John Miller 05dc8a1e43 Squashed 'lib/fuzzy/' content from commit 534d723
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2016-09-09 09:44:24 -05:00

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;;; fuzzy.el --- Fuzzy Matching
;; Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Tomohiro Matsuyama
;; Author: Tomohiro Matsuyama <m2ym.pub@gmail.com>
;; Keywords: convenience
;; Version: 0.2
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(require 'cl)
(require 'regexp-opt)
(defgroup fuzzy nil
"Fuzzy Matching"
:group 'convenience
:prefix "fuzzy-")
;;; Utilities
(defun fuzzy-current-time-float ()
(let ((time (current-time)))
(+ (* (float (first time))
(lsh 2 16))
(float (second time))
(/ (float (third time))
(defmacro* fuzzy-with-stopwatch ((&optional (elapsed-name 'elapsed)) &body body)
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((start (gensym "START")))
`(let ((,start (fuzzy-current-time-float)))
(flet ((,elapsed-name () (- (fuzzy-current-time-float) ,start)))
(defun* fuzzy-add-to-list-as-sorted (list-var value &key (test '<) (key 'identity))
(let ((list (symbol-value list-var)))
(if (or (null list)
(funcall test
(funcall key value)
(funcall key (car list))))
(set list-var (cons value list))
(while (and list
(cdr list)
(funcall test
(funcall key (cadr list))
(funcall key value)))
(setq list (cdr list)))
(setcdr list (cons value (cdr list))))))
(defmacro* fuzzy-with-timeout ((timeout &optional timeout-result (tick-name 'tick)) &body body)
(declare (indent 1))
(let ((elapsed (gensym "ELAPSED")))
`(catch 'timeout
(fuzzy-with-stopwatch (,elapsed)
(flet ((,tick-name ()
(when (and ,timeout (< ,timeout (,elapsed)))
(throw 'timeout ,timeout-result))))
(defun fuzzy-count-matches-in-string (regexp string &optional start end)
(setq start (or start 0)
end (or end (length string)))
(loop for start = start then (1+ matched)
for matched = (let ((case-fold-search nil))
(string-match regexp string start))
while (and matched (< (1+ matched) end))
count matched))
;;; Jaro-Winkler Distance
(defun fuzzy-jaro-winkler-distance (s1 s2)
"Compute Jaro-Winkler distance. See
(let* ((l1 (length s1))
(l2 (length s2))
(r (max 1 (1- (/ (max l1 l2) 2))))
(m 0)
(tr 0)
(p 0)
cs1 cs2)
(loop with seen = (make-vector l2 nil)
for i below l1
for c1 = (aref s1 i) do
(loop for j from (max 0 (- i r)) below (min l2 (+ i r))
for c2 = (aref s2 j)
if (and (char-equal c1 c2)
(null (aref seen j))) do
(push c1 cs1)
(aset seen j c2)
(incf m)
and return nil)
(setq cs1 (nreverse cs1)
cs2 (loop for i below l2
for c = (aref seen i)
if c collect c)))
(loop for c1 in cs1
for c2 in cs2
if (not (char-equal c1 c2))
do (incf tr))
(loop for i below (min m 5)
for c1 across s1
for c2 across s2
while (char-equal c1 c2)
do (incf p))
(if (eq m 0)
(setq m (float m))
(let* ((dj (/ (+ (/ m l1) (/ m l2) (/ (- m (/ tr 2)) m)) 3))
(dw (+ dj (* p 0.1 (- 1 dj)))))
;; Make sure byte-compiled.
(eval-when (eval)
(byte-compile 'fuzzy-jaro-winkler-distance))
(defalias 'fuzzy-jaro-winkler-score 'fuzzy-jaro-winkler-distance)
;;; Fuzzy Matching
(defcustom fuzzy-match-score-function 'fuzzy-jaro-winkler-score
"Score function for fuzzy matching."
:type 'function
:group 'fuzzy)
(defcustom fuzzy-match-accept-error-rate 0.10
"Fuzzy matching error threshold."
:type 'number
:group 'fuzzy)
(defcustom fuzzy-match-accept-length-difference 2
"Fuzzy matching length difference threshold."
:type 'number
:group 'fuzzy)
(defvar fuzzy-match-score-cache
(make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness t))
(defun fuzzy-match-score (s1 s2 function)
(let ((cache-key (list function s1 s2)))
(or (gethash cache-key fuzzy-match-score-cache)
(puthash cache-key
(funcall function s1 s2)
(defun* fuzzy-match (s1 s2 &optional (function fuzzy-match-score-function))
"Return t if S1 and S2 are matched. FUNCTION is a function
scoring between S1 and S2. The score must be between 0.0 and
(and (<= (abs (- (length s1) (length s2)))
(>= (fuzzy-match-score s1 s2 function)
(- 1 fuzzy-match-accept-error-rate))))
;;; Fuzzy Completion
(defun fuzzy-all-completions (string collection)
"`all-completions' with fuzzy matching."
(loop with length = (length string)
for str in collection
for len = (min (length str) (+ length fuzzy-match-accept-length-difference))
if (fuzzy-match string (substring str 0 len))
collect str))
;;; Fuzzy Search
(defvar fuzzy-search-some-char-regexp
(format ".\\{0,%s\\}" fuzzy-match-accept-length-difference))
(defun fuzzy-search-regexp-compile (string)
(flet ((opt (n)
(append (substring string
(max 0 (- n 1))
(min (length string) (+ n 2)))
(loop for i below (length string)
for c = (if (evenp i) (opt i) fuzzy-search-some-char-regexp)
concat c)
(loop for i below (length string)
for c = (if (oddp i) (opt i) fuzzy-search-some-char-regexp)
concat c)
(defun fuzzy-search-forward (string &optional bound noerror count)
(let ((regexp (fuzzy-search-regexp-compile string))
(while (and (null match-data)
(re-search-forward regexp bound t))
(if (fuzzy-match string (match-string 1))
(setq match-data (match-data))
(goto-char (1+ (match-beginning 1))))))
(when match-data
(store-match-data match-data)
(goto-char (match-end 1)))))
(defun fuzzy-search-backward (string &optional bound noerror count)
(let* ((regexp (fuzzy-search-regexp-compile string))
match-data begin end)
(while (and (null match-data)
(re-search-backward regexp bound t))
(setq begin (match-beginning 1)
end (match-end 1))
(store-match-data nil)
(goto-char (max (point-min) (- begin (* (length string) 2))))
(while (re-search-forward regexp end t)
(if (fuzzy-match string (match-string 1))
(setq match-data (match-data))
(goto-char (1+ (match-beginning 1)))))
(unless match-data
(goto-char begin)))
(if match-data
(store-match-data match-data)
(goto-char (match-beginning 1)))
(store-match-data nil)))))
;;; Fuzzy Incremental Search
(defvar fuzzy-isearch nil)
(defvar fuzzy-isearch-failed-count 0)
(defvar fuzzy-isearch-enabled 'on-failed)
(defvar fuzzy-isearch-original-search-fun nil)
(defvar fuzzy-isearch-message-prefix
(concat (propertize "[FUZZY]" 'face 'bold) " "))
(defun fuzzy-isearch-activate ()
(setq fuzzy-isearch t)
(setq fuzzy-isearch-failed-count 0))
(defun fuzzy-isearch-deactivate ()
(setq fuzzy-isearch nil)
(setq fuzzy-isearch-failed-count 0))
(defun fuzzy-isearch ()
(cond ((or isearch-word isearch-regexp)
((or fuzzy-isearch
(eq fuzzy-isearch-enabled 'always)
(and (eq fuzzy-isearch-enabled 'on-failed)
(null isearch-success)
(> (incf fuzzy-isearch-failed-count) 1)))
(unless fuzzy-isearch
(if isearch-forward 'fuzzy-search-forward 'fuzzy-search-backward))
(if isearch-forward 'search-forward 'search-backward))))
(defun fuzzy-isearch-end-hook ()
(defun turn-on-fuzzy-isearch ()
(setq fuzzy-isearch-original-search-fun isearch-search-fun-function)
(setq isearch-search-fun-function 'fuzzy-isearch)
(add-hook 'isearch-mode-end-hook 'fuzzy-isearch-end-hook))
(defun turn-off-fuzzy-isearch ()
(setq isearch-search-fun-function fuzzy-isearch-original-search-fun)
(remove-hook 'isearch-mode-end-hook 'fuzzy-isearch-end-hook))
(defadvice isearch-message-prefix (after fuzzy-isearch-message-prefix activate)
(if fuzzy-isearch
(setq ad-return-value (concat fuzzy-isearch-message-prefix ad-return-value))
;;; QuickSilver's Abbreviation Scoring
(defun fuzzy-quicksilver-make-abbrev-regexp (abbrev)
(concat "^"
(loop for char across (downcase abbrev) concat
(format ".*?\\(%s\\)"
(regexp-quote (string char))))))
(defun fuzzy-quicksilver-abbrev-penalty (string skip-start skip-end)
(let ((skipped (- skip-end skip-start)))
((zerop skipped) 0)
((string-match "[ \\t\\r\\n_-]+$" (substring string skip-start skip-end))
(let ((seps (- (match-end 0) (match-beginning 0))))
(+ seps (* (- skipped seps) 0.15))))
((let ((case-fold-search nil))
(eq (string-match "[[:upper:]]" string skip-end) skip-end))
(let ((ups (let ((case-fold-search nil))
"[[:upper:]]" string skip-start skip-end))))
(+ ups (* (- skipped ups) 0.15))))
(t skipped))))
(defun fuzzy-quicksilver-abbrev-score-nocache (string abbrev)
((zerop (length abbrev)) 0.9)
((< (length string) (length abbrev)) 0.0)
((let ((regexp (fuzzy-quicksilver-make-abbrev-regexp abbrev))
(case-fold-search t))
(string-match regexp string))
(loop with groups = (cddr (match-data))
while groups
for prev = 0 then end
for start = (pop groups)
for end = (pop groups)
for matched = (- end start)
for skipped = (- start prev)
for penalty = (fuzzy-quicksilver-abbrev-penalty string prev start)
sum (+ matched (- skipped penalty)) into point
finally return
(let* ((length (length string))
(rest (- length end)))
(/ (+ point (* rest 0.9)) (float length)))))
(t 0.0)))
;; Make sure byte-compiled.
(eval-when (eval)
(byte-compile 'fuzzy-quicksilver-abbrev-score-nocache))
(defvar fuzzy-quicksilver-abbrev-score-cache
(make-hash-table :test 'equal :weakness t))
(defun fuzzy-quicksilver-abbrev-score (string abbrev)
(let ((cache-key (cons string abbrev)))
(or (gethash cache-key fuzzy-quicksilver-abbrev-score-cache)
(puthash cache-key
(fuzzy-quicksilver-abbrev-score-nocache string abbrev)
(defun* fuzzy-quicksilver-realtime-abbrev-score (list
(quality 0.7)
&aux new-list)
(fuzzy-with-timeout (timeout (nreverse new-list))
(loop with length = 0
for string in list
for score = (fuzzy-quicksilver-abbrev-score string abbrev)
if (>= score quality) do
'new-list (cons string score)
:test '<
:key 'cdr)
(incf length)
if (and limit (> length limit)) do
(pop new-list)
(setq length limit)
do (tick)
finally return (nreverse new-list))))
(provide 'fuzzy)
;;; fuzzy.el ends here