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synced 2025-03-05 17:11:41 -05:00

As emacs users we prefer and have the luxury of fuzzy file navigation via ido and projectile. From a notebook or notebooklist buffer, the commands `C-c C-f` ein:file-open `C-c C-o` ein:notebook-open offer an ido alternative to point and click navigation. To populate the ido lists, retrieving the content hierarchy is on by default. Two custom variables determine how wide and deep the content query probes (currently at 2 levels deep and 6 directories wide). Set both to zero to turn off. tkf half finished code to quickly go from local file buffers to notebook mode via `C-c C-z` or `C-c C-o`. This is now possible. EIN will start the server from a suitable parent directory of the visited file. Enable ido completion for `notebooklist-login`. Remove the albatross `ein-loaddefs.el` in favor of more standard `ein-autoloads.el` that is not git tracked. Convenience `make install` from git source (local alternative to melpa).
236 lines
7.3 KiB
236 lines
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version: 1.0.{build}
# you can use {branch} name in version format too
# version: 1.0.{build}-{branch}
# Do not build on tags (GitHub and BitBucket)
skip_tags: true
# Skipping commits with particular message or from specific user
message: /\[skip appveyor\]/ # Regex for matching commit message
# Do not build feature branch with open Pull Requests
# skip_branch_with_pr: true
# Maximum number of concurrent jobs for the project
max_jobs: 1
# Build worker image (VM template)
image: Visual Studio 2015
# scripts that are called at very beginning, before repo cloning
- git config --global core.autocrlf input
# clone directory
clone_folder: c:\projects\myproject
# fetch repository as zip archive
shallow_clone: true # default is "false"
# set clone depth
clone_depth: 5 # clone entire repository history if not defined
# setting up etc\hosts file
# environment variables
# this is how to set encrypted variable. Go to "Settings" -> "Encrypt YAML" page in account menu to encrypt data.
secure: FW3tJ3fMncxvs58/ifSP7w==
# environment:
# global:
# connection_string: server=12;password=13;
# service_url:
# matrix:
# - db: mysql
# provider: mysql
# - db: mssql
# provider: mssql
# password:
# secure: $#(JFDA)jQ@#$
# this is how to allow failing jobs in the matrix
fast_finish: true # set this flag to immediately finish build once one of the jobs fails.
- platform: x86
configuration: Debug
- platform: x64
configuration: Release
# exclude configuration from the matrix. Works similarly to 'allow_failures' but build not even being started for excluded combination.
- platform: x86
configuration: Debug
# build cache to preserve files/folders between builds
# - packages -> **\packages.config # preserve "packages" directory in the root of build folder but will reset it if packages.config is modified
- C:\python27\
- C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib
- C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin
# - '%LocalAppData%'
# - node_modules # local npm modules
- '%LocalAppData%\NuGet\Cache' # NuGet < v3
- '%LocalAppData%\NuGet\v3-cache' # NuGet v3
# enable service required for build/tests
# - mssql2014 # start SQL Server 2014 Express
# - mssql2014rs # start SQL Server 2014 Express and Reporting Services
# - mssql2012sp1 # start SQL Server 2012 SP1 Express
# - mssql2012sp1rs # start SQL Server 2012 SP1 Express and Reporting Services
# - mssql2008r2sp2 # start SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 Express
# - mssql2008r2sp2rs # start SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 Express and Reporting Services
# - mysql # start MySQL 5.6 service
# - postgresql # start PostgreSQL 9.5 service
# - iis # start IIS
# - msmq # start Queuing services
# - mongodb # start MongoDB
# scripts that run after cloning repository
# to run script as a PowerShell command prepend it with ps:
- python -m pip install jupyter
- jupyter kernelspec list
- ipython --version
- choco install emacs64
- emacs --version
- if not exist %userprofile%\local mkdir %userprofile%\local
- if not exist %userprofile%\.emacs.d mkdir %userprofile%\.emacs.d
- cd c:\projects\myproject
- set PATH=%PATH%;%userprofile%\local\cask\bin;\msys64\usr\bin
- copy C:\projects\myproject\tools\appveyor.init.el %userprofile%\.emacs.d\init.el
- copy C:\projects\myproject\tools\appveyor.init.el %userprofile%\.emacs
# - bash -lc "cd /c/projects/myproject ; bash tools/install-cask.sh"
- choco install gnuwin32-make.portable
# enable patching of AssemblyInfo.* files
# assembly_info:
# patch: true
# file: AssemblyInfo.*
# assembly_version: "2.2.{build}"
# assembly_file_version: "{version}"
# assembly_informational_version: "{version}"
# Automatically register private account and/or project AppVeyor NuGet feeds.
# account_feed: true
# project_feed: true
# disable_publish_on_pr: true # disable publishing of .nupkg artifacts to
# # account/project feeds for pull request builds
# build configuration #
# build platform, i.e. x86, x64, Any CPU. This setting is optional.
#platform: Any CPU
# to add several platforms to build matrix:
# - x86
# - Any CPU
# build Configuration, i.e. Debug, Release, etc.
# configuration: Release
# to add several configurations to build matrix:
# - Debug
# - Release
# Build settings, not to be confused with "before_build" and "after_build".
# "project" is relative to the original build directory and not influenced by directory changes in "before_build".
# parallel: true # enable MSBuild parallel builds
# project: MyTestAzureCS.sln # path to Visual Studio solution or project
# publish_wap: true # package Web Application Projects (WAP) for Web Deploy
# publish_wap_xcopy: true # package Web Application Projects (WAP) for XCopy deployment
# publish_azure: true # package Azure Cloud Service projects and push to artifacts
# publish_nuget: true # package projects with .nuspec files and push to artifacts
# publish_nuget_symbols: true # generate and publish NuGet symbol packages
# include_nuget_references: true # add -IncludeReferencedProjects option while packaging NuGet artifacts
# MSBuild verbosity level
# verbosity: quiet|minimal|normal|detailed
# to disable automatic builds
build: off
# tests configuration #
# to run tests against only selected assemblies and/or categories
# assemblies:
# only:
# - asm1.dll
# - asm2.dll
# categories:
# only:
# - UI
# - E2E
# to run tests against all except selected assemblies and/or categories
# assemblies:
# except:
# - asm1.dll
# - asm2.dll
# categories:
# except:
# - UI
# - E2E
# to run tests from different categories as separate jobs in parallel
# categories:
# - A # A category common for all jobs
# - [UI] # 1st job
# - [DAL, BL] # 2nd job
# scripts to run before tests (working directory and environment changes are persisted from the previous steps such as "before_build")
# to run your custom scripts instead of automatic tests
# - cd c:\projects\myproject
# - make quick
# scripts to run after tests
# to disable automatic tests
test: off
# to disable deployment
deploy: off
# global handlers #
# on successful build
# on build failure
# - ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1'))
# after build failure or success
# - ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appveyor/ci/master/scripts/enable-rdp.ps1'))