io-fns))))))
`(jupyter-bind-delayed ,(funcall after-chain (reverse io-fns))
(lambda (value) (jupyter-return-delayed value))))))
(defun jupyter-after (io-value io-fn)
"Return an I/O action that binds IO-VALUE to IO-FN.
That is, IO-VALUE is bound to IO-FN within the I/O context."
(declare (indent 1))
(jupyter-bind-delayed io-value io-fn)))
;;; Kernel
;; I/O actions that manage a kernel's lifetime.
;; TODO: Swap definitions with `jupyter-launch', same for the others.
;; (jupyter-launch :kernel "python")
;; (jupyter-launch :spec "python")
(defun jupyter-kernel-launch (&rest args)
(let ((kernel (apply #'jupyter-kernel args)))
(jupyter-launch kernel)
(defun jupyter-kernel-interrupt (kernel)
(jupyter-interrupt kernel)))
;; TODO: Have this notify the I/O context by returning something like
;; ('shutdown kernel).
(defun jupyter-kernel-shutdown (kernel)
(jupyter-shutdown kernel)))
;;; Publisher/subscriber
;; TODO: Wrap the subscriber functions in a struct
;; (cl-defstruct jupyter-subscriber id io ...)
;; TODO: Verify monadic laws.
(defun jupyter-send-content (val)
"Arrange for VAL to be sent to subscribers of a publisher."
(list 'content val))
;; In the context external to a publisher, i.e. in the context where a
;; message was published, the content is built up and then published.
;; In the context of a publisher, that content is filtered through
;; PUB-FN before being passed along to subscribers. So PUB-FN is a
;; filter of published messages. Subscribers receive filtered
;; messages or no message at all.
(defun jupyter-consume-content (sub-content sub-fn)
(pcase sub-content
(`(content ,content) (funcall sub-fn content))
(`(subscribe ,_) (error "A subscriber cannot be subscribed to"))
(_ (error "Unhandled content: %s" sub-content))))
(defun jupyter-subscriber (sub-fn)
"Return a subscriber that consumes content with SUB-FN."
(declare (indent 0))
(lambda (sub-content)
(jupyter-consume-content sub-content sub-fn)))
(defun jupyter-cancel-subscription ()
"Cancel the current subscriber's subscription.
If this function is called when a subscriber is handling the
messages of a publisher, cancel the subscription."
(throw 'jupyter-subscription-cancelled t))
(defun jupyter-publisher-context (pub-subs pub-fn value-or-sub)
(let ((sub-content (if (eq (car-safe value-or-sub) 'subscribe)
(funcall pub-fn value))))
(pcase sub-content
(`(content ,content)
(delq nil (mapcar
(lambda (pub-sub)
(let ((keep nil))
(with-demoted-errors "Jupyter: Error in subscriber: %S"
(catch 'jupyter-subscription-cancelled
(funcall pub-sub content)
(setq keep t))
(if keep sub))))
(`(subscribe ,sub) (cl-pushnew sub pub-subs)))))
(defun jupyter-publisher (pub-fn)
"Return a publisher that publishes content to subscribers with PUB-FN.
PUB-FN takes a normal value and produces content to send to the
publisher's subscribers. If no content is published by PUB-FN,
no content is sent to subscribers. In other words, PUB-FN acts
as a filter of content."
(declare (indent 0))
(let ((subs '()))
(lambda (value-or-sub)
(setq subs (jupyter-publisher-context subs pub-fn value-or-sub)))))
(defun jupyter-filter-content (pub pub-fn)
"Compose publisher functions.
Return a publisher subscribed to PUB's content. The returned
publisher filters content to its subscribers through PUB-FN."
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((subscribed-pub (jupyter-publisher pub-fn)))
(jupyter-with-io pub
(jupyter-subscribe subscribed-pub)))
(defun jupyter-subscribe (sub)
"Return an I/O value subscribing SUB to the current publisher/subscriber."
(declare (indent 0))
(funcall jupyter-current-io (list 'subscribe sub))
(defun jupyter-publish (&rest content)
"Return an I/O value publishing CONTENT."
(declare (indent 0))
(funcall jupyter-current-io content)
;;; IO Event
(defun jupyter-channel-io (session)
(let* ((channels '(:shell :iopub :stdin))
with endpoints = (jupyter-session-endpoints session)
for ch in channels
collect ch
collect (list 'endpoint (plist-get endpoints ch)
'alive-p nil))))
(cl-macrolet ((continue-after
(cond on-timeout)
(nil jupyter-default-timeout ,on-timeout)
(ch prop value)
(plist-put (plist-get ch-group ch) prop value))
(ch prop)
(plist-get (plist-get ch-group ch) prop))
(ch-get ch 'alive-p))
(unless (ch-alive-p ch)
(jupyter-with-io ioloop
'start-channel ch (ch-get ch 'endpoint)
;; TODO: Make this actually work. Send a
;; start-channel event and pass it an IO
;; context that sets the alive-p flag for
;; the channel in this current IO context.
;; The ioloop will send a notification to
;; this I/O context if the channel dies.
(lambda (alive-p)
(ch-put ch 'alive-p alive-p))))
(ch-alive-p ch)
(error "Channel not started: %s" ch)))))))
(when (ch-alive-p ch)
(jupyter-with-io ioloop
(jupyter-publish 'stop-channel ch)
(not (ch-alive-p ch))
(error "Channel not stopped: %s" ch))))))))
(lambda (msg)
(pcase msg
for ch in channels
do (ch-start ch)))
for ch in channels
do (ch-stop ch))
(and hb (jupyter-hb-pause hb))
(setq hb nil)))))
(lambda (_status)
(unless hb
(setq hb
:session session
:endpoint (plist-get endpoints :hb))))
(append (list :hb hb)
for ch in channels
collect ch and collect (ch-alive-p ch)))))))))))
;;; Websocket IO
(defun jupyter--websocket-io (kernel)
(let ((msg-pub (jupyter-publisher #'jupyter-send-content))
(status-pub (jupyter-publisher #'jupyter-send-content)))
(((cl-struct jupyter-server-kernel server id) kernel)
(ws (jupyter-api-kernel-websocket
server id
:custom-header-alist (jupyter-api-auth-headers server)
(lambda (_ws frame)
(pcase (websocket-frame-opcode frame)
((or 'text 'binary)
(let* ((msg (jupyter-read-plist-from-string
(websocket-frame-payload frame)))
;; TODO: Get rid of some of these
;; explicit/implicit `intern' calls
(channel (intern (concat ":" (plist-get msg :channel))))
(msg-type (jupyter-message-type-as-keyword
(jupyter-message-type msg)))
(parent-header (plist-get msg :parent_header)))
(plist-put msg :msg_type msg-type)
(plist-put parent-header :msg_type msg-type)
(jupyter-with-io msg-pub
(jupyter-publish (list channel msg))))))
(jupyter-with-io status-pub
'error (websocket-frame-opcode frame))))))))))
;; The websocket action subscriber.
(lambda (msg)
(pcase msg
(`('send ,channel ,msg-type ,content ,msg-id)
ws (jupyter-encode-raw-message
(plist-get (websocket-client-data ws) :session) msg-type
:channel (substring (symbol-name channel) 1)
:msg-id msg-id
:content content)))
('start (websocket-ensure-connected ws))
('stop (websocket-close ws)))))
;; The websocket message publisher.
;; The websocket status publisher.
(defun jupyter-return-websocket-io (kernel)
"Return a list of three elements representing an I/O connection to kernel.
The returned list looks like (ACTION-SUB MSG-PUB STATUS-PUB)
ACTION-SUB is a subscriber of websocket actions to start, stop,
or send a Jupyter message on the websocket.
MSG-PUB is a publisher of Jupyter messages received from the
STATUS-PUB is a publisher of status changes to the websocket.
TODO The form of content each sends/consumes."
(cl-assert (cl-typep kernel 'jupyter-server-kernel))
(jupyter-return-delayed (jupyter--websocket-io kernel)))
;;; Request
(defun jupyter-timeout (req)
(list 'timeout req))
(defun jupyter-idle-wait (req)
(if (jupyter-wait-until-idle req) req
(jupyter-timeout req))))
(defun jupyter-idle (io-req)
(jupyter-after io-req #'jupyter-idle-wait))
(defun jupyter-request (type &rest content)
"Return an IO action that sends a `jupyter-request'.
TYPE is the message type of the message that CONTENT, a property
list, represents.
See `jupyter-io' for more information on IO actions."
(declare (indent 1))
(setq type (intern (format ":%s-request"
(replace-regexp-in-string "_" "-" type))))
(let* ((req (make-jupyter-request
;; TODO: `jupyter-with-client' similar to
;; `jupyter-with-io' but on a functional client.
:client jupyter-current-client
:type type
:content content))
;; TODO: Figure out if the subscribers are garbage
;; collected when the subscription is cancelled.
(lambda (event)
(when (jupyter-request-idle-p req)
(pcase (car event)
((and 'message (let `(,channel . ,msg) (cdr event))
;; TODO: `jupyter-message-parent-id' -> `jupyter-parent-id'
;; and the like.
(guard (string= id (jupyter-message-parent-id msg))))
(cl-callf nconc (jupyter-request-messages req)
(list msg))
(when (jupyter--message-completes-request-p msg)
(setf (jupyter-request-idle-p req) t))
(jupyter-send-content msg))))))
(ch (if (memq type '(:input-reply :input-request))
(id (jupyter-request-id req)))
(jupyter-subscribe req-msgs-pub)
(jupyter-publish 'send ch type content id))
(list req req-msgs-pub))))
(provide 'jupyter-monads)
;;; jupyter-monads.el ends here