version: 1.0.{build} # you can use {branch} name in version format too # version: 1.0.{build}-{branch} # Do not build on tags (GitHub and BitBucket) skip_tags: true # Skipping commits with particular message or from specific user skip_commits: message: /\[skip appveyor\]/ # Regex for matching commit message # Do not build feature branch with open Pull Requests # skip_branch_with_pr: true # Maximum number of concurrent jobs for the project max_jobs: 1 # Build worker image (VM template) image: Visual Studio 2017 # scripts that are called at very beginning, before repo cloning init: - git config --global core.autocrlf input # clone directory clone_folder: c:\projects\myproject # fetch repository as zip archive shallow_clone: true # default is "false" # set clone depth clone_depth: 5 # clone entire repository history if not defined # setting up etc\hosts file hosts: queue-server: # environment variables environment: # this is how to set encrypted variable. Go to "Settings" -> "Encrypt YAML" page in account menu to encrypt data. my_secure_var1: secure: FW3tJ3fMncxvs58/ifSP7w== # environment: # global: # connection_string: server=12;password=13; # service_url: # # matrix: # - db: mysql # provider: mysql # # - db: mssql # provider: mssql # password: # secure: $#(JFDA)jQ@#$ # this is how to allow failing jobs in the matrix matrix: fast_finish: true # set this flag to immediately finish build once one of the jobs fails. allow_failures: - platform: x86 configuration: Debug - platform: x64 configuration: Release # exclude configuration from the matrix. Works similarly to 'allow_failures' but build not even being started for excluded combination. exclude: - platform: x86 configuration: Debug # build cache to preserve files/folders between builds cache: # - packages -> **\packages.config # preserve "packages" directory in the root of build folder but will reset it if packages.config is modified - C:\python27\ - C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib - C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin # - '%LocalAppData%' # - node_modules # local npm modules - '%LocalAppData%\NuGet\Cache' # NuGet < v3 - '%LocalAppData%\NuGet\v3-cache' # NuGet v3 # enable service required for build/tests #services: # - mssql2014 # start SQL Server 2014 Express # - mssql2014rs # start SQL Server 2014 Express and Reporting Services # - mssql2012sp1 # start SQL Server 2012 SP1 Express # - mssql2012sp1rs # start SQL Server 2012 SP1 Express and Reporting Services # - mssql2008r2sp2 # start SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 Express # - mssql2008r2sp2rs # start SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 Express and Reporting Services # - mysql # start MySQL 5.6 service # - postgresql # start PostgreSQL 9.5 service # - iis # start IIS # - msmq # start Queuing services # - mongodb # start MongoDB # scripts that run after cloning repository # enable patching of AssemblyInfo.* files # assembly_info: # patch: true # file: AssemblyInfo.* # assembly_version: "2.2.{build}" # assembly_file_version: "{version}" # assembly_informational_version: "{version}" # Automatically register private account and/or project AppVeyor NuGet feeds. #nuget: # account_feed: true # project_feed: true # disable_publish_on_pr: true # disable publishing of .nupkg artifacts to # # account/project feeds for pull request builds #---------------------------------# # build configuration # #---------------------------------# # build platform, i.e. x86, x64, Any CPU. This setting is optional. #platform: Any CPU # to add several platforms to build matrix: #platform: # - x86 # - Any CPU # build Configuration, i.e. Debug, Release, etc. # configuration: Release # to add several configurations to build matrix: #configuration: # - Debug # - Release # Build settings, not to be confused with "before_build" and "after_build". # "project" is relative to the original build directory and not influenced by directory changes in "before_build". #build: # parallel: true # enable MSBuild parallel builds # project: MyTestAzureCS.sln # path to Visual Studio solution or project # publish_wap: true # package Web Application Projects (WAP) for Web Deploy # publish_wap_xcopy: true # package Web Application Projects (WAP) for XCopy deployment # publish_azure: true # package Azure Cloud Service projects and push to artifacts # publish_nuget: true # package projects with .nuspec files and push to artifacts # publish_nuget_symbols: true # generate and publish NuGet symbol packages # include_nuget_references: true # add -IncludeReferencedProjects option while packaging NuGet artifacts # MSBuild verbosity level # verbosity: quiet|minimal|normal|detailed # to disable automatic builds build: off #---------------------------------# # tests configuration # #---------------------------------# # to run tests against only selected assemblies and/or categories #test: # assemblies: # only: # - asm1.dll # - asm2.dll # # categories: # only: # - UI # - E2E # to run tests against all except selected assemblies and/or categories #test: # assemblies: # except: # - asm1.dll # - asm2.dll # # categories: # except: # - UI # - E2E # to run tests from different categories as separate jobs in parallel #test: # categories: # - A # A category common for all jobs # - [UI] # 1st job # - [DAL, BL] # 2nd job # scripts to run before tests (working directory and environment changes are persisted from the previous steps such as "before_build") before_test: # to run your custom scripts instead of automatic tests test_script: - cd c:\projects\myproject # - make quick # scripts to run after tests after_test: # to disable automatic tests test: off # to disable deployment deploy: off #---------------------------------# # global handlers # #---------------------------------# # on successful build #on_success: # on build failure #on_failure: # - ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('')) # after build failure or success on_finish: # - ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))