@poly Scenario: selection spans cells Given new python notebook And I press "C-c C-b" And I press "C-" And I press "C-p" And I press "C-SPC" And I press "C-n" And I press "C-n" And I press "C-n" And I press "C-n" Then newlined region should be "In [ ]:\n\n\nIn [ ]:\n" And I press "C-g" Then the region should not be active @poly Scenario: markdown often erroneously fontifies the whole buffer Given new python notebook And I press "C-c C-t" And I type "# Header" And I press "RET" And I press "C-p" And I press "C-p" And I press "C-e" Then text property at point includes "rear-nonsticky" @poly Scenario: moving cells requires refontification Given new python notebook And I press "C-c C-t" And I type "# Header" And I press "RET" And I press "C-c C-b" And I type "import math" And I press "C-c C-c" And I press "M-" And I press "C-" And I go to word "Header"