John Miller e226b30139 Follow redirects, numerous other fixes.
Content api tries to handle redirects, pointing new content towards the
redirected url instead of the one supplied by the user. Login with redirects not
working, though.

Other fixes:

 - Fixed bug in ein-ac that was generating errors outside of ein buffers.
 - New function `ein:pyools-set-figure-size` as shortcut for modifying
   matplotlib figsize rcParam.
 - ob-ein will output tracebacks when ein source block generates an error.
2017-01-11 07:42:06 -06:00

189 lines
7.4 KiB

;;; ob-ein.el --- org-babel functions for template evaluation
;; Copyright (C) John M. Miller
;; Author: John M. Miller <millejoh at mac.com>
;;; License:
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; ob-ein.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; ob-ein.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with ein-notebooklist.el. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'ob)
(require 'ob-python)
(require 'cl)
(require 'ein-notebook)
(require 'ein-shared-output)
(require 'ein-utils)
(require 'python)
;; declare default header arguments for this language
(defvar org-babel-default-header-args:ein '())
;; For managing sessions.
(defvar *ein:org-babel-sessions* (make-hash-table))
(add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("ein" . python))
(defun ein:write-base64-image (img-string file)
(with-temp-file file
(let ((buffer-read-only nil)
(buffer-file-coding-system 'binary)
(require-final-newline nil)
(file-precious-flag t))
(insert img-string)
(base64-decode-region (point-min) (point-max)))))
(defun ein:return-mime-type (json file)
for key in (cond
((functionp ein:output-type-preference)
(funcall ein:output-type-preference json))
(t ein:output-type-preference))
for type = (intern (format ":%s" key)) ; something like `:text'
for value = (plist-get json type) ; FIXME: optimize
when (plist-member json type)
(case key
((svg image/svg)
(ein:write-base64-decoded-image value file)
(format "[[%s]]" file)))
((png image/png jpeg image/jpeg)
(ein:write-base64-image value file)
(format "[[%s]]" file)))
(t (plist-get json type)))))
(defun org-babel-ein-process-outputs (outputs params)
(let ((file (cdr (assoc :file params))))
(loop for o in outputs
collecting (ein:return-mime-type o file))))
;; This is the main function which is called to evaluate a code
;; block.
;; This function will evaluate the body of the source code and
;; return the results as emacs-lisp depending on the value of the
;; :results header argument
;; - output means that the output to STDOUT will be captured and
;; returned
;; - value means that the value of the last statement in the
;; source code block will be returned
(defcustom ein:org-execute-timeout 30
"Query timeout, in seconds, for executing ein source blocks in
org files."
:type 'number
:group 'ein)
(defun org-babel-execute:ein (body params)
"Execute a block of python code with org-babel by way of
emacs-ipython-notebook's facilities for communicating with
jupyter kernels.
This function is called by `org-babel-execute-src-block'"
(let* ((processed-params (org-babel-process-params params))
(kernelspec (cdr (assoc :kernelspec params)))
;; set the session if the session variable is non-nil
(session-kernel (org-babel-ein-initiate-session
(cdr (assoc :session processed-params))
;; either OUTPUT or VALUE which should behave as described above
(result-type (cdr (assoc :result-type processed-params)))
;; expand the body with `org-babel-expand-body:template'
(full-body (org-babel-expand-body:generic (encode-coding-string body 'utf-8)
params (org-babel-variable-assignments:python params))))
(ein:shared-output-eval-string full-body nil nil session-kernel)
(let ((cell (ein:shared-output-get-cell)))
(ein:wait-until #'(lambda ()
(null (slot-value cell 'running)))
nil ein:org-execute-timeout)
(if (and (slot-boundp cell 'traceback)
(slot-value cell 'traceback))
(ansi-color-apply (apply #'concat (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
(format "%s\n" s))
(slot-value cell 'traceback))))
(org-babel-ein-process-outputs (slot-value cell 'outputs) processed-params)))))
;; This function should be used to assign any variables in params in
;; the context of the session environment.
(defun org-babel-prep-session:ein (session params)
"Prepare SESSION according to the header arguments specified in PARAMS."
(defun org-babel-ein-var-to-template (var)
"Convert an elisp var into a string of template source code
specifying a var of the same value."
(format "%S" var))
(defun org-babel-ein-table-or-string (results)
"If the results look like a table, then convert them into an
Emacs-lisp table, otherwise return the results as a string."
(defun ein:org-babel-clean-url (url-or-port)
(if (search ":" url-or-port)
(string-to-number url-or-port)))
(defun ein:org-babel-parse-session (session)
(cond ((numberp session)
(values session nil))
((search "/" session)
(let* ((url-or-port (ein:org-babel-clean-url (car (split-string session "/"))))
(path (ein:join-str "/" (rest (split-string session "/")))))
(values url-or-port path)))
(t (values (ein:org-babel-clean-url session) nil))))
(defcustom ein:org-babel-default-session-name "ein_babel_session.ipynb"
"Default name for org babel sessions running ein environments.
This is the name of the notebook used when no notebook path is
given in the session parameter."
:type '(string :tag "Format string")
:group 'ein)
(defun org-babel-ein-initiate-session (&optional session kernelspec)
"If there is not a current inferior-process-buffer in SESSION then create.
Return the initialized session."
(when (and (stringp session) (string= session "none"))
(error "You must specify a notebook or kernelspec as the session variable for ein code blocks."))
(multiple-value-bind (url-or-port path) (ein:org-babel-parse-session session)
(if (null (gethash url-or-port ein:available-kernelspecs))
(ein:query-kernelspecs url-or-port))
(if (null kernelspec)
(setq kernelspec (ein:get-kernelspec url-or-port "default")))
(cond ((null path)
(let* ((name ein:org-babel-default-session-name)
(new-session (format "%s/%s" url-or-port name)))
(ein:notebooklist-new-notebook-with-name name kernelspec url-or-port)
(org-babel-ein-initiate-session new-session kernelspec)))
(t (let ((nb (or (ein:notebook-get-opened-notebook url-or-port path)
(ein:notebook-open url-or-port path kernelspec
(lexical-let ((session session)
(kernelspec kernelspec))
(lambda ()
(org-babel-ein-initiate-session session kernelspec)))))))
(ein:$notebook-kernel nb))))))
(provide 'ob-ein)
;;; ob-ein.el ends here