Use jupyter-connection for jupyter-server-kernel objects

This fixes errors with jupyter--send being defined
This commit is contained in:
Nathaniel Nicandro 2020-04-30 12:34:27 -05:00
parent 31f0ef4f93
commit 754f3ed5ff

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@ -61,62 +61,90 @@ Used in, e.g. a `jupyter-server-kernel-list-mode' buffer.")
:documentation "Kernelspecs for the kernels available behind this gateway.
Access should be done through `jupyter-available-kernelspecs'.")))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-connection ((ioloop jupyter-server-ioloop) (handler function))
(let ((kernel-ids '()))
(lambda (&rest _)
(jupyter-ioloop-alive-p ioloop))
(lambda (&rest event)
(apply #'jupyter-send ioloop event)
(let ((event-type (car event)))
(when (memq event-type '(connect-channels disconnect-channels))
(unless (jupyter-ioloop-wait-until ioloop
(car event) #'identity)
(error "Timeout when sending server event: %s" event)))))
(lambda (&rest _)
(when (jupyter-ioloop-alive-p ioloop)
(jupyter-ioloop-stop ioloop))
;; Write the cookies to file so that they can be
;; read by the subprocess.
ioloop (lambda (event)
(let ((event-type (car event)))
(pcase event-type
('connect-channels (push event-kid kernel-ids))
('disconnect-channels (pop event-kid kernel-ids))
(_ (funcall handler event))))))
;; Re-connect kernels if there were some
(when kernel-ids
(let ((connected kernel-ids))
(setq kernel-ids nil)
(while connected
(jupyter-server--connect-channels server (pop connected))))))
(lambda (&rest _)
(jupyter-ioloop-stop ioloop)))))
(cl-defstruct jupyter-server--event-handler id fn)
(cl-defmethod initialize-instance ((server jupyter-server) &optional _slots)
(let (ioloop
(kernel-ids '()))
server conn
(lambda (&rest _)
(and ioloop
(jupyter-ioloop-alive-p ioloop)))
(lambda (&rest event)
(apply #'jupyter-send ioloop event)
(unless (jupyter-ioloop-wait-until ioloop
(car event) #'identity)
(error "Timeout when sending server event: %s" event)))
(lambda (&rest _)
(when (and ioloop (jupyter-ioloop-alive-p ioloop))
(jupyter-ioloop-stop ioloop))
(setq ioloop (jupyter-server-ioloop
:url (oref server url)
:ws-url (oref server ws-url)
:ws-headers (jupyter-api-auth-headers server)))
;; Write the cookies to file so that they can be
;; read by the subprocess.
(lambda (event)
(let ((event-type (car event))
(event-kid (cadr event)))
(pcase event-type
('connect-channels (push event-kid kernel-ids))
('disconnect-channels (pop event-kid kernel-ids))
(setq event (cons event-type (cddr event)))
for handler in (oref server handlers)
when (string= event-kid
(jupyter-server--event-handler-id handler))
do (funcall
(jupyter-server--event-handler-fn handler)
;; Re-connect kernels if there were some
(when kernel-ids
(let ((connected kernel-ids))
(setq kernel-ids nil)
(while connected
(jupyter-server--connect-channels server (pop connected))))))
(lambda (&rest _)
(jupyter-ioloop-stop ioloop))))))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-connection ((server jupyter-server) (ioloop jupyter-server-ioloop))
ioloop (lambda (event)
(pcase-let ((`(,type ,kid . ,rest) event))
(setq event (cons type rest))
for handler in (oref server handlers)
when (string= kid (jupyter-server--event-handler-id handler))
do (funcall
(jupyter-server--event-handler-fn handler)
(defvar jupyter-server--ioloop-connections (make-hash-table :weakness 'key))
(defun jupyter-server--ioloop-connection (server)
(or (gethash server jupyter-server--ioloop-connections)
(puthash server (jupyter-connection
server (jupyter-server-ioloop
:url (oref server url)
:ws-url (oref server ws-url)
:ws-headers (jupyter-api-auth-headers server)))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-connection ((server jupyter-server) (handler jupyter-server--event-handler))
(pcase-let (((cl-struct jupyter-server--event-handler id) handler)
(icomm (jupyter-server--ioloop-connection server)))
:id (lambda ()
(or (jupyter-server-kernel-name server id)
(format "kid=%s" (truncate-string-to-width id 9 nil nil ""))))
:start (lambda (&optional channel)
(if channel (error "Can't start individual channels")
(jupyter-send icomm 'connect-channels id)
(cl-callf2 cl-adjoin handler (oref server handlers))))
:stop (lambda (&optional channel)
(if channel (error "Can't stop individual channels")
(jupyter-send icomm 'disconnect-channels id)
(cl-callf2 delq handler (oref server handlers))))
:send (lambda (&rest event)
(apply #'jupyter-send icomm
(car event) id (cdr event)))
:alive-p (lambda (&optional _channel)
(and (memq handler (oref server handlers))
(jupyter-alive-p icomm))))))
(defun jupyter-servers ()
"Return a list of all `jupyter-server's."
@ -218,26 +246,9 @@ Call the next method if ARGS does not contain :server."
;;; Client connection
(cl-defmethod jupyter-connection ((kernel jupyter-server-kernel) (handler function))
(pcase-let* (((cl-struct jupyter-server-kernel server id) kernel)
(-handler (make-jupyter-server--event-handler
:id id :fn handler)))
:id (lambda ()
(or (jupyter-server-kernel-name server id)
(format "kid=%s" (truncate-string-to-width id 9 nil nil ""))))
:start (lambda (&optional channel)
(if channel (error "Can't start individual channels")
(jupyter-send (oref server conn) 'connect-channels id)
(cl-callf2 cl-adjoin -handler (oref server handlers))))
:stop (lambda (&optional channel)
(if channel (error "Can't stop individual channels")
(jupyter-send (oref server conn) 'disconnect-channels id)
(cl-callf2 delq -handler (oref server handlers))))
:send (lambda (&rest event)
(apply #'jupyter-send (oref server ioloop)
(car event) id (cdr event)))
:alive-p (lambda (&optional _channel)
(memq -handler (oref server handlers))))))
(pcase-let (((cl-struct jupyter-server-kernel server id) kernel))
(cl-call-next-method server (make-jupyter-server--event-handler
:id id :fn handler))))
;;; Kernel management