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synced 2025-03-04 15:41:37 -05:00
Simplify heartbeat channel logic
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 41 additions and 55 deletions
@ -205,48 +205,40 @@ and is called when the kernel has not responded for 5
:type boolean
:initform t
:documentation "A flag variable indicating that the heartbeat
channel is paused and not communicating with the kernel. To
pause the heartbeat channel use `jupyter-hb-pause', to unpause
use `jupyter-hb-unpause'.")
:type (or null timer)
:initform nil
:documentation "The timer which sends/receives heartbeat
messages to/from the kernel."))
channel is paused and not communicating with the kernel. To
pause the heartbeat channel use `jupyter-hb-pause', to unpause
use `jupyter-hb-unpause'."))
:documentation "A base class for heartbeat channels.")
(cl-defmethod jupyter-channel-alive-p ((channel jupyter-hb-channel))
"Return non-nil if CHANNEL is alive."
(and (oref channel timer) (memq (oref channel timer) timer-list)))
(zmq-socket-p (oref channel socket)))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-hb-beating-p ((channel jupyter-hb-channel))
"Return non-nil if the kernel associated with CHANNEL is still
(unless (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel)
(error "Heartbeat channel not alive"))
(oref channel beating))
(and (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel)
(not (oref channel paused))
(oref channel beating)))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-hb-pause ((channel jupyter-hb-channel))
"Pause checking for heartbeat events on CHANNEL."
(unless (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel)
(error "Heartbeat channel not alive"))
(oset channel paused t))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-hb-unpause ((channel jupyter-hb-channel))
"Unpause checking for heatbeat events on CHANNEL."
(unless (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel)
(error "Heartbeat channel not alive"))
(oset channel paused nil))
(when (oref channel paused)
(if (zmq-socket-p (oref channel socket))
(jupyter-hb--send-ping channel)
(jupyter-start-channel channel))))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-stop-channel ((channel jupyter-hb-channel))
"Stop the heartbeat CHANNEL.
Stop the timer of the heartbeat channel."
(when (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel)
(cancel-timer (oref channel timer))
(zmq-socket-set (oref channel socket) zmq-LINGER 0)
(oset channel paused t)
(zmq-close (oref channel socket))
(oset channel socket nil)
(oset channel timer nil)))
(oset channel socket nil)))
(defun jupyter-hb-on-kernel-dead (hb-channel fun)
"When the kernel connected to HB-CHANNEL dies call FUN.
@ -256,6 +248,33 @@ a response after 5 `time-to-dead' periods."
(cl-check-type hb-channel jupyter-hb-channel)
(oset hb-channel kernel-died-cb fun))
(defun jupyter-hb--send-ping (channel &optional counter)
(unless (oref channel paused)
(let ((sock (oref channel socket)))
(when (zmq-socket-p sock)
(zmq-send sock "ping")
(oref channel time-to-dead) nil
(lambda ()
(unless (oset channel beating
(condition-case nil
(and (zmq-recv sock zmq-NOBLOCK) t)
((zmq-EINTR zmq-EAGAIN) nil)))
(let ((identity (zmq-socket-get sock zmq-IDENTITY)))
(zmq-close sock)
(oset channel socket
:hb (oref channel endpoint) identity)))
(when (and (integerp counter) (> counter 5))
(oset channel paused t)
(when (oref channel kernel-died-cb)
(funcall (oref channel kernel-died-cb)))))
(unless (oref channel beating)
(or (integerp counter) (setq counter 0))
(1+ counter)))))))))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-start-channel ((channel jupyter-hb-channel) &key identity)
"Start a heartbeat CHANNEL.
IDENTITY has the same meaning as in `jupyter-connect-channel'. A
@ -265,40 +284,7 @@ channel, starts the timer."
(unless (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel)
(oset channel socket (jupyter-connect-channel
:hb (oref channel endpoint) identity))
;; TODO: Do something when the kernel is for sure dead, i.e. when a message
;; has not been received for a certain number of time-to-dead periods. For
;; example run a hook and pause the channel.
(oset channel timer
0 (oref channel time-to-dead)
(let ((sent nil)
(no-response-count 0))
(lambda (channel)
(let ((sock (oref channel socket)))
(when sent
(setq sent nil)
(oset channel beating
(condition-case nil
(and (zmq-recv sock zmq-NOBLOCK) t)
((zmq-EINTR zmq-EAGAIN) nil)))
(if (oref channel beating)
(setq no-response-count 0)
;; Reset the connection
(zmq-close sock)
(setq sock (jupyter-connect-channel
:hb (oref channel endpoint) identity))
(oset channel socket sock)
;; Pause the channel when it has been unresponsive after a
;; cetain number of time-to-dead periods
(if (< no-response-count 5)
(setq no-response-count (1+ no-response-count))
(oset channel paused t)
(when (oref channel kernel-died-cb)
(funcall (oref channel kernel-died-cb))))))
(unless (oref channel paused)
(zmq-send sock "ping")
(setq sent t)))))
(jupyter-hb--send-ping channel)))
(provide 'jupyter-channels)
Add table
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