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synced 2025-03-05 23:41:38 -05:00

- `jupyter-client.el` only contains client related code - `jupyter-kernel-manager` related code is placed in `jupyter-kernel-manager.el` - Socket creating functions and generating connection info plist function are placed in `jupyter-connection.el`. This also contains the `jupyter-connection` class. - Kernelspec related functions are placed in `jupyter-kernelspec.el` - Move general utility functions and variables requires necessary for `jupyter` into `jupyter-base.el`. This also contains the `jupyter-session` and `jupyter-request` struct definitions.
242 lines
9.9 KiB
242 lines
9.9 KiB
(require 'jupyter-base)
(require 'jupyter-connection)
(require 'jupyter-client)
(declare-function string-trim-right "subr-x" (str))
(defclass jupyter-kernel-manager (jupyter-connection)
:initarg :name
:type string)
:type (or null string))
:type (or null process)
:initform nil
:documentation "The local kernel process or nil if no local
kernel was started by this client.")
:type (or null jupyter-control-channel)
:initform nil)
:type (or null json-plist)
:initform nil
:documentation "Contains the result of the initial kernel_info_request
to the kernel after starting the kernel.")
:type (or null json-plist)
:initform nil)))
(cl-defmethod initialize-instance ((manager jupyter-kernel-manager) &rest slots)
"Initialize MANAGER based on SLOTS.
If the `:name' slot is not found in SLOTS, it defaults to
\"python\". This means that without providing a kernel name, the
default kernel is a python kernel."
(unless (slot-boundp manager 'name)
(oset manager name "python")))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-make-client ((manager jupyter-kernel-manager) class &rest slots)
"Make a new client from CLASS connected to MANAGER's kernel.
CLASS should be a subclass of `jupyter-kernel-client', a new
instance of CLASS initialized with SLOTS is returned configured
to connect to MANAGER's kernel."
(unless (child-of-class-p class 'jupyter-kernel-client)
(signal 'wrong-type-argument '(subclass jupyter-kernel-client)))
(let ((client (apply #'make-instance class slots)))
(jupyter-initialize-connection client (oref manager conn-info))
(oset client conn-info (copy-sequence (oref manager conn-info)))
(oset client session (copy-sequence (oref manager session)))
(defun jupyter--kernel-sentinel (manager kernel event)
((cl-loop for type in '("exited" "failed" "finished" "killed" "deleted")
thereis (string-prefix-p type event))
(jupyter-stop-channels manager)
;; TODO: Only delete file when it hasn't been modified since it was created?
(delete-file (oref manager conn-file))
(oset manager kernel nil)
(oset manager conn-file nil)
(oset manager conn-info nil))))
(defun jupyter--start-kernel (kernel-name conn-file env args)
"Start a kernel.
A kernel named KERNEL-NAME is started using the connection
information in CONN-FILE. The name of the command used to start
the kernel subprocess should be the first element of ARGS and the
rest of the elements of ARGS are the command line parameters
passed to the command. If ENV is non-nil, then it should be a
plist containing environment variable names as keywords along
with their corresponding values. These will be set before
starting the kernel.
After the kernel reads CONN-FILE, CONN-FILE is renamed to
kernel-<pid>.json where <pid> is the process id of the kernel
The return value of this function is a cons cell
Where NEW-CONN-FILE is the renamed connection file and PROC is
the kernel subprocess."
(let* ((atime (nth 4 (file-attributes conn-file)))
;; The first entry takes precedence when duplicated variables
;; are found in `process-environment'
for e on env by #'cddr
for k = (car e)
for v = (cadr e)
collect (format "%s=%s" (cl-subseq (symbol-name k) 1) v))
(proc (apply #'start-process
(format "jupyter-kernel-%s" kernel-name)
nil (car args) (cdr args))))
(10 (delete-file conn-file)
(delete-process proc)
(error "Kernel did not read connection file within timeout."))
(while (equal atime (nth 4 (file-attributes conn-file)))
(sleep-for 0 100)))
(let ((new-conn-file (expand-file-name
(format "kernel-%d.json" (process-id proc))
(file-name-directory conn-file))))
(rename-file conn-file new-conn-file)
(cons new-conn-file proc))))
;; TODO: Allow passing arguments like a different kernel file name or different
;; ports and arguments to the kernel
(cl-defmethod jupyter-start-kernel ((manager jupyter-kernel-manager))
"Start a kernel and associate it with MANAGER.
The MANAGER's `name' property is passed to
`jupyter-find-kernelspec' in order to find the kernel to start,
this means that `name' can be a prefix of a kernel name as well
as a full kernel name. For example, if `name' is \"julia\" it
will match the full kernel names \"julia-0.6\", \"julia-0.4\",
etc. The kernel used will be the first one matched from the list
of kernels returned by:
jupyter kernelspec list
If a valid kernel is found, its kernelspec is used to start a new
kernel. Starting a kernel involves the following steps:
1. Generating a new connection info with random ports for the
channels. See `jupyter-create-connection-info'.
2. Assigning a new `jupyter-session' to the MANAGER using the
generated key from the connection info. (TODO: Should first
start with generating a session key and then assigning it to
the connection info)
3. Writing the connection info to file
4. Starting a new subprocess kernel
5. Starting a control channel for the MANAGER to send
shutdown/interrupt requests"
(let ((kname-spec (jupyter-find-kernelspec (oref manager name))))
(unless kname-spec
(error "No kernel found that starts with name (%s)" (oref manager name)))
(cl-destructuring-bind (kernel-name . spec) kname-spec
;; Ensure we use the full name of the kernel
;; TODO: Require a valid kernel name when initializing the manager
(oset manager name kernel-name)
(oset manager kernel-spec spec)
(let* ((name (oref manager name))
(conn-info (jupyter-create-connection-info :kernel-name kernel-name))
(session-key (plist-get conn-info :key))
(conn-file (expand-file-name
(concat "kernel-" session-key ".json")
(string-trim-right (shell-command-to-string
"jupyter --runtime-dir")))))
(oset manager conn-info conn-info)
(oset manager session (jupyter-session :key session-key))
;; Write the connection file
(with-temp-file conn-file
(let ((json-encoding-pretty-print t))
(insert (json-encode-plist (oref manager conn-info)))))
(cl-destructuring-bind (new-conn-file . kernel)
kernel-name conn-file (plist-get spec :env)
for arg in (plist-get spec :argv)
if (equal arg "{connection_file}") collect conn-file
else collect arg))
(oset manager conn-file new-conn-file)
(oset manager kernel kernel)
kernel (apply-partially #'jupyter--kernel-sentinel manager))
(jupyter-start-channels manager)
(cl-defmethod jupyter-start-channels ((manager jupyter-kernel-manager))
"Start a control channel on MANAGER."
(let ((control-channel (oref manager control-channel)))
(if control-channel
(unless (jupyter-channel-alive-p control-channel)
:identity (jupyter-session-id (oref manager session))))
(let ((conn-info (oref manager conn-info)))
(oset manager control-channel
:endpoint (format "%s://%s:%d"
(plist-get conn-info :transport)
(plist-get conn-info :ip)
(plist-get conn-info :control_port))))
(jupyter-start-channels manager)))))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-stop-channels ((manager jupyter-kernel-manager))
"Stop the control channel on MANAGER."
(let ((control-channel (oref manager control-channel)))
(when control-channel
(jupyter-stop-channel control-channel)
(oset manager control-channel nil))))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-send ((manager jupyter-kernel-manager) type message)
(unless (member type '("shutdown_request" "interrupt_request"))
(error "Only shutdown or interrupt requests on control channel (%s)."
(let ((session (oref manager session))
(sock (oref (oref manager control-channel) socket))
(res nil))
(jupyter-send session sock type message)
;; FIXME: Should everything sent on the control channel be synchronous?
(with-timeout (2 nil)
(while (condition-case nil
(setq res (jupyter-recv session sock zmq-NOBLOCK))
(zmq-EAGAIN t))
(sleep-for 0 100))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-stop-kernel ((manager jupyter-kernel-manager))
(when (jupyter-kernel-alive-p manager)
(jupyter-shutdown-request manager)
(with-timeout (5 (delete-process (oref manager kernel)))
(while (jupyter-kernel-alive-p manager)
(sleep-for 0 100)))))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-kernel-alive-p ((manager jupyter-kernel-manager))
(process-live-p (oref manager kernel)))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-shutdown-request ((manager jupyter-kernel-manager))
"Request a shutdown of MANAGER's kernel.
If RESTART is non-nil, request a restart instead of a complete shutdown."
;; FIXME: This shutdown request doesn't seem to work
(let ((msg (jupyter-message-shutdown-request)))
(jupyter-send manager "shutdown_request" msg)))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-interrupt-request ((manager jupyter-kernel-manager))
(if (equal (plist-get (oref manager kernel-spec) :interrupt_mode) "message")
(let ((msg (jupyter-message-interrupt-request)))
(jupyter-send manager "interrupt_request" msg))
(interrupt-process (oref manager kernel) t)))
(provide 'jupyter-kernel-manager)