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2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
;;; jupyter-widget-client.el --- Widget support -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2018 Nathaniel Nicandro
;; Author: Nathaniel Nicandro <nathanielnicandro@gmail.com>
;; Created: 21 May 2018
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
2019-05-31 09:44:39 -05:00
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
;; your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
;;; Commentary:
;; Use an external browser to interact with Jupyter widgets.
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
;; A `jupyter-kernel-client' does not come with any widget support by default,
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;; the purpose of the `jupyter-widget-client' class is to provide such support.
;; This is done by opening an external browser and serving it the necessary
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;; resources to display widgets using the `simple-httpd' package. Emacs then
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;; acts as an intermediary for the widget comm messages sent between the
;; browser and the kernel, communicating with the kernel through `zmq' and with
;; the browser through `websocket'.
;; To add widget support to a client, subclass `jupyter-widget-client'.
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
;;; Code:
(require 'simple-httpd)
(require 'websocket)
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
(require 'jupyter-client)
(defvar jupyter-widgets-initialized nil
"A client local variable that is non-nil if a browser for widgets is opened.")
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
(defvar jupyter-widgets-server nil
"The `websocket-server' redirecting kernel messages.")
(defvar jupyter-widgets-port 8090
"The port that `jupyter-widgets-server' listens on.")
(defvar jupyter-widgets-supported-targets '("jupyter.widget")
"A list of the supported widget target names.")
(defvar jupyter-widgets-url-format
"Format of the URL that will be visited to display widgets.")
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
(defclass jupyter-widget-client (jupyter-kernel-client)
:type (or null websocket)
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
:initform nil
:documentation "The `websocket' connected to the browser
displaying the widgets for this client.")
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:type string
:initform "null"
:documentation "The JSON encode string representing the
2020-03-11 20:50:52 +09:00
widget state. When a browser displaying the widgets of the client
is closed, the state of the widgets is sent back to Emacs so that
the state can be recovred when a new browser is opened.")
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
:type list
:initform nil
:documentation "A list of pending messages to send to the
widget socket."))
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
:abstract t)
;;; Websocket handlers
(defun jupyter-widgets-on-message (ws frame)
"When websocket, WS, receives a message FRAME, handle it.
Send the contents of the message FRAME to the kernel and register
(cl-assert (eq (websocket-frame-opcode frame) 'text))
(let* ((msg (jupyter-read-plist-from-string
(websocket-frame-payload frame)))
(client (jupyter-find-client-for-session
(jupyter-message-session msg))))
(cl-assert client)
(unless (equal ws (oref client widget-sock))
;; TODO: Handle multiple clients and sending
;; widget state to new clients
(oset client widget-sock ws))
(pcase (jupyter-message-type msg)
;; Send any queued widget messages when receiving the connect message
2020-03-11 20:50:52 +09:00
;; from the browser. Note this message type is not a true Jupyter
;; message.
(cl-loop for msg in (nreverse (oref client widget-messages))
do (websocket-send-text ws msg))
(oset client widget-messages nil))
;; Any other message the browser sends is meant for the kernel so do the
;; redirection and setup the callbacks
(let* ((msg-id (jupyter-message-id msg))
(msg-type (jupyter-message-type-as-keyword
(jupyter-message-type msg)))
(channel (pcase (plist-get msg :channel)
("shell" :shell)
("iopub" :iopub)
("stdin" :stdin)
(_ (error "Invalid channel"))))
(content (jupyter-message-content msg))
;; Only let the browser handle these messages
(cons :comm-msg
(when (memq msg-type '(:comm-info-request))
'(:status :comm-info-reply))))
(req (jupyter-send client channel msg-type content msg-id)))
(jupyter-add-callback req
'(:comm-open :comm-close :comm-info-reply :comm-msg :status)
(apply-partially #'jupyter-widgets-send-message client)))))))
(defun jupyter-widgets-on-close (ws)
"Uninitialize the client whose widget-sock is WS."
for client in jupyter--clients
2018-10-01 23:17:44 -05:00
when (and (object-of-class-p client 'jupyter-widget-client)
(equal ws (oref client widget-sock)))
do (oset client widget-sock nil)
(jupyter-set client 'jupyter-widgets-initialized nil)))
;;; Working with comm messages
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
(defun jupyter-widgets-sanitize-comm-msg (msg)
"Ensure that a comm MSG's fields are not ambiguous before encoding.
For example, for fields that are supposed to be arrays, ensure
2020-03-11 20:50:52 +09:00
that they will be encoded as such. In addition, add fields
required by the JupyterLab widget manager."
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
(prog1 msg
(let ((buffers (plist-member msg :buffers)))
(if (null buffers) (plist-put msg :buffers [])
(when (eq (cadr buffers) nil)
(setcar (cdr buffers) [])))
(unless (equal (cadr buffers) [])
(setq buffers (cadr buffers))
(while (car buffers)
(setcar buffers
(encode-coding-string (car buffers) 'utf-8-auto t) t))
(setq buffers (cdr buffers))))
;; Needed by WidgetManager
(unless (jupyter-message-metadata msg)
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
(plist-put msg :metadata '(:version "2.0"))))))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-widgets-send-message ((client jupyter-widget-client) msg)
"Send a MSG to CLIENT's `widget-sock' `websocket'."
(when (memq (jupyter-message-type msg)
'(:comm-open :comm-close :comm-msg))
(jupyter-widgets-sanitize-comm-msg msg))
(let ((msg-type (jupyter-message-type msg)))
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
(plist-put msg :channel
((memq msg-type '(:status :comm-msg :comm-close :comm-open))
((memq msg-type '(:comm-info-reply))
(push (jupyter--encode msg) (oref client widget-messages))
(when (websocket-openp (oref client widget-sock))
(cl-loop for msg in (nreverse (oref client widget-messages))
do (websocket-send-text (oref client widget-sock) msg))
(oset client widget-messages nil))))
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
;;; Displaying widgets in the browser
;; NOTE: The "display_model" and "clear_display" messages below are not true
;; Jupyter messages, but are only used for communication between the browser
;; and Emacs.
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
(cl-defmethod jupyter-widgets-display-model ((client jupyter-widget-client) model-id)
"Display the model with MODEL-ID for the kernel CLIENT is connected to."
;; (jupyter-widgets-clear-display client)
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
client (list :msg_type "display_model"
:content (list :model_id model-id))))
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
(cl-defmethod jupyter-widgets-clear-display ((client jupyter-widget-client))
"Clear the models being displayed for CLIENT."
(jupyter-widgets-send-message client (list :msg_type "clear_display")))
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
;;; `jupyter-kernel-client' methods
(cl-defmethod jupyter-handle-comm-open ((client jupyter-widget-client)
(when (member target-name jupyter-widgets-supported-targets)
;; Initialize the server
(unless (process-live-p jupyter-widgets-server)
(setq jupyter-widgets-server
:host 'local
:on-message #'jupyter-widgets-on-message
:on-close #'jupyter-widgets-on-close)))
(unless (jupyter-get client 'jupyter-widgets-initialized)
(jupyter-set client 'jupyter-widgets-initialized t)
(unless (get-process "httpd")
(format jupyter-widgets-url-format
(jupyter-session-id (oref client session))
(jupyter-widgets-send-message client (jupyter-request-last-message req)))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-handle-comm-close ((client jupyter-widget-client)
(jupyter-widgets-send-message client (jupyter-request-last-message req))
(cl-defmethod jupyter-handle-comm-msg ((client jupyter-widget-client)
(jupyter-widgets-send-message client (jupyter-request-last-message req))
;;; `httpd' interface
2018-11-14 13:15:29 -06:00
(defun httpd/jupyter (proc path _query &rest _args)
"Serve the javascript required for Jupyter widget support.
PROC is the httpd process and PATH is the requested resource
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path. Currently no resources are accessible at any PATH other
2018-11-14 13:15:29 -06:00
than the root, which will serve the necessary Javascript to
(let ((split-path (split-string (substring path 1) "/")))
(if (= (length split-path) 1)
(with-httpd-buffer proc "text/javascript; charset=UTF-8"
(expand-file-name "js/built/index.built.js" jupyter-root)))
(error "Not found"))))
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
2018-11-14 13:15:29 -06:00
(defun httpd/jupyter/widgets/built (proc path _query &rest _args)
"Serve the resources required by the widgets in the browser.
PROC is the httpd process and PATH is the requested resource
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path. Currently this will only serve a file from the js/built
2018-11-14 13:15:29 -06:00
directory if it has one of the extensions woff, woff2, ttf, svg,
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or eot. These are used by Jupyter."
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
(let* ((split-path (split-string (substring path 1) "/"))
(file (car (last split-path)))
(mime (pcase (file-name-extension file)
((or "woff" "woff2")
(unless mime
(error "Unsupported file type"))
(setq file (expand-file-name (concat "js/built/" file) jupyter-root))
;; TODO: Fix this, when loading the files through httpd, font awesome
;; doesnt work
(when (file-exists-p file)
(error "File nonexistent (%s)" (file-name-nondirectory file)))
(insert-file-contents file)
(httpd-send-header proc mime 200
:Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"))))
;; TODO: Since the path when we instantiate widgets is jupyter/widgets, all
;; files that are trying to be loaded locally in the javascript will be
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;; referenced to this path. If we encounter a javascript file requesting to be
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;; loaded we can automatically search the jupyter --paths for notebook
;; extension modules matching it.
(defun httpd/jupyter/widgets (proc &rest _args)
2018-11-14 13:15:29 -06:00
"Serve the HTML page to display widgets.
PROC is the httpd process."
(insert-file-contents (expand-file-name "widget.html" jupyter-root))
proc "text/html; charset=UTF-8" 200
:Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*")))
2018-05-20 12:09:00 -05:00
(provide 'jupyter-widget-client)
;;; jupyter-widget-client.el ends here