This is *italic.* This is **bold.** This is `code`. This is ``code`containing`backticks``. Seven backquotes in a row ``````` do not constitute a code span. If backquotes begin or end a code span, you have to use spaces, like `` `this` ``. Markdown removes any leading and trailing whitespace. Only the space a the end is necessary, like ```this` ``. A backslash as the final character in an inline code fragment does *not* escape the backquote. That is, `C-h C-\` will render as C-h C-\ However, we can escape what would otherwise be a leading backquote, as in \`foo\` or \`bar\`. But this will be a code span crossing lines: \`foo` or bar ` containing only "or bar". This should result in three backquotes in a code span `` ``` `` and they should even match across across lines `` ``` ``, like so. However, backquotes should not `` ``` match across two blocks``. Links have several components: [text]( "title").