Update jupyter-tunnel-connection

* jupyter-base.el (jupyter-tunnel-connection): Document behavior more
  completely.  Refactor for readability. Ensure that the :ip field of the
  returned property list is set to since it represents the connection
  info of the remote system but with local ports and should not have a remote
  IP address.
This commit is contained in:
Nathaniel Nicandro 2020-04-05 16:37:00 -05:00
parent e8d1b30796
commit 44683dd1f0

View file

@ -502,48 +502,63 @@ following fields:
;; seconds
"sleep 60"))
(defun jupyter-tunnel-connection (conn-file &optional server)
"Forward local ports to the remote ports in CONN-FILE.
CONN-FILE is the path to a Jupyter connection file, SERVER is the
host that the kernel connection in CONN-FILE is located. Return a
copy of the connection plist in CONN-FILE, but with the ports
replaced by the local ports used for the forwarding.
(defun jupyter-tunnel-connection (conn-file &optional remote-host)
"Forward local ports to the remote ports specified in CONN-FILE.
CONN-FILE is the path to a Jupyter connection file, the traffic
on the local ports will be directed to the remote ports listening
at the ip specified in CONN-FILE on the remote network accessed
via REMOTE-HOST, an SSH host.
If CONN-FILE is a `tramp' file name, the SERVER argument will be
ignored and the host will be extracted from the information
contained in the file name.
Return a copy of the connection info. in CONN-FILE as a property
list with the port fields (:iopub_port, :shell_port, ...)
replaced by the local ports used for the tunneling and the :ip
field equal to \"\".
Note only SSH tunnels are currently supported."
(catch 'no-tunnels
(let ((conn-info (jupyter-read-plist conn-file)))
(when (and (file-remote-p conn-file)
(functionp 'tramp-dissect-file-name))
(pcase-let (((cl-struct tramp-file-name method user host)
(tramp-dissect-file-name conn-file)))
(pcase method
;; TODO: Document this in the README along with the fact that
;; connection files can use /ssh: TRAMP files.
;; Assume docker is using the -p argument to publish its exposed
;; ports to the localhost. The ports used in the container should
;; be the same ports accessible on the local host. For example, if
;; the shell port is on 1234 in the container, the published port
;; flag should be "-p 1234:1234".
(throw 'no-tunnels conn-info))
(setq server (if user (concat user "@" host)
(let* ((keys '(:hb_port :shell_port :control_port
:stdin_port :iopub_port))
(lports (jupyter-available-local-ports (length keys))))
with remoteip = (plist-get conn-info :ip)
for (key maybe-rport) on conn-info by #'cddr
collect key and if (memq key keys)
collect (let ((lport (pop lports)))
(prog1 lport
(jupyter-make-ssh-tunnel lport maybe-rport server remoteip)))
else collect maybe-rport)))))
If CONN-FILE is a remote file, the REMOTE-HOST argument is
ignored. Instead, the remote host information is obtained from
information contained in the remote file name.
If CONN-FILE is a remote file in a Docker container, i.e. it has
a file name prefixed with /docker:, do not tunnel any ports.
Assume the ports in CONN-FILE can also be used on localhost for
connecting to those same ports in the container. That is, assume
the container was launched using a --publish argument like
\"--publish 1234:1234\". In this case, only the :ip field is
replaced and set to \"\"."
(catch 'no-tunnels-when-docker-conn-file
(when (and (file-remote-p conn-file)
(functionp 'tramp-dissect-file-name))
(pcase-let (((cl-struct tramp-file-name method user host)
(tramp-dissect-file-name conn-file)))
(pcase method
;; TODO: Document this in the README along with the fact that
;; connection files can use /ssh: TRAMP files.
(throw 'no-tunnels-when-docker-conn-file
(let ((conn-info (jupyter-read-plist conn-file)))
(plist-put conn-info :ip "")
(setq remote-host (if user (concat user "@" host)
(unless (executable-find "ssh")
(error "SSH not found on `exec-path'"))
(let* ((port-keys (list :hb_port :shell_port :control_port
:stdin_port :iopub_port))
(local-ports (jupyter-available-local-ports (length port-keys)))
(conn-info (jupyter-read-plist conn-file)))
with remote-ip = (plist-get conn-info :ip)
for (key value) on conn-info by #'cddr
collect key
if (eq key :ip) collect ""
else if (memq key port-keys)
collect (let ((remote-port value)
(local-port (pop local-ports)))
(prog1 local-port
local-port remote-port remote-host remote-ip)))
else collect value))))
;;; Helper functions