;; Load all test-ein-*.el files for interactive/batch use. ;; Usage: ;; emacs -Q -batch -L ... -l tests/test-load.el -f ert-run-tests-batch ;; You will need to set load paths using `-L' switch. (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8) (require 'ein-dev) (require 'ein-testing) (require 'ein-jupyter) (require 'deferred) (ein:log 'info "Starting jupyter notebook server.") (defvar *ein:testing-jupyter-server-command* (or (getenv "JUPYTER_TESTING_COMMAND") (executable-find "jupyter")) "Path to command that starts the jupyter notebook server.") (defvar *ein:testing-jupyter-server-directory* (or (getenv "JUPYTER_TESTING_DIR") (concat default-directory "test")) "Location where to start the jupyter notebook server.") (defvar *ein:testing-port* nil) (defvar *ein:testing-token* nil) (ein:setq-if-not ein:testing-dump-file-log "test-batch-log.log") (ein:setq-if-not ein:testing-dump-file-messages "test-batch-messages.log") (setq message-log-max t) (setq ein:force-sync t) (setq ein:jupyter-server-run-timeout 120000) (setq ein:content-query-timeout nil) (setq ein:query-timeout nil) (ein:log 'info "Staring local jupyter notebook server.") (setq ein:jupyter-server-args '("--no-browser" "--debug")) (deferred:sync! (ein:jupyter-server-start *ein:testing-jupyter-server-command* *ein:testing-jupyter-server-directory*)) (multiple-value-bind (url token) (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info) (ein:log 'info (format "testing-start-server url: %s, token: %s" url token)) (setq *ein:testing-port* url) (setq *ein:testing-token* token) (ein:log 'info "testing-start-server succesfully logged in.")) (ein:load-files "^test-ein-.*\\.el$" "./" ;(file-name-directory load-file-name) t) ; ignore-compiled