;;; ein.el --- IPython notebook client in Emacs ;; Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Takafumi Arakaki, John Miller ;; Author: John Miller , Takafumi Arakaki ;; URL: http://millejoh.github.io/emacs-ipython-notebook/ ;; Keywords: applications, tools ;; Version: 0.7.0 ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;; ein.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ein.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with ein.el. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ================================== ;; EIN -- Emacs IPython Notebook ;; ================================== ;; --- or **E**\ IN **I**\ s not only for **N**\ otebooks. ;; EIN works with IPython 2.x_, 3.x_, and Juptyer_! Note that remote and ;; password protected logins are working with IPython 3.x, but have not been ;; tested with Jupyter. ;; .. note:: The code has been stable enough for my day to day work, but there are ;; no guarantees for the safety for your notebook data. Please make sure ;; that you backup and backup often! ;; .. _2.x: http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/2/index.html ;; .. _3.x: http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/3/index.html ;; .. _Jupyter: http://jupyter.org ;; Features ;; ======== ;; The Emacs IPython Notebook (EIN) provides a client for the IPython v2.x and ;; 3.x notebooks and an integrated REPL (like SLIME_) in Emacs. EIN makes ;; notebook editing very powerful by allowing you to use any Emacs features, it ;; also expose IPython features such as code evaluation, object inspection and ;; code completion to the Emacs side. These features can be accessed anywhere ;; in Emacs and improve Python code editing and reading in Emacs. ;; .. _SLIME: http://common-lisp.net/project/slime/ ;; Highlighted features: ;; * Copy/paste cells, even to/from different notebooks. ;; * Console integration: You can easily connect to a kernel via the console ;; application. This enables you to start debugging in the same kernel. It is ;; even possible to connect to a console over ssh. ;; * An IPython kernel can be "connected" to any buffer. This enables you to ;; evaluate a buffer or buffer region using the same kernel as the notebook. ;; Notebook goodies such as tooltip help, help browser and code completion are ;; available in these buffers. ;; * Jump to definition (go to the definition by hitting ``M-.`` over an object). ;; Other notebook features: ;; * Inline images ;; * Auto/manual-completion ;; * Popup (tooltip) help ;; * Syntax highlighting in each cell types (Python/Markdown) ;; * Help browser (opens when executing ``function?``) ;; * Traceback viewer ;;; Code: ;; For backward compatibility + providing easy way to load EIN for ;; users who prefer manual installation. ;(require 'ein-loaddefs) (provide 'ein) ;;; Old commentary: ;; Development ;; =========== ;; Event vs hook vs callback ;; ------------------------- ;; ;; * Use events (`ein:events') for calling (possibly multiple) functions ;; for its side effect. ;; * Use hooks for global/configurable setting. ;; * Use callback when caller needs returned value. ;; (e.g., `:get-buffers' slot in `ein:kernelinfo') ;; Naming ;; ------ ;; ;; Variable named `ein:%VAR-NAME%' is a permanent buffer local ;; variable defined by `ein:deflocal'. It is often an instance of a ;; class/struct named `ein:VAR-NAME'. ;; ;; Old naming rule: ;; * `ein:@VAR-NAME'/`ein:VAR-NAME' is a permanent buffer local ;; variable. These variables are obsolete now. ;; * `ein:$STRUCT-NAME' is a name of struct. ;; These strcuts will be renamed to `ein:CLASS-NAME' when ;; reimplementing them using EIEIO class instead of CL struct. ;; ;; See also: ;; `CLiki : naming conventions `_ ;;; ein.el ends here