John Miller 21d0166851 Close but no cigar - fix image types when saving.
Notebooks created directly from ein store image data differently than
notebooks created from the web interface. We now try to fix that when
saving notebooks.
2016-01-07 05:55:30 -07:00

136 lines
5.2 KiB

;;; ein-cell-output.el --- Cell module
;; (C) 2015- John M. Miller
;; Author: John M. Miller (millejoh at mac dot com)
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; ein-cell.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; ein-cell-output.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with ein-cell-output.el. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Because wiriting cell outputs to nbformat v4.0 json is complicated
;; enought that it warrants a file all to its own.
;;; Code:
(require 'ein-cell)
(require 'cl-generic)
(defmethod ein:cell-to-json ((cell ein:codecell) &optional discard-output)
"Return json-ready alist."
`((input . ,(ein:cell-get-text cell))
(cell_type . "code")
,@(ein:aif (ein:oref-safe cell :input-prompt-number)
`((prompt_number . ,it)))
(outputs . ,(if discard-output [] (apply #'vector (oref cell :outputs))))
(language . "python")
(collapsed . ,(if (oref cell :collapsed) t json-false))))
(defvar ein:output-type-map
'((:svg . :image/svg) (:png . :image/png) (:jpeg . :image/jpeg)
(:text . :text/plain)
(:html . :text/html) (:latex . :text/latex) (:javascript . :text/javascript)))
(defun ein:output-property (maybe-property)
(cdr (assoc maybe-property ein:output-type-map)))
(defmethod ein:cell-to-nb4-json ((cell ein:codecell) wsidx &optional discard-output)
(let ((metadata `((collapsed . ,(if (oref cell :collapsed) t json-false))
(autoscroll . json-false)
(ein.tags . (,(format "worksheet-%s" wsidx)))))
(outputs (if discard-output []
(oref cell :outputs)))
(renamed-outputs '())
(execute-count (ein:aif (ein:oref-safe cell :input-prompt-number)
(and (numberp it) it))))
(unless discard-output
(dolist (o outputs)
(let ((type (plist-get o :output_type)))
(push (cond ((equal type "display_data") (ein:cell-display-data-output-to-json o))
((equal type "execute_result") (ein:cell-execute-result-output-to-json o))
((equal type "stream") (ein:cell-stream-output-to-json o))
((equal type "error") (ein:cell-error-output-to-json o))
(t (warn "Unhandled output_type %s." type)))
`((source . ,(ein:cell-get-text cell))
(cell_type . "code")
,@(if execute-count
`((execution_count . ,execute-count))
`((execution_count . 0)))
(outputs . ,(apply #'vector (or renamed-outputs outputs)))
(metadata . ,metadata))))
(defmethod ein:cell-to-json ((cell ein:textcell) &optional discard-output)
`((cell_type . ,(oref cell :cell-type))
(source . ,(ein:cell-get-text cell))))
(defmethod ein:cell-to-nb4-json ((cell ein:textcell) wsidx &optional discard-output)
`((cell_type . ,(oref cell :cell-type))
(source . ,(ein:cell-get-text cell))
(metadata . ((ein.tags . (,(format "worksheet-%s" wsidx)))))))
(defmethod ein:cell-to-nb4-json ((cell ein:headingcell) wsidx &optional discard-output)
(let ((header (make-string (oref cell :level) ?#)))
`((cell_type . "markdown")
(source . ,(format "%s %s" header (ein:cell-get-text cell)))
(metadata . ((ein.tags . (,(format "worksheet-%s" wsidx))))))))
(defmethod ein:cell-to-json ((cell ein:headingcell) &optional discard-output)
(let ((json (call-next-method)))
(append json `((level . ,(oref cell :level))))))
;;; Dealing with Code cell outputs
(defun ein:cell-stream-output-to-json (output)
`((output_type . "stream")
(name . ,(plist-get output :stream))
(text . ,(plist-get output :text))))
(defun ein:cell-error-output-to-json (output)
`((output_type . "error")
(ename . ,(plist-get output :ename))
(evalue . ,(plist-get output :evalue))
(traceback . ,(plist-get output :traceback))))
(defun ein:cell-execute-result-output-to-json (output)
(let ((data (ein:aif (plist-get output :text)
`("text/plain" . ,it)
(plist-get output :data))))
`((output_type . "execute_result")
(metadata . ,(make-hash-table))
(execution_count . ,(or (plist-get output :prompt_number)
(plist-get output :execution_count)))
(data . (,data)))))
(defun ein:maybe-get-output-mime-data (output)
(loop for type in '(:svg :png :jpeg :html :latex :javascript :text)
if (plist-get output type)
collecting (cons (ein:output-property type) (plist-get output type))))
(defun ein:cell-display-data-output-to-json (output)
(let ((data (or (ein:maybe-get-output-mime-data output)
(plist-get output :data))))
`((output_type . "display_data")
(data . ,data)
(metadata . ,(make-hash-table)))))
(defun ein:find-and-make-outputs (output-plist)
(loop for prop in ein:output-type-map
when (plist-get output-plist (cdr prop))
collect (list (cdr prop) (plist-get output-plist (cdr prop)))))
(provide 'ein-cell-output)