mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 03:26:39 -04:00

`jupyter-websocket-io` now returns, in addition to an IO function, a kernel action subscriber. A client now sends messages to the subscriber to interrupt or shutdown a kernel instead of doing so using a `kernel` slot. Also add the `jupyter-kernel-action` convenience function for evaluating arbitrary code on a client's kernel.
446 lines
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446 lines
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;;; jupyter-server-test.el --- Test communication with a notebook server -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Nathaniel Nicandro
;; Author: Nathaniel Nicandro <nathanielnicandro@gmail.com>
;; Created: 31 May 2019
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at
;; your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; Test `jupyter-rest-api' and `jupyter-server' related functionality.
;;; Code:
(require 'jupyter-server)
(require 'jupyter-org-client)
(require 'subr-x)
(ert-deftest jupyter-api-construct-endpoint ()
:tags '(rest)
(let (plist)
(ert-info ("Basic")
(should (equal (jupyter-api-construct-endpoint plist) '("")))
(setq plist '("foo"))
(should (equal (jupyter-api-construct-endpoint plist) '("foo")))
(setq plist '("foo" "bar"))
(should (equal (jupyter-api-construct-endpoint plist) '("foo/bar")))
(setq plist '("foo" "bar" :))
(should (equal (jupyter-api-construct-endpoint plist) '("foo/bar" :)))
(setq plist '("foo" "bar" 1))
(should (equal (jupyter-api-construct-endpoint plist) '("foo/bar" 1)))
(setq plist '("foo" "" "bar" ?1))
(should (equal (jupyter-api-construct-endpoint plist) '("foo/bar" ?1)))
(setq plist '("foo" "bar" "" nil))
(should (equal (jupyter-api-construct-endpoint plist) '("foo/bar")))
(setq plist '("foo/bar" "baz"))
(should (equal (jupyter-api-construct-endpoint plist) '("foo/bar/baz"))))
(ert-info ("Query parameters")
(setq plist '("foo" "bar" ("content")))
(should-error (jupyter-api-construct-endpoint plist))
(setq plist '("foo" "bar" (("content" "1"))))
(should-error (jupyter-api-construct-endpoint plist))
(setq plist '("foo" "bar" ((:contents . "1"))))
(should-error (jupyter-api-construct-endpoint plist))
(setq plist '("foo" "bar" (("content" . 1))))
(should-error (jupyter-api-construct-endpoint plist)))
(ert-info ("Rest of plist")
(setq plist '("foo" "bar" :token 1))
(should (equal (jupyter-api-construct-endpoint plist) '("foo/bar" :token 1)))
(setq plist '("foo" "bar" (("content" . "1")) :token 1))
(should (equal (jupyter-api-construct-endpoint plist) '("foo/bar?content=1" :token 1))))))
(ert-deftest jupyter-rest-api ()
:tags '(rest)
(let ((client (jupyter-rest-client
:url "http://foo"
:ws-url "ws://foo"
:auth t)))
(jupyter-api-request client "GET" "api" "kernels")
(should (equal url "http://foo/api/kernels"))
(should (equal url-request-method "GET"))
(should (equal url-request-data nil))
(should (equal url-request-extra-headers nil)))
(jupyter-api-request client "POST" "api" "kernels" "ID" :name "bar")
(should (equal url "http://foo/api/kernels/ID"))
(should (equal url-request-method "POST"))
(should (equal url-request-data (json-encode '(:name "bar"))))
(should (equal (alist-get "Content-Type" url-request-extra-headers nil nil #'equal)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function #'websocket-open)
(lambda (url &rest plist)
(should (equal url "ws://foo/api/kernels"))
(should (equal (plist-get plist :on-open) 'identity)))))
(jupyter-api-request client "WS" "api" "kernels" :on-open 'identity))))
(ert-deftest jupyter-api-add-websocket-headers ()
:tags '(rest)
(let ((jupyter-api-request-headers
(list (cons "Authorization" "token 111"))))
(should (equal (jupyter-api-add-websocket-headers nil)
(list :custom-header-alist
(should (equal (jupyter-api-add-websocket-headers
'("foo" ?a "bar" ((a . b)) aple :foo 1))
(list "foo" ?a "bar" '((a . b)) 'aple :foo 1
(should (equal (jupyter-api-add-websocket-headers
'("foo" "bar" :foo 1 :custom-header-alist (("a" . "b"))))
(list "foo" "bar" :foo 1
(append '(("a" . "b"))
(ert-deftest jupyter-api-copy-cookies-for-websocket ()
:tags '(rest server)
(let* (url-cookie-storage
(port (jupyter-test-ensure-notebook-server))
(host (format "localhost:%s" port)))
(url-cookie-store "_xsrf" "1" nil "localhost" "/")
(url-cookie-store (format "username-login-%s" port) "2" nil "localhost" "/")
(let ((old-cookies (url-cookie-retrieve "localhost" "/")) cookies)
(jupyter-api-copy-cookies-for-websocket (format "http://%s" host))
(should (setq cookies (url-cookie-retrieve host "/")))
for cookie in old-cookies
do (setf (url-cookie-domain cookie) host))
for cookie in cookies
;; old-cookies now have the domain of the new cookies for verification
;; purposes
do (should (member cookie old-cookies))))))
(defvar url-cookie-storage)
(defvar url-cookies-changed-since-last-save)
(ert-deftest jupyter-api-delete-cookies ()
:tags '(rest)
(cl-letf* ((url-cookie-storage
"Fri, 16 Aug 9999 06:02:50 GMT"
"/" "localhost:8888" nil])
"Fri, 16 Aug 9999 06:02:50 GMT"
"/" "localhost" nil])))
(cookies-written nil)
((symbol-function #'url-cookie-write-file)
(lambda ()
(should url-cookies-changed-since-last-save)
(setq cookies-written t))))
(jupyter-api-delete-cookies "http://localhost:8888")
(should-not url-cookie-storage)
(should cookies-written)))
(ert-deftest jupyter-api-login ()
:tags '(rest)
(let (cookies-copied-before-write
(host "localhost:8888"))
(cl-letf (((symbol-function #'read-passwd)
(lambda (&rest _) "foo"))
((symbol-function #'jupyter-api-copy-cookies-for-websocket)
(lambda (&rest _)
(setq cookies-copied-before-write t)))
((symbol-function #'jupyter-api-request-xsrf-cookie) #'ignore)
((symbol-function #'url-cookie-write-file)
(lambda (&rest _)
(should cookies-copied-before-write)
(setq cookies-written t))))
:url (format "http://%s" host)))
(should (equal url (format "http://%s/login" host)))))
(should cookies-copied-before-write)
(should cookies-written)))
(ert-deftest jupyter-api-kernel-websocket ()
:tags '(rest server)
(jupyter-test-rest-api-with-notebook client
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key id &allow-other-keys)
(jupyter-api-start-kernel client)
(let ((kernel-id id)
(ws (jupyter-api-kernel-websocket client id)))
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key id session &allow-other-keys)
(websocket-client-data ws)
(should (websocket-openp ws))
(should (equal id kernel-id))
(should (jupyter-session-p session)))
(websocket-close ws)))
(jupyter-api-shutdown-kernel client id)))))
(ert-deftest jupyter-api-server-accessible-p ()
:tags '(rest server)
(jupyter-test-rest-api-with-notebook client
(should (jupyter-api-server-accessible-p client))))
(ert-deftest jupyter-api-request-xsrf-cookie ()
:tags '(rest server)
(jupyter-test-rest-api-with-notebook client
(let ((url (oref client url)))
(should-not (jupyter-api-xsrf-header-from-cookies url))
(jupyter-api-request-xsrf-cookie client)
(should (jupyter-api-xsrf-header-from-cookies url)))))
(ert-deftest jupyter-api-authenticate ()
:tags '(rest server)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function #'url-cookie-write-file) #'ignore))
(ert-info ("Password authentication")
(let ((jupyter-test-notebook nil)
;; foobar
(password "sha1:84cbf6913f79:5df10a65c1f36cdf691bb93b089f7cae0582b20e"))
(jupyter-test-ensure-notebook-server password)
(jupyter-test-rest-api-with-notebook client
(oset client auth 'password)
(should-not (jupyter-api-server-accessible-p client))
(jupyter-api-authenticate client 'password (lambda () "foobar"))
(should (eq (oref client auth) t))
(should (jupyter-api-server-accessible-p client)))
(when (process-live-p (car jupyter-test-notebook))
(delete-process (car jupyter-test-notebook)))))))
(ert-info ("Token authentication")
(let ((jupyter-test-notebook nil) token)
(jupyter-test-ensure-notebook-server t)
(with-current-buffer (process-buffer (car jupyter-test-notebook))
(while (not (re-search-forward "\\?token=\\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\)" nil t))
(goto-char (point-min))
(sleep-for 0.02))
(setq token (match-string 1)))
(jupyter-test-rest-api-with-notebook client
(oset client auth 'token)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function #'read-string)
(lambda (&rest _) token)))
(should-not (jupyter-api-server-accessible-p client))
(jupyter-api-authenticate client 'token)
(should (jupyter-api-server-accessible-p client))
(should (equal (list (cons "Authorization" (concat "token " token)))
(oref client auth)))
(should (equal (list (cons "Authorization" (concat "token " token)))
(jupyter-api-auth-headers client))))
(when (process-live-p (car jupyter-test-notebook))
(delete-process (car jupyter-test-notebook)))))))))
;;; Server
(ert-deftest jupyter-server-reauthentication ()
:tags '(server)
(let ((jupyter-test-notebook nil)
(jupyter-api-authentication-method 'password)
;; foobar
(password "sha1:84cbf6913f79:5df10a65c1f36cdf691bb93b089f7cae0582b20e"))
(jupyter-test-ensure-notebook-server password)
(jupyter-test-with-notebook server
(cl-letf (((symbol-function #'read-passwd)
(lambda (&rest _) "foobar")))
(jupyter-api-ensure-authenticated server))
(cl-destructuring-bind (_ client)
(list nil (jupyter-client (jupyter-kernel :server server :spec "python")))
(let ((id (jupyter-kernel-action client
(lambda (kernel)
(jupyter-server-kernel-id kernel))))
(jupyter-current-client client))
(should (equal (jupyter-eval "1 + 1") "2"))
(let (url-cookie-storage)
(should-not (jupyter-api-server-accessible-p server))
(ert-info ("Can't attempt re-authentication")
(let ((jupyter-api-authentication-method 'none))
(should-error (jupyter-api-get-kernel server))))
(should-not (jupyter-api-server-accessible-p server))
(ert-info ("Do re-authentication")
(cl-letf (((symbol-function #'read-passwd)
(lambda (&rest _) "foobar")))
(should (jupyter-api-get-kernel server)))
(should (jupyter-api-server-accessible-p server)))
(ert-info ("Verify clients still work after re-authentication")
(should (equal (jupyter-eval "1 + 1") "2")))))
(jupyter-shutdown-kernel client))))
(when (process-live-p (car jupyter-test-notebook))
(delete-process (car jupyter-test-notebook))))))
(ert-deftest jupyter-run-server-repl ()
:tags '(server)
(jupyter-test-with-notebook server
(oref (jupyter-run-server-repl server "python") buffer)
(should (equal (jupyter-eval "1 + 1") "2"))
(jupyter-test-kill-buffer (current-buffer))))))
(ert-deftest jupyter-connect-server-repl ()
:tags '(server)
(jupyter-test-with-notebook server
(let ((id (plist-get (jupyter-api-start-kernel server) :id)))
(sleep-for 1)
(oref (jupyter-connect-server-repl server id) buffer)
(should (equal (jupyter-eval "1 + 1") "2"))
(jupyter-test-kill-buffer (current-buffer)))))))
(ert-deftest org-babel-jupyter-server-session ()
:tags '(server org)
(require 'ob-jupyter)
(jupyter-test-with-notebook server
(let* ((remote (file-remote-p (jupyter-tramp-file-name-from-url (oref server url))))
(lambda (session &optional args)
(insert (format "\
#+BEGIN_SRC jupyter-python :session %s %s
1 + 1
#+END_SRC" session (or args "")))
(goto-char (point-min))
(let ((params (nth 2 (org-babel-get-src-block-info))))
(alist-get :session params) params)))))
(ert-info ("No session name")
(should-error (funcall initiate-session remote)))
(ert-info ("Non-existent kernel")
(should-error (funcall initiate-session (concat remote "py") ":kernel foo")))
(ert-info ("Connect to an existing kernel")
(let* ((id (plist-get (jupyter-api-start-kernel server) :id))
(session (funcall initiate-session (concat remote id))))
(should (not (null session)))
(jupyter-test-kill-buffer session))))
(ert-info ("Start a new kernel")
(let ((session (funcall initiate-session (concat remote "py"))))
(should (not (null session)))
(jupyter-test-kill-buffer session))))))))
;;; Naming kernels
(ert-deftest jupyter-server-cull-kernel-names ()
:tags '(server)
(cl-letf* ((jupyter-server-kernel-names
("id1" . "name1")
("id2" . "name2"))
("id3" . "name3"))
("id4" . "name4"))))
(servers (list (jupyter-server :url "http://localhost:89812")
(jupyter-server :url "http://localhost:89813")))
((symbol-function #'jupyter-gc-servers) #'ignore)
((symbol-function #'jupyter-servers) (lambda () servers))
((symbol-function #'jupyter-api-get-kernel)
(lambda (server &rest _)
((equal (oref server url) "http://localhost:89812")
(vector '(:id "id1")))
((equal (oref server url) "http://localhost:89813")
(jupyter-server-cull-kernel-names (car servers))
(should (equal jupyter-server-kernel-names
("id1" . "name1"))
("id3" . "name3"))
("id4" . "name4")))))
(should (equal jupyter-server-kernel-names
("id1" . "name1"))
(ert-deftest jupyter-server-kernel-name ()
:tags '(server)
(let ((jupyter-server-kernel-names
("id1" . "name1"))))
(server (jupyter-server :url "http://localhost:8882")))
(should (equal (jupyter-server-kernel-name server "id1")
(should (null (jupyter-server-kernel-name server "id2")))))
(ert-deftest jupyter-server-kernel-id-from-name ()
:tags '(server)
(cl-letf (((symbol-function #'jupyter-server-cull-kernel-names) #'ignore)
("id1" . "name1"))))
(server (jupyter-server :url "http://localhost:8882")))
(should (equal (jupyter-server-kernel-id-from-name server "name1")
(should (null (jupyter-server-kernel-id-from-name server "name2")))))
(ert-deftest jupyter-server-name-kernel ()
:tags '(server)
(let ((jupyter-server-kernel-names
("id1" . "name1"))))
(server (jupyter-server :url "http://localhost:8882")))
(jupyter-server-name-kernel server "id2" "name2")
(should (equal jupyter-server-kernel-names
("id2" . "name2")
("id1" . "name1")))))
(jupyter-server-name-kernel server "id2" "name3")
(should (equal jupyter-server-kernel-names
("id2" . "name3")
("id1" . "name1")))))))
(ert-deftest jupyter-server-name-client-kernel ()
:tags '(server)
(jupyter-test-with-notebook server
(jupyter-test-with-server-kernel server "python" kernel
(let* ((jupyter-server-kernel-names
`((,(oref server url)
(,(jupyter-server-kernel-id kernel) . "name1"))))
(client (jupyter-client kernel)))
(jupyter-server-name-client-kernel client "foo")
(should (equal jupyter-server-kernel-names
`((,(oref server url)
(,(jupyter-server-kernel-id kernel) . "foo")))))))))
;;; Org
(ert-deftest org-babel-jupyter-server-session ()
:tags '(org server)
(let ((session (org-babel-jupyter-parse-session "/jpy::foo/bar.json")))
(should (org-babel-jupyter-server-session-p session))
(should (equal (org-babel-jupyter-session-name session) "/jpy::foo/bar.json")))
(let ((session (org-babel-jupyter-parse-session "/jpy::foo/bar")))
(should (org-babel-jupyter-server-session-p session))
(should (equal (org-babel-jupyter-session-name session) "/jpy::foo/bar"))))
;;; jupyter-server-test.el ends here