# eldomain is a Emacs Lisp domain for the Sphinx documentation tool. # Copyright (C) 2012 Takafumi Arakaki # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ The Emacs Lisp domain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Sphinx extension provides directives and roles under the domain ``el`` for documenting Emacs Lisp program. It also provides autodoc functionality -- docstrings in the Emacs Lisp is automatically inserted in the documentation. .. note:: The source code is heavily borrowed from the `Common Lisp domain`_. .. _`Common Lisp domain`: https://github.com/russell/sphinxcontrib-cldomain """ import os from os import path import re import itertools import subprocess import json from docutils import nodes from docutils.statemachine import string2lines, StringList from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.locale import l_, _ from sphinx.roles import XRefRole from sphinx.domains import Domain, ObjType from sphinx.directives import ObjectDescription from sphinx.util.nodes import make_refnode from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive #.util.docutils import Directive from sphinx.util.docfields import Field, GroupedField DATA = {} DATA_DOC_STRINGS = {} DATA_ARGS = {} def bool_option(arg): """Used to convert flag options to auto directives. (Instead of directives.flag(), which returns None). """ return True def string_list(delimiter): """ Return a parser for option_spec to parse strings separated by `delimiter`. >>> parser = string_list(',') >>> parser('a, b, c') ['a', 'b', 'c'] """ return lambda argument: [v.strip() for v in argument.split(delimiter)] class ELSExp(ObjectDescription): doc_field_types = [ GroupedField('parameter', label=l_('Parameters'), names=('param', 'parameter', 'arg', 'argument', 'keyword', 'kwparam')), Field('returnvalue', label=l_('Returns'), has_arg=False, names=('returns', 'return')), ] option_spec = { 'nodoc': bool_option, 'noindex': bool_option, } def handle_signature(self, sig, signode): symbol_name = [] def render_sexp(sexp, signode=None, prepend_node=None): desc_sexplist = addnodes.desc_parameterlist() desc_sexplist.child_text_separator = ' ' if prepend_node: desc_sexplist.append(prepend_node) if signode: signode.append(desc_sexplist) for atom in sexp: if isinstance(atom, list): render_sexp(atom, desc_sexplist) else: render_atom(atom, desc_sexplist) return desc_sexplist def render_atom(token, signode, noemph=True): "add syntax hi-lighting to interesting atoms" if token.startswith("&") or token.startswith(":"): signode.append(addnodes.desc_parameter(token, token)) else: signode.append(addnodes.desc_parameter(token, token)) package = self.env.temp_data.get('el:package') objtype = self.get_signature_prefix(sig) signode.append(addnodes.desc_annotation(objtype, objtype)) lisp_args = DATA_ARGS.get(package, {}).get(sig, []) if lisp_args: function_name = addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig + " ") else: function_name = addnodes.desc_name(sig, sig) if lisp_args: arg_list = render_sexp(lisp_args, prepend_node=function_name) signode.append(arg_list) else: signode.append(function_name) symbol_name = sig if not symbol_name: raise Exception("Unknown symbol type for signature %s" % sig) return objtype.strip(), symbol_name def get_index_text(self, name, type): return _('%s (Lisp %s)') % (name, type) def get_signature_prefix(self, sig): return self.objtype + ' ' def add_target_and_index(self, name, sig, signode): # note target type, name = name if name not in self.state.document.ids: signode['names'].append(name) signode['ids'].append(name) signode['first'] = (not self.names) self.state.document.note_explicit_target(signode) inv = self.env.domaindata['el']['symbols'] if name in inv: self.state_machine.reporter.warning( 'duplicate symbol description of %s, ' % name + 'other instance in ' + self.env.doc2path(inv[name][0]), line=self.lineno) inv[name] = (self.env.docname, self.objtype) indextext = self.get_index_text(name, type) if indextext: self.indexnode['entries'].append(('single', indextext, name, '')) def run(self): result = super(ELSExp, self).run() if "nodoc" not in self.options: package = self.env.temp_data.get('el:package') node = addnodes.desc_content() string = DATA_DOC_STRINGS.get(package, {}) \ .get(self.names[0][1], "") lines = string2lines(string) self.state.nested_parse(StringList(lines), 0, node) if (result[1][1].children and isinstance(result[1][1][0], nodes.field_list)): cresult = result[1][1].deepcopy() target = result[1][1] target.clear() target.append(cresult[0]) target.extend(node) target.extend(cresult[1:]) else: cresult = result[1][1].deepcopy() target = result[1][1] target.clear() target.extend(node) target.extend(cresult) return result class ELCurrentPackage(Directive): """ This directive is just to tell Sphinx that we're documenting stuff in namespace foo. """ has_content = False required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0 final_argument_whitespace = True option_spec = {} def run(self): env = self.state.document.settings.env env.temp_data['el:package'] = self.arguments[0] return [] def parse_text_list(argument, delimiter=','): """ Converts a space- or comma-separated list of values into a list """ if delimiter in argument: entries = argument.split(delimiter) else: entries = argument.split() return [v.strip() for v in entries] def compose(f, g): def h(*args, **kwds): return f(g(*args, **kwds)) return h def filter_by_exclude_regexp_list(candidates, regexp_list, getter=lambda x: x): """ Exclude elements in `candidates` that matches to one of the regexp. >>> filter_by_exclude_regexp_list(['a', 'aa', 'bb'], ['a+']) ['bb'] >>> filter_by_exclude_regexp_list(['a', 'ab', 'bb'], ['a+', 'a?b$']) ['bb'] >>> filter_by_exclude_regexp_list( ... [{'key': 'a'}, {'key': 'ab'}, {'key': 'bb'}], ... ['a+', 'a?b$'], ... lambda x: x['key']) [{'key': 'bb'}] """ for compiled in map(re.compile, regexp_list): test = compose(compiled.match, getter) candidates = itertools.filterfalse(test, candidates) return list(candidates) def simple_sed(scripts, string): r""" A simple sed-like function >>> simple_sed(['s/before/after/g'], 'and then before that ...') 'and then after that ...' >>> simple_sed([r's/([0-9])/\1\1/g'], 'there are 2 apples') 'there are 22 apples' """ for scr in scripts: scr = scr.lstrip('s') scr_split = scr[1:].split(scr[0]) (regexp, replace) = scr_split[:2] string = re.sub(regexp, replace, string) return string class ELKeyMap(Directive): has_content = False required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0 final_argument_whitespace = True option_spec = { 'exclude': parse_text_list, 'replace': string_list('\n'), } def run(self): env = self.state.document.settings.env package = env.temp_data.get('el:package') keymap_list = DATA.get(package, {}).get('keymap', []) keymap_name = self.arguments[0] for keymap in keymap_list: if keymap['name'] == keymap_name: break else: return [self.state.reporter.warning( "Keymap {0} not found".format(keymap_name))] nodelist = [] mapdoc = keymap['doc'] if mapdoc: nd = nodes.paragraph() lines = string2lines(doc_to_rst(mapdoc)) self.state.nested_parse(StringList(lines), 0, nd) nodelist.append(nd) exclude = self.options.get('exclude', []) replace = self.options.get('replace', []) for keybind in filter_by_exclude_regexp_list( keymap['data'], exclude, lambda x: x['func']): desc = addnodes.desc() desc['domain'] = 'el' desc['objtype'] = 'keybind' desc['noindex'] = False signode = addnodes.desc_signature() # signode += addnodes.desc_annotation("", 'keybind ') key = simple_sed(replace, keybind['key']) signode += addnodes.desc_name("", key) signode += addnodes.desc_addname("", " " + keybind['func']) desc += signode if keybind['doc']: nd = addnodes.desc_content() lines = string2lines(doc_to_rst(keybind['doc'])) self.state.nested_parse(StringList(lines), 0, nd) desc += nodes.definition("", nd) nodelist.append(desc) return nodelist class ELXRefRole(XRefRole): def process_link(self, env, refnode, has_explicit_title, title, target): if not has_explicit_title: target = target.lstrip('~') # only has a meaning for the title # if the first character is a tilde, don't display the package if title[0:1] == '~': title = title[1:] dot = title.rfind(':') if dot != -1: title = title[dot + 1:] return title, target class ELDomain(Domain): """EL language domain.""" name = 'el' label = 'Common Lisp' object_types = { 'package': ObjType(l_('package'), 'package'), 'function': ObjType(l_('function'), 'function'), 'macro': ObjType(l_('macro'), 'macro'), 'variable': ObjType(l_('variable'), 'variable'), } directives = { 'package': ELCurrentPackage, 'function': ELSExp, 'macro': ELSExp, 'variable': ELSExp, 'keymap': ELKeyMap, } roles = { 'symbol': ELXRefRole(), } initial_data = { 'symbols': {}, } def clear_doc(self, docname): for fullname, (fn, _) in self.data['symbols'].items(): if fn == docname: del self.data['symbols'][fullname] def find_obj(self, env, name): """Find a Lisp symbol for "name", perhaps using the given package Returns a list of (name, object entry) tuples. """ symbols = self.data['symbols'] if ":" in name: if name in symbols: return [(name, symbols[name])] else: def filter_symbols(symbol): symbol = symbol[0] if name == symbol: return True if ":" in symbol: symbol = symbol.split(":")[1] if name == symbol: return True return False return [f for f in filter(filter_symbols, symbols.items())] def resolve_xref(self, env, fromdocname, builder, typ, target, node, contnode): matches = self.find_obj(env, target) if not matches: return None elif len(matches) > 1: env.warn_node( 'more than one target found for cross-reference ' '%r: %s' % (target, ', '.join(match[0] for match in matches)), node) name, obj = matches[0] return make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, obj[0], name, contnode, name) def get_symbols(self): for refname, (docname, type) in self.data['symbols'].items(): yield (refname, refname, type, docname, refname, 1) def doc_to_rst(docstring): docstring = _eldoc_quote_re.sub(r":el:symbol:`\1`", docstring) return docstring _eldoc_quote_re = re.compile(r"`(\S+)'") def index_package(emacs, package, prefix, pre_load, extra_args=[]): """Call an external lisp program that will return a dictionary of doc strings for all public symbols.""" lisp_script = path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)), "eldomain.el") command = [emacs, "-Q", "-batch", "-l", pre_load, "--eval", '(setq eldomain-prefix "{0}")'.format(prefix), "-l", lisp_script] + extra_args proc = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) (stdout, stderr) = proc.communicate() if proc.poll() != 0: raise RuntimeError( "Error while executing '{0}'.\n\n" "STDOUT:\n{1}\n\nSTDERR:\n{2}\n".format( ' '.join(command), stdout, stderr)) DATA[package] = lisp_data = json.loads(stdout.decode()) DATA_DOC_STRINGS[package] = {} # FIXME: support using same name for function/variable/face for key in ['face', 'variable', 'function']: for data in lisp_data[key]: doc = data['doc'] if doc: DATA_DOC_STRINGS[package][data['name']] = doc_to_rst(doc) DATA_ARGS[package] = {} for data in lisp_data['function']: DATA_ARGS[package][data['name']] = data['arg'] def load_packages(app): emacs = app.config.emacs_executable # `app.confdir` will be ignored if `elisp_pre_load` is an absolute path pre_load = path.join(app.confdir, app.config.elisp_pre_load) for (name, prefix) in app.config.elisp_packages.items(): index_package(emacs, name, prefix, pre_load) def setup(app): app.add_domain(ELDomain) app.add_config_value('emacs_executable', os.getenv("EMACS") or 'emacs', 'env') app.add_config_value('elisp_pre_load', 'conf.el', 'env') app.add_config_value('elisp_packages', {}, 'env') app.connect('builder-inited', load_packages)