;;; ein-classes.el --- Classes and structures. ;; Copyright (C) 2017 John M. Miller ;; Author: John M Miller ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;; ein-classes.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ein-classes.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with ein-worksheet.el. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;;; Content (require 'eieio) (defstruct ein:$content "Content returned from the Jupyter notebook server: `ein:$content-url-or-port' URL or port of Jupyter server. `ein:$content-name' The name/filename of the content. Always equivalent to the last part of the path field `ein:$content-path' The full file path. It will not start with /, and it will be /-delimited. `ein:$content-type' One of three values: :directory, :file, :notebook. `ein:$content-writable' Indicates if requester has permission to modified the requested content. `ein:$content-created' `ein:$content-last-modified' `ein:$content-mimetype' Specify the mime-type of :file content, null otherwise. `ein:$content-raw-content' Contents of resource as returned by Jupyter. Depending on content-type will hold: :directory : JSON list of models for each item in the directory. :file : Text of file as a string or base64 encoded string if mimetype is other than 'text/plain'. :notebook : JSON structure of the file. `ein:$content-format' Value will depend on content-type: :directory : :json. :file : Either :text or :base64 :notebook : :json. " url-or-port notebook-version name path type writable created last-modified mimetype raw-content format session-p) ;;; Websockets (defstruct ein:$websocket "A wrapper object of `websocket'. `ein:$websocket-ws' : an instance returned by `websocket-open' `ein:$websocket-kernel' : kernel at the time of instantiation `ein:$websocket-closed-by-client' : t/nil' " ws kernel closed-by-client) ;;; Notebook (defstruct ein:$notebook "Hold notebook variables. `ein:$notebook-url-or-port' URL or port of IPython server. `ein:$notebook-notebook-id' : string uuid string (as of ipython 2.0 this is the same is notebook-name). `ein:$notebook-notebook-path' : string Path to notebook. `ein:$notebook-kernel' : `ein:$kernel' `ein:$kernel' instance. `ein:$notebook-kernelspec' : `ein:$kernelspec' Jupyter kernel specification for the notebook. `ein:$notebook-kernelinfo' : `ein:kernelinfo' `ein:kernelinfo' instance. `ein:$notebook-dirty' : boolean Set to `t' if notebook has unsaved changes. Otherwise `nil'. `ein:$notebook-metadata' : plist Notebook meta data (e.g., notebook name). `ein:$notebook-name' : string Notebook name. `ein:$notebook-nbformat' : integer Notebook file format version. `ein:$notebook-nbformat-minor' : integer Notebook file format version. `ein:$notebook-events' : `ein:$events' Event handler instance. `ein:$notebook-worksheets' : list of `ein:worksheet' List of worksheets. `ein:$notebook-scratchsheets' : list of `ein:worksheet' List of scratch worksheets. `ein:$notebook-api-version' : integer Major version of the IPython notebook server we are talking to. " url-or-port notebook-id ;; In IPython-2.0 this is "[:path]/[:name].ipynb" notebook-path kernel kernelinfo kernelspec dirty metadata notebook-name nbformat nbformat-minor events worksheets scratchsheets api-version) ;;; Worksheet (defclass ein:worksheet () ((nbformat :initarg :nbformat :type integer) (get-notebook-name :initarg :get-notebook-name :type cons :accessor ein:worksheet--notebook-name) (saved-cells :initarg :saved-cells :initform nil :accessor ein:worksheet--saved-cells :documentation "Slot to cache cells for worksheet without buffer") (dont-save-cells :initarg :dont-save-cells :initform nil :type boolean :accessor ein:worksheet--dont-save-cells-p :documentation "Don't cache cells when this flag is on.") (ewoc :initarg :ewoc :type ewoc :accessor ein:worksheet--ewoc) (kernel :initarg :kernel :type ein:$kernel :accessor ein:worksheet--kernel) (dirty :initarg :dirty :type boolean :initform nil :accessor ein:worksheet--dirty-p) (metadata :initarg :metadata :initform nil :accessor ein:worksheet--metadata) (events :initarg :events :accessor ein:worksheet--events))) ;;; Kernel (defstruct ein:$kernelspec "Kernel specification as return by the Jupyter notebook server. `ein:$kernelspec-name' : string Name used to identify the kernel (like python2, or python3). `ein:$kernelspec-display-name' : string Name used to display kernel to user. `ein:$kernelspec-language' : string Programming language supported by kernel, like 'python'. `ein:$kernelspec-resources' : plist Resources, if any, used by the kernel. `ein:$kernelspec-spec' : plist How the outside world defines kernelspec: https://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/kernels.html#kernelspecs " name display-name resources spec language) ;; FIXME: Rewrite `ein:$kernel' using `defclass'. It should ease ;; testing since I can mock I/O using method overriding. (defstruct ein:$kernel "Should perhaps be named ein:$session. We glom session and kernel as defined by the server as just ein:$kernel in the client. " url-or-port path kernelspec events api-version session-id kernel-id shell-channel iopub-channel websocket ; For IPython 3.x+ base-url ; /api/kernels/ kernel-url ; /api/kernels/ ws-url ; ws://[:] stdin-activep username msg-callbacks oinfo-cache ;; FIXME: Use event instead of hook. after-start-hook after-execute-hook) ;;; Cells (defclass ein:basecell () ((cell-type :initarg :cell-type :type string :accessor ein:cell-type) (read-only :initarg :read-only :initform nil :type boolean) (ewoc :initarg :ewoc :type ewoc :accessor ein:basecell--ewoc) (element :initarg :element :initform nil :type list :documentation "ewoc nodes") (element-names :initarg :element-names) (input :initarg :input :type string :documentation "Place to hold data until it is rendered via `ewoc'.") (outputs :initarg :outputs :initform nil :type list) (metadata :initarg :metadata :initform nil :type list :accessor ein:cell-metadata) (events :initarg :events :type ein:events) (cell-id :initarg :cell-id :initform (ein:utils-uuid) :type string :accessor ein:cell-id)) "Notebook cell base class") (defclass ein:codecell (ein:basecell) ((traceback :initform nil :initarg :traceback :type list) (cell-type :initarg :cell-type :initform "code") (kernel :initarg :kernel :type ein:$kernel :accessor ein:cell-kernel) (element-names :initform (:prompt :input :output :footer)) (input-prompt-number :initarg :input-prompt-number :documentation "\ Integer or \"*\" (running state). Implementation note: Typed `:input-prompt-number' becomes a problem when reading a notebook that saved "*". So don't add `:type'!") (collapsed :initarg :collapsed :initform nil :type boolean) (running :initarg :running :initform nil :type boolean))) (defclass ein:textcell (ein:basecell) ((cell-type :initarg :cell-type :initform "text") (element-names :initform (:prompt :input :footer)))) (defclass ein:htmlcell (ein:textcell) ((cell-type :initarg :cell-type :initform "html"))) (defclass ein:markdowncell (ein:textcell) ((cell-type :initarg :cell-type :initform "markdown"))) (defclass ein:rawcell (ein:textcell) ((cell-type :initarg :cell-type :initform "raw"))) ;;; Notifications (defclass ein:notification-status () ((status :initarg :status :initform nil) (message :initarg :message :initform nil) (s2m :initarg :s2m)) "Hold status and its string representation (message).") (defclass ein:notification-tab () ((get-list :initarg :get-list :type function) (get-current :initarg :get-current :type function) (get-name :initarg :get-name :type function) (get-buffer :initarg :get-buffer :type function) (delete :initarg :delete :type function) (insert-prev :initarg :insert-prev :type function) (insert-next :initarg :insert-next :type function) (move-prev :initarg :move-prev :type function) (move-next :initarg :move-next :type function) ) ;; These "methods" are for not depending on what the TABs for. ;; Probably I'd want change this to be a separated Emacs lisp ;; library at some point. "See `ein:notification-setup' for explanation.") (defclass ein:notification () ((buffer :initarg :buffer :type buffer :document "Notebook buffer") (tab :initarg :tab :type ein:notification-tab) (execution-count :initform "y" :initarg :execution-count :documentation "Last `execution_count' sent by `execute_reply'.") (notebook :initarg :notebook :initform (ein:notification-status "NotebookStatus" :s2m '((notebook_saving.Notebook . "Saving notebook...") (notebook_saved.Notebook . "Notebook saved") (notebook_save_failed.Notebook . "Failed saving notebook!"))) :type ein:notification-status) (kernel :initarg :kernel :initform (ein:notification-status "KernelStatus" :s2m '((status_idle.Kernel . nil) (status_busy.Kernel . "Kernel busy...") (status_restarting.Kernel . "Kernel restarting...") (status_restarted.Kernel . "Kernel restarted") (status_dead.Kernel . "Kernel requires restart \\\\[ein:notebook-restart-session-command-km]") (status_reconnecting.Kernel . "Kernel reconnecting...") (status_reconnected.Kernel . "Kernel reconnected") (status_disconnected.Kernel . "Kernel requires reconnect \\\\[ein:notebook-reconnect-session-command-km]"))) :type ein:notification-status)) "Notification widget for Notebook.") ;;; Events (defclass ein:events () ((callbacks :initarg :callbacks :type hash-table :initform (make-hash-table :test 'eq))) "Event handler class.") (provide 'ein-classes) ;;; ein-classes.el ends here