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Welcome to Emacs IPython Notebook's documentation!
.. el:package:: ein
Emacs IPython Notebook (EIN) provides fully featured IPython Notebook
client and integrated REPL (like SLIME_).
.. _SLIME: http://common-lisp.net/project/slime/
Highlighted features:
* Copy/paste cells, even to/from different notebooks.
* Console integration: You can easily connect to kernel via console
application. This enables you to start debugging in the same
kernel. It is even possible to connect console over ssh [#]_.
* IPython kernel can be "connected" to any buffers. This enables you
to evaluate buffer/region using same kernel as notebook. Notebook
goodies such as tooltip help, help browser and code completion are
available in these buffers. [#]_
* Jump to definition (go to the definition by hitting ``M-.`` over an
Other notebook features:
* Inline images
* Auto/manual-completion
* Popup (tooltip) help
* Syntax highlighting in each cell types (Python/Markdown/ReST/HTML)
* Help browser (opens when executing ``function?``)
* Traceback viewer
.. [#] You need to setup :el:symbol:`ein:notebook-console-args` properly
.. [#] Use the command :el:symbol:`ein:connect-to-notebook`.
Notebook list
You can start notebook by ``M-x ein:notebooklist-open`` and enter the
port or URL of the IPython notebook server.
.. el:function:: ein:notebooklist-open
.. el:function:: ein:notebooklist-new-notebook
.. el:function:: ein:notebooklist-open-notebook-global
.. el:function:: ein:notebooklist-new-scratch-notebook
The following keybinds are available in notebook buffers.
.. el:keymap:: ein:notebook-mode-map
.. el:function:: ein:notebook-delete-cell-command
Connected buffer
You can connect any buffer (typically buffer opening Python file) to
opened notebook and use the kernel of the notebook to execute the
code, inspect objects, auto-complete code, jump to the other source,
etc. Once the buffer is connected to the notebook, minor mode
:el:symbol:`ein:connect-mode` is enabled and the following keybinds
are available.
.. el:keymap:: ein:connect-mode-map
Other useful commands:
.. el:function:: ein:connect-to-notebook
.. el:function:: ein:connect-eval-buffer
.. el:function:: ein:connect-run-buffer
Shared output buffer
.. el:function:: ein:shared-output-pop-to-buffer
.. el:keymap:: ein:shared-output-mode-map
Traceback viewer
Traceback in notebook buffer is not easy to understand. You can open
Traceback viewer by the command :el:symbol:`ein:notebook-view-traceback`.
In the Traceback viewer, following keybinds are available.
.. el:keymap:: ein:traceback-mode-map
These commands can be used in the notebook buffer and the connected
.. el:function:: ein:pytools-whos
.. el:function:: ein:pytools-hierarchy
You can customize EIN using the Emacs customization UI by typing
``M-x customize-group RET ein RET``.
All the configurable variables are listed below.
.. el:variable:: ein:use-auto-complete
.. el:variable:: ein:use-auto-complete-superpack
.. el:variable:: ein:use-smartrep
.. el:variable:: ein:load-dev
Notebook list
.. el:variable:: ein:url-or-port
.. el:variable:: ein:scratch-notebook-name-template
.. el:variable:: ein:notebook-discard-output-on-save
.. el:variable:: ein:notebook-modes
.. el:variable:: ein:notebook-kill-buffer-ask
.. el:variable:: ein:notebook-console-security-dir
.. el:variable:: ein:notebook-console-executable
.. el:variable:: ein:notebook-console-args
.. el:variable:: ein:connect-run-command
.. el:variable:: ein:connect-save-before-run
.. el:variable:: ein:propagate-connect
.. el:variable:: ein:mumamo-codecell-mode
.. el:variable:: ein:mumamo-textcell-mode
.. el:variable:: ein:mumamo-htmlcell-mode
.. el:variable:: ein:mumamo-markdowncell-mode
.. el:variable:: ein:mumamo-rawcell-mode
.. el:variable:: ein:mumamo-headingcell-mode
.. el:variable:: ein:mumamo-fallback-mode
.. el:variable:: ein:query-timeout
Indices and tables
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`search`