John Miller 04061c968a Git rid of explicit use of mocker
Per #175 make mocker a dependency via Cask and avoid keeping an copy around in
the repository.
2017-02-15 19:39:45 -06:00

18 lines
592 B

;; Load all test-ein-*.el files for interactive/batch use.
;; Usage:
;; emacs -Q -batch -L ... -l tests/test-load.el -f ert-run-tests-batch
;; You will need to set load paths using `-L' switch.
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
(require 'ein-dev)
(require 'ein-testing)
(ein:setq-if-not ein:testing-dump-file-log "test-batch-log.log")
(ein:setq-if-not ein:testing-dump-file-messages "test-batch-messages.log")
(setq message-log-max t)
(ein:load-files "^test-ein-.*\\.el$"
"./" ;(file-name-directory load-file-name)
t) ; ignore-compiled