;;; ein-cell.el --- Cell module ;; (C) 2012 - Takafumi Arakaki ;; (C) 2017 - John M. Miller ;; Author: Takafumi Arakaki ;; Author: John Miller ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;; ein-cell.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ein-cell.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with ein-cell.el. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; Implementation note. Current implementation of cell has redundant ;; and not-guaranteed-to-be consistent information: `element' and ;; `ein:$node'. This part must be moved to ein-node.el module to ;; make it well capsuled. ;; IPython has cell.js, codecell.js and textcell.js. ;; But let's start with one file. ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) (require 'ansi-color) (require 'comint) (require 'ein-core) (require 'ein-classes) (require 'ein-log) (require 'ein-node) (require 'ein-kernel) (require 'ein-output-area) (require 'ein-skewer) (require 'ein-hy) ;;; Faces (defface ein:cell-input-prompt '((t :inherit header-line)) "Face for cell input prompt" :group 'ein) (defface ein:cell-input-area '((((class color) (background light)) :background "honeydew1") (((class color) (background dark)) :background "#383838")) "Face for cell input area" :group 'ein) (defface ein:cell-output-area '() "Face for cell output area" :group 'ein) (defface ein:cell-output-area-error '() "Face for cell output area errors" :group 'ein) (defface ein:cell-heading-1 '((t :height 1.1 :inherit ein:cell-heading-2)) "Face for level 1 heading." :group 'ein) (defface ein:cell-heading-2 '((t :height 1.1 :inherit ein:cell-heading-3)) "Face for level 2 heading." :group 'ein) (defface ein:cell-heading-3 '((t :height 1.1 :inherit ein:cell-heading-4)) "Face for level 3 heading." :group 'ein) (defface ein:cell-heading-4 '((t :height 1.1 :inherit ein:cell-heading-5)) "Face for level 4 heading." :group 'ein) (defface ein:cell-heading-5 '((t :height 1.1 :inherit ein:cell-heading-6)) "Face for level 5 heading." :group 'ein) (defface ein:cell-heading-6 '((t :weight bold :inherit (variable-pitch ein:cell-input-area))) "Face for level 6 heading." :group 'ein) (defface ein:cell-output-prompt '((t :inherit header-line)) "Face for cell output prompt" :group 'ein) (defface ein:cell-output-stderr '((((class color) (background light)) :background "PeachPuff") (((class color) (background dark)) :background "#8c5353")) "Face for stderr cell output" :group 'ein) (defface ein:pos-tip-face '((t (:inherit 'popup-tip-face))) "Face for tooltip when using pos-tip backend." :group 'ein) ;;; Customization (defcustom ein:enable-dynamic-javascript nil "[EXPERIMENTAL] When non-nil enable support in ein for executing dynamic javascript. This feature requires installation of the skewer package." :type 'boolean :group 'ein) (defcustom ein:cell-traceback-level 1 "Number of traceback stack to show. Hidden tracebacks are not discarded. You can view them using \\[ein:tb-show]." :type '(choice (integer :tag "Depth of stack to show" 1) (const :tag "Show all traceback" nil)) :group 'ein) (defcustom ein:cell-max-num-outputs nil "Number of maximum outputs to be shown by default. To view full output, use `ein:notebook-show-in-shared-output'." :type '(choice (integer :tag "Number of outputs to show" 5) (const :tag "Show all traceback" nil)) :group 'ein) (defcustom ein:cell-autoexec-prompt "⚡" "String shown in the cell prompt when the auto-execution flag is on. See also `ein:connect-aotoexec-lighter'." :type 'string :group 'ein) (defcustom ein:slice-image nil "[EXPERIMENTAL] When non-`nil', use `insert-sliced-image' when drawing images. If it is of the form of ``(ROWS COLS)``, it is passed to the corresponding arguments of `insert-sliced-image'. .. FIXME: ROWS and COLS must be determined dynamically by measuring the size of iamge and Emacs window. See also: https://github.com/tkf/emacs-ipython-notebook/issues/94" :type 'boolean :group 'ein) (defcustom ein:truncate-long-cell-output nil "When nil do not truncate cells with long outputs. When set to a number will limit the number of lines in a cell output." :type '(choice (integer :tag "Number of lines to show in a cell" 5) (const :tag "Do not truncate cells with long outputs" nil)) :group 'ein) (defcustom ein:on-execute-reply-functions nil "List of functions to call after receiving an \"execute_reply\" message on the shell channel, just before updating the worksheet. Each function should have the same call signature as `ein:cell--handle-execute-reply'." :type 'list :group 'ein) ;;; EIEIO related utils (defmacro ein:oset-if-empty (obj slot value) `(unless (and (slot-boundp ,obj ,slot) (slot-value ,obj ,slot)) (setf (slot-value ,obj, slot) ,value))) (defmacro ein:oref-safe (obj slot) `(when (slot-boundp ,obj ,slot) (slot-value ,obj ,slot))) ;;; Utils (defvar ein:mime-type-map '((image/svg+xml . svg) (image/png . png) (image/jpeg . jpeg))) (defun ein:insert-image (&rest args) ;; Try to insert the image, otherwise emit a warning message and proceed. (condition-case-unless-debug err (let* ((img (apply #'create-image args))) (if ein:slice-image (destructuring-bind (&optional rows cols) (when (listp ein:slice-image) ein:slice-image) (insert-sliced-image img "." nil (or rows 20) cols)) (insert-image img "."))) (error (ein:log 'warn "Could not insert image: %s" err) nil))) ;;; Cell factory (defun ein:cell-class-from-type (type) (ein:case-equal type (("code") 'ein:codecell) (("hy-code") 'ein:hy-codecell) (("text") 'ein:textcell) (("html") 'ein:htmlcell) (("markdown") 'ein:markdowncell) (("raw") 'ein:rawcell) (("heading") 'ein:headingcell) (("shared-output") 'ein:shared-output-cell) (t (error "No cell type called %S" type)))) (defun ein:get-slide-show (cell) (let ((slide-type (slot-value cell 'slidetype)) (ss-table (make-hash-table))) (setf (gethash 'slide_type ss-table) slide-type) ss-table)) (defun ein:cell-from-type (type &rest args) (apply (ein:cell-class-from-type type) args)) (defun ein:cell--determine-cell-type (json-data) (let ((base-type (plist-get json-data :cell_type)) (metadata (plist-get json-data :metadata))) (if (and (string-equal base-type "code") (plist-get :metadata :ein.hycell) (not (eql (plist-get metadata :ein.hycell) :json-false))) "hy-code" base-type))) (defun ein:cell-from-json (data &rest args) (let ((cell (ein:cell-init (apply #'ein:cell-from-type (ein:cell--determine-cell-type data) args) data))) (when (plist-get data :metadata) (ein:oset-if-empty cell 'metadata (plist-get data :metadata)) (ein:aif (plist-get (slot-value cell 'metadata) :slideshow) (let ((slide-type (nth 0 (cdr it)))) (setf (slot-value cell 'slidetype) slide-type)))) cell)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-init ((cell ein:codecell) data) (ein:oset-if-empty cell 'outputs (plist-get data :outputs)) (ein:oset-if-empty cell 'input (or (plist-get data :input) (plist-get data :source))) (ein:aif (plist-get data :prompt_number) (ein:oset-if-empty cell 'input-prompt-number it) (ein:aif (plist-get data :execution_count) (ein:oset-if-empty cell 'input-prompt-number it))) (ein:oset-if-empty cell 'collapsed (let ((v (or (plist-get data :collapsed) (plist-get (slot-value cell 'metadata) :collapsed)))) (if (eql v json-false) nil v))) cell) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-init ((cell ein:textcell) data) (ein:aif (plist-get data :source) (setf (slot-value cell 'input) it)) cell) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-init ((cell ein:headingcell) data) ;; FIXME: Was :after method (cl-call-next-method) (ein:aif (plist-get data :level) (setf (slot-value cell 'level) it)) cell) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-convert ((cell ein:basecell) type) (let ((new (ein:cell-from-type type))) ;; copy attributes (loop for k in '(read-only ewoc) do (setf (slot-value new k) (slot-value cell k))) ;; copy input (setf (slot-value new 'input) (if (ein:cell-active-p cell) (ein:cell-get-text cell) (slot-value cell 'input))) ;; copy slidetype (setf (slot-value new 'slidetype) (slot-value cell 'slidetype)) ;; copy output when the new cell has it (when (memq :output (slot-value new 'element-names)) (setf (slot-value new 'outputs) (mapcar 'identity (slot-value cell 'outputs)))) new)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-convert ((cell ein:codecell) type) (let ((new (cl-call-next-method))) (when (and (cl-typep new 'ein:codecell) (slot-boundp cell :kernel)) (setf (slot-value new 'kernel) (slot-value cell 'kernel))) new)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-convert ((cell ein:headingcell) type) (let ((new (cl-call-next-method))) (when (ein:headingcell-p new) (setf (slot-value new 'level) (slot-value cell 'level))) new)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-copy ((cell ein:basecell)) (ein:cell-convert cell (slot-value cell 'cell-type))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-convert-inplace ((cell ein:basecell) type) "Convert CELL to TYPE and redraw corresponding ewoc nodes." (let ((new (ein:cell-convert cell type))) ;; copy element attribute (loop for k in (slot-value new 'element-names) with old-element = (slot-value cell 'element) do (progn (setf (slot-value new 'element) (plist-put (slot-value new 'element) k (plist-get old-element k))))) ;; setting ewoc nodes (loop for en in (ein:cell-all-element cell) for node = (ewoc-data en) do (setf (ein:$node-data node) new)) (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (buffer-undo-list t)) ; disable undo recording ;; delete ewoc nodes that is not copied (apply #'ewoc-delete (slot-value new 'ewoc) (apply #'append (loop for name in (slot-value cell 'element-names) unless (memq name (slot-value new 'element-names)) collect (let ((ens (ein:cell-element-get cell name))) (if (listp ens) ens (list ens)))))) ;; draw ewoc node (loop with ewoc = (slot-value new 'ewoc) for en in (ein:cell-all-element new) do (ewoc-invalidate ewoc en))) new)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-change-level ((cell ein:headingcell) level) (assert (integerp level)) (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (buffer-undo-list t)) ; disable undo recording (setf (slot-value cell 'level) level) ;; draw ewoc node (loop with ewoc = (slot-value cell 'ewoc) for en in (ein:cell-all-element cell) do (ewoc-invalidate ewoc en)))) ;;; Getter/setter (cl-defmethod ein:cell-num-outputs ((cell ein:codecell)) (length (slot-value cell 'outputs))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-num-outputs ((cell ein:textcell)) 0) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-element-get ((cell ein:basecell) prop &rest args) "Return ewoc node named PROP in CELL. If PROP is `:output' a list of ewoc nodes is returned. A specific node can be specified using optional ARGS." (if (memq prop (slot-value cell 'element-names)) (plist-get (slot-value cell 'element) prop) (error "PROP %s is not supported." prop))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-element-get ((cell ein:codecell) prop &optional index) (let ((element (slot-value cell 'element))) (if index (progn (assert (eql prop :output)) (nth index (plist-get element prop))) (case prop (:after-input (ein:aif (nth 0 (plist-get element :output)) it (plist-get element :footer))) (:after-output (plist-get element :footer)) (:before-input (plist-get element :prompt)) (:before-output (plist-get element :input)) (:last-output (ein:aif (plist-get element :output) (car (last it)) (plist-get element :input))) (t (cl-call-next-method)))))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-element-get ((cell ein:textcell) prop &rest args) (let ((element (slot-value cell 'element))) (case prop (:after-input (plist-get element :footer)) (:before-input (plist-get element :prompt)) (t (cl-call-next-method))))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-all-element ((cell ein:basecell)) (list (ein:cell-element-get cell :prompt) (ein:cell-element-get cell :input) (ein:cell-element-get cell :footer))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-all-element ((cell ein:codecell)) (append (cl-call-next-method) (ein:cell-element-get cell :output))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-language ((cell ein:basecell)) "Programming language used for CELL. Return language name as a string or `nil' when not defined. (fn cell)") (cl-defmethod ein:cell-language ((cell ein:codecell)) (ein:and-let* ((kernel (slot-value cell 'kernel)) (kernelspec (ein:$kernel-kernelspec kernel))) (ein:$kernelspec-language kernelspec))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-language ((cell ein:markdowncell)) nil "markdown") (cl-defmethod ein:cell-language ((cell ein:htmlcell)) nil "html") (cl-defmethod ein:cell-language ((cell ein:rawcell)) nil "rst") ;; EWOC (defun ein:cell-make-element (make-node num-outputs) (let ((buffer-undo-list t)) ; disable undo recording (list :prompt (funcall make-node 'prompt) :input (funcall make-node 'input) :output (loop for i from 0 below num-outputs collect (funcall make-node 'output i)) :footer (funcall make-node 'footer)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-enter-last ((cell ein:basecell)) (let* ((ewoc (slot-value cell 'ewoc)) ;; Use `cell' as data for ewoc. Use the whole cell data even ;; if it is not used, to access it from the notebook buffer. ;; It is equivalent to `this.element.data("cell", this)' in ;; IPython.Cell (see cell.js). (make-node (lambda (&rest path) (ewoc-enter-last ewoc (ein:node-new `(cell ,@path) cell)))) (element (ein:cell-make-element make-node (ein:cell-num-outputs cell)))) (setf (slot-value cell 'element) element) cell)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-enter-first ((cell ein:basecell)) (let* ((ewoc (slot-value cell 'ewoc)) (node nil) (make-node (lambda (&rest path) (let ((ewoc-data (ein:node-new `(cell ,@path) cell))) (setq node (if node (ewoc-enter-after ewoc node ewoc-data) (ewoc-enter-first ewoc ewoc-data)))))) (element (ein:cell-make-element make-node (ein:cell-num-outputs cell)))) (setf (slot-value cell 'element) element) cell)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-insert-below ((base-cell ein:basecell) other-cell) (let* ((ewoc (slot-value base-cell 'ewoc)) (node (ein:cell-element-get base-cell :footer)) (make-node (lambda (&rest path) (setq node (ewoc-enter-after ewoc node (ein:node-new `(cell ,@path) other-cell))))) (element (ein:cell-make-element make-node (ein:cell-num-outputs other-cell)))) (setf (slot-value other-cell 'element) element) other-cell)) (defun ein:cell-pp (path data) (case (car path) (prompt (ein:cell-insert-prompt data)) (input (ein:cell-insert-input data)) (output (ein:cell-insert-output (cadr path) data)) (footer (ein:cell-insert-footer data)))) (defun ein:maybe-show-slideshow-data (cell) (unless (equal (slot-value cell 'slidetype) "-") (format " - Slide [%s]:" (slot-value cell 'slidetype)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-insert-prompt ((cell ein:codecell)) "Insert prompt of the CELL in the buffer. Called from ewoc pretty printer via `ein:cell-pp'." ;; Newline is inserted in `ein:cell-insert-input'. (ein:insert-read-only (concat (format "In [%s]:" (or (ein:oref-safe cell 'input-prompt-number) " ")) (ein:maybe-show-slideshow-data cell) (when (slot-value cell 'autoexec) " %s" ein:cell-autoexec-prompt)) 'font-lock-face 'ein:cell-input-prompt)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-insert-prompt ((cell ein:textcell)) (ein:insert-read-only (concat (format "%s:" (slot-value cell 'cell-type)) (ein:maybe-show-slideshow-data cell)) 'font-lock-face 'ein:cell-input-prompt)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-insert-prompt ((cell ein:headingcell)) (ein:insert-read-only (concat (format "h%s:" (slot-value cell 'level)) (ein:maybe-show-slideshow-data cell)) 'font-lock-face 'ein:cell-input-prompt)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-insert-input ((cell ein:basecell)) "Insert input of the CELL in the buffer. Called from ewoc pretty printer via `ein:cell-pp'." (let ((start (1+ (point)))) ;; Newlines must allow insertion before/after its position. (insert (propertize "\n" 'read-only t 'rear-nonsticky t)) (insert (or (ein:oref-safe cell 'input) "") (propertize "\n" 'read-only t)) ;; Highlight background using overlay. (let ((ol (make-overlay start (point)))) (overlay-put ol 'face (ein:cell-get-input-area-face cell)) ;; `evaporate' = `t': Overlay is deleted when the region become empty. (overlay-put ol 'evaporate t)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-get-input-area-face ((cell ein:basecell)) "Return the face (symbol) for input area." 'ein:cell-input-area) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-get-input-area-face ((cell ein:headingcell)) (intern (format "ein:cell-heading-%d" (slot-value cell 'level)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-get-output-area-face-for-output-type (output-type) "Return the face (symbol) for output area." (ein:case-equal output-type (("pyout") 'ein:cell-output-area) (("pyerr") 'ein:cell-output-area-error) (("error") 'ein:cell-output-area-error) (("display_data") 'ein:cell-output-area) (("execute_result") 'ein:cell-output-area) (("stream") 'ein:cell-output-area))) (defun ein:cell-insert-output (index cell) "Insert INDEX-th output of the CELL in the buffer. Called from ewoc pretty printer via `ein:cell-pp'." (if (or (slot-value cell 'collapsed) (and ein:cell-max-num-outputs (>= index ein:cell-max-num-outputs))) (progn (when (and (not (slot-value cell 'collapsed)) (= index ein:cell-max-num-outputs) (> (point) (point-at-bol))) ;; The first output which exceeds `ein:cell-max-num-outputs'. (ein:insert-read-only "\n")) (ein:insert-read-only ".")) (let ((out (nth index (slot-value cell 'outputs)))) ;; Handle newline for previous stream output. ;; In IPython JS, it is handled in `append_stream' because JS ;; does not need to care about newline (DOM does it for JS). ;; FIXME: Maybe I should abstract ewoc in some way and get rid ;; of this. (let ((last-out (and (> index 0) (nth (1- index) (slot-value cell 'outputs))))) ;; If previous output is stream type, consider adding newline (when (and last-out (equal (plist-get last-out :output_type) "stream")) ;; Check if the last output is from the same stream. ;; If so, do *NOT* insert newline, otherwise insert newline. (unless (and (equal (plist-get out :output_type) "stream") (equal (plist-get out :stream) (plist-get last-out :stream))) (ein:cell-append-stream-text-fontified "\n" last-out)))) ;; Finally insert real data (let ((start (point)) (output-type (plist-get out :output_type))) (ein:case-equal output-type (("pyout") (ein:cell-append-pyout cell out)) (("pyerr") (ein:cell-append-pyerr cell out)) (("error") (ein:cell-append-pyerr cell out)) (("display_data") (ein:cell-append-display-data cell out)) (("execute_result") (ein:cell-append-pyout cell out)) (("stream") (ein:cell-append-stream cell out))) (let ((ol (make-overlay start (point)))) (overlay-put ol 'face (ein:cell-get-output-area-face-for-output-type output-type)) (overlay-put ol 'evaporate t)))))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-insert-footer ((cell ein:basecell)) "Insert footer (just a new line) of the CELL in the buffer. Called from ewoc pretty printer via `ein:cell-pp'." (ein:insert-read-only "\n")) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-insert-footer :before ((cell ein:codecell)) (if (or (slot-value cell 'collapsed) (and ein:cell-max-num-outputs (> (ein:cell-num-outputs cell) ein:cell-max-num-outputs))) ;; Add a newline after the last ".". (ein:insert-read-only "\n") (let ((last-out (car (last (slot-value cell 'outputs))))) (when (equal (plist-get last-out :output_type) "stream") (ein:cell-append-stream-text-fontified "\n" last-out))))) (defun ein:cell-node-p (node &optional element-name) (let* ((path (ein:$node-path node)) (p0 (car path)) (p1 (cadr path)) (cell (ein:$node-path node))) (and cell (eql p0 'cell) (or (not element-name) (eql p1 element-name))))) (defun ein:cell-ewoc-node-p (ewoc-node &optional element-name) (ein:cell-node-p (ewoc-data ewoc-node) element-name)) (defun ein:cell-from-ewoc-node (ewoc-node) (ein:aand ewoc-node (ewoc-data it) (ein:$node-data it))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-input-pos-min ((cell ein:basecell)) "Return editable minimum point in the input area of the CELL. If the input area of the CELL does not exist, return `nil'" (let* ((input-node (ein:cell-element-get cell :input))) ;; 1+ for skipping newline (when input-node (1+ (ewoc-location input-node))))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-input-pos-max ((cell ein:basecell)) "Return editable maximum point in the input area of the CELL. If the input area of the CELL does not exist, return `nil'" (let* ((ewoc (slot-value cell 'ewoc)) (input-node (ein:cell-element-get cell :input))) ;; 1- for skipping newline (when input-node (1- (ewoc-location (ewoc-next ewoc input-node)))))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-get-text ((cell ein:basecell)) "Grab text in the input area of the cell at point." (if (ein:cell-active-p cell) (let* ((beg (ein:cell-input-pos-min cell)) (end (ein:cell-input-pos-max cell))) (buffer-substring beg end)) (slot-value cell 'input))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-set-text ((cell ein:basecell) text) (let* ((input-node (ein:cell-element-get cell :input)) (ewoc (slot-value cell 'ewoc)) ;; 1+/1- is for skipping newline (beg (1+ (ewoc-location input-node))) (end (1- (ewoc-location (ewoc-next ewoc input-node))))) (save-excursion ;; probably it is better to set :input and update via ewoc? (goto-char beg) (delete-region beg end) (insert text)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-save-text ((cell ein:basecell)) (setf (slot-value cell 'input) (ein:cell-get-text cell))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-deactivate ((cell ein:basecell)) (setf (slot-value cell 'element) nil) cell) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-active-p ((cell ein:basecell)) (slot-value cell 'element)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-running-set ((cell ein:codecell) running) ;; FIXME: change the appearance of the cell (setf (slot-value cell 'running) running)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-set-collapsed ((cell ein:codecell) collapsed) "Set `:collapsed' slot of CELL and invalidate output ewoc nodes." (unless (eq (slot-value cell 'collapsed) collapsed) (setf (slot-value cell 'collapsed) collapsed) (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (buffer-undo-list t)) (apply #'ewoc-invalidate (slot-value cell 'ewoc) (append (ein:cell-element-get cell :output) (list (ein:cell-element-get cell :footer))))))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-collapse ((cell ein:codecell)) (ein:cell-set-collapsed cell t)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-expand ((cell ein:codecell)) (ein:cell-set-collapsed cell nil)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-toggle-output ((cell ein:codecell)) "Toggle `:collapsed' slot of CELL and invalidate output ewoc nodes." (ein:cell-set-collapsed cell (not (slot-value cell 'collapsed)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-invalidate-prompt ((cell ein:codecell)) (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (buffer-undo-list t)) ; disable undo recording (ewoc-invalidate (slot-value cell 'ewoc) (ein:cell-element-get cell :prompt)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-set-input-prompt ((cell ein:codecell) &optional number) (setf (slot-value cell 'input-prompt-number) number) (ein:cell-invalidate-prompt cell)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-set-autoexec ((cell ein:codecell) bool) "Set auto-execution flag of CELL to BOOL and invalidate the prompt EWOC node." (setf (slot-value cell 'autoexec) bool) (ein:cell-invalidate-prompt cell)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-autoexec-p ((cell ein:basecell)) "Auto-execution flag set to CELL. Return `nil' always for non-code cells." nil) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-autoexec-p ((cell ein:codecell)) (slot-value cell 'autoexec)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-toggle-autoexec ((cell ein:codecell)) "Toggle auto-execution flag of CELL to BOOL and invalidate the prompt EWOC node." (ein:cell-set-autoexec cell (not (ein:cell-autoexec-p cell)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-goto ((cell ein:basecell) &optional relpos prop) "Go to the input area of the given CELL. RELPOS is the position relative to the input area. Default is 0. PROP is a name of cell element. Default is `:input'. \(fn cell relpos prop)" (unless relpos (setq relpos 0)) (unless prop (setq prop :input)) (ewoc-goto-node (slot-value cell 'ewoc) (ein:cell-element-get cell prop)) (let ((offset (case prop ((:input :before-output) 1) (:after-input -1) (t 0)))) (forward-char (+ relpos offset)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-goto-line ((cell ein:basecell) &optional inputline prop) "Go to the input area of the given CELL. INPUTLINE is the line number relative to the input area. Default is 1. PROP is a name of cell element. Default is `:input'. \(fn cell inputline prop)" (unless inputline (setq inputline 1)) (unless prop (setq prop :input)) (let ((goal-column nil)) (ewoc-goto-node (slot-value cell 'ewoc) (ein:cell-element-get cell prop))) (let ((offset (case prop ((:input :before-output) 1) (:after-input -1) (t 0)))) (forward-char offset) (forward-line (- inputline 1)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-relative-point ((cell ein:basecell) &optional pos) "Return the point relative to the input area of CELL. If the position POS is not given, current point is considered." (unless pos (setq pos (point))) (- pos (1+ (ewoc-location (ein:cell-element-get cell :input))))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-location ((cell ein:basecell) &optional elm end) "Return the starting location of CELL. ELM is a name (keyword) of element that `ein:cell-element-get' understands. Note that you can't use `:output' since it returns a list. Use `:after-input' instead. If END is non-`nil', return the location of next element." (unless elm (setq elm :prompt)) (let ((element (slot-value cell 'element))) (when end (setq elm (case elm (:prompt :input) (:input :after-input) (:output :after-output))) (unless elm (setq cell (ein:cell-next cell)) (setq elm :prompt))) (if cell (ewoc-location (ein:cell-element-get cell elm)) (assert end) (point-max)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-buffer ((cell ein:basecell)) "Return a buffer associated by CELL (if any)." (ein:aand (ein:oref-safe cell 'ewoc) (ewoc-buffer it))) ;; Data manipulation (cl-defmethod ein:cell-clear-output ((cell ein:codecell) stdout stderr other) ;; codecell.js in IPython implements it using timeout and callback. ;; As it is unclear why timeout is needed, just clear output ;; instantaneously for now. (ein:log 'debug "cell-clear-output stdout=%s stderr=%s other=%s" stdout stderr other) (setf (slot-value cell 'traceback) nil) (let ((ewoc (slot-value cell 'ewoc)) (output-nodes (ein:cell-element-get cell :output))) (if (and stdout stderr other) (progn ;; clear all (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (buffer-undo-list t)) ; disable undo recording (apply #'ewoc-delete ewoc output-nodes)) (plist-put (slot-value cell 'element) :output nil) (setf (slot-value cell 'outputs) nil)) (let* ((ewoc-node-list (append (when stdout (ein:node-filter output-nodes :is 'output-stdout)) (when stderr (ein:node-filter output-nodes :is 'output-stderr)) (when stdout (ein:node-filter output-nodes :is 'output-subarea :not 'output-stderr :not 'output-stdout)))) (indices (mapcar (lambda (n) (last (ein:$node-path (ewoc-data n)))) ewoc-node-list))) ;; remove from buffer (let ((inhibit-read-only t) (buffer-undo-list t)) ; disable undo recording (apply #'ewoc-delete ewoc ewoc-node-list)) ;; remove from `:element' (let* ((element (slot-value cell 'element)) (old-output (plist-get element :output)) (new-ouptut (ein:remove-by-index old-output indices))) (plist-put element :output new-ouptut)) ;; remove cleared outputs from internal data (setf (slot-value cell 'outputs) (ein:remove-by-index (slot-value cell 'outputs) indices)))) ;; Footer may have extra (possibly colored) newline due to the ;; last output type. So invalidate it here. ;; See `ein:cell-insert-footer' (for codecell). (let ((buffer-undo-list t)) ; disable undo recording (ewoc-invalidate ewoc (ein:cell-element-get cell :footer))))) (defun ein:cell-output-json-to-class (json) (ein:case-equal (plist-get json :output_type) (("pyout") '(output-subarea)) (("pyerr") '(output-subarea)) (("error") '(output-subarea)) (("display_data") '(output-subarea)) (("execute_result") '(output-subarea)) (("stream") (list 'output-stream 'output-subarea (intern (format "output-%s" (plist-get json :stream))))))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-append-output ((cell ein:codecell) json dynamic) ;; When there is a python error, we actually get two identical tracebacks back ;; from the kernel, one from the "shell" channel, and one from the "iopub" ;; channel. As a workaround, we remember the cell's traceback and ignore ;; traceback outputs that are identical to the one we already have. (let ((new-tb (plist-get json :traceback)) (old-tb (slot-value cell 'traceback))) (when (or (null old-tb) (null new-tb) (not (equalp new-tb old-tb))) (ein:cell-actually-append-output cell json dynamic)) (setf (slot-value cell 'traceback) new-tb))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-actually-append-output ((cell ein:codecell) json dynamic) (ein:cell-expand cell) ;; (ein:flush-clear-timeout) (setf (slot-value cell 'outputs) (append (slot-value cell 'outputs) (list json))) ;; enter last output element (let* ((inhibit-read-only t) (buffer-undo-list t) ; disable undo recording (ewoc (slot-value cell 'ewoc)) (index (1- (ein:cell-num-outputs cell))) (path `(cell output ,index)) (class (ein:cell-output-json-to-class json)) (data (ein:node-new path cell class)) (last-node (ein:cell-element-get cell :last-output)) (ewoc-node (ewoc-enter-after ewoc last-node data)) (element (slot-value cell 'element))) (plist-put element :output (append (plist-get element :output) (list ewoc-node))) (ewoc-invalidate ewoc (ein:cell-element-get cell :footer)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-append-pyout ((cell ein:codecell) json) "Insert pyout type output in the buffer. Called from ewoc pretty printer via `ein:cell-insert-output'." (ein:insert-read-only (format "Out [%s]:" (or (plist-get json :prompt_number) " ")) 'font-lock-face 'ein:cell-output-prompt) (ein:insert-read-only "\n") (ein:cell-append-mime-type json (slot-value cell 'dynamic)) (ein:insert-read-only "\n")) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-append-pyerr ((cell ein:codecell) json) "Insert pyerr type output in the buffer. Called from ewoc pretty printer via `ein:cell-insert-output'." (mapc (lambda (tb) (ein:cell-append-text tb) (ein:cell-append-text "\n")) (let ((tb (plist-get json :traceback)) (level ein:cell-traceback-level)) (if (and level (> (- (length tb) 2) level)) (cons (substitute-command-keys "\nTruncated Traceback (Use \\[ein:tb-show] to view full TB):") (last tb (1+ level))) tb))) (ein:insert-read-only "\n")) (ein:deflocal ein:%cell-append-stream-last-cell% nil "The last cell in which `ein:cell-append-stream' is used.") (cl-defmethod ein:cell-append-stream ((cell ein:codecell) json) "Insert stream type output in the buffer. Called from ewoc pretty printer via `ein:cell-insert-output'." ;; (unless (plist-get json :stream) ;; (plist-put json :stream "stdout")) (unless (eq cell ein:%cell-append-stream-last-cell%) ;; Avoid applying unclosed ANSI escape code in the cell. Note ;; that I don't need to distinguish stdout/stderr because it looks ;; like normal terminal does not. (setq ansi-color-context nil)) (let ((start (point))) (ein:cell-append-stream-text-fontified (or (plist-get json :text) "") json) (comint-carriage-motion start (point))) ;; NOTE: newlines for stream is handled in `ein:cell-insert-output'. ;; So do not insert newline here. (setq ein:%cell-append-stream-last-cell% cell)) (defun ein:cell-append-stream-text-fontified (text json) "Insert TEXT with font properties defined by JSON data." (if (equal (plist-get json :stream) "stderr") (ein:cell-append-text text 'font-lock-face 'ein:cell-output-stderr) (ein:cell-append-text text))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-append-display-data ((cell ein:codecell) json) "Insert display-data type output in the buffer. Called from ewoc pretty printer via `ein:cell-insert-output'." (if (and (or (plist-get json :javascript) (plist-get json :html)) (slot-value cell 'dynamic) ein:enable-dynamic-javascript) (ein:execute-javascript cell json) (progn (ein:cell-append-mime-type json (slot-value cell 'dynamic)) (ein:insert-read-only "\n")))) (defcustom ein:output-type-preference (if (and (fboundp 'shr-insert-document) (fboundp 'libxml-parse-xml-region)) #'ein:output-type-prefer-pretty-text-over-html '(emacs-lisp svg image/svg+xml png image/png jpeg image/jpeg html text/html latex text/latex javascript text/javascript text text/plain)) "Output types to be used in notebook. First output-type found in this list will be used. This variable can be a list or a function returning a list given DATA plist. See also `ein:output-type-prefer-pretty-text-over-html'. **Example**: If you prefer HTML type over text type, you can set it as:: (setq ein:output-type-preference '(emacs-lisp svg png jpeg html text latex javascript)) Note that ``html`` comes before ``text``." :type '(choice function (repeat symbol)) :group 'ein) (defvar ein:output-types-text-preferred '(emacs-lisp svg image/svg+xml png image/png jpeg image/jpeg text text/plain html text/html latex text/latex javascript text/javascript)) (defvar ein:output-types-html-preferred '(emacs-lisp svg image/svg+xml png image/png jpeg image/jpeg html text/html latex text/latex javascript text/javascript text text/plain)) (defun ein:output-type-prefer-pretty-text-over-html (data) "Use text type if it is a \"prettified\" text instead of HTML. This is mostly for *not* using HTML table for pandas but using HTML for other object. If the text type output contains a newline, it is assumed be a prettified text thus be used instead of HTML type." (if (ein:aand (or (plist-get data :text) (plist-get data :text/plain)) (string-match-p "\n" it)) ein:output-types-text-preferred ein:output-types-html-preferred)) (defun ein:fix-mime-type (type) (ein:aif (assoc type ein:mime-type-map) (cdr it) type)) (defun ein:cell-append-mime-type (json dynamic) (when (plist-get json :data) (setq json (plist-get json :data))) ;; For nbformat v4 support. (loop for key in (cond ((functionp ein:output-type-preference) (funcall ein:output-type-preference json)) (t ein:output-type-preference)) for type = (intern (format ":%s" key)) ; something like `:text' for value = (plist-get json type) ; FIXME: optimize when (plist-member json type) return (case key ;; NOTE: Normally `javascript' and `html' will not be inserted as ;; they come out after `text'. Maybe it is better to inform user ;; when one of them is inserted. ((javascript text/javascript) (when dynamic (ein:log 'info (concat "ein:cell-append-mime-type does not support " "dynamic javascript. got: %s") value)) (ein:insert-read-only (plist-get json type))) (emacs-lisp (when dynamic (ein:cell-safe-read-eval-insert (plist-get json type)))) ((html text/html) (funcall (ein:output-area-get-html-renderer) (plist-get json type))) ((latex text/latex text text/plain) (ein:insert-read-only (plist-get json type))) ((svg image/svg+xml) (ein:insert-image value (ein:fix-mime-type key) t)) ((png image/png jpeg image/jpeg) (ein:insert-image (base64-decode-string value) (ein:fix-mime-type key) t))))) (defun ein:cell-append-text (data &rest properties) ;; escape ANSI in plaintext: (apply #'ein:insert-read-only (ansi-color-apply data) properties)) (defun ein:cell-safe-read-eval-insert (text) (ein:insert-read-only (condition-case err (save-excursion ;; given code can be `pop-to-buffer' or something. (format "%S" (eval (read text)))) (error (ein:log 'warn "Got an error while executing: '%s'" text) (format "Error: %S" err))))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-to-json ((cell ein:codecell) &optional discard-output) "Return json-ready alist." `((input . ,(ein:cell-get-text cell)) (cell_type . "code") ,@(ein:aif (ein:oref-safe cell 'input-prompt-number) `((prompt_number . ,it))) (outputs . ,(if discard-output [] (apply #'vector (slot-value cell 'outputs)))) (language . "python") (collapsed . ,(if (slot-value cell 'collapsed) t json-false)))) (defvar ein:output-type-map '((:svg . :image/svg+xml) (:png . :image/png) (:jpeg . :image/jpeg) (:text . :text/plain) (:html . :text/html) (:latex . :text/latex) (:javascript . :text/javascript))) (defun ein:output-property-p (maybe-property) (assoc maybe-property ein:output-type-map)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-to-nb4-json ((cell ein:codecell) wsidx &optional discard-output) (let* ((ss-table (ein:get-slide-show cell)) (metadata (slot-value cell 'metadata)) (outputs (if discard-output [] (slot-value cell 'outputs))) (renamed-outputs '()) (execute-count (ein:aif (ein:oref-safe cell 'input-prompt-number) (and (numberp it) it)))) (setq metadata (plist-put metadata :collapsed (if (slot-value cell 'collapsed) t json-false))) (setq metadata (plist-put metadata :autoscroll json-false)) (setq metadata (plist-put metadata :ein.tags (format "worksheet-%s" wsidx))) (setq metadata (plist-put metadata :ein.hycell (if (ein:hy-codecell-p cell) t json-false))) (setq metadata (plist-put metadata :slideshow ss-table)) (unless discard-output (dolist (output outputs) (let ((otype (plist-get output :output_type))) (ein:log 'debug "Saving output of type %S" otype) (if (and (or (equal otype "display_data") (equal otype "execute_result")) (null (plist-get output :metadata))) (plist-put output :metadata (make-hash-table))) (setq renamed-outputs (append renamed-outputs (list (let ((ocopy (copy-list output)) (new-output '())) (loop while ocopy do (let ((prop (pop ocopy)) (value (pop ocopy))) (ein:log 'debug "Checking property %s for output type '%s'" prop otype) (cond ((equal prop :stream) (progn (push value new-output) (push :name new-output))) ((and (or (equal otype "display_data") (equal otype "execute_result")) (ein:output-property-p prop)) (let ((new-prop (cdr (ein:output-property-p prop)))) (if (plist-member new-output :data) (setq new-output (plist-put new-output :data (append (plist-get new-output :data) (list new-prop (list value)) ))) (push (list new-prop (list value)) new-output) (push :data new-output)) )) ((and (equal otype "display_data") (equal prop :text)) (ein:log 'debug "SAVE-NOTEBOOK: Skipping unnecessary :text data.")) ;; ((and (equal otype "execute_result") ;; (ein:output-property-p prop) ;; ;; (or (equal prop :text) ;; ;; (equal prop :html) ;; ;; (equal prop :latex)) ;; ) ;; (ein:log 'debug "Fixing execute_result (%s?)." otype) ;; (let ((new-prop (cdr (ein:output-property-p prop)))) ;; (push (list new-prop (list value)) new-output) ;; (push :data new-output))) ((and (equal otype "execute_result") (equal prop :prompt_number)) (ein:log 'debug "SAVE-NOTEBOOK: Fixing prompt_number property.") (push value new-output) (push :execution_count new-output)) (t (progn (push value new-output) (push prop new-output))))) finally return new-output)))) )))) `((source . ,(ein:cell-get-text cell)) (cell_type . "code") ,@(if execute-count `((execution_count . ,execute-count)) `((execution_count))) (outputs . ,(apply #'vector (or renamed-outputs outputs))) (metadata . ,metadata)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-to-json ((cell ein:textcell) &optional discard-output) `((cell_type . ,(slot-value cell 'cell-type)) (source . ,(ein:cell-get-text cell)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-to-nb4-json ((cell ein:textcell) wsidx &optional discard-output) (let ((metadata (slot-value cell 'metadata)) (ss-table (ein:get-slide-show cell))) (setq metadata (plist-put metadata :ein.tags (format "worksheet-%s" wsidx))) (setq metadata (plist-put metadata :slideshow ss-table)) `((cell_type . ,(slot-value cell 'cell-type)) (source . ,(ein:cell-get-text cell)) (metadata . ,metadata)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-to-nb4-json ((cell ein:headingcell) wsidx &optional discard-output) (let ((metadata (slot-value cell 'metadata)) (ss-table (ein:get-slide-show cell)) (header (make-string (slot-value cell 'level) ?#))) (setq metadata (plist-put metadata :ein.tags (format "worksheet-%s" wsidx))) (setq metadata (plist-put metadata :slideshow ss-table)) `((cell_type . "markdown") (source . ,(format "%s %s" header (ein:cell-get-text cell))) (metadata . ,metadata)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-to-json ((cell ein:headingcell) &optional discard-output) (let ((json (cl-call-next-method))) (append json `((level . ,(slot-value cell 'level)))))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-next ((cell ein:basecell)) "Return next cell of the given CELL or nil if CELL is the last one." (ein:aif (ewoc-next (slot-value cell 'ewoc) (ein:cell-element-get cell :footer)) (let ((cell (ein:$node-data (ewoc-data it)))) (when (cl-typep cell 'ein:basecell) cell)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-prev ((cell ein:basecell)) "Return previous cell of the given CELL or nil if CELL is the first one." (ein:aif (ewoc-prev (slot-value cell 'ewoc) (ein:cell-element-get cell :prompt)) (let ((cell (ein:$node-data (ewoc-data it)))) (when (cl-typep cell 'ein:basecell) cell)))) ;;; Kernel related calls. (cl-defmethod ein:cell-set-kernel ((cell ein:codecell) kernel) (setf (slot-value cell 'kernel) kernel)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-execute ((cell ein:codecell)) (ein:cell-execute-internal cell (slot-value cell 'kernel) (ein:cell-get-text cell) :silent nil)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-execute-internal ((cell ein:codecell) kernel code &rest args) (ein:cell-running-set cell t) (ein:cell-clear-output cell t t t) (ein:cell-set-input-prompt cell "*") (setf (slot-value cell 'dynamic) t) (apply #'ein:kernel-execute kernel code (ein:cell-make-callbacks cell) args)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-make-callbacks ((cell ein:codecell)) (list :execute_reply (cons #'ein:cell--handle-execute-reply cell) :output (cons #'ein:cell--handle-output cell) :clear_output (cons #'ein:cell--handle-clear-output cell) :set_next_input (cons #'ein:cell--handle-set-next-input cell))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell--handle-execute-reply ((cell ein:codecell) content metadata) (run-hook-with-args 'ein:on-execute-reply-functions cell content metadata) (ein:cell-set-input-prompt cell (plist-get content :execution_count)) (ein:cell-running-set cell nil) (if (equal (plist-get content :status) "error") (ein:cell--handle-output cell "error" content metadata) (let ((events (slot-value cell 'events))) (ein:events-trigger events 'set_dirty.Worksheet (list :value t :cell cell)) (ein:events-trigger events 'maybe_reset_undo.Worksheet cell)))) (cl-defmethod ein:cell--handle-set-next-input ((cell ein:codecell) text) (let ((events (slot-value cell 'events))) (ein:events-trigger events 'set_next_input.Worksheet (list :cell cell :text text)) (ein:events-trigger events 'maybe_reset_undo.Worksheet cell) )) ;;; Output area ;; These function should go to ein-output-area.el. But as cell and ;; EWOC is connected in complicated way, I will leave them in ;; ein-cell.el. (cl-defmethod ein:cell--handle-output ((cell ein:codecell) msg-type content _metadata) (let* ((json (list :output_type msg-type))) (ein:case-equal msg-type (("stream") (plist-put json :text (or (plist-get content :data) (plist-get content :text))) ;; Horrible hack to deal with version 5.0 of messaging protocol. (plist-put json :stream (plist-get content :name))) (("display_data" "pyout" "execute_result") ;; in v4 nbformat execute_result == pyout (when (or (equal msg-type "pyout") (equal msg-type "execute_result")) (plist-put json :prompt_number (plist-get content :execution_count))) (setq json (ein:output-area-convert-mime-types json (plist-get content :data)))) (("pyerr" "error") (plist-put json :ename (plist-get content :ename)) (plist-put json :evalue (plist-get content :evalue)) (plist-put json :traceback (plist-get content :traceback)))) (ein:cell-append-output cell json t) ;; (setf (slot-value cell 'dirty) t) (ein:events-trigger (slot-value cell 'events) 'maybe_reset_undo.Worksheet cell))) (defun ein:output-area-convert-mime-types (json data) (loop for (prop . mime) in '((:text . :text/plain) (:html . :text/html) (:svg . :image/svg+xml) (:png . :image/png) (:jpeg . :image/jpeg) (:latex . :text/latex) (:json . :application/json) (:javascript . :application/javascript) (:emacs-lisp . :application/emacs-lisp)) when (plist-member data mime) do (plist-put json prop (plist-get data mime))) json) (cl-defmethod ein:cell--handle-clear-output ((cell ein:codecell) content _metadata) ;; Jupyter messaging spec 5.0 no longer has stdout, stderr, or other fields for clear_output (ein:cell-clear-output cell t ;;(plist-get content :stdout) t ;;(plist-get content :stderr) t ;;(plist-get content :other)) ) (ein:events-trigger (slot-value cell 'events) 'maybe_reset_undo.Worksheet cell)) ;;; Misc. (cl-defmethod ein:cell-has-image-ouput-p ((cell ein:codecell)) "Return `t' if given cell has image output, `nil' otherwise." (loop for out in (slot-value cell 'outputs) when (or (plist-member out :svg) (plist-member out :image/svg+xml) (plist-member out :png) (plist-member out :image/png) (plist-member out :jpeg) (plist-member out :image/jpeg)) return t)) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-has-image-ouput-p ((cell ein:textcell)) nil) (cl-defmethod ein:cell-get-tb-data ((cell ein:codecell)) (loop for out in (slot-value cell 'outputs) when (and (plist-get out :traceback) (member (plist-get out :output_type) '("pyerr" "error"))) return (plist-get out :traceback))) (provide 'ein-cell) ;;; ein-cell.el ends here