* Declare undeclared external functions
* Add ext: prefix to filename of external packages that may not be present on
every system
* Remove `company-grab-symbol-cons` function declaration since this function is
no longer used.
If `kill-emacs` is called while the kernel process or client channel processes
are still alive, the process sentinels do not run and thus the cleanup of the
clients and managers does not happen. Thus we need to explicitly do this
cleanup when `kill-emacs` is called.
* Define new method `jupyter-kernel-info` which takes care
of caching the result of a kernel info request. All
access of the kernel info plist should happen through
this method.
* Do not return the kernel info plist in
`jupyter-start-new-kernel`, callers should access the
kernel info through `jupyter-kernel-info`
- Add missing namespace to sha256 function
- Any function defined should have a `jupyter-` prefix
- Remove `cl-lib` dependency in `jupyter-messages.el`
- Include `subr-x` in `jupyter-base.el`
- Use `tramp-file-name-user` instead of `tramp-file-name-real-user` since the
latter is missing in Emacs 26
To make up for this:
- Move the functions defined in `jupyter-connection.el` to `jupyter-base.el`
- Add a `session` field to the `jupyter-kernel-manager` and `jupyter-channel`
- Add a `kernel-info` field to the `jupyter-repl-client`
- Add a `conn-info` field to a `jupyter-session`
- Add a `session` field to `jupyter-kernel-client`
Setup the necessary hooks before starting the kernel so that we can ensure that
the startup message is caught.
A short delay is also added whenever we start a channel. This was necessary for
the client to catch the startup message of a python kernel.
- Distinguish between an asynchronous channel and a synchronous one
- `jupyter-async-channel` :: Messages are sent and received through an ioloop
subprocess that the channel has access to. The
subprocess uses the `jupyter-sync-channel` for
sending and receiving messages.
- `jupyter-sync-channel` :: Messages are sent and received through a
`zmq-socket` in the current Emacs session.
- Define `jupyter-send` and `jupyter-recv` methods for channels.
- Update `jupyter-kernel-client` and ioloop interfaces to take into account
changes with channels.
- `jupyter-shutdown-kernel` assumes that the kernel is able to be communicated
with, but when startup fails we know its not so just delete the process
- When deleting the connection info file after a kernel dies, make sure that
the file exists first.