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2012-07-01 20:07:11 +02:00
doc Update gh-pages 2012-07-01 19:30:30 +02:00
tests Ignore compiled version in test-load.el 2012-06-20 23:15:46 +02:00
.gitignore Use sphinx-eldomain to document EIN 2012-06-10 21:59:48 +02:00
.gitmodules Add gh-pages branch as a submodule 2012-06-14 08:00:11 +02:00
debug-ein.el Add ein:dev-start/stop-debug commands 2012-05-31 23:54:43 +02:00
ein-ac.el Make EIN byte compile-able w/o optional packages 2012-06-17 16:10:55 +02:00
ein-cell.el Refactor ein:cell-finish-tooltip 2012-06-21 16:22:46 +02:00
ein-completer.el Remove ein:notebook-handle-shell-reply 2012-05-22 22:03:06 +02:00
ein-connect.el Add alternative keybinds for source code jumping 2012-06-17 02:36:00 +02:00
ein-dev.el Load compiled version in ein:load-files by default 2012-06-20 23:15:36 +02:00
ein-events.el Trigger ein:notebook-empty-undo-maybe via event 2012-06-16 23:42:58 +02:00
ein-kernel.el Use ein:query-singleton-ajax everywhere 2012-06-20 23:14:26 +02:00
ein-kill-ring.el Add ein-kill-ring module and its tests 2012-05-14 23:44:00 +02:00
ein-log.el Make logging more robust 2012-06-02 22:26:30 +02:00
ein-mumamo.el Stop quotes in BG mode fortified by python-mode 2012-06-16 15:28:02 +02:00
ein-node.el First commit of bare bone version 2012-05-07 14:41:15 +02:00
ein-notebook.el Refresh notebook list after renaming notebook 2012-06-26 17:03:36 +02:00
ein-notebooklist.el Better error message for ein:notebooklist-open 2012-06-26 19:41:50 +02:00
ein-notification.el Change variable type of event: use symbol 2012-06-06 21:16:48 +02:00
ein-pager.el Add bury-buffer in ein:pager-mode-map 2012-06-14 12:47:37 +02:00
ein-pytools.el Add ein:pytools-doctest 2012-06-17 04:42:27 +02:00
ein-query.el Document ein:query-timeout more 2012-06-21 15:03:41 +02:00
ein-shared-output.el Add keybind `q' to quit shared output buffer 2012-06-19 00:41:33 +02:00
ein-smartrep.el Make EIN byte compile-able w/o optional packages 2012-06-17 16:10:55 +02:00
ein-subpackages.el Make ein:use-smartrep docstring simple 2012-06-17 01:03:45 +02:00
ein-traceback.el Truncate lines in the traceback viewer 2012-06-11 19:14:09 +02:00
ein-utils.el Use hash table for ein:notebooklist-list 2012-06-26 17:54:31 +02:00
ein-websocket.el Simplify ein-websocket.el 2012-06-01 23:38:43 +02:00
ein.el Add header comments in ein.el 2012-07-01 20:07:11 +02:00 Add ein:pytools-doctest 2012-06-17 04:42:27 +02:00 Explain how to use elisp type output in README 2012-05-22 01:00:34 +02:00
README.rst Update README and document 2012-07-01 19:20:00 +02:00

 Emacs IPython Notebook (and more)

.. note:: It is stable enough for my day to day work, but I can't
          grantee the safety for your notebook data.  So please make
          sure you have backup.


.. figure::
   :alt: Plotting in Emacs IPython Notebook

See `more <>`_!


Emacs IPython Notebook (EIN) provides fully featured IPython Notebook
client and integrated REPL (like SLIME_).  While EIN makes notebook
editing very powerful by allowing you to use any Emacs features, it
also expose IPython features such as code evaluation, object
inspection and code completion to the Emacs side.  These features can
be accessed anywhere in Emacs and improve Python code editing and
reading in Emacs.

.. _SLIME:

Highlighted features:

* Copy/paste cells, even to/from different notebooks.
* Console integration: You can easily connect to kernel via console
  application.  This enables you to start debugging in the same
  kernel.  It is even possible to connect console over ssh.
* IPython kernel can be "connected" to any buffers.  This enables you
  to evaluate buffer/region using same kernel as notebook.  Notebook
  goodies such as tooltip help, help browser and code completion are
  available in these buffers.
* Jump to definition (go to the definition by hitting ``M-.`` over an

Other notebook features:

* Inline images
* Auto/manual-completion
* Popup (tooltip) help
* Syntax highlighting in each cell types (Python/Markdown)
* Help browser (opens when executing ``function?``)
* Traceback viewer


* `Online Documentation
* `Screenshots
* `Repository at GitHub
* `Issue Tracker at GitHub

Quick try

This is a quick and clean way to try EIN separately from your Emacs
setting.  If you want to try EIN but think preparing all the
requirements is too much, try this!::

   git clone git://

This will launch a new Emacs instance.  For more information, see::

   zeroein/ --help


* IPython_ 0.12 or higher.
* `websocket.el`_
* (optional) mumamo_:
  It will be automatically loaded when it is on the path.
  The official way to setup path is to load nXhtml_.
* (optional) markdown-mode
* (optional) python-mode:
  It should work with either python.el or python-mode.el.
  Fabian Gallina's `python.el`_ is required to use
  ``ein:notebook-console-open`` command.
* (optional) `auto-complete.el`_
  You need to configure subpackage ``ein-ac`` to enable
  this feature.
* (optional) `smartrep.el`_:
  This package enables you to omit typing prefix keys (e.g.,
  ``C-c C-n C-n C-n ...`` instead of ``C-c C-n C-c C-n C-c C-n ...``).
  You need to configure subpackage ``ein-smartrep`` to enable
  this feature.

Also, EIN heavily relies on standard Emacs libraries including EWOC,
EIEIO and json.el.  EIN is currently tested in Emacs 24.1.

.. _IPython:
.. _websocket.el:
.. _mumamo:
.. _nXhtml:
.. _python.el:
.. _auto-complete.el:
.. _smartrep.el:


1. Install module.
   Put Emacs lisp ``ein*.el`` files and Python file ```` in your
   load path.

2. Require module::

     (require 'ein)

3. Start `IPython notebook server`_.

4. Hit ``M-x ein:notebooklist-open`` to open notebook list.

.. _`IPython notebook server`:


Enable `auto-complete.el`_::

   (setq ein:use-auto-complete t)
   ;; Or, to enable "superpack" (a little bit hacky improvements):
   ;; (setq ein:use-auto-complete-superpack t)

Enable `smartrep.el`_::

   (setq ein:use-smartrep t)

Keybinds - Notebook

.. (ein:dev-insert-mode-map "\\{ein:notebook-mode-map}")


   key             binding
   ---             -------

   C-c             Prefix Command
   C-x             Prefix Command
   ESC             Prefix Command
   C-:             ein:notebook-eval-string
   <C-down>        ein:notebook-goto-next-input-command
   <C-up>          ein:notebook-goto-prev-input-command
   <M-down>        ein:notebook-move-cell-down-command
   <M-up>          ein:notebook-move-cell-up-command

   C-x C-s         ein:notebook-save-notebook-command
   C-x C-w         ein:notebook-rename-command

   M-RET           ein:notebook-execute-current-cell-and-goto-next
   M-,             ein:pytools-jump-back-command
   M-.             ein:pytools-jump-to-source-command

   C-c C-a         ein:notebook-insert-cell-above-command
   C-c C-b         ein:notebook-insert-cell-below-command
   C-c C-c         ein:notebook-execute-current-cell
   C-c C-e         ein:notebook-toggle-output-command
   C-c C-f         ein:notebook-request-tool-tip-or-help-command
   C-c TAB         ein:notebook-complete-command
   C-c C-k         ein:notebook-kill-cell-command
   C-c C-l         ein:notebook-clear-output-command
   C-c RET         ein:notebook-merge-cell-command
   C-c C-n         ein:notebook-goto-next-input-command
   C-c C-o         ein:notebook-console-open
   C-c C-p         ein:notebook-goto-prev-input-command
   C-c C-q         ein:notebook-kill-kernel-then-close-command
   C-c C-r         ein:notebook-restart-kernel-command
   C-c C-s         ein:notebook-split-cell-at-point
   C-c C-t         ein:notebook-toggle-cell-type
   C-c C-u         ein:notebook-change-cell-type
   C-c C-v         ein:notebook-set-collapsed-all-command
   C-c C-w         ein:notebook-copy-cell-command
   C-c C-x         ein:notebook-view-traceback
   C-c C-y         ein:notebook-yank-cell-command
   C-c C-z         ein:notebook-kernel-interrupt-command
   C-c ESC         Prefix Command
   C-c C-S-l       ein:notebook-clear-all-output-command
   C-c C-,         ein:pytools-jump-back-command
   C-c C-.         ein:pytools-jump-to-source-command
   C-c <down>      ein:notebook-move-cell-down-command
   C-c <up>        ein:notebook-move-cell-up-command

   C-c M-w         ein:notebook-copy-cell-command

.. // KEYS END //

Keybinds - Connect

In Python (or any other) buffer, you can connect to any open notebook
by ``M-x ein:connect-to-notebook`` then choose appropriate notebook.
After connecting to the notebook (and hence its kernel), the following
commands are available.

.. (ein:dev-insert-mode-map "\\{ein:connect-mode-map}")


   key             binding
   ---             -------

   C-c             Prefix Command
   ESC             Prefix Command
   C-:             ein:connect-eval-string

   M-,             ein:pytools-jump-back-command
   M-.             ein:pytools-jump-to-source-command

   C-c C-c         ein:connect-run-or-eval-buffer
   C-c C-f         ein:connect-request-tool-tip-or-help-command
   C-c TAB         ein:connect-complete-command
   C-c C-r         ein:connect-eval-region
   C-c C-z         ein:connect-pop-to-notebook
   C-c C-,         ein:pytools-jump-back-command
   C-c C-.         ein:pytools-jump-to-source-command

.. // KEYS END //