;;; ein-utils.el --- Utility module ;; Copyright (C) 2012- Takafumi Arakaki ;; Author: Takafumi Arakaki ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;; ein-utils.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ein-utils.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with ein-utils.el. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) (require 'cc-mode) (require 'json) ;;; Macros and core functions/variables (defmacro ein:with-undo-disabled (&rest body) "Temporarily disable undo recording while executing `body` while maintaining the undo list for the current buffer." `(let ((buffer-undo-list t)) ,@body)) (defmacro ein:aif (test-form then-form &rest else-forms) "Anaphoric IF. Adapted from `e2wm:aif'." (declare (debug (form form &rest form))) `(let ((it ,test-form)) (if it ,then-form ,@else-forms))) (put 'ein:aif 'lisp-indent-function 2) (defmacro ein:aand (test &rest rest) "Anaphoric AND. Adapted from `e2wm:aand'." (declare (debug (form &rest form))) `(let ((it ,test)) (if it ,(if rest (macroexpand-all `(ein:aand ,@rest)) 'it)))) (defmacro ein:and-let* (bindings &rest form) "Gauche's `and-let*'." (declare (debug ((&rest &or symbolp (form) (gate symbolp &optional form)) body)) ;; See: (info "(elisp) Specification List") (indent 1)) (if (null bindings) `(progn ,@form) (let* ((head (car bindings)) (tail (cdr bindings)) (rest (macroexpand-all `(ein:and-let* ,tail ,@form)))) (cond ((symbolp head) `(if ,head ,rest)) ((= (length head) 1) `(if ,(car head) ,rest)) (t `(let (,head) (if ,(car head) ,rest))))))) (defmacro ein:deflocal (name &optional initvalue docstring) "Define permanent buffer local variable named NAME. INITVALUE and DOCSTRING are passed to `defvar'." (declare (indent defun) (doc-string 3)) `(progn (defvar ,name ,initvalue ,docstring) (make-variable-buffer-local ',name) (put ',name 'permanent-local t))) (defmacro ein:with-read-only-buffer (buffer &rest body) (declare (indent 1)) `(with-current-buffer ,buffer (setq buffer-read-only t) (save-excursion (let ((inhibit-read-only t)) ,@body)))) (defmacro ein:with-live-buffer (buffer &rest body) "Execute BODY in BUFFER if BUFFER is alive." (declare (indent 1) (debug t)) `(when (buffer-live-p ,buffer) (with-current-buffer ,buffer ,@body))) (defmacro ein:with-possibly-killed-buffer (buffer &rest body) "Execute BODY in BUFFER if BUFFER is live. Execute BODY if BUFFER is not live anyway." (declare (indent 1) (debug t)) `(if (buffer-live-p ,buffer) (with-current-buffer ,buffer ,@body) ,@body)) (defvar ein:dotty-syntax-table (let ((table (make-syntax-table c-mode-syntax-table))) (modify-syntax-entry ?. "w" table) (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" table) table) "Adapted from `python-dotty-syntax-table'.") (defun ein:object-at-point () "Return dotty.words.at.point. When region is active, text in region is returned after trimmed white spaces, newlines and dots. When object is not found at the point, return the object just before previous opening parenthesis." ;; For auto popup tooltip (or something like eldoc), probably it is ;; better to return function (any word before "("). I should write ;; another function or add option to this function when the auto ;; popup tooltip is implemented. (if (region-active-p) (ein:trim (buffer-substring (region-beginning) (region-end)) "\\s-\\|\n\\|\\.") (save-excursion (with-syntax-table ein:dotty-syntax-table (ein:aif (thing-at-point 'word) it (unless (looking-at "(") (search-backward "(" (point-at-bol) t)) (thing-at-point 'word)))))) (defun ein:object-at-point-or-error () (or (ein:object-at-point) (error "No object found at the point"))) (defun ein:flatten (tree) "Traverses the tree in order, collecting non-null leaves into a list." (let (list) (cl-labels ((traverse (subtree) (when subtree (if (consp subtree) (progn (traverse (car subtree)) (traverse (cdr subtree))) (push subtree list))))) (traverse tree)) (nreverse list))) ;;; URL utils (defvar ein:url-localhost "") (defvar ein:url-localhost-template "") (defun ein:url (url-or-port &rest paths) (loop with url = (if (integerp url-or-port) (format ein:url-localhost-template url-or-port) url-or-port) for p in paths do (setq url (concat (ein:trim-right url "/") "/" (ein:trim-left p "/"))) finally return url)) (defun ein:url-no-cache (url) "Imitate `cache=false' of `jQuery.ajax'. See: http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.ajax/" (concat url (format-time-string "?_=%s"))) ;;; HTML utils (defun ein:html-get-data-in-body-tag (key) "Very ad-hoc parser to get data in body tag." (ignore-errors (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (search-forward " char 31) (< char 127)) ; s/161/127/ (format "%c" char)) ;; Fallback: UCS code point in \uNNNN form. (t (format "\\u%04x" char))))) (defadvice json-encode-char (around ein:json-encode-char (char) activate) "Replace `json-encode-char' with `ein:json-encode-char'." (setq ad-return-value (ein:json-encode-char char))) (defadvice json-encode (around encode-nil-as-json-empty-object activate) (if (null object) (setq ad-return-value "{}") ad-do-it)) ;;; EWOC (defun ein:ewoc-create (pretty-printer &optional header footer nosep) "Do nothing wrapper of `ewoc-create' to provide better error message." (condition-case nil (ewoc-create pretty-printer header footer nosep) ((debug wrong-number-of-arguments) (ein:display-warning "Incompatible EOWC version. The version of ewoc.el you are using is too old for EIN. Please install the newer version. See also: https://github.com/tkf/emacs-ipython-notebook/issues/49") (error "Incompatible EWOC version.")))) ;;; Text property (defun ein:propertize-read-only (string &rest properties) (apply #'propertize string 'read-only t 'front-sticky t properties)) (defun ein:insert-read-only (string &rest properties) (insert (apply #'ein:propertize-read-only string properties))) ;;; String manipulation (defun ein:trim (string &optional regexp) (ein:trim-left (ein:trim-right string regexp) regexp)) (defun ein:trim-left (string &optional regexp) (unless regexp (setq regexp "\\s-\\|\n")) (ein:trim-regexp string (format "^\\(%s\\)+" regexp))) (defun ein:trim-right (string &optional regexp) (unless regexp (setq regexp "\\s-\\|\n")) (ein:trim-regexp string (format "\\(%s\\)+$" regexp))) (defun ein:trim-regexp (string regexp) (if (string-match regexp string) (replace-match "" t t string) string)) (defun ein:trim-indent (string) "Strip uniform amount of indentation from lines in STRING." (let* ((lines (split-string string "\n")) (indent (let ((lens (loop for line in lines for stripped = (ein:trim-left line) unless (equal stripped "") collect (- (length line) (length stripped))))) (if lens (apply #'ein:min lens) 0))) (trimmed (loop for line in lines if (> (length line) indent) collect (ein:trim-right (substring line indent)) else collect line))) (ein:join-str "\n" trimmed))) (defun ein:join-str (sep strings) (mapconcat 'identity strings sep)) (defun ein:join-path (paths) (mapconcat 'file-name-as-directory paths "")) (defun ein:string-fill-paragraph (string &optional justify) (with-temp-buffer (erase-buffer) (insert string) (goto-char (point-min)) (fill-paragraph justify) (buffer-string))) (defmacro ein:case-equal (str &rest clauses) "Similar to `case' but comparison is done by `equal'. Adapted from twittering-mode.el's `case-string'." (declare (indent 1)) `(cond ,@(mapcar (lambda (clause) (let ((keylist (car clause)) (body (cdr clause))) `(,(if (listp keylist) `(or ,@(mapcar (lambda (key) `(equal ,str ,key)) keylist)) 't) ,@body))) clauses))) ;;; Text manipulation on buffer (defun ein:find-leftmot-column (beg end) "Return the leftmost column in region BEG to END." (save-excursion (let (mincol) (goto-char beg) (while (< (point) end) (back-to-indentation) (unless (= (point) (point-at-eol)) (setq mincol (if mincol (min mincol (current-column)) (current-column)))) (unless (= (forward-line 1) 0) (return-from ein:find-leftmot-column mincol))) mincol))) ;;; Misc (defun ein:plist-iter (plist) "Return list of (key . value) in PLIST." ;; FIXME: this is not needed. See: `ein:plist-exclude'. (loop for p in plist for i from 0 for key-p = (= (% i 2) 0) with key = nil if key-p do (setq key p) else collect `(,key . ,p))) (defun ein:plist-exclude (plist keys) "Exclude entries specified by KEYS in PLIST. Example:: (ein:plist-exclude '(:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4) '(:b :c))" (loop for (k v) on plist by 'cddr unless (memq k keys) nconc (list k v))) (defun ein:hash-keys (table) (let (keys) (maphash (lambda (k v) (push k keys)) table) keys)) (defun ein:hash-vals (table) (let (vals) (maphash (lambda (k v) (push v vals)) table) vals)) (defun ein:filter (predicate sequence) (loop for item in sequence when (funcall predicate item) collect item)) (defun ein:clip-list (list first last) "Return elements in region of the LIST specified by FIRST and LAST element. Example:: (ein:clip-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6) 2 4) ;=> (2 3 4)" (loop for elem in list with clipped with in-region-p = nil when (eq elem first) do (setq in-region-p t) when in-region-p do (push elem clipped) when (eq elem last) return (reverse clipped))) (defun* ein:list-insert-after (list pivot new &key (test #'eq)) "Insert NEW after PIVOT in LIST destructively. Note: do not rely on that `ein:list-insert-after' change LIST in place. Elements are compared using the function TEST (default: `eq')." (loop for rest on list when (funcall test (car rest) pivot) return (progn (push new (cdr rest)) list) finally do (error "PIVOT %S is not in LIST %S" pivot list))) (defun* ein:list-insert-before (list pivot new &key (test #'eq)) "Insert NEW before PIVOT in LIST destructively. Note: do not rely on that `ein:list-insert-before' change LIST in place. Elements are compared using the function TEST (default: `eq')." (if (and list (funcall test (car list) pivot)) (cons new list) (loop for rest on list when (funcall test (cadr rest) pivot) return (progn (push new (cdr rest)) list) finally do (error "PIVOT %S is not in LIST %S" pivot list)))) (defun* ein:list-move-left (list elem &key (test #'eq)) "Move ELEM in LIST left. TEST is used to compare elements" (macrolet ((== (a b) `(funcall test ,a ,b))) (cond ((== (car list) elem) (append (cdr list) (list (car list)))) (t (loop for rest on list when (== (cadr rest) elem) return (let ((prev (car rest))) (setf (car rest) elem) (setf (cadr rest) prev) list) finally do (error "ELEM %S is not in LIST %S" elem list)))))) (defun* ein:list-move-right (list elem &key (test #'eq)) "Move ELEM in LIST right. TEST is used to compare elements" (loop with first = t for rest on list when (funcall test (car rest) elem) return (if (cdr rest) (let ((next (cadr rest))) (setf (car rest) next) (setf (cadr rest) elem) list) (if first list (setcdr rest-1 nil) (cons elem list))) finally do (error "ELEM %S is not in LIST %S" elem list) for rest-1 = rest do (setq first nil))) (defun ein:get-value (obj) "Get value from obj if it is a variable or function." (cond ((not (symbolp obj)) obj) ((boundp obj) (eval obj)) ((fboundp obj) (funcall obj)))) (defun ein:choose-setting (symbol value &optional single-p) "Choose setting in stored in SYMBOL based on VALUE. The value of SYMBOL can be string, alist or function. SINGLE-P is a function which takes one argument. It must return t when the value of SYMBOL can be used as a setting. SINGLE-P is `stringp' by default." (let ((setting (eval symbol))) (cond ((funcall (or single-p 'stringp) setting) setting) ((functionp setting) (funcall setting value)) ((listp setting) (ein:get-value (or (assoc-default value setting) (assoc-default 'default setting)))) (t (error "Unsupported type of `%s': %s" symbol (type-of setting)))))) (defmacro ein:setf-default (place val) "Set VAL to PLACE using `setf' if the value of PLACE is `nil'." `(unless ,place (setf ,place ,val))) (defun ein:funcall-packed (func-arg &rest args) "Call \"packed\" function. FUNC-ARG is a `cons' of the form: (FUNC ARG). FUNC is called as (apply FUNC ARG ARGS)." (apply (car func-arg) (cdr func-arg) args)) (defun ein:eval-if-bound (symbol) (if (boundp symbol) (eval symbol))) (defun ein:remove-by-index (list indices) "Remove elements from LIST if its index is in INDICES. NOTE: This function creates new list." (loop for l in list for i from 0 when (not (memq i indices)) collect l)) (defun ein:min (x &rest xs) (loop for y in xs if (< y x) do (setq x y)) x) (defun ein:do-nothing (&rest -ignore-) "A function which can take any number of variables and do nothing.") (defun ein:ask-choice-char (prompt choices) "Show PROMPT and read one of acceptable key specified as CHOICES." (let ((char-list (loop for i from 0 below (length choices) collect (elt choices i))) (answer 'recenter)) (while (let ((key (let ((cursor-in-echo-area t)) (read-key (propertize (if (eq answer 'recenter) prompt (concat "Please choose answer from" (format " %s. " choices) prompt)) 'face 'minibuffer-prompt))))) (setq answer (lookup-key query-replace-map (vector key) t)) (cond ((memq key char-list) (setq answer key) nil) ((eq answer 'recenter) (recenter) t) ((memq answer '(exit-prefix quit)) (signal 'quit nil) t) (t t))) (ding) (discard-input)) answer)) (defun ein:truncate-lines-on () "Set `truncate-lines' on (set it to `t')." (setq truncate-lines t)) (defun ein:wait-until (predicate &optional predargs timeout-seconds) "Wait until PREDICATE function returns non-`nil'. PREDARGS is argument list for the PREDICATE function. Make TIMEOUT-SECONDS larger \(default 5) to wait longer before timeout." (ein:log 'debug "WAIT-UNTIL start") (unless timeout-seconds (setq timeout-seconds 5)) (unless (loop repeat (/ timeout-seconds 0.05) when (apply predicate predargs) return t ;; borrowed from `deferred:sync!': do (sit-for 0.05) do (sleep-for 0.05)) (warn "Timeout")) (ein:log 'debug "WAIT-UNTIL end")) ;;; Emacs utilities (defun ein:display-warning (message &optional level) "Simple wrapper around `display-warning'. LEVEL must be one of :emergency, :error or :warning (default). This must be used only for notifying user. Use `ein:log' for debugging and logging." ;; FIXME: Probably set BUFFER-NAME per notebook? ;; FIXME: Call `ein:log' here (but do not display in minibuffer). (display-warning 'ein message level)) (defvar ein:display-warning-once--db (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (defun ein:display-warning-once (message &optional level) "Call `ein:display-warning' once for same MESSAGE and LEVEL." (let ((key (list message level))) (unless (gethash key ein:display-warning-once--db) (ein:display-warning message level) (puthash key t ein:display-warning-once--db)))) (defun ein:get-docstring (function) "Return docstring of FUNCTION." ;; Borrowed from `ac-symbol-documentation'. (with-temp-buffer ;; import help-xref-following (require 'help-mode) (erase-buffer) (let ((standard-output (current-buffer)) (help-xref-following t) (major-mode 'help-mode)) ; avoid error in Emacs 24 (describe-function-1 function)) (buffer-string))) (defun ein:generate-menu (list-name-callback) (mapcar (lambda (name-callback) (destructuring-bind (name callback &rest args) name-callback `[,name ,callback :help ,(ein:get-docstring callback) ,@args])) list-name-callback)) ;;; Git utilities (defun ein:call-process (command &optional args) "Call COMMAND with ARGS and return its stdout as string or `nil' if COMMAND fails. It also checks if COMMAND executable exists or not." (with-temp-buffer (erase-buffer) (and (executable-find command) (= (apply #'call-process command nil t nil args) 0) (buffer-string)))) (defun ein:git-root-p (&optional dir) "Return `t' when DIR is root of git repository." (file-directory-p (expand-file-name ".git" (or dir default-directory)))) (defun ein:git-dirty-p () "Return `t' if the current directory is in git repository and it is dirty." (not (equal (ein:call-process "git" '("--no-pager" "status" "--porcelain")) ""))) (defun ein:git-revision () "Return abbreviated git revision if the current directory is in git repository." (ein:call-process "git" '("--no-pager" "log" "-n1" "--format=format:%h"))) (defun ein:git-revision-dirty () "Return `ein:git-revision' + \"-dirty\" suffix if the current directory is in a dirty git repository." (ein:aand (ein:git-revision) (concat it (if (ein:git-dirty-p) "-dirty" "")))) ;;; utils.js compatible (defun ein:utils-uuid () "Return string with random (version 4) UUID. Adapted from org-mode's `org-id-uuid'." (let ((rnd (md5 (format "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" (random t) (current-time) (user-uid) (emacs-pid) (user-full-name) user-mail-address (recent-keys))))) (format "%s-%s-4%s-%s%s-%s" (substring rnd 0 8) (substring rnd 8 12) (substring rnd 13 16) (format "%x" (logior #b10000000 (logand #b10111111 (string-to-number (substring rnd 16 18) 16)))) (substring rnd 18 20) (substring rnd 20 32)))) (provide 'ein-utils) ;;; ein-utils.el ends here