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;;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
2017-12-13 11:27:13 -06:00
(require 'jupyter-client)
(require 'jupyter-kernel-manager)
2017-12-13 11:27:13 -06:00
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'ert)
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
;; TODO: Required tests
;; - `jupyter-channels'
;; - `jupyter-messages'
;; - `jupyter-request' semantics
;; - Ensure `jupyter-request-idle-received-p' gets set
;; - Ensure `jupyter-request-run-handlers-p' actually prevents a handler from running
;; - IOLoop subprocess
;; - Make sure all commands that can be sent to the subprocess work
(defclass jupyter-echo-client (jupyter-kernel-client)
:documentation "A client that echo's any messages sent back to
the channel the message was sent on. No communication is actually
done with a kernel. Every sent message on a channel is just
placed back into the channel's recv-queue. This is mainly for
testing the callback functionality of a
(defun jupyter-test-message (req type content)
(list :msg_id (jupyter-new-uuid)
:msg_type type
:parent_header (list :msg_id (jupyter-request-id req))
:content content))
(cl-defmethod initialize-instance ((client jupyter-echo-client) &rest _slots)
(oset client messages (make-ring 10))
for channel in (list 'shell-channel
unless (slot-value client channel)
do (setf (slot-value client channel)
(intern (concat
(symbol-name channel)))
:endpoint "foo://bar"))))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-send ((client jupyter-echo-client)
&optional _flags)
(let ((req (make-jupyter-request :-id (jupyter-new-uuid))))
(if (string-match "request" type)
(setq type (replace-match "reply" nil nil type))
(error "Not a request message type (%s)." type))
(jupyter-push-message (oref client iopub-channel)
;; `jupyter-push-message' expects a cons cell of the
;; form (idents . msg)
(cons ""
req "status"
(list :execution_state "busy"))))
(jupyter-push-message channel
(cons "" (jupyter-test-message req type message)))
(jupyter-push-message (oref client iopub-channel)
(cons "" (jupyter-test-message
req "status"
(list :execution_state "idle"))))
0.01 nil
(lambda (client channel)
;; TODO: `jupyter-handle-message' kicks off a chain of message handling
;; if there is more than one message on the channel. so no need to call
;; it twice for a channel. This seems fishy, should it really continue
;; to handle messages or just handle every message when it is received.
(jupyter-handle-message client (oref client iopub-channel))
(jupyter-handle-message client channel)
(jupyter-handle-message client (oref client iopub-channel)))
client channel)
(puthash (jupyter-request-id req) req (oref client requests))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-handle-message ((client jupyter-echo-client) channel)
(ring-insert+extend (oref client messages)
(cdr (ring-ref (oref channel recv-queue) -1))
(defmacro with-jupyter-echo-client (client &rest body)
(declare (indent 1))
`(let ((,client (jupyter-echo-client)))
(ert-deftest jupyter-echo-client ()
(with-jupyter-echo-client client
(ert-info ("Mock echo client echo's messages back to channel.")
(let* ((msg (jupyter-message-execute-request :code "foo"))
(req (jupyter-send client (oref client shell-channel)
"execute_request" msg)))
(sleep-for 0.5)
(setq msgs (nreverse (ring-elements (oref client messages))))
(should (= (length msgs) 3))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-type (first msgs))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-parent-id (first msgs))
(jupyter-request-id req)))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-get (first msgs) :execution_state)
(should (equal (jupyter-message-type (second msgs))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-parent-id (second msgs))
(jupyter-request-id req)))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-content (second msgs))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-type (third msgs))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-parent-id (third msgs))
(jupyter-request-id req)))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-get (third msgs) :execution_state)
2017-12-13 11:27:13 -06:00
(ert-deftest jupyter-callbacks ()
(with-jupyter-echo-client client
(ert-info ("Request callbacks")
(ert-info ("Blocking callbacks")
(let ((req (jupyter-execute-request client :code "foo")))
(should (jupyter-wait-until-idle req))
(should (jupyter-request-idle-received-p req))
;; Can't add callbacks after an idle message has been received
(should-error (jupyter-add-callback req :status #'identity))))
(ert-info ("Callback runs for the right message")
(let ((req1 (jupyter-execute-request client :code "foo"))
(req2 (jupyter-kernel-info-request client))
;; callback for all message types received from a request
(jupyter-add-callback req1
t (lambda (msg)
(push 1 ran-callbacks)
(should (member (jupyter-message-type msg)
'("execute_reply" "status")))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-parent-id msg)
(jupyter-request-id req1)))))
(jupyter-add-callback req2
t (lambda (msg)
(push 2 ran-callbacks)
(should (member (jupyter-message-type msg)
'("kernel_info_reply" "status")))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-parent-id msg)
(jupyter-request-id req2)))))
(should (jupyter-wait-until-idle req2))
(setq ran-callbacks (nreverse ran-callbacks))
(should (equal ran-callbacks '(1 1 1 2 2 2)))))
(ert-info ("Multiple callbacks for a single message type")
(lexical-let* ((ran-callbacks nil)
(req (jupyter-execute-request client :code "foo")))
(jupyter-add-callback req
:execute-reply (lambda (_msg) (push 1 ran-callbacks)))
(jupyter-add-callback req
:execute-reply (lambda (_msg) (push 2 ran-callbacks)))
(jupyter-wait-until-idle req)
(setq ran-callbacks (nreverse ran-callbacks))
(should (equal ran-callbacks '(1 2))))))))
2017-12-13 11:27:13 -06:00
(ert-deftest jupyter-messages ()
(ert-info ("Splitting identities from messages")
(let ((msg (list "123" "323" jupyter-message-delimiter
"msg1" "msg2" "\0\0")))
(should (equal (jupyter--split-identities msg)
2017-12-13 11:27:13 -06:00
(cons (list "123" "323")
(list "msg1" "msg2" "\0\0"))))
(setq msg (list "123" "No" "delim" "in" "message"))
(should-error (jupyter--split-identities msg))))
2017-12-13 11:27:13 -06:00
(ert-info ("Creating message headers")
(let ((header (jupyter--message-header "stdin_reply" "session-id")))
2017-12-13 11:27:13 -06:00
;; TODO: Check fields
(should (plist-get header :msg_id))
(should (plist-get header :date))
(should (string= (plist-get header :msg_type) "stdin_reply"))
(should (string= (plist-get header :version) jupyter-protocol-version))
(should (string= (plist-get header :username) user-login-name))
(should (string= (plist-get header :session) "session-id")))
;; TODO: Handle other kinds of encoding
(ert-info ("Encoding/decoding objects")
(let ((json-object-type 'plist)
(obj nil))
(should-not (multibyte-string-p (jupyter--encode-object "foîji")))
2017-12-13 11:27:13 -06:00
;; TODO: Only decodes json plists, what to do instead?
(should-error (jupyter--decode-string (jupyter--encode-object "foîji")))
2017-12-13 11:27:13 -06:00
(setq obj '(:msg_id 12342 :msg_type "stdin_reply" :session "foîji"))
(should (json-plist-p obj))
(should-not (multibyte-string-p (jupyter--encode-object obj)))
(should (equal (jupyter--decode-string (jupyter--encode-object obj))
2017-12-13 11:27:13 -06:00
(ert-deftest jupyter-channels ()
(ert-info ("Channel types should match their class")
(should (eq (oref (jupyter-shell-channel) type) :shell))
(should (eq (oref (jupyter-stdin-channel) type) :stdin))
(should (eq (oref (jupyter-iopub-channel) type) :iopub))
(should (eq (oref (jupyter-control-channel) type) :control))
(should (eq (oref (jupyter-hb-channel) type) :hb)))
(let ((channel (jupyter-shell-channel :endpoint "tcp://")))
(ert-info ("Starting a channel")
(oset channel socket nil)
(should-not (oref channel socket))
(should-not (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel))
(jupyter-start-channel channel :identity "foo")
(should (oref channel socket))
(should (equal (zmq-socket-get (oref channel socket) zmq-ROUTING_ID)
(should (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel)))
(ert-info ("Stopping a channel")
(ring-insert (oref channel recv-queue) "bar")
(let ((sock (oref channel socket)))
(jupyter-stop-channel channel)
(should-not (oref channel socket))
(should-error (zmq-close sock) :type 'zmq-ENOTSOCK)
;; All pending messages are droped when a channel is stopped
(should (= (ring-length (oref channel recv-queue)) 0))
(should-not (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel))))
(ert-info ("Heartbeat channel")
(cl-flet ((start-hb () (zmq-start-process
(lambda (_ctx)
(with-zmq-socket sock zmq-REP
(zmq-bind sock "tcp://")
(while t
(zmq-send sock (zmq-recv sock))))))))
(let ((proc (start-hb))
(channel (jupyter-hb-channel :endpoint "tcp://")))
(ert-info ("Starting the channel")
(should-not (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel))
(jupyter-start-channel channel)
(should (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel))
(should (oref channel paused))
(jupyter-hb-unpause channel)
(sleep-for 2)
(should-not (oref channel paused))
(should (jupyter-hb-beating-p channel)))
(ert-info ("Pausing the channel")
(jupyter-hb-pause channel)
(oset channel beating 'beating)
(should (oref channel paused))
(sleep-for 1)
;; Channel shouldn't update when paused
(should (eq (oref channel beating) 'beating)))
(ert-info ("Checking the heartbeat")
(should (jupyter-hb-beating-p channel))
(delete-process proc)
(kill-buffer (process-buffer proc))
(sleep-for (* 2 (oref channel time-to-dead)))
(should-not (jupyter-hb-beating-p channel))
(setq proc (start-hb))
(sleep-for 1)
(should (jupyter-hb-beating-p channel)))
(ert-info ("Stopping the channel")
(let ((p (oref channel timer)))
(jupyter-stop-channel channel)
(should-not (memq p timer-list))
(should-not (oref channel timer)))))
(when (process-live-p proc)
(delete-process proc)
(kill-buffer (process-buffer proc)))
(when (jupyter-channel-alive-p channel)
(jupyter-stop-channel channel))))))))
2017-12-13 11:27:13 -06:00
(ert-deftest jupyter-client ()
(let* ((socks (cl-loop repeat 4
collect (zmq-socket (zmq-current-context) zmq-REQ)))
2017-12-13 11:27:13 -06:00
with addr = "tcp://"
for sock in socks
collect (cons sock (format "%s:%d" addr (zmq-bind-to-random-port
sock addr))))))
(setq client (jupyter-kernel-client
:session (jupyter-session
:key "58e05d24-7600e037194e78bde23108de")
:shell-channel (jupyter-shell-channel
:endpoint (cdr (nth 0 sock-endpoint)))
:iopub-channel (jupyter-iopub-channel
:endpoint (cdr (nth 1 sock-endpoint)))
:stdin-channel (jupyter-stdin-channel
:endpoint (cdr (nth 2 sock-endpoint)))
:hb-channel (jupyter-hb-channel
:endpoint (cdr (nth 3 sock-endpoint)))))
for cname in (list 'shell-channel 'iopub-channel
'hb-channel 'stdin-channel)
do (should (slot-boundp client cname))
(if (eq cname 'hb-channel) (cl-check-type (eieio-oref client cname)
(cl-check-type (eieio-oref client cname) jupyter-channel))
(should-not (jupyter-channel-alive-p (eieio-oref client cname))))
(jupyter-start-channels client)
for cname in (list 'shell-channel 'iopub-channel
'hb-channel 'stdin-channel)
for channel = (eieio-oref client cname)
unless (eq cname 'hb-channel) do
(should (slot-boundp channel 'socket))
(cl-check-type (oref channel socket) zmq-socket)
and do (should (jupyter-channel-alive-p (eieio-oref client cname)))))
(mapc (lambda (se) (zmq-close (car se))) sock-endpoint))))
(ert-deftest jupyter-message-types ()
(let* ((manager (jupyter-kernel-manager "python"))
(client (jupyter-make-client manager 'jupyter-kernel-client)))
(jupyter-start-channels client)
;; Let the channels start
(sleep-for 1)
(ert-info ("Kernel info")
(let ((res (jupyter-wait-until-received :kernel-info-reply
(jupyter-kernel-info-request client))))
(should-not (null res))
(should (json-plist-p res))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-type res) "kernel_info_reply"))))
(ert-info ("Comm info")
(let ((res (jupyter-wait-until-received :comm-info-reply
(jupyter-comm-info-request client))))
(should-not (null res))
(should (json-plist-p res))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-type res) "comm_info_reply"))))
(ert-info ("Execute")
(let ((res (jupyter-wait-until-received :execute-reply
(jupyter-execute-request client :code "y = 1 + 2"))))
(should-not (null res))
(should (json-plist-p res))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-type res) "execute_reply"))))
(ert-info ("Input")
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'read-from-minibuffer)
(lambda (_prompt &rest _args) "foo")))
(let ((res (jupyter-wait-until-received :execute-result
(jupyter-execute-request client :code "input('')"))))
(should-not (null res))
(should (json-plist-p res))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-type res) "execute_result"))
(cl-destructuring-bind (&key data &allow-other-keys)
(plist-get res :content)
(should (equal (plist-get data :text/plain) "'foo'"))))))
(ert-info ("Inspect")
(let ((res (jupyter-wait-until-received :inspect-reply
:code "list((1, 2, 3))"
:pos 2
:detail 0))))
(should-not (null res))
(should (json-plist-p res))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-type res) "inspect_reply"))))
(ert-info ("Complete")
(let ((res (jupyter-wait-until-received :complete-reply
:code "foo = lis"
:pos 8))))
(should-not (null res))
(should (json-plist-p res))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-type res) "complete_reply"))))
(ert-info ("History")
(let ((res (jupyter-wait-until-received :history-reply
client :hist-access-type "tail" :n 2))))
(should-not (null res))
(should (json-plist-p res))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-type res) "history_reply"))))
(ert-info ("Is Complete")
(let ((res (jupyter-wait-until-received :is-complete-reply
client :code "for i in range(5):"))))
(should-not (null res))
(should (json-plist-p res))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-type res) "is_complete_reply"))))
;; (ert-info ("Interrupt")
;; (let ((time (current-time))
;; (interrupt-time nil))
;; (jupyter-add-callback
;; (jupyter-execute-request
;; client :code "import time\ntime.sleep(2)")
;; :status (lambda (msg)
;; (when (jupyter-message-status-idle-p msg)
;; (setq interrupt-time (current-time)))))
;; (sleep-for 0.2)
;; (let ((res (jupyter-wait-until-received :interrupt-reply
;; (jupyter-interrupt-request client))))
;; (should-not (null res))
;; (should (json-plist-p res))
;; (should (equal (jupyter-message-type res) "interrupt_reply"))
;; (should (< (float-time (time-subtract interrupt-time time))
;; 2)))))
(ert-info ("Shutdown")
(let ((res (jupyter-wait-until-received :shutdown-reply
(jupyter-shutdown-request client))))
(should-not (null res))
(should (json-plist-p res))
(should (equal (jupyter-message-type res) "shutdown_reply")))))
(jupyter-stop-channels client)
(jupyter-stop-kernel client))))
2017-12-13 11:27:13 -06:00
;; Local Variables:
;; byte-compile-warnings: (not free-vars)
;; End: