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synced 2025-03-04 15:41:37 -05:00
Refactor jupyter-handle-message
and related
Reduce the number of arguments `jupyter-handle-message` takes, by just passing the message property list directly. Expanding out the arguments just creates unnecessary work. Make the `jupyter-kernel-client' implementation of `jupyter-handle-message` more readable. Remove the unnecessary and confusing handler method dispatching. Document `jupyter-handle-message`. * README.org: Update reference to `jupyter-handle-*` method. * jupyter-client.el (jupyter-dispatch-messages-cases): Remove. (jupyter-run-hook-with-args-until-success): Remove. (jupyter-handle-message-p): New function. Similar to the above except its return value is negated. (jupyter--client-handlers): New variable. Holds the table of message handlers. (jupyter--handler-dispatch): Use them. (jupyter--run-callbacks): Change to `defsubst` (jupyter--run-handler-maybe): Remove. Expand out at call sites, replace `jupyter-handle-message` with `jupyter--handler-dispatch` at the sites. (jupyter--handler-dispatch): New function. Unifies all the `jupyter-handle-message` implementations for channels. (jupyter--update-execution-state, jupyter--message-completes-request-p): New functions. (jupyter-handle-message): Remove channel implementations. Use the new functions in the client implementation.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 112 additions and 170 deletions
@ -390,15 +390,6 @@ this is called."
(jupyter-with-client-buffer client
(add-hook hook function append t)))
(defun jupyter-run-hook-with-args-until-success (client hook &rest args)
"Run CLIENT's value for HOOK with the arguments ARGS.
CLIENT is passed as the first argument and then ARGS."
(jupyter-with-client-buffer client
(when jupyter--debug
(message "RUN-HOOK: %s" hook))
(with-demoted-errors "Error in Jupyter message hook: %S"
(apply #'run-hook-with-args-until-success hook client args))))
(defun jupyter-remove-hook (client hook function)
"Remove from CLIENT's value of HOOK the function FUNCTION."
(jupyter-with-client-buffer client
@ -554,7 +545,7 @@ back."
;;; Message callbacks
(defun jupyter--run-callbacks (req msg)
(defsubst jupyter--run-callbacks (req msg)
"Run REQ's MSG callbacks.
See `jupyter-add-callback'."
(when-let (callbacks (and req (jupyter-request-callbacks req)))
@ -720,142 +711,134 @@ received for it and it is not the most recently sent request."
(not (or (eq ihandlers t)
(if (eq (car ihandlers) 'not) (not type) type)))))
(defun jupyter--run-handler-maybe (client channel req msg)
"Possibly run CLIENT's CHANNEL handler on REQ's received MSG."
(when (jupyter--run-handler-p req msg)
(jupyter-handle-message channel client req msg)))
(defun jupyter-handle-message-p (client channel msg)
"Return non-nil if CLIENT should handle a MSG received on CHANNEL.
Run CLIENT's CHANNEL hook, jupyter-CHANNEL-message-hook,
passing (CLIENT MSG) as arguments to the hook functions. If all
of the hook functions return nil, then MSG should be handled.
nil is returned otherwise."
(jupyter-with-client-buffer client
(let ((hook (pcase channel
(:iopub 'jupyter-iopub-message-hook)
(:shell 'jupyter-shell-message-hook)
(:stdin 'jupyter-stdin-message-hook)
(_ (error "Unhandled channel: %s" channel)))))
(when jupyter--debug
(message "RUN-HOOK: %s" hook))
(with-demoted-errors "Error in Jupyter message hook: %S"
(not (run-hook-with-args-until-success
hook client msg))))))
(defconst jupyter--client-handlers
(&rest msg-types)
for mt in msg-types
collect (cons mt (intern
(format "jupyter-handle-%s"
(substring (symbol-name mt) 1)))))))
`((:iopub . ,(handler-alist
:shutdown-reply :stream :comm-open :comm-msg
:comm-close :execute-input :execute-result
:error :status :clear-output :display-data
(:shell . ,(handler-alist
:execute-reply :shutdown-reply :inspect-reply
:complete-reply :history-reply :is-complete-reply
:comm-info-reply :kernel-info-reply))
(:stdin . ,(handler-alist
:input-reply :input-request)))))
(defun jupyter--handler-dispatch (client channel msg req)
(when (jupyter-handle-message-p client channel msg)
(let* ((msg-type (jupyter-message-type msg))
(or (alist-get channel jupyter--client-handlers)
(error "Unhandled channel: %s" channel)))
(handler (or (alist-get msg-type channel-handlers)
(error "Unhandled message type: %s" msg-type))))
(funcall handler client req msg))))
(defsubst jupyter--update-execution-state (client msg req)
(pcase (jupyter-message-type msg)
(oset client execution-state
(jupyter-message-get msg :execution_state)))
((or :execute-input
(and (guard req) :execute-reply))
(oset client execution-count
(1+ (jupyter-message-get msg :execution_count))))))
(defsubst jupyter--message-completes-request-p (msg)
(or (jupyter-message-status-idle-p msg)
;; Jupyter protocol 5.1, IPython implementation 7.5.0
;; doesn't give status: busy or status: idle messages on
;; kernel-info-requests. Whereas IPython implementation
;; 6.5.0 does. Seen on Appveyor tests.
;; TODO: May be related jupyter/notebook#3705 as the
;; problem does happen after a kernel restart when
;; testing.
(eq (jupyter-message-type msg) :kernel-info-reply)
;; No idle message is received after a shutdown reply so
;; consider REQ as having received an idle message in
;; this case.
(eq (jupyter-message-type msg) :shutdown-reply)))
(cl-defgeneric jupyter-handle-message ((client jupyter-kernel-client) channel msg)
"Process a message received on CLIENT's CHANNEL.
CHANNEL is the Jupyter channel that MSG was received on by
CLIENT. MSG is a message property list and is the Jupyter
message being handled.")
(cl-defmethod jupyter-handle-message ((client jupyter-kernel-client) channel msg)
"Process a message on CLIENT's CHANNEL.
When a message is received from the kernel, the
`jupyter-handle-message' method is called on the client. The
client method runs any callbacks for the message and possibly
runs the client handler for the channel the message was received
on. The channel's `jupyter-handle-message' method will then pass
the message to the appropriate message handler based on the
message type.
"Run callbacks and handler method for MSG.
Before any handling of MSG takes place, update CLIENT's execution
status slots (execution-state, execution-count) based on MSG, let
bind `jupyter-current-client' to CLIENT, and, when there is a
`jupyter-request' sent by CLIENT associated with the
`jupyter-message-parent-id' of MSG, set the
`jupyter-request-last-message' of the request to MSG.
So when a message is received from the kernel the following steps
are taken:
CLIENT may not have sent the request that generated MSG, e.g. if
MSG is an :execute-input request broadcasted to :iopub and not
sent by CLIENT. In this case, a message handler method is run,
without running any message callbacks, only if
`jupyter-include-other-output' is non-nil for CLIENT.
- `jupyter-handle-message' (client)
- Run callbacks for message
- Possibly run channel handlers
- `jupyter-handle-message' (channel)
- Based on message type, dispatch to
`jupyter-handle-kernel-info-reply', ...
- Remove request from client request table when idle message is received"
When MSG has an associated request generated by CLIENT, run the
`jupyter-request-callbacks', if any, for the message before
attempting to run the message handler. Then remove old,
completed, requests from CLIENT's request table."
(when msg
(let* ((jupyter-current-client client)
(pmsg-id (jupyter-message-parent-id msg))
(requests (oref client requests))
(req (gethash pmsg-id requests)))
;; Update the state of the client
(pcase (jupyter-message-type msg)
(oset client execution-state
(jupyter-message-get msg :execution_state)))
((or :execute-input (and (guard req) :execute-reply))
(oset client execution-count
(1+ (jupyter-message-get msg :execution_count)))))
(if (not req)
(when (or (jupyter-get client 'jupyter-include-other-output)
;; Always handle a startup message
(jupyter-message-status-starting-p msg))
(jupyter--run-handler-maybe client channel req msg))
(let ((jupyter-current-client client)
(req (gethash (jupyter-message-parent-id msg) (oref client requests))))
(jupyter--update-execution-state client msg req)
(setf (jupyter-request-last-message req) msg)
(jupyter--run-callbacks req msg)
(jupyter--run-handler-maybe client channel req msg)
(when (or (jupyter-message-status-idle-p msg)
;; Jupyter protocol 5.1, IPython implementation 7.5.0
;; doesn't give status: busy or status: idle messages on
;; kernel-info-requests. Whereas IPython implementation
;; 6.5.0 does. Seen on Appveyor tests.
;; TODO: May be related jupyter/notebook#3705 as the
;; problem does happen after a kernel restart when
;; testing.
(eq (jupyter-message-type msg) :kernel-info-reply)
;; No idle message is received after a shutdown reply so
;; consider REQ as having received an idle message in
;; this case.
(eq (jupyter-message-type msg) :shutdown-reply))
(when (jupyter--run-handler-p req msg)
(jupyter--handler-dispatch client channel msg req))
(when (jupyter--message-completes-request-p msg)
;; Order matters here. We want to remove idle requests *before*
;; setting another request idle to account for idle messages
;; coming in out of order, e.g. before their respective reply
;; messages.
(jupyter--drop-idle-requests client)
(setf (jupyter-request-idle-received-p req) t))))))))
;;; Channel handler macros
(defmacro jupyter-dispatch-message-cases (client req msg cases)
"Dispatch to CLIENT handler's based on REQ and MSG.
CASES defines the handlers to dispatch to based on the
`jupyter-message-type' of MSG and should be a list of lists, the
first element of each inner list being the name of the handler,
excluding the `jupyter-handle-' prefix. The rest of the elements
in the list are the name of the keys that will be extracted from
the `jupyter-message-content' of MSG and passed to the handler in
the same order as they appear. For example,
(jupyter-dispatch-message-cases client req msg
((shutdown-reply restart)
(stream name text)))
will be transformed to
(let ((content (jupyter-message-content msg)))
(pcase (jupyter-message-type msg)
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key restart &allow-other-keys)
(jupyter-handle-shutdown-reply client req restart)))
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key name text &allow-other-keys)
(jupyter-handle-stream client req name text)))
(_ (warn \"Message type not handled (%s)\"
(jupyter-message-type msg)))))"
(declare (indent 3))
(let ((handlers nil)
(content (make-symbol "contentvar"))
(jclient (make-symbol "clientvar"))
(jreq (make-symbol "reqvar"))
(jmsg (make-symbol "msgvar")))
(dolist (case cases)
(cl-destructuring-bind (msg-type . keys) case
(let ((handler (intern (format "jupyter-handle-%s" msg-type)))
(msg-type (intern (concat ":" (symbol-name msg-type)))))
(push `(,msg-type
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key ,@keys &allow-other-keys)
(,handler ,jclient ,jreq ,@keys)))
`(let* ((,jmsg ,msg)
(,jreq ,req)
(,jclient ,client)
(,content (jupyter-message-content ,jmsg)))
(pcase (jupyter-message-type ,jmsg)
(_ (warn "Message type not handled (%s)"
(jupyter-message-type msg)))))))
(setf (jupyter-request-idle-received-p req) t)))))
(when (and (or (jupyter-get client 'jupyter-include-other-output)
;; Always handle a startup message
(jupyter-message-status-starting-p msg))
(jupyter--run-handler-p req msg))
(jupyter--handler-dispatch client channel msg req)))))))
;;; STDIN handlers
(cl-defmethod jupyter-handle-message ((_channel (eql :stdin))
(unless (jupyter-run-hook-with-args-until-success
client 'jupyter-stdin-message-hook msg)
(jupyter-dispatch-message-cases client req msg
((input-reply prompt password)
(input-request prompt password)))))
(cl-defgeneric jupyter-handle-input-request ((client jupyter-kernel-client)
@ -884,27 +867,6 @@ user. Otherwise `read-from-minibuffer' is used."
(defalias 'jupyter-handle-input-reply 'jupyter-handle-input-request)
;;; SHELL handlers
;; http://jupyter-client.readthedocs.io/en/latest/messaging.html#messages-on-the-shell-router-dealer-channel
(cl-defmethod jupyter-handle-message ((_channel (eql :shell))
(unless (jupyter-run-hook-with-args-until-success
client 'jupyter-shell-message-hook msg)
(jupyter-dispatch-message-cases client req msg
((execute-reply status execution_count user_expressions payload)
(shutdown-reply restart)
(inspect-reply found data metadata)
(complete-reply matches cursor_start cursor_end metadata)
(history-reply history)
(is-complete-reply status indent)
(comm-info-reply comms)
(kernel-info-reply protocol_version implementation
implementation_version language_info
banner help_links)))))
;;;; Evaluation
(cl-defgeneric jupyter-load-file-code (_file)
@ -2149,26 +2111,6 @@ If RESTART is non-nil, request a restart instead of a complete shutdown."
;;; IOPUB handlers
(cl-defmethod jupyter-handle-message ((_channel (eql :iopub))
(unless (jupyter-run-hook-with-args-until-success
client 'jupyter-iopub-message-hook msg)
(jupyter-dispatch-message-cases client req msg
((shutdown-reply restart)
(stream name text)
(comm-open comm_id target_name target_module data)
(comm-msg comm_id data)
(comm-close comm_id data)
(execute-input code execution_count)
(execute-result execution_count data metadata)
(error ename evalue traceback)
(status execution_state)
(clear-output wait)
(display-data data metadata transient)
(update-display-data data metadata transient)))))
(cl-defgeneric jupyter-handle-comm-open ((client jupyter-kernel-client)
Add table
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