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synced 2025-03-06 01:21:38 -05:00

Say `Contents API 5.7.4` instead of `Notebook v5` in notebooklist. EIN doesn't care about the python version (2.7, 3.5) or the ipython version (5.8.0, 6.2.1). The "jupyter notebook contents api" version (currently at 5.7.4) is the thing that matters.
121 lines
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121 lines
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;;; ein-testing-notebook.el --- Testing utilities for notebook module
;; Copyright (C) 2012 Takafumi Arakaki
;; Author: Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at gmail.com>
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; ein-testing-notebook.el is free software: you can redistribute it
;; and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;; as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; ein-testing-notebook.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with ein-testing-notebook.el.
;; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(require 'ein-notebook)
(require 'ein-testing-cell)
(defvar ein:testing-notebook-dummy-name "Dummy Name.ipynb")
(defvar ein:testing-notebook-dummy-url "DUMMY-URL")
(defun ein:testing-notebook-from-json (json-string)
(let* ((data (ein:json-read-from-string json-string))
(path (plist-get data :path))
(kernelspec (make-ein:$kernelspec :name "python" :language "python"))
(content (make-ein:$content :url-or-port ein:testing-notebook-dummy-url
:notebook-version "5.7.0"
:path path)))
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'ein:need-notebook-version) (lambda (&rest ignore) "5.7.0"))
((symbol-function 'ein:kernel-retrieve-session) #'ignore)
((symbol-function 'ein:notebook-enable-autosaves) #'ignore))
(let ((notebook (ein:notebook-new ein:testing-notebook-dummy-url path kernelspec)))
(setf (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook)
(ein:kernel-new 8888 "" nil "/kernels" (ein:$notebook-events notebook) (ein:need-notebook-version (ein:$notebook-url-or-port notebook))))
(setf (ein:$kernel-events (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook))
; matryoshka: new-content makes a ein:$content using CONTENT as template
; populating its raw_content field with DATA's content field
(ein:notebook-open--callback notebook nil (ein:new-content (ein:$notebook-url-or-port notebook) (ein:$notebook-notebook-path notebook) data))
(ein:notebook-buffer notebook)))))
(defun ein:testing-notebook-make-data (name path cells)
(setq cells
(ein:testing-notebook--preprocess-cells-data-for-json-encode cells))
`((path . ,path)
(name . ,name)
(type . "notebook")
(format . "json")
(mimetype . nil)
(writeable . t)
(content (metadata . ())
(nbformat . 4)
(nbformat_minor . 0)
(cells . ,(apply #'vector cells)))))
(defun ein:testing-notebook--preprocess-cells-data-for-json-encode (cells)
"Preprocess CELLS data to make it work nice with `json-encode'."
(mapcar (lambda (c)
((equal (plist-get c :cell_type) "code")
;; turn `:outputs' into an array.
(plist-put c :outputs (apply #'vector (plist-get c :outputs))))
(t c)))
(defun ein:testing-notebook-make-new (&optional name path cells)
"Make new notebook. One empty cell will be inserted
automatically if CELLS is nil."
(json-encode (ein:testing-notebook-make-data
(or name ein:testing-notebook-dummy-name)
(or path name ein:testing-notebook-dummy-name)
(defun ein:testing-notebook-make-empty (&optional name path)
"Make empty notebook and return its buffer.
Automatically inserted cell for new notebook is deleted."
(let ((buffer (ein:testing-notebook-make-new name path)))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(call-interactively #'ein:worksheet-delete-cell))
(defmacro ein:testing-with-one-cell (type-or-cell &rest body)
"Insert new cell of TYPE-OR-CELL in a clean notebook and execute BODY.
The new cell is bound to a variable `cell'."
(declare (indent 1))
`(with-current-buffer (ein:testing-notebook-make-empty)
(let ((cell (ein:worksheet-insert-cell-below ein:%worksheet%
,type-or-cell nil t)))
(defun ein:testing-make-notebook-with-outputs (list-outputs)
"Make a new notebook with cells with output.
LIST-OUTPUTS is a list of list of strings (pyout text). Number
of LIST-OUTPUTS equals to the number cells to be contained in the
ein:testing-notebook-dummy-name nil
(mapcar (lambda (outputs)
nil nil (mapcar #'ein:testing-codecell-pyout-data outputs)))
(provide 'ein-testing-notebook)
;;; ein-testing-notebook.el ends here