dickmao 84a9fe7d21 Imperfect polymode testing
Unfortunately, no good way to test font-lock as font-lock-mode won't
activate under noninteractive ecukes (can try --no-win or --win, but
won't fly under travis)

In practice, polymode font-lock bugs often manifest themselves much as
issue #456 did.  The rear-nonsticky property on the input prompt gets
washed away by font-lock and brokenness ensues.
2019-06-10 20:07:58 -04:00

38 lines
937 B

Scenario: selection spans cells
Given new python notebook
And I press "C-c C-b"
And I press "C-<up>"
And I press "C-p"
And I press "C-SPC"
And I press "C-n"
And I press "C-n"
And I press "C-n"
And I press "C-n"
Then newlined region should be "In [ ]:\n\n\nIn [ ]:\n"
And I press "C-g"
Then the region should not be active
Scenario: markdown often erroneously fontifies the whole buffer
Given new python notebook
And I press "C-c C-t"
And I type "# Header"
And I press "RET"
And I press "C-p"
And I press "C-p"
And I press "C-e"
Then text property at point includes "rear-nonsticky"
Scenario: moving cells requires refontification
Given new python notebook
And I press "C-c C-t"
And I type "# Header"
And I press "RET"
And I press "C-c C-b"
And I type "import math"
And I press "C-c C-c"
And I press "M-<up>"
And I press "C-<down>"
And I go to word "Header"