2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
An interface to communicate with Jupyter kernels in Emacs.
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
* Installation
If you would like to try this package out, in your Emacs configuration add
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(add-to-list 'load-path "<path >")
(require 'jupyter)
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
where =<path>= is the path to the directory containing this =README.org= file.
** Dependencies
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
- markdown-mode (optional) :: https://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode/
- company-mode (optional) :: http://company-mode.github.io/
- emacs-zmq :: http://github.com/dzop/emacs-zmq
* Jupyter REPL
To start a new kernel on the =localhost= and connect a REPL client to it, run
2018-10-17 03:44:19 -05:00
the command =jupyter-run-repl= . Alternatively you can connect to an existing
kernel by supplying the kernel's connection file to =jupyter-connect-repl= .
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
The REPL supports most of the rich output that a kernel may send to a client.
If the kernel sends image data, the image will be displayed in the REPL buffer.
If LaTeX is sent, it will be compiled (using =org-mode= ) and displayed. The
currently available mimetypes and their dependencies are:
| Mimetype | Dependency |
| =text/html= | Emacs built with libxml2 |
| =text/markdown= | [[https://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode/][markdown-mode]] |
| =text/latex= | [[https://orgmode.org/][org-mode]] |
| =image/png= | none |
| =image/svg+xml= | Emacs built with librsvg2 |
| =text/plain= | none |
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
** Inspection
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
To send an inspect request to the kernel, press =C-c C-f= when the cursor is at
the location of the code you would like to inspect.
** Completion
Currently completion is dependent on =company-mode= being available since this
is the completion framework that I use. Pull requests for support of other
completion frameworks are welcome.
** REPL history
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
When a new REPL connects to a kernel it sends a request to get the last
=jupyter-repl-history-maximum-length= REPL inputs. You can navigate through
this history using =C-n= and =C-p= . You can also search through this history
using =C-s= to search forward through the history or =C-r= to search backward
in history.
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
** Associating other buffers with a REPL
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
After starting a REPL, it is possible to associate the REPL with other buffers
if they pass certain criteria. Currently, the buffer must have the =major-mode=
that corresponds to the REPL's kernel language. To associate a buffer with a
REPL you can run the command =jupyter-repl-associate-buffer= .
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
=jupyter-repl-associate-buffer= will ask you for the REPL you would like to
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
associate with the =current-buffer= and enable the minor mode
=jupyter-repl-interaction-mode= . This minor mode populates the following
keybindings for interacting with the REPL:
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
| Key binding | Command |
| =C-c C-c= | =jupyter-repl-eval-line-or-region= |
2018-10-02 12:03:04 -05:00
| =C-c C-f= | =jupyter-inspect-at-point= |
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
| =C-c C-z= | =jupyter-repl-pop-to-buffer= |
| =C-c C-i= | =jupyter-repl-interrupt-kernel= |
| =C-c C-r= | =jupyter-repl-restart-kernel= |
* Integration with =org-mode=
For users of =org-mode= , integration with =org-babel= is provided through the
2018-05-16 22:20:26 -05:00
=ob-jupyter= library. To enable Jupyter support for source code blocks add
=jupyter= to =org-babel-load-languages= . After =ob-jupyter= has been loaded,
new source code blocks with names of the form =jupyter-LANG= will be available.
=LANG= can be any one of the kernel languages that were found on your system by
=jupyter-available-kernelspecs= .
Every Jupyter source code block requires that the =:session= parameter be
specified since all interaction with a Jupyter kernel is through a REPL
connected to the kernel. So for example to interact with a =python= kernel you
would create a new source block like so
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
2018-05-16 22:01:30 -05:00
,#+BEGIN_SRC jupyter-python :session py
2018-05-16 22:02:31 -05:00
x = 'foo'
y = 'bar'
x + ' ' + y
2018-05-16 22:01:30 -05:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
2018-05-16 22:20:26 -05:00
By default, source blocks are executed synchronously. To execute a source block
asynchronously set the =:async= parameter to =yes= .
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-16 22:01:30 -05:00
,#+BEGIN_SRC jupyter-python :session py :async yes
2018-05-16 22:02:31 -05:00
x = 'foo'
y = 'bar'
x + ' ' + y
2018-05-16 22:01:30 -05:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
Since a particular language may have multiple kernels available, the default
kernel used for a language is the first kernelspec found by
2018-05-16 22:20:26 -05:00
=jupyter-available-kernelspecs= that has the corresponding language. To change
the kernel, set the =:kernel= parameter
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-16 22:01:30 -05:00
,#+BEGIN_SRC jupyter-python :session py :async yes :kernel python2
2018-05-16 22:02:31 -05:00
x = 'foo'
y = 'bar'
x + ' ' + y
2018-05-16 22:01:30 -05:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
Any of the defaults for a language can be changed by setting
=org-babel-default-header-args:jupyter-LANG= to an appropriate value. For
2018-05-16 22:20:26 -05:00
example to change the default header arguments of the =julia= kernel, you can
set =org-babel-default-header-args:jupyter-julia= to something like
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
(setq org-babel-default-header-args:jupyter-julia '((:async . "yes")
(:session . "jl")
(:kernel . "julia-0.6")))
** Rich kernel output
All of the mimetypes available when using the REPL are also available using
2018-05-16 22:20:26 -05:00
=ob-jupyter= . If image data is received from the kernel, the image will be
saved to file and an image link will be the result of the source block, for
=text/latex= , =text/markdown= , =text/org= , =text/html= , the results are wrapped
in a source block with the appropriate language. For =text/plain= the results
are inserted as scalar data.
For images sent by the kernel, if no =:file= parameter is provided to the
source block, a file name is automatically generated and the image data written
to file in =org-babel-jupyter-resource-directory= . Otherwise, if a =:file=
parameter is given, the image data is written to the file specified.
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
** Editing the contents of a code block
When editing the code of a Jupyter source block, i.e. by pressing =C-c '= when
at a code block, =jupyter-repl-interaction-mode= is automatically enabled in
the edit buffer and the buffer will be associated with the REPL session of the
code block (see =jupyter-repl-associate-buffer= ).
You may also bind the command =org-babel-jupyter-scratch-buffer= to an
appropriate key in =org-mode= to display a scratch buffer in the code block's
=major-mode= and connected to the code block's session.
** Connecting to an existing kernel
You may also connect to an existing kernel by passing the kernel's connection
file as the value of the =:session= parameter. In this case, a new REPL
connected to the kernel will be created. The file must have a =.json= suffix
for this to work.
If the file name supplied is a [[https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Remote-Files.html ][remote file name ]], i.e. has a prefix like
=/host:= , the kernel's ports are assumed to live on =host= . Before attempting
to connect to the kernel, the necessary =ssh= tunnels for the connection are
created. So if you had a remote kernel on a host named =ec2= whose connection
file is =/run/user/1000/jupyter/kernel-julia-0.6.json= on that host, you would
specify the =:session= as
2018-05-16 22:01:30 -05:00
,#+BEGIN_SRC jupyter-julia :session /ec2:/run/user/1000/jupyter/kernel-julia-0.6.json
2018-05-16 22:02:31 -05:00
2018-05-16 22:01:30 -05:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
Currently there is no password handling, so if your =ssh= connection requires a
password I suggest you instead use [[https://www.ssh.com/ssh/keygen/ ][key-based authentication ]]. Or if you are
connecting to a server using a =pem= file add something like
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
Host ec2
User <user >
HostName <host >
IdentityFile <identity >.pem
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
to your =~/.ssh/config= file.
** Method/message naming conventions
The message type strings as defined in the [[http://jupyter-client.readthedocs.io/en/stable/messaging.html ][Jupyter spec ]] become message type
symbols, more specifically properties, with underscores replaced by hyphens. So
an ="execute_request"= becomes an =:execute-request= .
Methods that send messages to a kernel are named =jupyter-send-<msg-type>=
where =<msg-type>= is an appropriate message type. So to send an
=:execute-request= you would call =jupyter-send-execute-request= . Similarly,
methods that receive messages from a kernel are named
=jupyter-handle-<msg-type>= .
The exception to the above rule is the =:input-reply= message. Although it
sends a message to the kernel it has a handler method,
=jupyter-handle-input-reply= , instead of a send method.
** =jupyter-kernel-client=
Represents a client connected to a Jupyter kernel.
*** Initializing a connection
=jupyter-initialize-connection= takes a client and a connection file as
arguments and configures the client to communicate with the kernel whose
connection information is contained in the [[http://jupyter-client.readthedocs.io/en/stable/kernels.html#connection-files ][connection file ]]. After initializing
a connection, to begin communicating with a kernel you will need to call
=jupyter-start-channels= .
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
(let ((client (jupyter-kernel-client)))
(jupyter-initialize-connection client "kernel1234.json")
(jupyter-start-channels client))
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
=jupyter-initialize-connection= is mainly useful when initializing a remote
connection. The normal pathway to obtain a client on the =localhost= is to
use =jupyter-start-new-kernel= like so
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
(cl-destructuring-bind (manager client info)
(jupyter-start-new-kernel "python")
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
where =manager= will be a =jupyter-kernel-manager= which can be used to manage
the lifetime of the local kernel process, =client= will be a newly connected
=jupyter-kernel-client= connected to =manager= 's kernel, and =info= will be the
kernel info obtained from the initial =:kernel-info-request= to the kernel. If
multiple client's connected to the kernel of =manager= are required, use
=jupyter-make-client= . After the call to =jupyter-start-new-kernel= , =client= 's
channels will already be open.
*** How messages are sent to and received from the kernel
To free up Emacs from having to process messages sent to and received from a
kernel, an Emacs subprocess is created for every client. This subprocess is
responsible for polling the client's channels for messages and taking care of
message signing, encoding, and decoding. The parent Emacs process is only
responsible for supplying the message property lists (the representation used
for Jupyter messages in Emacs) when sending a message and will receive the
decoded message property list when receiving a message. The exception to this
is the heartbeat channel which is implemented using timers in the parent Emacs
Also see [[id:9D893914-E769-4AEF-8928-826B67038C2A ][Making requests to a kernel ]].
*** Starting/stopping channels
To start a client's channels, use =jupyter-start-channels= ; to stop a client's
channels, =jupyter-stop-channels= ; and to determine if at least one channel is
alive, =jupyter-channels-running-p= .
You may access each individual channel by accessing the corresponding slot of a
client. So to get the shell channel of a client you would do
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(oref client shell-channel)
this will give you the =jupyter-channel= object of the shell channel. By
accessing the channel slots of the client individual channels may be started or
*** Making requests to a kernel
:ID: 9D893914-E769-4AEF-8928-826B67038C2A
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
Sending and receiving messages is centered around the =jupyter-kernel-client=
class. Each message sent or received has a corresponding method in
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
=jupyter-kernel-client= . As stated previously, request messages have method
names like =jupyter-send-<msg-type>= where =<msg-type>= is the request message
type. So an =:execute-request= message has the corresponding method
=jupyter-send-execute-request= .
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
(jupyter-send-execute-request client :code "1 + 2") ; Returns a `jupyter-request'
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
All requests sent to a kernel return a =jupyter-request= which encapsulates the
current state of the request with the kernel and how the
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
=jupyter-kernel-client= should handle messages received from the kernel in
response to the request.
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
*** Handling received messages
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
The handler methods of a =jupyter-kernel-client= are intended to be overridden
by subclasses that would like to execute arbitrary code in response to a
received message, they have the following method signature
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(cl-defmethod jupyter-handle-<msg-type > ((client jupyter-kernel-client) req arg1 arg2 ...)
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
where =<msg-type>= is the type of the message, e.g. the =:execute-result=
handler has the method name =jupyter-handle-execute-result= . =req= will be the
=jupyter-request= object that generated the message. =arg1= , =arg2= , ... will
be the unwrapped message contents passed to the handler; the number of
arguments and their order are dependent on =<msg-type>= .
Whenever a message is received on a client, the corresponding handler method is
called. The default implementations of the handler methods in
=jupyter-kernel-client= do nothing with the exception of the =:input-reply=
handler which gets input from the user and sends it to the kernel. See
[[id:0E7CA280-8D14-4994-A3C7-C3B7204AC9D2 ][Evaluating code when a message is received ]] for an alternative way of handling
received messages.
*** Client local variables
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
Some variables which are used internally by =jupyter-kernel-client= have client
local values. For example the variable =jupyter-include-other-output= tells a
=jupyter-kernel-client= to handle IOPub messages originating from a different
client and defaults to =nil= , i.e. do not handle IOPub messages from other
clients. To modify a client local variable you would use =jupyter-set=
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(jupyter-set client 'jupyter-include-other-output t)
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
Internally, this just sets the buffer local value of
=jupyter-include-other-output= in a private buffer used by the client. To
retrieve the client local value use =jupyter-get=
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
(jupyter-get client 'jupyter-include-other-output)
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-10-02 22:09:59 -05:00
These functions just set/get the value of a buffer local variable in a private
buffer of the client. You may work with these buffer local variables directly
by using the =jupyter-with-client-buffer= macro, just be sure to use
=setq-local= if you are setting a client local variable to a new value.
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
2018-10-02 22:09:59 -05:00
(jupyter-with-client-buffer client
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
(message "jupyter-include-other-output: %s" jupyter-include-other-output)
(setq-local jupyter-include-other-output (not jupyter-include-other-output)))
** =jupyter-kernel-manager=
Manage the lifetime of a kernel on the =localhost= .
*** Kernelspecs
To get a list of kernelspecs on your system, as represented in Emacs, use
=jupyter-available-kernelspecs= which processes the output of the shell command
jupyter kernelspec list
to construct the list of kernelspecs. To find kernelspecs that match a prefix
of a kernel name, use =jupyter-find-kernelspecs= . =jupyter-find-kernelspecs=
will return the subset of the available kernelspecs which have kernel names
that begin with the prefix. Most likely you know the exact name of the kernel
you want to use. In this case, use =jupyter-get-kernelspec= .
You may also use =jupyter-completing-read-kernelspec= in an =interactive= spec
to ask the user to select a kernel. This is what is done in =run-jupyter-repl= .
*** Managing the lifetime of a local kernel
**** Starting a kernel
As was mentioned previously, to start a new kernel on the =localhost= and
create a connected client, use =jupyter-start-new-kernel= which takes a kernel
name and returns a =jupyter-kernel-manager= which manages the lifetime of the
2018-09-16 21:17:10 -05:00
kernel, and a connected =jupyter-kernel-client= .
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
2018-09-16 21:17:10 -05:00
(cl-destructuring-bind (manager client)
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
(jupyter-start-new-kernel "python")
Instead of supplying an exact kernel name, you may also supply the prefix of
one. Then the first available kernel that has the same prefix will be started.
See =jupyter-find-kernelspecs= .
**** Stopping a kernel
To shutdown a kernel, use =jupyter-shutdown-kernel= . To check if a kernel is
alive, =jupyter-kernel-alive-p= .
**** Interrupting a kernel
To interrupt a kernel, use =jupyter-interrupt-kernel= .
*** Making clients connected to a local kernel
Once you have a kernel manager you can make new =jupyter-kernel-client= (or a
subclass of one) instances using =jupyter-make-client= .
** Evaluating code when a message is received
:ID: 0E7CA280-8D14-4994-A3C7-C3B7204AC9D2
As mentioned previously, to evaluate code in response to a received message,
you may subclass =jupyter-kernel-client= and override the handler methods.
Alternatively you can add message callbacks to the =jupyter-request= objects
returned by the =jupyter-send-*= methods. In both cases, when a message of a
certain type is received for a request, the appropriate handler method or
callback runs. If both methods are used in parallel, the message callbacks will
run before the handler methods.
*** =jupyter-request= callbacks
To add callbacks to a request, use =jupyter-add-callback= .
=jupyter-add-callback= accepts a =jupyter-request= object as its first argument
and alternating (message type, callback) pairs as the remaining arguments. The
callbacks are registered with the request object to run whenever a message of
the appropriate type is received. For example, to do something with the
client's kernel info you would do the following:
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
(jupyter-add-callback (jupyter-send-kernel-info-request client)
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
:kernel-info-reply (lambda (msg)
(let ((info (jupyter-message-content msg)))
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
To print out the results of an execute request:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
(jupyter-add-callback (jupyter-send-execute-request client :code "1 + 2")
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
:execute-result (lambda (msg)
(message (jupyter-message-data msg :text/plain))))
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
To add multiple callbacks to a request:
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
(jupyter-add-callback (jupyter-send-execute-request client :code "1 + 2")
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
:execute-result (lambda (msg)
(message (jupyter-message-data msg :text/plain)))
:status (lambda (msg)
(when (jupyter-message-status-idle-p msg)
(message "DONE!"))))
There is also the possibility of running the same handler for different message
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
(jupyter-add-callback (jupyter-send-execute-request client :code "1 + 2")
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
'(:status :execute-result :execute-reply)
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
(lambda (msg)
(pcase (jupyter-message-type msg)
2018-05-16 22:27:27 -05:00
(:status ...)
(:execute-reply ...)
(:execute-result ...))))
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
Note, this can also be achieved by adding the same function to each message
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
*** Channel hooks
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
Hook variables are available for each channel: =jupyter-iopub-message-hook= ,
=jupyter-stdin-message-hook= , and =jupyter-shell-message-hook= . Unless you want
to run a channel hook for every client, use =jupyter-add-hook= to add a
function to one of the channel hooks. =jupyter-add-hook= only adds to the
client local value of the hook variables.
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
client 'jupyter-iopub-message-hook
(lambda (msg)
(when (jupyter-message-status-idle-p msg)
(message "Kernel idle."))))
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
There is also the function =jupyter-remove-hook= to remove a client local hook.
*** Suppressing handler methods
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
To prevent a client from running its handler methods for some requests, you may
bind =jupyter-inhibit-handlers= to an appropriate value before a request is
made. For example, to prevent a client from running its stream handler for a
request you would do the following:
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(let ((jupyter-inhibit-handlers '(:stream)))
(jupyter-send-execute-request client :code "print(\"foo\")\n1 + 2"))
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
=jupyter-inhibit-handlers= can be a list of message types or =t= , the latter
meaning inhibit handlers for all message types. This variable should be locally
bound. If you set the global value of this variable, all new requests will
prevent the handlers from running. The less intrusive way to prevent handlers
from running for individual requests is to let bind =jupyter-inhibit-handlers=
as in the above code.
** Waiting for messages
All message receiving happens asynchronously, therefore we need primitives
which will block until we know for sure that a message of a certain type has
been received. The following functions all wait for different conditions to be
met on the received messages of a request and return the message that caused
the function to stop waiting or =nil= if no message was received within a
timeout period. The default timeout is =jupyter-default-timeout= seconds.
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
To wait until an idle message is received for a request:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(let ((timeout 4))
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
client :code "import time\ntime.sleep(3)")
To wait until a message of a specific type is received for a request:
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
(jupyter-wait-until-received :execute-reply
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
(jupyter-send-execute-request client :code "[i*10 for i in range(100000)]"))
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
The most general form of the blocking functions is =jupyter-wait-until= which
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
takes a message type and a function of a single argument. Whenever a message is
received that matches the message type, the message is passed to the function.
If the function returns non-nil, =jupyter-wait-until= returns the message which
caused the function to return non-nil. If the function never returns a non-nil
value within timeout, =jupyter-wait-until= returns =nil= .
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun stream-prints-50-p (msg)
(let ((text (jupyter-message-get msg :text)))
(cl-loop for line in (split-string text "\n")
thereis (equal line "50"))))
(let ((timeout 2))
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
(jupyter-send-execute-request client :code "[print(i) for i in range(100)]")
2018-01-18 23:10:51 -06:00
:stream #'stream-prints-50-p
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
The above code runs =stream-prints-50-p= for every =stream= message received
from a kernel (here assumed to be a python kernel) for an execute request that
prints the numbers 0 to 99 and waits until the kernel has printed the number 50
before returning from the =jupyter-wait-until= call. If the number 50 is not
printed before the two second timeout, =jupyter-wait-until= returns =nil= .
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
Otherwise it returns the stream message whose content contains the number 50.
** Message property lists
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
The =jupyter-send-*= methods already take care of constructing messages based
on their arguments and the =jupyter-handle-*= methods have the contents of the
message passed as their arguments so there is no need to work with message
property lists directly unless you are using message callbacks since they pass
the message property list directly to the callback function. In this case, the
following functions will be of use:
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
2018-05-13 11:41:28 -05:00
;; Get the `:content' propery of MSG
(jupyter-message-content msg)
;; Get the message type (one of the keys in `jupyter-message-types')
(jupyter-message-type msg)
;; Get the value of KEY in the MSG contents
(jupyter-message-get msg key)
;; Get the value of the MIMETYPE in MSG's :data property
;; MIMETYPE should be one of `:image/png', `:text/plain', ...
(jupyter-message-data msg mimetype)
2018-01-06 18:04:06 -06:00