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;;; ein-notebook.el --- Notebook module
;; Copyright (C) 2012- Takafumi Arakaki
;; Author: Takafumi Arakaki
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; ein-notebook.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; ein-notebook.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with ein-notebook.el. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(require 'ewoc)
(require 'ein-utils)
(require 'ein-log)
(require 'ein-node)
(require 'ein-kernel)
(require 'ein-cell)
(require 'ein-pager)
(require 'ein-events)
(defvar ein:notebook-buffer-name-template "*ein: %s*")
(defstruct ein:$notebook
notebook-id ; uuid string
data ; json data - FIXME: remove this!
ewoc ; ewoc
kernel ; ein:$kernel
pager ; ein:$pager
dirty ; t/nil
msg-cell-map ; hash
metadata ; json data
notebook-name ; string
nbformat ; int
(defvar ein:notebook nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'ein:notebook)
(put 'ein:notebook 'permanent-local t)
(defmacro ein:@notebook (slot)
"Quick access to buffer local notebook attributes \(slot of `ein:$notebook').
The following two lines are equivalent:
(ein:@notebook SLOT)
(ein:$notebook-SLOT ein:notebook)
Note that SLOT should not be quoted."
(let ((accessor (intern (format "ein:$notebook-%s" slot))))
`(,accessor ein:notebook)))
(defmacro ein:notebook-in-buffer (&rest body)
"Execute BODY if `ein:notebook' is defined."
(declare (indent 0))
`(if ein:notebook
(ein:log 'warn "Not in notebook buffer")))
(defun ein:notebook-new (notebook-id data &rest args)
(apply #'make-ein:$notebook
:notebook-id notebook-id
:data data
:msg-cell-map (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
:nbformat 2
(defun ein:notebook-setup (&rest args)
(setq ein:notebook (apply #'ein:notebook-new args)))
(defun ein:notebook-url (notebook-id)
(concat (file-name-as-directory ein:base-project-url)
"notebooks/" notebook-id))
(defun ein:notebook-open (notebook-id)
(let ((url (ein:notebook-url notebook-id)))
(url-retrieve url
(list notebook-id))))
(defun ein:notebook-url-retrieve-callback (status notebook-id)
(ein:log 'debug "URL-RETRIEVE nodtebook-id = %S, status = %S"
notebook-id status)
(let ((data (ein:json-read)))
(kill-buffer (current-buffer))
(format ein:notebook-buffer-name-template notebook-id))
(ein:log-setup notebook-id)
(ein:notebook-setup notebook-id data)
(pop-to-buffer (current-buffer)))))
(defun ein:notebook-render ()
"(Re-)Render the notebook."
(assert ein:notebook) ; make sure in a notebook buffer
(ein:notebook-from-json ein:notebook (ein:@notebook data))
(ein:log 'info "Notebook %s is ready" (ein:@notebook notebook-id)))
(defun ein:notebook-pp (ewoc-data)
(let ((path (ein:$node-path ewoc-data))
(data (ein:$node-data ewoc-data)))
(case (car path)
(cell (ein:cell-pp (cdr path) data)))))
;;; Cell indexing, retrieval, etc.
(defun ein:notebook-cell-from-json (notebook data &rest args)
(apply #'ein:cell-from-json
data :ewoc (ein:$notebook-ewoc notebook) args))
(defun ein:notebook-cell-from-type (notebook type &rest args)
(apply #'ein:cell-from-type
(format "%s" type) :ewoc (ein:$notebook-ewoc notebook) args))
(defun ein:notebook-get-cells (notebook)
(let* ((ewoc (ein:$notebook-ewoc notebook))
(nodes (ewoc-collect ewoc (lambda (n) (ein:cell-node-p n 'prompt)))))
(mapcar #'ein:$node-data nodes)))
(defun ein:notebook-cell-for-msg (notebook msg-id)
(let* ((msg-cell-map (ein:$notebook-msg-cell-map notebook))
(cell-id (gethash msg-id msg-cell-map)))
(when cell-id
(loop for cell in (ein:notebook-get-cells notebook)
when (equal (oref cell :cell-id) cell-id)
return cell))))
(defun ein:notebook-ncells (notebook)
(length (ein:notebook-get-cells notebook)))
;; Insertion and deletion of cells
(defun ein:notebook-insert-cell-below (notebook type &optional base-cell)
(unless base-cell
(setq base-cell (ein:notebook-get-current-cell)))
(let ((cell (ein:notebook-cell-from-type notebook type)))
(when cell
((= (ein:notebook-ncells notebook) 0)
(ein:cell-enter-last cell))
(ein:cell-insert-below base-cell cell)))
(ein:cell-goto cell)
(setf (ein:$notebook-dirty notebook) t))
(defun ein:notebook-insert-cell-below-command ()
(ein:notebook-insert-cell-below ein:notebook 'code)))
;;; Kernel related things
(defun ein:notebook-start-kernel ()
(let ((kernel (ein:kernel-init)))
(setf (ein:@notebook kernel) kernel)
(ein:kernel-start kernel (ein:@notebook notebook-id)
(list ein:notebook))))
(defun ein:notebook-kernel-started (notebook)
(let* ((kernel (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook))
(shell-channel (ein:$kernel-shell-channel kernel))
(iopub-channel (ein:$kernel-iopub-channel kernel)))
(lexical-let ((notebook notebook))
(setf (ein:$websocket-onmessage shell-channel)
(lambda (packet)
(ein:notebook-handle-shell-reply notebook packet)))
(setf (ein:$websocket-onmessage iopub-channel)
(lambda (packet)
(ein:notebook-handle-iopub-reply notebook packet)))))
(ein:log 'info "IPython kernel is started"))
(defun ein:notebook-handle-shell-reply (notebook packet)
(&key header content msg_type parent_header &allow-other-keys)
(ein:json-read-from-string packet)
(let ((cell (ein:notebook-cell-for-msg
(plist-get parent_header :msg_id))))
((equal msg_type "execute_reply")
(ein:cell-set-input-prompt cell (plist-get content :execution_count))
(ein:cell-running-set cell nil)
(setf (ein:$notebook-dirty notebook) t))
((equal msg_type "complete_reply")
(ein:cell-finish-completing cell
(plist-get content :matched_text)
(plist-get content :matches)))
((equal msg_type "object_info_reply")
(when (plist-get content :found)
(ein:cell-finish-tooltip cell content)))
(t (ein:log 'info "nown reply: %s" msg_type)))
(when (plist-member content :payload)
(ein:notebook-handle-payload notebook cell
(plist-get content :payload))))))
(defun ein:notebook-handle-payload (notebook cell payload)
(loop for p in payload
for text = (plist-get p :text)
for source = (plist-get p :source)
if (equal source "IPython.zmq.page.page")
when (equal (ein:trim text) "")
do (let ((pager (ein:$notebook-pager notebook)))
(ein:pager-clear pager)
(ein:pager-expand pager)
(ein:pager-append-text pager text))
else if
(equal source "IPython.zmq.zmqshell.ZMQInteractiveShell.set_next_input")
do (let ((new-cell (ein:notebook-insert-cell-below 'code cell)))
(ein:cell-set-text new-cell text)
(setf (ein:$notebook-dirty notebook) t))))
(defun ein:notebook-handle-iopub-reply (notebook packet)
(&key content msg_type parent_header &allow-other-keys)
(ein:json-read-from-string packet)
(let ((cell (ein:notebook-cell-for-msg
(plist-get parent_header :msg_id))))
(if (and (not (equal msg_type "status")) (null cell))
(ein:log 'verbose "Got message not from this notebook.")
(ein:log 'debug "handle-iopub-reply: msg_type = %s" msg_type)
(ein:case-equal msg_type
(("stream" "display_data" "pyout" "pyerr")
(ein:notebook-handle-output notebook cell msg_type content))
(ein:case-equal (plist-get content :execution_state)
(ein:events-trigger 'status_busy.Kernel))
(ein:events-trigger 'status_idle.Kernel))
(ein:notebook-handle-status-dead notebook)))
(ein:cell-clear-output cell
(plist-get content :stdout)
(plist-get content :stderr)
(plist-get content :other))))))))
(defun ein:notebook-handle-status-dead (notebook)
;; FIXME: do something more useful
(ein:log 'info "The kernel has died."))
(defun ein:notebook-handle-output (notebook cell msg-type content)
(let* ((json (list :output_type msg-type)))
(ein:case-equal msg-type
(plist-put json :text (plist-get content :data))
(plist-put json :stream (plist-get content :name)))
(("display_data" "pyout")
(when (equal msg-type "pyout")
(plist-put json :prompt_number (plist-get content :execution_count)))
(setq json (ein:notebook-convert-mime-types
json (plist-get content :data))))
(plist-put json :ename (plist-get content :ename))
(plist-put json :evalue (plist-get content :evalue))
(plist-put json :traceback (plist-get content :traceback))))
(ein:cell-append-output cell json t)
(setf (ein:$notebook-dirty notebook) t)))
(defun ein:notebook-convert-mime-types (json data)
(loop for (prop . mime) in '((:text . :text/plain)
(:html . :text/html)
(:png . :image/png)
(:jpeg . :image/jpeg)
(:latex . :text/latex)
(:json . :application/json)
(:javascript . :application/javascript))
when (plist-member data mime)
do (plist-put json prop (plist-get data mime)))
(defun ein:notebook-get-current-ewoc-node (&optional pos)
(ein:aand ein:notebook (ein:$notebook-ewoc it) (ewoc-locate it pos)))
(defun ein:notebook-get-nearest-cell-ewoc-node (&optional pos max)
(ein:aif (ein:notebook-get-current-ewoc-node pos)
(let ((ewoc-node it))
;; FIXME: can be optimized using the argument `max'
(while (and ewoc-node
(not (ein:cell-ewoc-node-p ewoc-node)))
(setq ewoc-node (ewoc-next (ein:@notebook ewoc) ewoc-node)))
(defun ein:notebook-get-current-cell (&optional pos)
(let ((cell (ein:aand (ein:notebook-get-current-ewoc-node pos)
(ewoc-data it)
(ein:$node-data it))))
(when (ein:basecell-child-p cell) cell)))
(defun ein:notebook-execute-current-cell ()
;; FIXME: implement `add_new' and `terminal' option like
;; `Notebook.execute_selected_cell'.
(let ((cell (ein:notebook-get-current-cell)))
(ein:cell-clear-output cell t t t)
(ein:cell-set-input-prompt cell "*")
(ein:cell-running-set cell t)
;; FIXME: treat cell type
(let* ((code (ein:cell-get-text cell))
(msg-id (ein:kernel-execute (ein:@notebook kernel) code)))
(puthash msg-id (oref cell :cell-id) (ein:@notebook msg-cell-map)))
(setf (ein:@notebook dirty) t)))
;;; Persistance and loading
(defun ein:notebook-from-json (notebook data)
(let* ((metadata (plist-get data :metadata))
(notebook-name (plist-get metadata :name)))
(setf (ein:$notebook-metadata notebook) metadata)
(setf (ein:$notebook-notebook-name notebook) notebook-name))
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
;; Enable nonsep for ewoc object (the last argument is non-nil).
;; This is for putting read-only text properties to the newlines.
(setf (ein:$notebook-ewoc notebook)
(ewoc-create 'ein:notebook-pp
(ein:propertize-read-only "IPython notebook\n\n")
nil t))
(mapc (lambda (cell-data)
(ein:notebook-cell-from-json ein:notebook cell-data)))
;; Only handle 1 worksheet for now, as in notebook.js
(plist-get (nth 0 (plist-get data :worksheets)) :cells))))
(defun ein:notebook-to-json (notebook)
"Return json-ready alist."
. [((cells
. ,(apply #'vector
(mapcar #'ein:cell-to-json
(ein:notebook-get-cells notebook)))))])
(metadata . ,(ein:$notebook-metadata notebook))))
(defun ein:notebook-save-notebook (notebook)
(let ((data (ein:notebook-to-json notebook)))
(plist-put (cdr (assq 'metadata data))
:name (ein:$notebook-notebook-name notebook))
(push `(nbformat . ,(ein:$notebook-nbformat notebook)) data)
(ein:events-trigger 'notebook_saving.Notebook)
(let ((url (ein:notebook-url (ein:$notebook-notebook-id notebook)))
(url-request-method "PUT")
(url-request-extra-headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/json")))
(url-request-data (json-encode data)))
(ein:log 'debug "URL-RETRIEVE url = %s" url)
(ein:log 'debug "URL-REQUEST-DATA = %s" url-request-data)
(list notebook)))))
(defun ein:notebook-save-notebook-command ()
(ein:notebook-save-notebook ein:notebook))
(defun ein:notebook-save-notebook-callback (status notebook)
(ein:log 'debug "SAVE-NOTEBOOK-CALLBACK nodtebook-id = %S, status = %S"
(ein:$notebook-notebook-id notebook)
(ein:log 'debug "(buffer-string) = \n%s" (buffer-string))
(kill-buffer (current-buffer))
(with-current-buffer (ewoc-buffer (ein:$notebook-ewoc notebook))
(ein:aif (plist-get status :error)
(ein:log 'debug "ERROR CODE = %S" it)
(ein:notebook-save-notebook-error notebook status))
(ein:notebook-save-notebook-success notebook status))))
(defun ein:notebook-save-notebook-success (notebook status)
(setf (ein:$notebook-dirty notebook))
(ein:events-trigger 'notebook_saved.Notebook))
(defun ein:notebook-save-notebook-error (notebook status)
(ein:events-trigger 'notebook_save_failed.Notebook))
;;; Notebook mode
(defvar ein:notebook-modes
'(ein:notebook-mumamo-mode ein:notebook-plain-mode))
(defun ein:notebook-choose-mode ()
(loop for mode in ein:notebook-modes
if (functionp mode)
return mode))
(defun ein:notebook-mode ()
(funcall (ein:notebook-choose-mode)))
(defvar ein:notebook-mode-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map "\C-c\C-r" 'ein:notebook-render)
(define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'ein:notebook-execute-current-cell)
(define-key map "\C-c\C-b" 'ein:notebook-insert-cell-below-command)
(define-key map "\C-x\C-s" 'ein:notebook-save-notebook-command)
(define-derived-mode ein:notebook-plain-mode fundamental-mode "ein:notebook"
"IPython notebook command without fancy coloring.")
(setq ein:notebook-plain-mode-map ein:notebook-mode-map)
(provide 'ein-notebook)
;;; ein-notebook.el ends here