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synced 2025-03-11 18:56:38 -04:00

This makes it so that when a delayed value is bound, via `jupyter-mlet*`, it always results in the same value as was computed the first time it was bound. Previously the computation associated with the delayed value would occur each time it was bound, resulting in a newly computed value each time.
510 lines
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510 lines
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;;; jupyter-monads.el --- Monadic Jupyter I/O -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2020 Nathaniel Nicandro
;; Author: Nathaniel Nicandro <nathanielnicandro@gmail.com>
;; Created: 11 May 2020
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at
;; your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; TODO: Generalize `jupyter-with-io' and `jupyter-do' for any monad,
;; not just the I/O one.
;; TODO: Allow pcase patterns in mlet*
;; (jupyter-mlet* ((value (jupyter-server-kernel-io kernel)))
;; (pcase-let ((`(,kernel-sub ,event-pub) value))
;; ...))
;; into
;; (jupyter-mlet* ((`(,kernel-sub ,event-pub)
;; (jupyter-server-kernel-io kernel)))
;; ...)
;;; Code:
(require 'jupyter-base)
(require 'thunk)
(defgroup jupyter-monads nil
"Monadic Jupyter I/O"
:group 'jupyter)
(cl-defstruct jupyter-delayed value)
(defun jupyter-return-delayed (value)
"Return an I/O value wrapping VALUE."
(declare (indent 0))
(make-jupyter-delayed :value (lambda () value)))
(defmacro jupyter-return-delayed-thunk (&rest body)
"Return an I/O value that evaluates BODY."
(declare (debug (body)) (indent 0))
`(make-jupyter-delayed :value (thunk-delay ,@body)))
(defconst jupyter-io-nil (jupyter-return-delayed nil))
(defvar jupyter-io-cache (make-hash-table :weakness 'key))
(defvar jupyter-current-io
(lambda (content)
(error "Unhandled I/O: %s" content))
"The current I/O context.")
(cl-defgeneric jupyter-io (thing)
"Return the I/O object of THING.")
(cl-defmethod jupyter-io :around (thing)
"Cache the I/O object of THING in `jupyter-io-cache'."
(or (gethash thing jupyter-io-cache)
(puthash thing (cl-call-next-method) jupyter-io-cache)))
(defun jupyter-bind-delayed (io-value io-fn)
"Bind IO-VALUE to IO-FN."
(declare (indent 1))
(pcase (funcall (jupyter-delayed-value io-value))
((and req (cl-struct jupyter-request client))
;; TODO: If the delayed value is bound and its a request, doesn't
;; that mean the request was sent and so the client will already
;; be `jupyter-current-client'.
(let ((jupyter-current-client client))
(funcall io-fn req)))
(`(timeout ,(and req (cl-struct jupyter-request)))
(error "Timed out: %s" (cl-prin1-to-string req)))
(`,value (funcall io-fn value))))
(defmacro jupyter-mlet* (varlist &rest body)
"Bind the I/O values in VARLIST, evaluate BODY.
Return the result of evaluating BODY."
(declare (indent 1) (debug ((&rest (symbolp form)) body)))
;; FIXME: The below doesn't work
;; (jupyter-mlet* ((io io))
;; (jupyter-run-with-io io
;; ...))
(letrec ((vars (delq '_ (mapcar #'car varlist)))
(value (make-symbol "value"))
(lambda (vars)
(if (zerop (length vars))
(if (zerop (length body)) 'jupyter-io-nil
`(progn ,@body))
(pcase-let ((`(,name ,io-value) (car vars)))
`(jupyter-bind-delayed ,io-value
(lambda (,value)
,(if (eq name '_)
;; FIXME: Avoid this.
`(ignore ,value)
`(setq ,name ,value))
,(funcall binder (cdr vars)))))))))
`(let (,@vars)
,(funcall binder varlist))))
(defmacro jupyter-with-io (io &rest body)
"Return an I/O action evaluating BODY in IO's context.
The result of the returned action is the result of the I/O action
BODY evaluates to."
(declare (indent 1) (debug (form body)))
(let ((jupyter-current-io ,io))
(jupyter-mlet* ((result (progn ,@body)))
(defmacro jupyter-run-with-io (io &rest body)
"Return the result of evaluating the I/O value BODY evaluates to.
All I/O operations are done in the context of IO."
(declare (indent 1) (debug (form body)))
`(let ((jupyter-current-io ,io))
(jupyter-mlet* ((result (progn ,@body)))
;; do (for the IO monad) takes IO actions (IO values), which are
;; closures of zero argument wrapped in the `jupyter-delay' type, and
;; evaluates them in sequence one after the other. In the IO monad,
;; composition is equivalent to one IO action being performed after
;; the other.
;; Based on explanations at
;; https://wiki.haskell.org/Introduction_to_Haskell_IO/Actions
(defmacro jupyter-do (&rest io-actions)
"Return an I/O action that performs all actions in IO-ACTIONS.
The actions are evaluated in the order given. The result of the
returned action is the result of the last action in IO-ACTIONS."
(declare (indent 0) (debug (body)))
(if (zerop (length io-actions)) 'jupyter-io-nil
(letrec ((before
(lambda (io-actions)
(if (= (length io-actions) 1) (car io-actions)
`(jupyter-then ,(funcall before (cdr io-actions))
,(car io-actions))))))
(funcall before (reverse io-actions)))))
(defun jupyter-then (io-a io-b)
"Return an I/O action that performs IO-A then IO-B.
The result of the returned action is the result of IO-B."
(declare (indent 1))
(jupyter-mlet* ((_ io-a)
(result io-b))
;;; Publisher/subscriber
(define-error 'jupyter-subscribed-subscriber
"A subscriber cannot be subscribed to.")
(defun jupyter-subscriber (sub-fn)
"Return a subscriber evaluating SUB-FN on published content.
SUB-FN should return the result of evaluating
`jupyter-unsubscribe' if the subscriber's subscription should be
Ex. Unsubscribe after consuming one message
(lambda (value)
(message \"The published content: %s\" value)
Used like this, where sub is the above subscriber:
(jupyter-run-with-io (jupyter-publisher)
(jupyter-subscribe sub)
(jupyter-publish (list 'topic \"today's news\")))"
(declare (indent 0))
(lambda (sub-content)
(pcase sub-content
(`(content ,content) (funcall sub-fn content))
(`(subscribe ,_) (signal 'jupyter-subscribed-subscriber nil))
(_ (error "Unhandled subscriber content: %s" sub-content)))))
(defun jupyter-content (value)
"Arrange for VALUE to be sent to subscribers of a publisher."
(list 'content value))
(defsubst jupyter-unsubscribe ()
"Arrange for the current subscription to be canceled.
A subscriber (or publisher with a subscription) can return the
result of this function to cancel its subscription with the
publisher providing content."
(list 'unsubscribe))
(defun jupyter-pseudo-bind-content (pub-fn content subs)
"Apply PUB-FN on submitted CONTENT to produce published content.
Call each subscriber in SUBS on the published content. Remove
those subscribers that cancel their subscription.
Errors signaled by a subscriber are demoted to messages."
(pcase (funcall pub-fn content)
((and `(content ,_) sub-content)
(while subs
;; NOTE: The first element of SUBS is ignored here so that
;; the pointer to the subscriber list remains the same for
;; each publisher, even when subscribers are being
;; destructively removed.
(when (cadr subs)
(with-demoted-errors "Jupyter: I/O subscriber error: %S"
;; Publish subscriber content to subscribers
(pcase (funcall (cadr subs) sub-content)
;; Destructively remove the subscriber when it returns an
;; unsubscribe value.
('(unsubscribe) (setcdr subs (cddr subs))))))
(pop subs))
;; Cancel a publisher's subscription to another publisher.
('(unsubscribe) '(unsubscribe))
(_ nil)))
(defun jupyter-publisher (&optional pub-fn)
"Return a publisher function.
A publisher function is a closure, function with a local scope,
that maintains a list of subscribers and distributes the content
that PUB-FN returns to each of them.
PUB-FN is a function that optionally returns content to
publish (by returning the result of `jupyter-content' on a
value). It's called when a value is submitted for publishing
using `jupyter-publish', like this:
(let ((pub (jupyter-publisher
(lambda (submitted-value)
(message \"Publishing %s to subscribers\" submitted-value)
(jupyter-content submitted-value)))))
(jupyter-run-with-io pub
(jupyter-publish (list 1 2 3))))
The default for PUB-FN is `jupyter-content'. See
`jupyter-subscribe' for an example on how to subscribe to a
If no content is returned by PUB-FN, no content is sent to
A publisher can also be a subscriber of another publisher. In
this case, if PUB-FN returns the result of `jupyter-unsubscribe'
its subscription is canceled.
Ex. Publish the value 1 regardless of what is given to PUB-FN.
(lambda (_)
(jupyter-content 1)))
Ex. Publish 'app if 'app is given to a publisher, nothing is sent
to subscribers otherwise. In this case, a publisher is a
filter of the value given to it for publishing.
(lambda (value)
(if (eq value 'app)
(jupyter-content value))))"
(declare (indent 0))
(let ((subs (list 'subscribers))
(pub-fn (or pub-fn #'jupyter-content)))
;; A publisher value is either a value representing a subscriber
;; or a value representing content to send to subscribers.
(lambda (pub-value)
(pcase (car-safe pub-value)
('content (jupyter-pseudo-bind-content pub-fn (cadr pub-value) subs))
('subscribe (cl-pushnew (cadr pub-value) (cdr subs)))
(_ (error "Unhandled publisher content: %s" pub-value))))))
(defun jupyter-subscribe (sub)
"Return an I/O action that subscribes SUB to published content.
If a subscriber (or a publisher with a subscription to another
publisher) returns the result of `jupyter-unsubscribe', its
subscription is canceled.
Ex. Subscribe to a publisher and unsubscribe after receiving two
(let* ((msgs '())
(pub (jupyter-publisher))
(sub (jupyter-subscriber
(lambda (n)
(if (> n 2) (jupyter-unsubscribe)
(push n msgs))))))
(jupyter-run-with-io pub
(jupyter-subscribe sub))
for x in '(1 2 3)
do (jupyter-run-with-io pub
(jupyter-publish x)))
(reverse msgs)) ; => '(1 2)"
(declare (indent 0))
(funcall jupyter-current-io (list 'subscribe sub))
(defun jupyter-publish (value)
"Return an I/O action that submits VALUE to publish as content."
(declare (indent 0))
(funcall jupyter-current-io (jupyter-content value))
;;; Working with requests
(define-error 'jupyter-timeout-before-idle "Timeout before idle")
(defun jupyter-idle (io-req &optional timeout)
"Return an IO action that waits for a request to become idle.
Evaluate IO-REQ, an IO action that results in a sent request, and
wait for that request to become idle. Signal a
`jupyter-timeout-before-idle' error if TIMEOUT seconds elapses
and the request has not become idle yet."
(jupyter-mlet* ((req io-req))
(or (jupyter-wait-until-idle req timeout)
(signal 'jupyter-timeout-before-idle (list req)))
(defun jupyter-messages (io-req &optional timeout)
"Return an IO action that returns the messages of IO-REQ.
IO-REQ is an IO action that evaluates to a sent request. TIMEOUT
has the same meaning as in `jupyter-idle'."
(let ((idle-req (jupyter-idle io-req timeout)))
(jupyter-mlet* ((req idle-req))
(jupyter-request-messages req)))))
(defun jupyter-find-message (msg-type msgs)
"Return a message whose type is MSG-TYPE in MSGS."
(lambda (msg)
(let ((type (jupyter-message-type msg)))
(string= type msg-type)))
(defun jupyter-reply (io-req &optional timeout)
"Return an IO action that returns the reply message of IO-REQ.
IO-REQ is an IO action that evaluates to a sent request. TIMEOUT
has the same meaning as in `jupyter-idle'."
(jupyter-mlet* ((msgs (jupyter-messages io-req timeout)))
(lambda (msg)
(let ((type (jupyter-message-type msg)))
(string-suffix-p "_reply" type)))
(defun jupyter-result (io-req &optional timeout)
"Return an IO action that returns the result message of IO-REQ.
IO-REQ is an IO action that evaluates to a sent request. TIMEOUT
has the same meaning as in `jupyter-idle'."
(jupyter-mlet* ((msgs (jupyter-messages io-req timeout)))
(lambda (msg)
(let ((type (jupyter-message-type msg)))
(string-suffix-p "_result" type)))
(defun jupyter-message-subscribed (io-req cbs)
"Return an IO action that subscribes CBS to a request's message publisher.
IO-REQ is an IO action that evaluates to a sent request. CBS is
an alist mapping message types to callback functions like
`((\"execute_reply\" ,(lambda (msg) ...))
The returned IO action returns the sent request after subscribing
the callbacks."
(jupyter-mlet* ((req io-req))
(jupyter-request-message-publisher req)
(lambda (msg)
((msg-type (jupyter-message-type msg))
(fn (car (alist-get msg-type cbs nil nil #'string=))))
(funcall fn msg))))))
(defun jupyter-client-subscribed (io-req)
"Return an IO action that subscribes a client to a request's message publisher.
IO-REQ is an IO action that evaluates to a sent request. The
client to subscribe is the `jupyter-current-client' at the time
of evaluation of the action.
The returned IO action returns the sent request after subscribing
the client."
(jupyter-with-client jupyter-current-client
(let ((client jupyter-current-client))
(jupyter-mlet* ((req io-req))
(when (string= (jupyter-request-type req)
(jupyter-server-mode-set-client client))
(jupyter-request-message-publisher req)
(lambda (msg)
(let ((channel (plist-get msg :channel)))
(jupyter-handle-message client channel msg))))))
;;; Request
(defun jupyter-message-publisher (req)
(let ((id (jupyter-request-id req)))
(lambda (msg)
((and (jupyter-request-idle-p req)
;; A status message after a request goes idle
;; means there is a new request and there will,
;; theoretically, be no more messages for the
;; idle one.
;; FIXME: Is that true? Figure out the difference
;; between a status: busy and a status: idle
;; message.
(string= (jupyter-message-type msg) "status"))
;; What happens to the subscriber references of this
;; publisher after it unsubscribes? They remain until
;; the publisher itself is no longer accessible.
;; TODO: `jupyter-message-parent-id' -> `jupyter-parent-id'
;; and the like.
((string= id (jupyter-message-parent-id msg))
(setf (jupyter-request-last-message req) msg)
(cl-callf nconc (jupyter-request-messages req) (list msg))
(when (or (jupyter-message-status-idle-p msg)
;; Jupyter protocol 5.1, IPython
;; implementation 7.5.0 doesn't give
;; status: busy or status: idle messages
;; on kernel-info-requests. Whereas
;; IPython implementation 6.5.0 does.
;; Seen on Appveyor tests.
;; TODO: May be related
;; jupyter/notebook#3705 as the problem
;; does happen after a kernel restart
;; when testing.
(string= (jupyter-message-type msg) "kernel_info_reply")
;; No idle message is received after a
;; shutdown reply so consider REQ as
;; having received an idle message in
;; this case.
(string= (jupyter-message-type msg) "shutdown_reply"))
(setf (jupyter-request-idle-p req) t))
(cl-list* :parent-request req msg))))))))
(defun jupyter--request (type content)
(let ((ih jupyter-inhibit-handlers)
(ch (if (member type '("input_reply" "input_request"))
(let ((req (jupyter-generate-request
:type type
:content content
:client jupyter-current-client
;; Anything sent to stdin is a reply not a request
;; so consider the "request" completed.
:idle-p (string= ch "stdin")
:inhibited-handlers ih)))
(setf (jupyter-request-message-publisher req)
(jupyter-message-publisher req))
((_ (jupyter-do
(jupyter-request-message-publisher req))
(list 'send ch type content
(jupyter-request-id req)))))))
(cl-defun jupyter-request (type &rest content)
"Return an IO action that sends a `jupyter-request'.
TYPE is the message type of the message that CONTENT, a property
list, represents."
(declare (indent 1))
(jupyter--request type content)))
(provide 'jupyter-monads)
;;; jupyter-monads.el ends here