;;; ein-kernel.el --- Communicate with IPython notebook server ;; Copyright (C) 2012- Takafumi Arakaki ;; Author: Takafumi Arakaki ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;; ein-kernel.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ein-kernel.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with ein-kernel.el. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) (require 'ansi-color) (require 'ein-core) (require 'ein-classes) (require 'ein-log) ;; FIXME: use websocket.el directly once v1.0 is released. (require 'ein-websocket) (require 'ein-events) (require 'ein-query) (require 'ein-ipdb) ;; "Public" getters. Use them outside of this package. (defun ein:$kernel-session-url (kernel) (concat "/api/sessions/" (ein:$kernel-session-id kernel))) ;;;###autoload (defalias 'ein:kernel-url-or-port 'ein:$kernel-url-or-port) ;;;###autoload (defalias 'ein:kernel-id 'ein:$kernel-kernel-id) (defcustom ein:pre-kernel-execute-functions nil "List of functions to call before sending a message to the kernel for execution. Each function is called with the message (see `ein:kernel--get-msg') about to be sent." :type 'list :group 'ein) (defcustom ein:on-shell-reply-functions nil "List of functions to call when the kernel responds on the shell channel. Each function should have the call signature: msg-id header content metadata" :type 'list :group 'ein) ;;; Initialization and connection. (defun ein:kernel-new (url-or-port base-url events &optional api-version) (make-ein:$kernel :url-or-port url-or-port :events events :api-version (or api-version 5) :session-id (ein:utils-uuid) :kernel-id nil :websocket nil :base-url base-url :stdin-activep nil :username "username" :msg-callbacks (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (defun ein:kernel-del (kernel) "Destructor for `ein:$kernel'." (ein:kernel-disconnect kernel)) (defun ein:kernel--get-msg (kernel msg-type content) (list :header (list :msg_id (ein:utils-uuid) :username (ein:$kernel-username kernel) :session (ein:$kernel-session-id kernel) :version "5.0" :date (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%T" (current-time)) ; ISO 8601 timestamp :msg_type msg-type) :metadata (make-hash-table) :content content :parent_header (make-hash-table))) (defun ein:kernel-start (kernel notebook &optional iteration callback) "Start kernel of the notebook whose id is NOTEBOOK-ID. CALLBACK of arity 0 (e.g., print a message kernel started)" (assert (and (ein:$notebook-p notebook) (ein:$kernel-p kernel))) (unless iteration (setq iteration 0)) (if (<= (ein:$kernel-api-version kernel) 2) (error "Api version %s unsupported" (ein:$kernel-api-version kernel)) (if (ein:kernel-live-p kernel) (ein:log 'warn "Orphaning live kernel %s" (ein:$kernel-kernel-id kernel))) (let ((kernelspec (ein:$notebook-kernelspec notebook))) (ein:query-singleton-ajax (list 'kernel-start (ein:$kernel-kernel-id kernel)) (ein:url (ein:$kernel-url-or-port kernel) "api/sessions") :type "POST" :data (json-encode (cond ((<= (ein:$kernel-api-version kernel) 4) `(("notebook" . (("path" . ,(ein:$notebook-notebook-path notebook)))) ,@(if kernelspec `(("kernel" . (("name" . ,(ein:$kernelspec-name kernelspec)))))))) (t `(("path" . ,(ein:$notebook-notebook-path notebook)) ("type" . "notebook") ,@(if kernelspec `(("kernel" . (("name" . ,(ein:$kernelspec-name kernelspec)))))))))) :sync ein:force-sync :parser #'ein:json-read :complete (apply-partially #'ein:kernel-start--complete kernel callback) :success (apply-partially #'ein:kernel-start--success kernel callback) :error (apply-partially #'ein:kernel-start--error kernel notebook iteration callback))))) (defun ein:kernel-restart (kernel) "Will not restart kernel if kernel doesn't have a session-id. Kernel can be dead (as in the websocket died unexpectedly) but must be fully-formed for the restart." (ein:kernel-delete kernel (apply-partially (lambda (kernel* notebook) (if (ein:kernel-live-p kernel*) (ein:log 'error "Kernel %s still live!" (ein:$kernel-kernel-id kernel*)) (ein:events-trigger (ein:$kernel-events kernel*) 'status_restarting.Kernel) (ein:kernel-start kernel* notebook 0 (apply-partially (lambda (nb) (with-current-buffer (ein:notebook-buffer nb) (ein:notification-status-set (slot-value ein:%notification% 'kernel) 'status_restarted.Kernel))) notebook)))) kernel (ein:get-notebook-or-error)))) (defun* ein:kernel-start--complete (kernel callback &key data response &allow-other-keys &aux (resp-string (format "STATUS: %s DATA: %s" (request-response-status-code response) data))) (ein:log 'debug "ein:kernel-start--complete %s" resp-string)) (defun* ein:kernel-start--error (kernel notebook iteration callback &key error-thrown sybmol-status &allow-other-keys) (let* ((max-tries 3) (tries-left (1- (- max-tries iteration)))) (ein:log 'verbose "ein:kernel-start--error [%s], %s tries left" (car error-thrown) tries-left) (if (> tries-left 0) (ein:kernel-start kernel notebook (1+ iteration) callback)))) (defun* ein:kernel-start--success (kernel callback &key data &allow-other-keys) (let ((session-id (plist-get data :id))) (if (plist-get data :kernel) (setq data (plist-get data :kernel))) (destructuring-bind (&key id &allow-other-keys) data (ein:log 'verbose "ein:kernel-start--success: kernel-id=%s session-id=%s" id session-id) (setf (ein:$kernel-kernel-id kernel) id) (setf (ein:$kernel-session-id kernel) session-id) (setf (ein:$kernel-ws-url kernel) (ein:kernel--ws-url (ein:$kernel-url-or-port kernel))) (setf (ein:$kernel-kernel-url kernel) (concat (file-name-as-directory (ein:$kernel-base-url kernel)) id))) (ein:kernel-start-websocket kernel) (when callback (funcall callback)))) (defun ein:kernel--ws-url (url-or-port &optional securep) "Use `ein:$kernel-url-or-port' if BASE_URL is an empty string. See: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/pull/3307" (let* ((base-url url-or-port) (url-or-port (ein:jupyterhub-correct-query-url-maybe url-or-port)) (protocol (if (or securep (and (stringp url-or-port) (string-match "^https://" url-or-port))) "wss" "ws"))) (if (integerp url-or-port) (format "%s://" protocol url-or-port) (let* ((url (if (string-match "^https?://" url-or-port) url-or-port (format "http://%s" url-or-port))) (parsed-url (url-generic-parse-url url))) (if (ein:jupyterhub-url-p base-url) (ein:trim-right (format "%s://%s:%s%s" protocol (url-host parsed-url) (url-port parsed-url) (url-filename parsed-url)) "/") (format "%s://%s:%s" protocol (url-host parsed-url) (url-port parsed-url))))))) (defun ein:kernel-send-cookie (channel host) ;; cookie can be an empty string for IPython server with no password, ;; but something must be sent to start channel. (let ((cookie (ein:query-get-cookie host "/"))) (ein:websocket-send channel cookie))) (defun ein:kernel--handle-websocket-reply (kernel ws frame) (ein:and-let* ((packet (websocket-frame-payload frame)) (channel (plist-get (ein:json-read-from-string packet) :channel))) (cond ((string-equal channel "iopub") (ein:kernel--handle-iopub-reply kernel packet)) ((string-equal channel "shell") (ein:kernel--handle-shell-reply kernel packet)) ((string-equal channel "stdin") (ein:kernel--handle-stdin-reply kernel packet)) (t (ein:log 'warn "Received reply from unforeseen channel %s" channel))))) (defun ein:start-single-websocket (kernel) (let ((ws-url (concat (ein:$kernel-ws-url kernel) (ein:$kernel-kernel-url kernel) "/channels?session_id=" (ein:$kernel-session-id kernel)))) (ein:log 'verbose "WS start: %s" ws-url) (setf (ein:$kernel-websocket kernel) (ein:websocket ws-url kernel (apply-partially #'ein:kernel--handle-websocket-reply kernel) (lambda (ws) (let* ((websocket (websocket-client-data ws)) (kernel (ein:$websocket-kernel websocket))) (unless (ein:$websocket-closed-by-client websocket) (ein:log 'warn "WS closed unexpectedly: %s" (websocket-url ws)) (ein:kernel-disconnect kernel)))) (lambda (ws) (let* ((websocket (websocket-client-data ws)) (kernel (ein:$websocket-kernel websocket))) (when (ein:kernel-live-p kernel) (ein:kernel-run-after-start-hook kernel)) (ein:log 'verbose "WS opened: %s" (websocket-url ws)))))))) (defun ein:kernel-start-websocket (kernel) (cond ((<= (ein:$kernel-api-version kernel) 2) (error "Api version %s unsupported" (ein:$kernel-api-version kernel))) (t (ein:start-single-websocket kernel)))) (defun ein:kernel-on-connect (kernel content -metadata-not-used-) (ein:log 'info "Kernel connect_request_reply received.")) (defun ein:kernel-run-after-start-hook (kernel) (ein:log 'debug "EIN:KERNEL-RUN-AFTER-START-HOOK") (mapc #'ein:funcall-packed (ein:$kernel-after-start-hook kernel))) (defun ein:kernel-disconnect (kernel) "Disconnect websocket connection to running kernel, but do not kill the kernel." (when (ein:kernel-live-p kernel) ;; until someone implements true reconnection to an existing kernel, ;; act in accordance with death (ein:events-trigger (ein:$kernel-events kernel) 'status_dead.Kernel)) (ein:aif (ein:$kernel-websocket kernel) (progn (ein:websocket-close it) (setf (ein:$kernel-websocket kernel) nil)))) (defun ein:kernel-live-p (kernel) (and (ein:$kernel-p kernel) (ein:aand (ein:$kernel-websocket kernel) (ein:websocket-open-p it)))) (defmacro ein:kernel-if-ready (kernel &rest body) "Execute BODY if KERNEL is ready. Warn user otherwise." (declare (indent 1)) `(if (ein:kernel-live-p ,kernel) (progn ,@body) (message "Kernel unready or closed") (ein:log 'verbose "Kernel %s unavailable" (ein:$kernel-kernel-id ,kernel)))) ;;; Main public methods ;; NOTE: The argument CALLBACKS for the following functions is almost ;; same as the JS implementation in IPython. However, as Emacs ;; lisp does not support closure, value is "packed" using ;; `cons': `car' is the actual callback function and `cdr' is ;; its first argument. It's like using `cons' instead of ;; `$.proxy'. (defun ein:kernel-object-info-request (kernel objname callbacks &optional cursor-pos detail-level) "Send object info request of OBJNAME to KERNEL. When calling this method pass a CALLBACKS structure of the form: (:object_info_reply (FUNCTION . ARGUMENT)) Call signature:: (`funcall' FUNCTION ARGUMENT CONTENT METADATA) CONTENT and METADATA are given by `object_info_reply' message. `object_info_reply' message is documented here: http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/messaging.html#object-information " (assert (ein:kernel-live-p kernel) nil "object_info_reply: Kernel is not active.") (when objname (if (<= (ein:$kernel-api-version kernel) 2) (error "Api version %s unsupported" (ein:$kernel-api-version kernel))) (let* ((content (if (< (ein:$kernel-api-version kernel) 5) (list ;; :text "" :oname (format "%s" objname) :cursor_pos (or cursor-pos 0) :detail_level (or detail-level 0)) (list :code (format "%s" objname) :cursor_pos (or cursor-pos 0) :detail_level (or detail-level 0)))) (msg (ein:kernel--get-msg kernel "inspect_request" (append content (list :detail_level 1)))) (msg-id (plist-get (plist-get msg :header) :msg_id))) (ein:websocket-send-shell-channel kernel msg) (ein:kernel-set-callbacks-for-msg kernel msg-id callbacks)))) (defun* ein:kernel-execute (kernel code &optional callbacks &key (silent t) (store-history t) (user-expressions (make-hash-table)) (allow-stdin t) (stop-on-error nil)) "Execute CODE on KERNEL. When calling this method pass a CALLBACKS structure of the form: (:execute_reply EXECUTE-REPLY-CALLBACK :output OUTPUT-CALLBACK :clear_output CLEAR-OUTPUT-CALLBACK :set_next_input SET-NEXT-INPUT) Right hand sides ending -CALLBACK above must pack a FUNCTION and its first ARGUMENT in a `cons':: (FUNCTION . ARGUMENT) Call signature -------------- :: (`funcall' EXECUTE-REPLY-CALLBACK ARGUMENT CONTENT METADATA) (`funcall' OUTPUT-CALLBACK ARGUMENT MSG-TYPE CONTENT METADATA) (`funcall' CLEAR-OUTPUT-CALLBACK ARGUMENT CONTENT METADATA) (`funcall' SET-NEXT-INPUT ARGUMENT TEXT) * Both CONTENT and METADATA objects are plist. * The MSG-TYPE argument for OUTPUT-CALLBACK is a string (one of `stream', `display_data', `pyout' and `pyerr'). * The CONTENT object for CLEAR-OUTPUT-CALLBACK has `stdout', `stderr' and `other' fields that are booleans. * The SET-NEXT-INPUT callback will be passed the `set_next_input' payload, which is a string. See `ein:kernel--handle-shell-reply' for how the callbacks are called. Links ----- * For general description of CONTENT and METADATA: http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/messaging.html#general-message-format * `execute_reply' message is documented here: http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/messaging.html#execute * Output type messages is documented here: http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/messaging.html#messages-on-the-pub-sub-socket Sample implementations ---------------------- * `ein:cell--handle-execute-reply' * `ein:cell--handle-output' * `ein:cell--handle-clear-output' * `ein:cell--handle-set-next-input' " ;; FIXME: Consider changing callback to use `&key'. ;; Otherwise, adding new arguments to callback requires ;; backward incompatible changes (hence a big diff), unlike ;; Javascript. Downside of this is that there is no short way ;; to write anonymous callback because there is no `lambda*'. ;; You can use `function*', but that's bit long... ;; FIXME: Consider allowing a list of fixed argument so that the ;; call signature becomes something like: ;; (funcall FUNCTION [ARG ...] CONTENT METADATA) (assert (ein:kernel-live-p kernel) nil "execute_reply: Kernel is not active.") (let* ((content (list :code code :silent (or silent json-false) :store_history (or store-history json-false) :user_expressions user-expressions :allow_stdin allow-stdin :stop_on_error (or stop-on-error json-false))) (msg (ein:kernel--get-msg kernel "execute_request" content)) (msg-id (plist-get (plist-get msg :header) :msg_id))) (ein:log 'debug "KERNEL-EXECUTE: code=%s msg_id=%s" code msg-id) (run-hook-with-args 'ein:pre-kernel-execute-functions msg) (ein:websocket-send-shell-channel kernel msg) (ein:kernel-set-callbacks-for-msg kernel msg-id callbacks) (unless silent (mapc #'ein:funcall-packed (ein:$kernel-after-execute-hook kernel))) msg-id)) (defun ein:kernel-complete (kernel line cursor-pos callbacks) "Complete code at CURSOR-POS in a string LINE on KERNEL. CURSOR-POS is the position in the string LINE, not in the buffer. When calling this method pass a CALLBACKS structure of the form: (:complete_reply (FUNCTION . ARGUMENT)) Call signature:: (`funcall' FUNCTION ARGUMENT CONTENT METADATA) CONTENT and METADATA are given by `complete_reply' message. `complete_reply' message is documented here: http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/messaging.html#complete " (assert (ein:kernel-live-p kernel) nil "complete_reply: Kernel is not active.") (let* ((content (if (< (ein:$kernel-api-version kernel) 5) (list ;; :text "" :line line :cursor_pos cursor-pos) (list :code line :cursor_pos cursor-pos))) (msg (ein:kernel--get-msg kernel "complete_request" content)) (msg-id (plist-get (plist-get msg :header) :msg_id))) (ein:websocket-send-shell-channel kernel msg) (ein:kernel-set-callbacks-for-msg kernel msg-id callbacks) msg-id)) (defun* ein:kernel-history-request (kernel callbacks &key (output nil) (raw t) (hist-access-type "tail") session start stop (n 10) pattern unique) "Request execution history to KERNEL. When calling this method pass a CALLBACKS structure of the form: (:history_reply (FUNCTION . ARGUMENT)) Call signature:: (`funcall' FUNCTION ARGUMENT CONTENT METADATA) CONTENT and METADATA are given by `history_reply' message. `history_reply' message is documented here: http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/messaging.html#history Relevant Python code: * :py:method:`IPython.zmq.ipkernel.Kernel.history_request` * :py:class:`IPython.core.history.HistoryAccessor` " (assert (ein:kernel-live-p kernel) nil "history_reply: Kernel is not active.") (let* ((content (list :output (ein:json-any-to-bool output) :raw (ein:json-any-to-bool raw) :hist_access_type hist-access-type :session session :start start :stop stop :n n :pattern pattern :unique unique)) (msg (ein:kernel--get-msg kernel "history_request" content)) (msg-id (plist-get (plist-get msg :header) :msg_id))) (ein:websocket-send-shell-channel kernel msg) (ein:kernel-set-callbacks-for-msg kernel msg-id callbacks) msg-id)) (defun ein:kernel-connect-request (kernel callbacks) "Request basic information for a KERNEL. When calling this method pass a CALLBACKS structure of the form:: (:connect_reply (FUNCTION . ARGUMENT)) Call signature:: (`funcall' FUNCTION ARGUMENT CONTENT METADATA) CONTENT and METADATA are given by `kernel_info_reply' message. `connect_request' message is documented here: http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/messaging.html#connect Example:: (ein:kernel-connect-request (ein:get-kernel) '(:kernel_connect_reply (message . \"CONTENT: %S\\nMETADATA: %S\"))) " ;(assert (ein:kernel-live-p kernel) nil "connect_reply: Kernel is not active.") (let* ((msg (ein:kernel--get-msg kernel "connect_request" (make-hash-table))) (msg-id (plist-get (plist-get msg :header) :msg_id))) (ein:websocket-send-shell-channel kernel msg) (ein:kernel-set-callbacks-for-msg kernel msg-id callbacks) msg-id)) (defun ein:kernel-kernel-info-request (kernel callbacks) "Request core information of KERNEL. When calling this method pass a CALLBACKS structure of the form:: (:kernel_info_reply (FUNCTION . ARGUMENT)) Call signature:: (`funcall' FUNCTION ARGUMENT CONTENT METADATA) CONTENT and METADATA are given by `kernel_info_reply' message. `kernel_info_reply' message is documented here: http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/messaging.html#kernel-info Example:: (ein:kernel-kernel-info-request (ein:get-kernel) '(:kernel_info_reply (message . \"CONTENT: %S\\nMETADATA: %S\"))) " (assert (ein:kernel-live-p kernel) nil "kernel_info_reply: Kernel is not active.") (ein:log 'debug "EIN:KERNEL-KERNEL-INFO-REQUEST: Sending request.") (let* ((msg (ein:kernel--get-msg kernel "kernel_info_request" nil)) (msg-id (plist-get (plist-get msg :header) :msg_id))) (ein:websocket-send-shell-channel kernel msg) (ein:kernel-set-callbacks-for-msg kernel msg-id callbacks) msg-id)) (defun ein:kernel-interrupt (kernel) (when (ein:kernel-live-p kernel) (ein:log 'info "Interrupting kernel") (ein:query-singleton-ajax (list 'kernel-interrupt (ein:$kernel-kernel-id kernel)) (ein:url (ein:$kernel-url-or-port kernel) (ein:$kernel-kernel-url kernel) "interrupt") :type "POST" :success (lambda (&rest ignore) (ein:log 'info "Sent interruption command."))))) (defun ein:kernel-delete (kernel &optional callback) "Regardless of success or error, we clear all state variables of kernel and funcall CALLBACK of arity 0 (e.g., kernel restart)" (ein:and-let* ((kernel kernel) (session-id (ein:$kernel-session-id kernel))) (ein:query-singleton-ajax (list 'kernel-delete session-id) (ein:url (ein:$kernel-url-or-port kernel) "api/sessions" session-id) :type "DELETE" :complete (apply-partially #'ein:kernel-delete--complete kernel session-id callback) :error (apply-partially #'ein:kernel-delete--error session-id callback) :success (apply-partially #'ein:kernel-delete--success session-id callback)))) (defun* ein:kernel-delete--error (session-id callback &key response error-thrown &allow-other-keys) (ein:log 'error "ein:kernel-delete--error %s: ERROR %s DATA %s" session-id (car error-thrown) (cdr error-thrown))) (defun* ein:kernel-delete--success (session-id callback &key data symbol-status response &allow-other-keys) (ein:log 'verbose "ein:kernel-delete--success: %s deleted" session-id)) (defun* ein:kernel-delete--complete (kernel session-id callback &key data response &allow-other-keys &aux (resp-string (format "STATUS: %s DATA: %s" (request-response-status-code response) data))) (ein:log 'debug "ein:kernel-delete--complete %s" resp-string) (ein:kernel-disconnect kernel) (when callback (funcall callback))) ;; Reply handlers. (defun ein:kernel-get-callbacks-for-msg (kernel msg-id) (gethash msg-id (ein:$kernel-msg-callbacks kernel))) (defun ein:kernel-set-callbacks-for-msg (kernel msg-id callbacks) (puthash msg-id callbacks (ein:$kernel-msg-callbacks kernel))) (defun ein:kernel--handle-stdin-reply (kernel packet) (ein:log 'debug "KERNEL--HANDLE-STDIN-REPLY") (setf (ein:$kernel-stdin-activep kernel) t) (destructuring-bind (&key header parent_header metadata content &allow-other-keys) (ein:json-read-from-string packet) (let ((msg-type (plist-get header :msg_type)) (msg-id (plist-get header :msg_id)) (password (plist-get content :password))) (ein:log 'debug "KERNEL--HANDLE-STDIN-REPLY: msg_type=%s msg_id=%s" msg-type msg-id) (cond ((string-equal msg-type "input_request") (if (not (eql password :json-false)) (let* ((passwd (read-passwd (plist-get content :prompt))) (content (list :value passwd)) (msg (ein:kernel--get-msg kernel "input_reply" content))) (ein:websocket-send-stdin-channel kernel msg) (setf (ein:$kernel-stdin-activep kernel) nil)) (cond ((string-match "ipdb>" (plist-get content :prompt)) (ein:run-ipdb-session kernel "ipdb> ")) ((string-match "(Pdb)" (plist-get content :prompt)) (ein:run-ipdb-session kernel "(Pdb) ")) (t (let* ((in (read-string (plist-get content :prompt))) (content (list :value in)) (msg (ein:kernel--get-msg kernel "input_reply" content))) (ein:websocket-send-stdin-channel kernel msg) (setf (ein:$kernel-stdin-activep kernel) nil)))))))))) (defun ein:kernel--handle-shell-reply (kernel packet) (ein:log 'debug "KERNEL--HANDLE-SHELL-REPLY") (destructuring-bind (&key header content metadata parent_header &allow-other-keys) (ein:json-read-from-string packet) (let* ((msg-type (plist-get header :msg_type)) (msg-id (plist-get parent_header :msg_id)) (callbacks (ein:kernel-get-callbacks-for-msg kernel msg-id)) (cb (plist-get callbacks (intern (format ":%s" msg-type))))) (ein:log 'debug "KERNEL--HANDLE-SHELL-REPLY: msg_type=%s msg_id=%s" msg-type msg-id) (run-hook-with-args 'ein:on-shell-reply-functions msg-type header content metadata) (ein:aif cb (ein:funcall-packed it content metadata)) (ein:aif (plist-get content :payload) (ein:kernel--handle-payload kernel callbacks it)) (let ((events (ein:$kernel-events kernel))) (ein:case-equal msg-type (("execute_reply") (ein:aif (plist-get content :execution_count) ;; It can be `nil' for silent execution (ein:events-trigger events 'execution_count.Kernel it))))))) (ein:log 'debug "KERNEL--HANDLE-SHELL-REPLY: finished")) (defun ein:kernel--handle-payload (kernel callbacks payload) (loop with events = (ein:$kernel-events kernel) for p in payload for text = (or (plist-get p :text) (plist-get (plist-get p :data) :text/plain)) for source = (plist-get p :source) if (member source '("IPython.kernel.zmq.page.page" "IPython.zmq.page.page" "page")) do (when (not (equal (ein:trim text) "")) (ein:events-trigger events 'open_with_text.Pager (list :text text))) else if (member source '("IPython.kernel.zmq.zmqshell.ZMQInteractiveShell.set_next_input" "IPython.zmq.zmqshell.ZMQInteractiveShell.set_next_input" "set_next_input")) do (let ((cb (plist-get callbacks :set_next_input))) (when cb (ein:funcall-packed cb text))))) (defun ein:kernel--handle-iopub-reply (kernel packet) (ein:log 'debug "KERNEL--HANDLE-IOPUB-REPLY") (if (ein:$kernel-stdin-activep kernel) (ein:ipdb--handle-iopub-reply kernel packet) (destructuring-bind (&key content metadata parent_header header &allow-other-keys) (ein:json-read-from-string packet) (let* ((msg-type (plist-get header :msg_type)) (msg-id (plist-get parent_header :msg_id)) (callbacks (ein:kernel-get-callbacks-for-msg kernel msg-id)) (events (ein:$kernel-events kernel))) (ein:log 'debug "KERNEL--HANDLE-IOPUB-REPLY: msg_type=%s msg_id=%s" msg-type msg-id) (if (and (not (equal msg-type "status")) (null callbacks)) (ein:log 'verbose "Not processing msg_type=%s msg_id=%s" msg-type msg-id) (ein:case-equal msg-type (("stream" "display_data" "pyout" "pyerr" "error" "execute_result") (ein:aif (plist-get callbacks :output) (ein:funcall-packed it msg-type content metadata))) (("status") (ein:case-equal (plist-get content :execution_state) (("busy") (ein:events-trigger events 'status_busy.Kernel)) (("idle") (ein:events-trigger events 'status_idle.Kernel)) (("dead") (ein:kernel-disconnect kernel)))) (("data_pub") (ein:log 'verbose (format "Received data_pub message w/content %s" packet))) (("clear_output") (ein:aif (plist-get callbacks :clear_output) (ein:funcall-packed it content metadata)))))))) (ein:log 'debug "KERNEL--HANDLE-IOPUB-REPLY: finished")) ;;; Utility functions (defun ein:kernel-filename-to-python (kernel filename) "See: `ein:filename-to-python'." (ein:filename-to-python (ein:$kernel-url-or-port kernel) filename)) (defun ein:kernel-filename-from-python (kernel filename) "See: `ein:filename-from-python'." (ein:filename-from-python (ein:$kernel-url-or-port kernel) filename)) (defun ein:kernel-construct-defstring (content) "Construct call signature from CONTENT of ``:object_info_reply``. Used in `ein:pytools-finish-tooltip', etc." (or (plist-get content :call_def) (plist-get content :init_definition) (plist-get content :definition))) (defun ein:kernel-construct-help-string (content) "Construct help string from CONTENT of ``:object_info_reply``. Used in `ein:pytools-finish-tooltip', etc." (ein:log 'debug "KERNEL-CONSTRUCT-HELP-STRING") (let* ((defstring (ein:aand (ein:kernel-construct-defstring content) (ansi-color-apply it) (ein:string-fill-paragraph it))) (docstring (ein:aand (or (plist-get content :call_docstring) (plist-get content :init_docstring) (plist-get content :docstring) ;; "" ) (ansi-color-apply it))) (help (ein:aand (ein:filter 'identity (list defstring docstring)) (ein:join-str "\n" it)))) (ein:log 'debug "KERNEL-CONSTRUCT-HELP-STRING: help=%s" help) help)) (defun ein:kernel-request-stream (kernel code func &optional args) "Run lisp callback FUNC with the output stream returned by Python CODE. The first argument to the lisp function FUNC is the stream output as a string and the rest of the argument is the optional ARGS." (ein:kernel-execute kernel code (list :output (cons (lambda (packed msg-type content -metadata-not-used-) (let ((func (car packed)) (args (cdr packed))) (when (equal msg-type "stream") (ein:aif (plist-get content :text) (apply func it args))))) (cons func args))))) (defun* ein:kernel-history-request-synchronously (kernel &rest args &key (timeout 0.5) (tick-time 0.05) &allow-other-keys) "Send the history request and wait TIMEOUT seconds. Return a list (CONTENT METADATA). This function checks the request reply every TICK-TIME seconds. See `ein:kernel-history-request' for other usable options." ;; As `result' and `finished' are set in callback, make sure they ;; won't be trapped in other let-bindings. (lexical-let (result finished) (apply #'ein:kernel-history-request kernel (list :history_reply (cons (lambda (-ignore- content metadata) (setq result (list content metadata)) (setq finished t)) nil)) args) (loop repeat (floor (/ timeout tick-time)) do (sit-for tick-time) when finished return t finally (error "Timeout")) result)) (defun ein:kernel-history-search-synchronously (kernel pattern &rest args) "Search execution history in KERNEL using PATTERN. Return matched history as a list of strings. See `ein:kernel-history-request-synchronously' and `ein:kernel-history-request' for usable options." (let ((reply (apply #'ein:kernel-history-request-synchronously kernel :hist-access-type "search" :pattern pattern args))) (mapcar #'caddr (plist-get (car reply) :history)))) (provide 'ein-kernel) ;;; ein-kernel.el ends here