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2012-05-13 03:49:43 +02:00
tests Add tests for ein:url and ein:trim 2012-05-13 03:49:43 +02:00
debug-ein.el Hack to shorten *Backtrace* lines 2012-05-11 04:24:05 +02:00
ein-cell.el Fix ein:cell-convert(-inplace) 2012-05-11 23:52:04 +02:00
ein-events.el First commit of bare bone version 2012-05-07 14:41:15 +02:00
ein-kernel.el Big refactoring over URL to allow multiple servers 2012-05-13 03:49:40 +02:00
ein-log.el Add ein:deflocal to eliminate boilerplate 2012-05-12 22:55:44 +02:00
ein-mumamo.el Remove suspicious code "(not end)" 2012-05-10 23:14:00 +02:00
ein-node.el First commit of bare bone version 2012-05-07 14:41:15 +02:00
ein-notebook.el Big refactoring over URL to allow multiple servers 2012-05-13 03:49:40 +02:00
ein-notebooklist.el Big refactoring over URL to allow multiple servers 2012-05-13 03:49:40 +02:00
ein-pager.el Implement ein-pager.el: help? works now 2012-05-11 05:24:34 +02:00
ein-utils.el Big refactoring over URL to allow multiple servers 2012-05-13 03:49:40 +02:00
ein-websocket.el Add ein:$websocket-closed-by-client (~= wasClean) 2012-05-09 08:54:02 +02:00
ein.el First commit of bare bone version 2012-05-07 14:41:15 +02:00
README.rst Improve usage section in README 2012-05-11 00:12:16 +02:00

 Emacs IPython Notebook

.. warning:: This is **very** early version.
             Do not use it in a serious situation!


.. figure::
   :alt: Plotting in Emacs IPython Notebook


* IPython_ **0.12.1**: EIN won't work with older versions.
* `websocket.el`_
* (optional) mumamo_:
  It will be automatically loaded when it is on the path.
  The official way to setup path is to load nXhtml_.
  So you will need to load nXhtml_ *before* loading EIN.
* (optional) markdown-mode
* (optional) python-mode:
  It should work with either python.el or python-mode.el.

EIN is currently tested in Emacs 24.

.. _IPython:
.. _websocket.el:
.. _mumamo:
.. _nXhtml:


1. Install module.
   Put Emacs lisp ``ein*.el`` files in your load path.

2. Require module::

     (require 'ein)

3. Start `IPython notebook server`_.

4. Hit ``M-x ein:notebooklist-open`` to open notebook list.

.. _`IPython notebook server`: