The Emacs IPython Notebook ========================== .. el:package:: ein The Emacs IPython Notebook (EIN) package provides a IPython Notebook client and integrated REPL (like SLIME_) in Emacs. EIN improves notebook editing by allowing you to use Emacs, it also expose IPython features such as code evaluation, object inspection and code completion. These features can be accessed anywhere in Emacs and improve Python code editing and reading in general in Emacs. .. _`Emacs IPython Notebook (EIN)`: .. _SLIME: Highlighted features: * Copy/paste cells in and between notebooks. * Console integration: You can easily connect to a kernel via a console application. This enables you to start debugging in the same kernel. It is even possible to connect a console over ssh [#]_. * IPython kernel can be "connected" to a buffer. This enables you to evaluate buffer/region using same kernel as notebook. Notebook goodies such as tooltip help, help browser and code completion are available in these buffers. [#]_ * Jump to definition (go to the definition by hitting ``M-.`` over an object). * Execute code from an org-mode source block in a running kernel. Other notebook features: * Inline images * Auto/manual-completion * Popup (tooltip) help * Syntax highlighting in each cell types (Python/Markdown/ReST/HTML) * Help browser (opens when executing ``function?``) * Traceback viewer Links: * `Online Documentation `_ * `Wiki `_ + `Screenshots `_ + `Tips `_ * `Downloads `_ * `Repository at GitHub `_ * `Issue Tracker at GitHub `_ .. [#] You need to setup :el:symbol:`ein:console-args` properly .. [#] Use the command :el:symbol:`ein:connect-to-notebook-command`. Quick try --------- The fastest way to get EIN running in this modern age is to download from MELPA_ or, if you are a spacemacs_ user, through installing the ipython-notebook_ layer. Using zeroein_ is no longer supported, though in theory it should still work. If you are installing from MELPA_ and have issues with some functions not being available after emacs starts, try adding the following to your emacs init file: .. sourcecode:: cl (package-initialize) (require 'ein) (require 'ein-loaddefs) (require 'ein-notebook) (require 'ein-subpackages) .. _spacemacs: .. _ipython-notebook: .. _zeroein: Requirements ------------ * IPython_ 2.0 or higher. * Tornado_ 4.0.2 or higher. * `websocket.el`_ 1.3 * `request.el`_ >= 0.2 * (optional) mumamo_ developmental version: It will be automatically loaded when it is on the path. The official way to setup path is to load nXhtml_. * (optional) markdown-mode * (optional) python-mode: It should work with either python.el or python-mode.el. `python.el`_ is required to use ``ein:console-open`` command. * (optional) `auto-complete.el`_ You need to configure subpackage ``ein-ac`` to enable this feature. * (optional) `smartrep.el`_: This package enables you to omit typing prefix keys (e.g., ``C-c C-n C-n C-n ...`` instead of ``C-c C-n C-c C-n C-c C-n ...``). You need to configure subpackage ``ein-smartrep`` to enable this feature. * (optional) `jedi.el`_: Python auto-completion for emacs using `jedi`_. In your emacs initialization file add ``(add-hook 'ein:connect-mode-hook 'ein:jedi-setup)`` Also, EIN heavily relies on standard Emacs libraries including EWOC, EIEIO and json.el. .. _IPython: .. _Tornado: .. _websocket.el: .. _request.el: .. _mumamo: .. _nXhtml: .. _python.el: .. _auto-complete.el: .. _smartrep.el: .. _jedi.el: .. _jedi: .. [#] See :ref:`Gotchas and caveats > python-mode.el `. Install ------- .. warning:: As EIN relies on many packages and it will not work properly with outdated versions, installing it using el-get or MELPA is highly recommended. Using el-get ^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you use developmental version of `el-get`_ installation is simple. Emacs IPython Notebook is registered as package ``ein``. See the `el-get`_ website for more information. .. _el-get: .. note:: If you get error "Cannot open load file: request" that means you have an older version of el-get. You can fix this problem by either (1) installing request.el manually, (2) using the latest recipe, or (3) updating el-get to its master. You can get the latest recipe here: - - See `issue 98 `_ for more information. Using package.el (MELPA) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can install EIN using `package.el`_ when MELPA_ package repository is added to its setting. See MELPA_ website for more information. .. _`package.el`: .. _MELPA: Manual install ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Put Emacs lisp ``ein*.el`` files and Python file ```` in a directory defined in your :el:symbol:`load-path`. You should byte compile EIN, especially when using MuMaMo, otherwise editing large notebook will be very slow. You can use the following command to compile EIN. If you don't specify all the optional packages, there will be compiler warning but that is OK as long as you don't use that optional package. .. sourcecode:: sh emacs -Q -batch -L . \ # don't forget the dot! -L PATH/TO/websocket/ \ -L PATH/TO/requests/ \ -L PATH/TO/nxhtml/util/ \ # optional (for MuMaMo) -L PATH/TO/auto-complete/ \ # optional -L PATH/TO/popup/ \ # optional (for auto-complete) -L PATH/TO/fuzzy/ \ # optional (for auto-complete) -L PATH/TO/smartrep/ \ # optional -L PATH/TO/rst-mode/ \ # optional -f batch-byte-compile *.el Setup ^^^^^ Here is the minimal configuration. See customization_ for more details. .. sourcecode:: cl (require 'ein) (require 'ein-loaddefs) (require 'ein-notebook) (require 'ein-subpackages) Usage ----- 1. Start the `Jupyter notebook server`_ from the terminal or call ``M-x ein:jupyter-server-start`` from emacs. Note starting the notebook server from emacs will automatically call ``ein:jupyter-server-login-and-open``, making steps 2 and 3 below unnecessary! 2. If you have token or password authentication enabled then you will need to call ``M-x ein:notebooklist-login`` and enter the appropriate password. 3. Hit ``M-x ein:notebooklist-open`` to open notebook list. This will open :ref:`notebook list ` buffer. 4. In the notebook list buffer, you can open notebooks by selecting the ``[Open]`` buttons. See the :ref:`notebook ` section for operations and commands available in the notebook buffer. .. _`Jupyter notebook server`: Commands/Keybinds ----------------- .. _notebook-list-commands: Running a Jupyter Notebook Server from Emacs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Using the commands below you start a jupyter notebook session from within emacs (i.e. no need to drop to the terminal shell and call ``jupyter notebook``). If you are particularly lucky ein will also determine the access url and token authentication for the running server and automatically log you in. Note that the below work best with current (> v4.3.1) versions of jupyter. .. el:function:: ein:jupyter-server-start .. el:function:: ein:jupyter-server-stop .. el:function:: ein:jupyter-server-login-and-open Notebook list ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can start notebook by ``M-x ein:notebooklist-open`` and enter the port or URL of the IPython notebook server. .. el:function:: ein:notebooklist-open .. el:function:: ein:notebooklist-new-notebook .. el:function:: ein:notebooklist-open-notebook-global .. el:function:: ein:notebooklist-login .. el:function:: ein:junk-new .. el:function:: ein:notebooklist-enable-keepalive .. el:function:: ein:notebooklist-disable-keepalive .. el:keymap:: ein:notebooklist-mode-map :exclude: widget-button .. _notebook-commands: Notebook ^^^^^^^^ The following keybinds are available in notebook buffers. Modified notebooks are saved automatically with a frequency dependenant on the setting of `ein:notebook-autosave-frequency`. If `ein:notebook-create-checkpoint-on-save` is True than a checkpoint will also be generated in the Jupyter server every time the notebook is saved. A notebook can be returned to a previous checkpoint via `ein:notebook-restore-to-checkpoint`. Checkpoints can also be manually created via `ein:notebook-create-checkpoint`. .. el:keymap:: ein:notebook-mode-map :replace: s/C-c TAB/C-c C-i/ s/C-c RET/C-c C-m/ .. el:function:: ein:worksheet-execute-all-cell .. el:function:: ein:worksheet-delete-cell .. el:function:: ein:junk-rename .. el:function:: ein:notebook-kill-all-buffers .. el:function:: ein:iexec-mode .. el:function:: ein:notebook-create-checkpoint .. el:function:: ein:notebook-restore-to-checkpoint .. el:function:: ein:notebook-enable-autosaves .. el:function:: ein:notebook-disable-autosaves Advanced Editing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Worksheet cells can be edited in a manner similar to `source blocks`_ in Org buffers. Use ``C-c '`` to edit the contents of the current cell. You can execute the contents of the buffer and the results will be sent to the output of the cell being edited. .. el:keymap:: ein:edit-cell-mode-map .. el:function:: ein:edit-cell-contents .. el:function:: ein:edit-cell-exit .. el:function:: ein:edit-cell-abort .. el:function:: ein:edit-cell-save .. el:function:: ein:edit-cell-save-and-execute .. _`source blocks`: Connected buffer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can connect any buffer (though typically a buffer that contains a Python file) to an opened notebook and use the kernel of that notebook to execute code, inspect objects, auto-complete code, jump to the other source, etc. Once the buffer is connected to the notebook, minor mode :el:symbol:`ein:connect-mode` is enabled and the following keybinds are available. .. el:keymap:: ein:connect-mode-map :replace: s/C-c TAB/C-c C-i/ Other useful commands: .. el:function:: ein:connect-to-notebook-command .. el:function:: ein:connect-eval-buffer .. el:function:: ein:connect-run-buffer Shared output buffer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. el:function:: ein:shared-output-pop-to-buffer .. el:keymap:: ein:shared-output-mode-map Traceback viewer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tracebacks from the notebook buffer can be difficult to understand. You can open a Traceback viewer by calling :el:symbol:`ein:notebook-view-traceback`. In the Traceback viewer, following keybinds are available. .. el:keymap:: ein:traceback-mode-map PyTools ^^^^^^^ These commands can be used in the notebook buffer and the connected buffer. .. el:function:: ein:pytools-doctest .. el:function:: ein:pytools-whos .. el:function:: ein:pytools-hierarchy .. el:function:: ein:pytools-pandas-to-ses .. el:function:: ein:pytools-export-buffer Misc ^^^^ .. el:package:: helm .. el:function:: helm-ein-kernel-history .. el:function:: helm-ein-notebook-buffers .. el:package:: anything .. el:function:: anything-ein-kernel-history .. el:function:: anything-ein-notebook-buffers .. el:package:: ein .. Is it better to remove el:package from eldomain?? Org-mode integration -------------------- You can execute org source blocks in EIN by adding `ein` to `org:babel-load-languages`. You need to specify a notebook via the :session argument. The format for the session argument is `{url-or-port}/{path-to-notbooke}`. For example: .. code:: python #+BEGIN_SRC ein :session 8888/Untitled.ipynb import sys a = 14500 b = a+1000 sys.version #+END_SRC If your code block generates an image, like from an matplotlib plot, then specify the file to save the image to using the `:image` argument as in the example below: .. code:: python #BEGIN_SRC ein :session 8888/Untitled.ipynb :image output.png import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np %matplotlib inline x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) y = np.random.rand(100,1) plt.plot(x,y) #+END_SRC You can also link to an IPython notebook from org-mode_ files. 1. Call org-mode function :el:symbol:`org-store-link` [#org-store-link]_ in notebook buffer. You can select a region to specify a position in the notebook. 2. Go to org-mode file and type ``C-c C-l`` (:el:symbol:`org-insert-link`). This will insert a link to the notebook. 3. Type ``C-c C-o`` (:el:symbol:`org-open-at-point`) to open the link at the point of cursor. .. _org-mode: .. [#org-store-link] See `1.3 Activation `_ in org-mode manual. Customization ------------- You can customize EIN by typing ``M-x customize-group RET ein RET``. All the configurable variables are listed below. Subpackages ^^^^^^^^^^^ .. el:variable:: ein:use-auto-complete .. el:variable:: ein:use-auto-complete-superpack .. el:variable:: ein:ac-max-cache .. el:variable:: ein:use-smartrep .. el:variable:: ein:load-dev Notebook list ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. el:variable:: ein:url-or-port .. el:variable:: ein:default-url-or-port .. el:function:: ein:notebooklist-load Notebook ^^^^^^^^ .. el:variable:: ein:worksheet-enable-undo .. el:variable:: ein:notebook-modes .. el:variable:: ein:notebook-kill-buffer-ask .. el:variable:: ein:notebook-querty-timeout-open .. el:variable:: ein:notebook-querty-timeout-save .. el:variable:: ein:cell-traceback-level .. el:variable:: ein:cell-autoexec-prompt .. el:variable:: ein:junk-notebook-name-template .. el:variable:: ein:iexec-delay .. el:variable:: ein:complete-on-dot .. el:variable:: ein:helm-kernel-history-search-key .. el:variable:: ein:anything-kernel-history-search-key .. el:variable:: ein:helm-kernel-history-search-auto-pattern .. el:variable:: ein:output-type-preference .. el:variable:: ein:shr-env .. el:variable:: ein:worksheet-show-slide-data .. el:variable:: ein:notebook-autosave-frequency .. el:variable:: ein:notebook-create-checkpoint-on-save Console ^^^^^^^ .. el:variable:: ein:console-security-dir .. el:variable:: ein:console-executable .. el:variable:: ein:console-args Connect ^^^^^^^ .. el:variable:: ein:connect-run-command .. el:variable:: ein:connect-reload-command .. el:variable:: ein:connect-save-before-run .. el:variable:: ein:propagate-connect .. el:variable:: ein:connect-aotoexec-lighter .. el:variable:: ein:connect-default-notebook .. el:function:: ein:connect-to-default-notebook Jedi.el """"""" .. el:function:: ein:jedi-setup MuMaMo ^^^^^^ .. el:variable:: ein:mumamo-codecell-mode .. el:variable:: ein:mumamo-textcell-mode .. el:variable:: ein:mumamo-htmlcell-mode .. el:variable:: ein:mumamo-markdowncell-mode .. el:variable:: ein:mumamo-rawcell-mode .. el:variable:: ein:mumamo-headingcell-mode .. el:variable:: ein:mumamo-fallback-mode .. el:variable:: ein:use-mumamo-indent-line-function-workaround Misc ^^^^ .. el:variable:: ein:filename-translations .. el:function:: ein:tramp-create-filename-translator .. el:variable:: ein:query-timeout Gotchas and caveats ------------------- Although EIN mostly works fine, there are some deficits I noticed but have not fixed yet. It seems that they originate from some upstream bugs so there is little I can do in EIN (but I'm not sure -- it's possible that I am misusing the libraries!). If you know how to fix/workaround them, patches are very welcome. :el:symbol:`url-retrieve` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ While using EIN, probably most of the error messages are about server connections. It looks like the problem is in :el:symbol:`url-retrieve`. But in those cases you don't lose any notebook data and your IPython kernel is fine. You can just type the command again and it will go fine most of the time. For saving notebook, I implemented code to retry when there is an error comes from :el:symbol:`url-retrieve` to make it even safer. MuMaMo ^^^^^^ When using MuMaMo based notebook mode, you will notice that highlighting outside of the cell input is turned off while you are in the input area. It seems there is a bug in MuMaMo [#m3bug]_. If you are using smartrep and MuMaMo together, see also the warning in :el:symbol:`ein:use-smartrep` document. .. [#m3bug] See the relevant bug report I posted: .. _gotchas-python-mode.el: python-mode.el ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In my environment, using `python-mode.el`_ without byte-compiling it in MuMaMo based notebook mode produces segfault. Also, ``mumamo-idle-set-major-mode`` messages error ``(wrong-type-argument listp python-saved-check-command)`` time to time, making minibuffer bit noisy while editing notebook. See Tips_ to fix this problem. Advanced -------- By telling IPython a little bit about Emacs Lisp, you can execute Emacs Lisp from IPython, just like you can execute Javascript in the web client. See ``_ for more details. .. sourcecode:: python In [1]: %run PATH/TO/ In [2]: EmacsLisp('(+ 1 2 3)') Out [2]: 6 .. _``: Reporting issues ---------------- Please use ``M-x ein:dev-bug-report-template`` to write a bug report. It pops up a buffer containing some system information and instruction for bug report. Logging ^^^^^^^ Sometime more information than provided in the ``*Message*`` is needed to debug. 1. Execute ``(ein:log-set-level 'debug)`` (e.g., ``M-: (ein:log-set-level 'debug) RET``). 2. Then do some operation which cause the problem. 3. Go to the log buffer ``_*ein:log-all*`` (it starts with a space) and paste the whole buffer to the issue tracker. Please enclose the log with three backquotes to make the snippet as a code block, like this:: ``` [verbose] Start logging. @# [info] Notebook NAME is ready @# [info] Kernel started: 5e4f74d1-ce91-4e7e-9575-9646adea5172 @# ``` See also: `GitHub Flavored Markdown - Introduction `_ If it is too long, you can use paste bin service such as `gist `_. websocket.el """""""""""" websocket.el has its own logging buffer. Sometime it is useful to see this log. To do this: 1. ``(require 'ein-dev)`` 2. ``(setq websocket-debug t)`` or call :el:symbol:`ein:dev-start-debug`. 3. Then do the operation which causes the problem. 4. Go to log buffer using :el:symbol:`ein:dev-pop-to-debug-shell` and :el:symbol:`ein:dev-pop-to-debug-iopub`. These command must be called in the notebook buffer. Debugging ^^^^^^^^^ If you are interested in debugging EIN, you should start by calling the command :el:symbol:`ein:dev-start-debug`. If the bug is websocket related, you may need to run it with a prefix key like this: ``C-u M-x ein:dev-start-debug RET`` to get a backtrace. This command sets :el:symbol:`debug-on-error` to ``t`` and does some patching to the debugger. This patching is required because printing EWOC objects freezes Emacs otherwise. It also changes log level to report everything the log buffer. You can reset the patch and log level with :el:symbol:`ein:dev-stop-debug`. Change Log ========== v0.13.0 ------- * Added commands ``ein:jupyter-server-start``, ``ein:jupyter-server-stop``, and ``ein:jupyter-server-login-and-open``. v0.12.3 ------- .. include:: changelog/v0_12_3.txt v0.12.2 ------- .. include:: changelog/v0_12_2.txt v0.12.1 ------- * Improved support for undo cell movement, addition and deletion. * Compatibility with new security features in jupyter `notebook v4.3.1`. * EIN now does a better job following redirects (i.e. 302, 304, 307, etc) when talking to a jupyter notebook server. * Correct encoding for notebooks with non-English characters. * Improved support for non-python kernels. R at least seems to work, if imperfectly. * Yet another attempt to improve travis CI support - we almost have it. * Baby steps towards using cask to manage the project. * New theme, alabaster, for documentation. Isn't it pretty? * Numerous other bug fixes and small improvements. .. _`notebook v4.3.1`: v0.12.0 ------- * Cell edit buffers ala org source block edit buffers. * Better integration with org source blocks. v0.11.0 ------- * Add support for creating and restoring checkpoints on the Jupyter server. v0.10.0 ------- * Allow user to change the kernel of a running notebook. * The notebooklist buffer now lists all opened notebook buffers. v0.9.1 ------ * Fix issues with shared-output and notebook connected buffers. v0.9.0 ------ * Add support for setting slide attributes for notebook/worksheet cells. v0.8.2 ------ * Fixes for issues `#92`_ and `#91`_. .. _`#92`: .. _`#91`: v0.8.1 ------ * Fix potential overwrite issue caused by setting buffer-file-name. v0.8.0 ------ * Support for multiple Jupyter kernels. EIN still thinks everything is Python code, but it should be possible to create notebooks that run any language supported by a Jupyter kernel. v0.7.1 ------ * Fix bug saving images in v4 notebook format. * Be more graceful handling errors during content saves. v0.7 ---- * Support logging in to password protected jupyter servers. v0.6 ---- * Deprecate ein:set-buffer-file-name, instead use the power of Python! * Jump to notebook cells from traceback buffers. * Run ipbd/pdb from a comint buffer. * Fix serious bug with starting and restarting kernels in IPython 3.x. v0.5 ---- * Add support for stdin channel. This mean getpass.getpass() and the ipdb work in notebook buffers. v0.4 ---- * Finalizing support for IPython 3.0. * Better support for globally opening notebooks stored in a directory hierarchy. * Partial refactoring of the interace to IPython's content/notebook REST interface into ein-contents-api.el. * ein-mumamo.el has been moved into its own package, ein-mumamo. This should get rid of compilation errors for anyone who does not happen to have nxhtml installed. * Restore support for heading level cells with nbformat v4 notebooks. * New (buggy) pytools function :el:symbol:`ein:pytools-export-buffer` for using nbconvert on a notebook buffer. v0.3 ---- * New maintainer - John Miller (millejoh at mac dot com) * Official repository is now at * Support for IPython 2.x and 3.x added. * Support for IPython 1.x and earlier removed. v0.2.1 ------ * Cached auto-complete is removed. :el:symbol:`ac-source-ein-cached` and :el:symbol:`ac-complete-ein-cached` are obsolete. :el:symbol:`ein:ac-max-cache` has no effect now. * :el:symbol:`ein:query-timeout` is `nil` if `curl` backend is used by request.el_. * History search interface (:el:symbol:`helm-ein-kernel-history` and :el:symbol:`anything-ein-kernel-history`) discards duplications. This functionality requires at least version 4.0 of IPython kernel. It is introduced by the pull request `ipython/ipython#2792 `_. As of writing, you need IPython from github. For older versions of kernels, it continues to work but you will see duplications. * Add support for `kernel_info` request for IPython kernel protocol, which is introduced by `ipython/ipython#2649 `_. This protocol is not used in EIN anywhere yet. * Use request.el_ for smoother experience. v0.2 ---- * Preliminary login support. See :el:symbol:`ein:notebooklist-login`. * Code completion in notebook happens *really* automatically. You don't need to hit a key to start completion. * :el:symbol:`ein:console-open` works without `python.el`_. * Expand code cell output on execution. (`#88 `_). * Improve :el:symbol:`ein:completer-dot-complete` and :el:symbol:`ein:jedi-dot-complete`. Do not expand common part when inserting dot, to make typing code containing dots less surprising. * Add support for Jedi.el_. See :el:symbol:`ein:jedi-setup`. * Add a simple org-mode link support. * Add built-in multiple language fontification for notebook: :el:symbol:`ein:notebook-multilang-mode`. This is the new default for :el:symbol:`ein:notebook-modes`. * Add helm/anything interface to search kernel history: :el:symbol:`helm-ein-kernel-history` and :el:symbol:`anything-ein-kernel-history`. See also the configurable options to use these commands: :el:symbol:`ein:helm-kernel-history-search-key` and :el:symbol:`ein:anything-kernel-history-search-key`. * Preliminary support for multiple worksheets. * Rename notion of "scratch notebook" to "junk notebook". This is to avoid confusion with newly added "scratch sheet". Old commands are renamed to :el:symbol:`ein:junk-new` and :el:symbol:`ein:junk-rename`. * Preferred MIME types to be used can be configured using the variable :el:symbol:`ein:output-type-preference`. * HTML content is rendered SHR (Simple HTML Renderer) by default. Use :el:symbol:`ein:shr-env` to tweak how HTML rendered. * :el:symbol:`ein:notebook-discard-output-on-save` is obsolete now. * Support execution history. Commands :el:symbol:`ein:worksheet-previous-input-history` and :el:symbol:`ein:worksheet-next-input-history` can be used to insert previously executed code into the current cell. * Add :el:symbol:`ein:pseudo-console-mode`. * Add "scratch sheet". This acts almost as same as worksheet, but you don't need to save it. You can use try any code without saving junks in your notebook. Use the command :el:symbol:`ein:notebook-scratchsheet-open` to open scratch sheet. * Menu support in notebook mode and notebook list mode. * Auto-connection support. The new function :el:symbol:`ein:connect-to-default-notebook` can be added to :el:symbol:`python-mode-hook` to automatically connect python-mode buffers to default notebook specified by :el:symbol:`ein:connect-default-notebook`. See also :el:symbol:`ein:notebooklist-load`. * Add :el:symbol:`ein:worksheet-execute-cell-and-insert-below`. * Change the timing to trigger auto-execution in connected buffer. It was triggered on save before. Now it is on run, eval or reload. See :el:symbol:`ein:connect-toggle-autoexec`. v0.1.2 ------ * Mostly refactoring for worksheet support in v0.2. * Rename command :el:symbol:`ein:notebook-console-open` to :el:symbol:`ein:console-open`. It is available from non-notebook buffer such as connected buffer now. * Add :el:symbol:`ein:connect-reload-buffer`. Old default :el:symbol:`ein:connect-run-buffer` behavior is replaced by this function. :el:symbol:`ein:connect-run-buffer` now actually runs buffer instead of loading it. v0.1.1 ------ * Support `auto-complete.el`_\ 's popup/quick help. * Add :el:symbol:`ein:notebooklist-first-open-hook`. * Handle carriage return (`#13 `_). * :el:symbol:`ein:connect-to-notebook-command` is improved; it can connect to the notebook which is not opened yet. * Plain text type output is favored over LaTeX type output (previous setting was opposite). * Workaround indentation problem when using MuMaMo (`#20 `_). See :el:symbol:`ein:use-mumamo-indent-line-function-workaround`. * Add :el:symbol:`ein:notebook-rename-to-scratch-command`. * Add :el:symbol:`ein:pytools-pandas-to-ses`. * Add Imenu support. * Better heading cell faces. * Add :el:symbol:`ein:iexec-mode` * Add auto-execution mode (see :el:symbol:`ein:connect-toggle-autoexec` and :el:symbol:`ein:notebook-turn-on-autoexec`). * Start completion when "." is inserted. Use :el:symbol:`ein:complete-on-dot` to disable this feature. * Support tramp. See :el:symbol:`ein:filename-translations`. * Change callback API in :el:symbol:`ein:kernel-execute` to adapt messaging protocol change in `IPython (#2051) `_. * Add helm/anything support. Use :el:symbol:`helm-ein-notebook-buffers` or :el:symbol:`anything-ein-notebook-buffers`. v0.1 ---- * First release. License ======= Emacs IPython Notebook is licensed under GPL v3. See COPYING for details. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`