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Improved notification in the header when the notebook has no associated kernelspec. For advanced cell editing assume codecells contain python code when the notebook has no associated kernelspec.
391 lines
14 KiB
391 lines
14 KiB
;;; ein-notification.el --- Notification widget for Notebook
;; Copyright (C) 2012- Takafumi Arakaki
;; Author: Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at gmail.com>
;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
;; ein-notification.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; ein-notification.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with ein-notification.el. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
(require 'eieio)
(require 'ein-core)
(require 'ein-events)
;; Class and variable
(ein:deflocal ein:%notification% nil
"Buffer local variable to hold an instance of `ein:notification'.")
(define-obsolete-variable-alias 'ein:@notification 'ein:%notification% "0.1.2")
(defvar ein:header-line-format '(:eval (ein:header-line)))
(defvar ein:header-line-tab-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(defvar ein:header-line-insert-tab-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(defvar ein:header-line-switch-kernel-map (make-sparse-keymap))
(defvar ein:header-line-tab-help
mouse-1 (left click) : switch to this tab
mouse-3 (right click) : pop to this tab
mouse-2 (middle click) : delete this tab
M-mouse-1/3 (Alt + left/right click): insert new tab to left/right
S-mouse-1/3 (Shift + left/right click): move this tab to left/right"
"Help message.")
;; Note: can't put this below of `ein:notification-setup'...
(defclass ein:notification-status ()
((status :initarg :status :initform nil)
(message :initarg :message :initform nil)
(s2m :initarg :s2m))
"Hold status and it's string representation (message).")
(defclass ein:notification-tab ()
((get-list :initarg :get-list :type function)
(get-current :initarg :get-current :type function)
(get-name :initarg :get-name :type function)
(get-buffer :initarg :get-buffer :type function)
(delete :initarg :delete :type function)
(insert-prev :initarg :insert-prev :type function)
(insert-next :initarg :insert-next :type function)
(move-prev :initarg :move-prev :type function)
(move-next :initarg :move-next :type function)
;; These "methods" are for not depending on what the TABs for.
;; Probably I'd want change this to be a separated Emacs lisp
;; library at some point.
"See `ein:notification-setup' for explanation.")
(defclass ein:notification ()
((buffer :initarg :buffer :type buffer :document "Notebook buffer")
(tab :initarg :tab :type ein:notification-tab)
:initform "y" :initarg :execution-count
:documentation "Last `execution_count' sent by `execute_reply'.")
:initarg :notebook
'((notebook_saving.Notebook . "Saving Notebook...")
(notebook_create_checkpoint.Notebook . "Creating Checkpoint...")
(notebook_saved.Notebook . "Notebook is saved")
(notebook_checkpoint_created.Notebook . "Checkpoint created.")
(notebook_save_failed.Notebook . "Failed to save Notebook!")))
:type ein:notification-status)
:initarg :kernel
'((status_idle.Kernel . nil)
(status_busy.Kernel . "Kernel is busy...")
(status_dead.Kernel . "Kernel is dead. Need restart.")))
:type ein:notification-status))
"Notification widget for Notebook.")
(defmethod ein:notification-status-set ((ns ein:notification-status) status)
(let* ((message (cdr (assoc status (oref ns :s2m)))))
(oset ns :status status)
(oset ns :message message)))
(defmethod ein:notification-bind-events ((notification ein:notification)
"Bind a callback to events of the event handler EVENTS which
just set the status \(= event-type):
\(ein:notification-status-set NS EVENT-TYPE)
where NS is `:kernel' or `:notebook' slot of NOTIFICATION."
(loop for ns in (list (oref notification :kernel)
(oref notification :notebook))
for statuses = (mapcar #'car (oref ns :s2m))
do (loop for st in statuses
do (ein:events-on events
st ; = event-type
(cons ns st))))
(ein:events-on events
(list (oref notification :notebook)
"Checkpoint created."
(ein:events-on events
(list (oref notification :notebook)
"Notebook is saved"
(ein:events-on events
(ein:events-on events
(list (oref notification :kernel)
"Restarting kernel..."
(defun ein:notification--callback (packed data)
(let ((ns (car packed))
(status (cdr packed)))
(ein:notification-status-set ns status)))
(defun ein:notification--set-execution-count (notification count)
(oset notification :execution-count count))
(defun ein:notification--fadeout-callback (packed data)
;; FIXME: I can simplify this.
;; Do not pass around message, for exmaple.
(let ((ns (nth 0 packed))
(message (nth 1 packed))
(status (nth 2 packed))
(next (nth 3 packed)))
(oset ns :status status)
(oset ns :message message)
(apply #'run-at-time
1 nil
(lambda (ns message status next)
(when (equal (oref ns :status) status)
(ein:notification-status-set ns next)
;; (ein:with-live-buffer (oref ns :buffer)
;; (force-mode-line-update))
(defun ein:notification-setup (buffer events &rest tab-slots)
"Setup a new notification widget in the BUFFER.
This function saves the new notification widget instance in the
local variable of the BUFFER.
Rest of the arguments are for TABs in `header-line'.
GET-LIST : function
Return a list of worksheets.
GET-CURRENT : function
Return the current worksheet.
GET-NAME : function
Return a name of the worksheet given as its argument.
GET-BUFFER : function
Get a buffer of given worksheet. Render it if needed.
DELETE : function
Remove a given worksheet.
Insert new worksheet before/after the specified worksheet.
MOVE-PREV / MOVE-NEXT : function
Switch this worksheet to the previous/next one.
\(fn buffer events &key get-list get-current get-name get-buffer delete \
insert-prev insert-next move-prev move-next)"
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq ein:%notification%
(ein:notification "NotificationWidget" :buffer buffer))
(setq header-line-format ein:header-line-format)
(ein:notification-bind-events ein:%notification% events)
(oset ein:%notification% :tab
(apply #'make-instance 'ein:notification-tab tab-slots))
;;; Tabs
(defface ein:notification-tab-selected
'((t :inherit (header-line match) :underline t))
"Face for headline selected tab."
:group 'ein)
(defface ein:notification-tab-normal
'((t :inherit (header-line) :underline t :height 0.8))
"Face for headline selected tab."
:group 'ein)
(defmethod ein:notification-tab-create-line ((tab ein:notification-tab))
(let ((list (funcall (oref tab :get-list)))
(current (funcall (oref tab :get-current)))
(get-name (oref tab :get-name)))
" "
(loop for i from 1
for elem in list
if (eq elem current)
collect (propertize
(or (ein:and-let* ((name (funcall get-name elem)))
(format "/%d: %s\\" i name))
(format "/%d\\" i))
'ein:worksheet elem
'keymap ein:header-line-tab-map
'help-echo ein:header-line-tab-help
'mouse-face 'highlight
'face 'ein:notification-tab-selected)
collect (propertize
(format "/%d\\" i)
'ein:worksheet elem
'keymap ein:header-line-tab-map
'help-echo ein:header-line-tab-help
'mouse-face 'highlight
'face 'ein:notification-tab-normal))
(propertize "[+]"
'keymap ein:header-line-insert-tab-map
'help-echo "Click (mouse-1) to insert a new tab."
'mouse-face 'highlight
'face 'ein:notification-tab-normal)
(propertize (ein:aif (ein:$notebook-kernelspec ein:%notebook%)
(format "|%s|" (ein:$kernelspec-name it))
"|unknown: please click and select a kernel|")
'keymap ein:header-line-switch-kernel-map
'help-echo "Click (mouse-1) to change the running kernel."
'mouse-face 'highlight
'face 'ein:notification-tab-normal))))))
;;; Header line
(let ((map ein:header-line-tab-map))
(define-key map [header-line M-mouse-1] 'ein:header-line-insert-prev-tab)
(define-key map [header-line M-mouse-3] 'ein:header-line-insert-next-tab)
(define-key map [header-line S-mouse-1] 'ein:header-line-move-prev-tab)
(define-key map [header-line S-mouse-3] 'ein:header-line-move-next-tab)
(define-key map [header-line mouse-1] 'ein:header-line-switch-to-this-tab)
(define-key map [header-line mouse-2] 'ein:header-line-delete-this-tab)
(define-key map [header-line mouse-3] 'ein:header-line-pop-to-this-tab))
(define-key ein:header-line-insert-tab-map
[header-line mouse-1] 'ein:header-line-insert-new-tab)
(define-key ein:header-line-switch-kernel-map
[header-line mouse-1] 'ein:header-line-switch-kernel)
(defmacro ein:with-destructuring-bind-key-event (key-event &rest body)
(declare (debug (form &rest form))
(indent 1))
;; See: (info "(elisp) Click Events")
(window pos-or-area (x . y) timestamp
object text-pos (col . row)
image (dx . dy) (width . height)))
(defun ein:header-line-select-window (key-event)
(ein:with-destructuring-bind-key-event key-event (select-window window)))
(defun ein:header-line-key-event-get-worksheet (key-event)
(ein:with-destructuring-bind-key-event key-event
(get-char-property (cdr object) 'ein:worksheet (car object))))
(defun ein:header-line-key-event-get-buffer (key-event)
(funcall (oref (oref ein:%notification% :tab) :get-buffer)
(ein:header-line-key-event-get-worksheet key-event)))
(defun ein:header-line-switch-to-this-tab (key-event)
(interactive "e")
(ein:header-line-select-window key-event)
(switch-to-buffer (ein:header-line-key-event-get-buffer key-event)))
(defun ein:header-line-pop-to-this-tab (key-event)
(interactive "e")
(ein:header-line-select-window key-event)
(pop-to-buffer (ein:header-line-key-event-get-buffer key-event)))
(defun ein:header-line-do-slot-function (key-event slot)
"Call SLOT function on worksheet instance fetched from KEY-EVENT."
(ein:header-line-select-window key-event)
(funcall (slot-value (oref ein:%notification% :tab) slot)
(ein:header-line-key-event-get-worksheet key-event)))
(defmacro ein:header-line-define-mouse-commands (&rest name-slot-list)
,@(loop for (name slot) on name-slot-list by 'cddr
`(defun ,name (key-event)
,(format "Run slot %s
Generated by `ein:header-line-define-mouse-commands'" slot)
(interactive "e")
(ein:header-line-do-slot-function key-event ,slot)))))
ein:header-line-delete-this-tab :delete
ein:header-line-insert-prev-tab :insert-prev
ein:header-line-insert-next-tab :insert-next
ein:header-line-move-prev-tab :move-prev
ein:header-line-move-next-tab :move-next
(defun ein:header-line-insert-new-tab (key-event)
"Insert new tab."
(interactive "e")
(ein:header-line-select-window key-event)
(let ((notification (oref ein:%notification% :tab)))
(funcall (oref notification :insert-next)
(car (last (funcall (oref notification :get-list)))))))
(defun ein:header-line-switch-kernel (key-event)
(interactive "e")
(let* ((notebook (or (ein:get-notebook)
"Select notebook [URL-OR-PORT/NAME]: "
(kernel-name (completing-read
"Select kernel: "
(ein:list-available-kernels (ein:$notebook-url-or-port notebook)))))
(ein:notebook-switch-kernel notebook kernel-name)))
(defun ein:header-line ()
"IP[%s]: %s"
(oref ein:%notification% :execution-count)
" | "
(list (oref (oref ein:%notification% :notebook) :message)
(oref (oref ein:%notification% :kernel) :message)
(oref ein:%notification% :tab)))))))
(defun ein:header-line-setup-maybe ()
"Setup `header-line-format' for mumamo.
As `header-line-format' is buffer local variable, it must be set
for each chunk when in
See also `ein:ac-setup-maybe'."
(and (ein:eval-if-bound 'ein:%notebook%)
(ein:eval-if-bound 'mumamo-multi-major-mode)
(setq header-line-format ein:header-line-format)))
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook 'ein:header-line-setup-maybe)
(provide 'ein-notification)
;;; ein-notification.el ends here