2019-03-14 09:08:31 -05:00
* v0.7.3
2019-02-12 12:24:16 -06:00
2019-03-14 09:08:31 -05:00
- Fix an issue where loading =jupyter-org-client.el= would trigger a recursive
require of =org=.
2019-02-12 12:24:16 -06:00
2019-03-14 09:08:31 -05:00
- Don't fail if a short result has =%= characters in the default
2019-02-12 12:24:16 -06:00
2019-03-14 09:08:31 -05:00
- Port scimax's source block helper functions. Thanks to =UndeadKernel= for the
work he put into this. See #45.
2019-02-12 12:24:16 -06:00
2019-03-14 09:08:31 -05:00
- Fix an issue where a kernel would be stuck in the busy state waiting for
input from the user when calling =jupyter-eval-line-or-string= and friends.
The =:input-request= handler was being inhibited in these cases.
2019-02-14 23:05:00 -06:00
2019-03-14 09:08:31 -05:00
- When evaluating Julia code blocks with the =:dir= header argument, fix an
issue where top-level expressions like =using Plots= wouldn't work see #57.
2019-02-14 23:05:00 -06:00
2019-03-14 09:08:31 -05:00
- Don't use proportional fonts when rendering HTML. See #52.
- Fix whitespace issues when wrapping =org-mode= source block results in a
=RESULTS= drawer.
- Increase =jupyter-default-timeout= to 2.5 seconds. See #43.
- Fix issues with the REPL restart process. See #50.
- Refactor REPL restart to avoid relying on a =status: starting= message to
be received.
- Actually restart the kernel process when using a kernel manager.
- In =jupyter-repl-restart-kernel= inhibit message handlers from running when
sending a shutdown request.
- Add the functions =org-babel-jupyter-override-src-block= and
=org-babel-jupyter-restore-src-block= to provide a way of overriding normal
=org-mode= source block languages to use the Jupyter source block framework.
For example, by evaluating =(org-babel-jupyter-override-src-block "python")=
all =python= source blocks will actually be =jupyter-python= source blocks.
- Add the customizable variable =jupyter-pop-up-frame= which controls if a
frame or a window is popped up when evaluating code using
=jupyter-eval-line-or-region= (bound to =C-c C-c= when
=jupyter-repl-interaction-mode= is enabled)
- In =jupyter-repl-after-change=, maintain the text properties at the beginning
of a REPL input cell when text is deleted at the beginning of a cell. See #38.
- In =jupyter-repl-font-lock-fontify-region= and
=jupyter-repl-syntax-propertize-function= narrow to the REPL input cell
before doing any work since the kernel language mode's fontification
functions do not know about REPL input/output boundaries.
- In =jupyter-repl-do-after-change=, widen the buffer before doing any work to
take into account changes that narrow to fields. In such cases functions like
=jupyter-repl-cell-code-beginning-position= will not work right since they
look at positions before the =cell-code= field. See #38.
- Handle the overflow of the prompt margin in the REPL by increasing the margin
width and re-calculating all the prompts in the buffer when the length of the
prompt string exceeds the width of the margin. See #39.
- Also, for the Julia kernel, don't replace the REPL prompt but add it as part of
the REPL cell.
- Add support for suppressing =org-mode= table output from source blocks by
specifying =:results scalar=.
- Add a new =org-mode= source block header argument =:display= which allows a
user to control which mimetype is displayed. See #17.
- Fix an issue with undo in the REPL where the addition of continuation prompts
for multi-line input would add extra undo information that would interfere
with undo.
- Update =org-mode= source block result insertion to consider changes in how
=fixed-width= and =example-block= elements and are printed to the buffer in
=org-mode= >= 9.2. Also start testing against the latest version of
=org-mode= in Travis.
- Handle the case of an empty =RESULTS= drawer during source block result
insertion in the =:async yes= case.
- Add a =file= slot to a =jupyter-org-request=. Also, internally remove the
=:file= header argument from an =org-mode= source block's parameters during
block evaluation so that =org-mode= doesn't specially handle the =:file=
argument as it interferes with insertion of results when =:async yes= is
specified. Note this is currently only done for the =:async yes= case.
- In =jupyter-repl-syntax-propertize-function=, in addition to handling
parenthesis syntax, handle string syntax. This is so that any string syntax
characters in the output are not considered strings in the kernel's language.
- In =jupyter--display-eval-result= prefer Markdown if it is available.
* v0.7.2
- In =jupyter-handle-input-request=, be more secure when reading passwords by
using =clear-string= after sending the message and avoiding printing
passwords to the =*Messages*= buffer when =jupyter--debug= is non-nil.
- In =jupyter-insert-latex= remove modification-hooks from the image overlays
so that the images are not removed from the buffer when changing the text
properties of the underlying text.
- In =jupyter-read-expression= show the kernel language when prompting in the
- In =jupyter-repl-kill-buffer-query-function= also ask to kill the kernel.
- In =jupyter-with-display-buffer= properly advance
=jupyter-display-buffer-marker= when contents are added to the buffer so that
future inserts will insert at the end of the buffer. Also handle a =nil=
RESET argument.
- Keep =:= as the start of a completion prefix for the Julia kernel to allow
completing dictionary keys.
- Consider the state of the ioloop in the =jupyter-channel-alive-p= method of a
=jupyter-kernel-client=. In particular, ensure the method returns nil, when
the ioloop isn't alive.
- Change the default completion context, the context returned by
=jupyter-code-context= with an argument of =completion=, to return all nested
levels of parenthesis.
- In =org-babel-jupyter-setup-export=, use the kernelspecs on the system to add
to =org-latex-minted-langs=.
- Add new hook variables =jupyter-repl-cell-{pre|post}-send-hook= that are
called before and after sending the contents of a REPL cell to the kernel.
- In =jupyter-repl-finalize-cell= ensure that only the last cell in the REPL
buffer is finalized by going to =point-max= before accessing a cell's
properties. This avoids issues with modifying the properties of previously
finalized cells.
- Integrate more with =font-lock= and =syntax-ppss= in the REPL by (1) adding a
custom =syntax-propertize-function= (2) handle REPL mode characters in the
Julia kernel and (3) use the kernel language syntax table when calling
=font-lock= functions.
* v0.7.1
- Fix a bug in =jupyter-connect-repl= which would cause the REPL to think that
the kernel wasn't alive. The issue was that the heartbeat channel was not
exchanging messages with the kernel and the heartbeat channel is relied on to
check for the liveness of a kernel connected to using =jupyter-connect-repl=.
See #29.
- When using =jupyter-eval-string= (=C-c M-:=), properly use the client local
variable, =jupyter-eval-expression-history=, as the minibuffer history.
- =jupyter-repl-restart-kernel= now prompts for a REPL client to restart if the
=jupyter-current-client= variable is not set in the current buffer. See #28.
- Fix bug when a kernel does not respond to a shutdown request. Previously in
such cases, the kernel process would not be forcibly killed and would stay
- Add =org-babel-jupyter-setup-export= to integrate the exporting process with
=emacs-jupyter=. This function is added to
=org-export-before-processing-hook= and currently only ensures that, when
exporting to LaTeX and the minted package is being used, the =jupyter-LANG=
source blocks use =LANG= for their minted language.
2019-02-14 23:05:00 -06:00
2019-02-12 12:24:16 -06:00
* v0.7.0
- Remove compatibility with =ob-ipython= by going back to using a =jupyter-=
prefix instead of a =jupy-= prefix for Jupyter src-block languages.
- Re-use windows displaying =jupyter= specific buffers instead of popping up
new windows whenever possible, e.g. when displaying a traceback or output
caused by evaluating code. See =jupyter-display-current-buffer-reuse-window=.
- Consider the underlying REPL client of =org-mode= Jupyter src-blocks as valid
clients to associate a source code buffer with using
- Add the customizable variable =jupyter-org-toggle-latex= which automatically
converts latex fragment results of =org-mode= Jupyter src-blocks into images
if non-nil.
- Add the customizable variables =jupyter-eval-short-result-max-lines= and
=jupyter-eval-short-result-display-function= which control how to display
evaluation results having a number of lines less than
=jupyter-eval-short-result-max-lines=. As an example, you can set
=jupyter-eval-short-result-display-function= to =popup-tip= from the =popup=
package to show short results inline after evaluation.
- When =:results silent= is an argument for an =org-mode= src-block and an
error occurs, display a link to jump to the line of the src-block which
caused the error along with the error traceback. Note this requires that the
underlying kernel language extend the =jupyter-org-error-location= method.
- Fix integration with =insert-for-yank= inside a REPL buffer. Previously,
yanking text from the kill ring into the REPL buffer would interfere with
font-lock and motion functions such as =beginning-of-line=. See [[https://github.com/dzop/emacs-jupyter/issues/14][#14]].
- Add the minor mode =jupyter-org-interaction-mode= enabled in all =org-mode=
buffers by default. This mode enables completion in Jupyter src-blocks
directly from the =org-mode= buffer and custom keybindings for each kernel
language that are only enabled if =point= is inside a Jupyter src-block. You
bind keys to commands using =jupyter-org-define-key=. Inspired by =scimax=.
- Support the =:dir= header argument of =org-mode= src-blocks. Since Jupyter
src-blocks have a backing REPL session, the =:dir= argument only ensures that
the REPL session is initialized in the specified directory. After the session
is initialized, the =:dir= argument has no effect when evaluating src-blocks
with the same underlying session. Now, the directory is changed inside the
REPL environment before evaluation of a src-block and reset to the previous
directory after evaluation whenever =:dir= is specified as a header argument.
Note, this requires that the backing kernel language handles =:dir= in the
changelist argument of =org-babel-jupyter-transform-code=. Also inspired by
- Add support for inline Jupyter src-blocks in =org-mode=.
- For Jupyter src-blocks, delete files of unreachable links from
=org-babel-jupyter-resource-directory=. When replacing image link results of
a src-block, e.g. by re-evaluation of the src-block, delete the corresponding
image file if it exists in =org-babel-jupyter-resource-directory=. Once again
inspired by =scimax=.
- Add the =jupyter-repl-traceback= face. This face is used to fontify the
background of a traceback in the REPL buffer to distinguish it from other
output. In addition to this face, there is also =jupyter-repl-input-prompt=
and =jupyter-repl-output-prompt=.
2019-03-14 09:08:31 -05:00
* How to update this file
Examine the output of
#+NAME: changelog
#+HEADER: :var PREV_VERSION="v0.7.3" VERSION="master"
#+BEGIN_SRC shell :results output
git log --pretty=format:"%s" ${PREV_VERSION}...${VERSION}
and filter down to the most notable changes, summarize each one. Be sure to
update the =VERSION= variables first.
#+RESULTS: changelog
* Update Version header
Update the =Version= in the header of all source files.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results silent :var version="0.7.3"
(let ((re "^;; Version: \\(\\([0-9]+\\)\\.\\([0-9]+\\)\\.\\([0-9]+\\)\\)" ))
(dolist (file (append (directory-files default-directory nil ".el$")
(directory-files (expand-file-name "test" default-directory) t ".el$")))
(let* ((buf (find-buffer-visiting file))
(kill (null buf)))
(unless buf
(setq buf (find-file-noselect file)))
(with-current-buffer buf
(goto-char (point-min))
(when (re-search-forward re nil t)
(replace-match version nil nil nil 1))
(when kill