;;; ein-jupyter.el --- Manage the jupyter notebook server ;; Copyright (C) 2017 John M. Miller ;; Authors: John M. Miller ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;; ein-jupyter.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ein-jupyter.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with ein-jupyter.el. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (require 'ein-core) (require 'ein-notebooklist) (require 'ein-dev) (defcustom ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name "*ein:jupyter-server*" "The name of the buffer for the jupyter notebook server session." :group 'ein :type 'string) (defcustom ein:jupyter-server-run-timeout 60000 "Time, in milliseconds, to wait for the jupyter server to start before declaring timeout and cancelling the operation." :group 'ein :type 'integer) (defcustom ein:jupyter-server-args '("--no-browser") "Add any additional command line options you wish to include with the call to the jupyter notebook." :group 'ein :type '(repeat string)) (defcustom ein:jupyter-default-notebook-directory nil "If you are tired of always being queried for the location of the notebook directory, you can set it here for future calls to `ein:jupyter-server-start'" :group 'ein :type '(directory)) (defvar *ein:jupyter-server-accept-timeout* 60) (defvar *ein:jupyter-server-process-name* "EIN: Jupyter notebook server") (defvar *ein:last-jupyter-command* nil) (defvar *ein:last-jupyter-directory* nil) (defcustom ein:jupyter-default-server-command "jupyter" "The default command to start a jupyter notebook server. Changing this to `jupyter-notebook' requires customizing `ein:jupyter-server-use-subcommand' to nil. " :group 'ein :type '(file) :set (lambda (symbol value) (set-default symbol value) (setq *ein:last-jupyter-command* nil))) (defcustom ein:jupyter-server-use-subcommand "notebook" "Users of \"jupyter-notebook\" (as opposed to \"jupyter notebook\") need to `Omit'." :group 'ein :type '(choice (string :tag "Subcommand" "notebook") (const :tag "Omit" nil))) (defcustom ein:jupyter-default-kernel 'first-alphabetically "With which of ${XDG_DATA_HOME}/jupyter/kernels to create new notebooks." :group 'ein :type (append '(choice (other :tag "First alphabetically" first-alphabetically)) (condition-case err (mapcar (lambda (x) `(const :tag ,(cdr x) ,(car x))) (loop for (k . spec) in (alist-get 'kernelspecs (let ((json-object-type 'alist)) (json-read-from-string (shell-command-to-string (format "%s kernelspec list --json" ein:jupyter-default-server-command))))) collect `(,k . ,(alist-get 'display_name (alist-get 'spec spec))))) (error (ein:log 'warn "ein:jupyter-default-kernel: %s" err) '((string :tag "Ask")))))) (defsubst ein:jupyter-server-process () "Return the emacs process object of our session" (get-buffer-process (get-buffer ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name))) (defun ein:jupyter-server--run (buf cmd dir &optional args) (when ein:debug (add-to-list 'ein:jupyter-server-args "--debug")) (unless (stringp dir) (error "ein:jupyter-server--run: notebook directory required")) (let* ((vargs (append (ein:aif ein:jupyter-server-use-subcommand (list it)) (list (format "--notebook-dir=%s" (convert-standard-filename dir))) args ein:jupyter-server-args)) (proc (apply #'start-process *ein:jupyter-server-process-name* buf cmd vargs))) (ein:log 'info "ein:jupyter-server--run: %s %s" cmd (ein:join-str " " vargs)) (set-process-query-on-exit-flag proc nil) proc)) (defun ein:jupyter-server-conn-info (&optional buffer-name) "Return the url-or-port and password for BUFFER or the global session." (unless buffer-name (setq buffer-name ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name)) (let ((buffer (get-buffer buffer-name)) (result '(nil nil))) (if buffer (with-current-buffer buffer (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (re-search-backward (format "Process %s" *ein:jupyter-server-process-name*) nil "") ;; important if we start-stop-start (when (re-search-forward "\\([[:alnum:]]+\\) is\\( now\\)? running" nil t) (let ((hub-p (cl-search "jupyterhub" (downcase (match-string 1))))) (when (re-search-forward "\\(https?://[^:]*:[0-9]+\\)\\(?:/\\?token=\\([[:alnum:]]+\\)\\)?" nil t) (let ((raw-url (match-string 1)) (token (or (match-string 2) (and (not hub-p) "")))) (setq result (list (ein:url raw-url) token))))))))) result)) (defun ein:jupyter-server-login-and-open (&optional callback) "Log in and open a notebooklist buffer for a running jupyter notebook server. Determine if there is a running jupyter server (started via a call to `ein:jupyter-server-start') and then try to guess if token authentication is enabled. If a token is found use it to generate a call to `ein:notebooklist-login' and once authenticated open the notebooklist buffer via a call to `ein:notebooklist-open'." (interactive) (when (ein:jupyter-server-process) (multiple-value-bind (url-or-port password) (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info) (ein:notebooklist-login url-or-port callback)))) (defsubst ein:set-process-sentinel (proc url-or-port) "URL-OR-PORT might get redirected from (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info). This is currently only the case for jupyterhub. Once login handshake provides the new URL-OR-PORT, we set various state as pertains our singleton jupyter server process here." ;; Would have used `add-function' if it didn't produce gv-ref warnings. (set-process-sentinel proc (apply-partially (lambda (url-or-port* sentinel proc* event) (ein:aif sentinel (funcall it proc* event)) (funcall #'ein:notebooklist-sentinel url-or-port* proc* event)) url-or-port (process-sentinel proc)))) ;;;###autoload (defun ein:jupyter-server-start (server-cmd-path notebook-directory &optional no-login-p login-callback port) "Start SERVER-CMD_PATH with `--notebook-dir' NOTEBOOK-DIRECTORY. Login after connection established unless NO-LOGIN-P is set. LOGIN-CALLBACK takes two arguments, the buffer created by ein:notebooklist-open--finish, and the url-or-port argument of ein:notebooklist-open*. This command opens an asynchronous process running the jupyter notebook server and then tries to detect the url and password to generate automatic calls to `ein:notebooklist-login' and `ein:notebooklist-open'. With \\[universal-argument] prefix arg, it will prompt the user for the path to the jupyter executable first. Else, it will try to use the value of `*ein:last-jupyter-command*' or the value of the customizable variable `ein:jupyter-default-server-command'. Then it prompts the user for the path of the root directory containing the notebooks the user wants to access. The buffer named by `ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name' will contain the log of the running jupyter server." (interactive (let* ((default-command (or *ein:last-jupyter-command* ein:jupyter-default-server-command)) (server-cmd-path (executable-find (if current-prefix-arg (read-file-name "Server command: " default-directory nil nil default-command) default-command))) (notebook-directory (read-directory-name "Notebook directory: " (or *ein:last-jupyter-directory* ein:jupyter-default-notebook-directory)))) (list server-cmd-path notebook-directory nil (lambda (buffer url-or-port) (pop-to-buffer buffer))))) (unless (and (stringp server-cmd-path) (file-exists-p server-cmd-path) (file-executable-p server-cmd-path)) (error "Command %s not found or not executable" (or *ein:last-jupyter-command* ein:jupyter-default-server-command))) (setf *ein:last-jupyter-command* server-cmd-path *ein:last-jupyter-directory* notebook-directory) (if (ein:jupyter-server-process) (error "Please first M-x ein:stop")) (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook #'(lambda () (ignore-errors (ein:jupyter-server-stop t)))) (let ((proc (ein:jupyter-server--run ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name *ein:last-jupyter-command* *ein:last-jupyter-directory* (if (numberp port) `("--port" ,(format "%s" port) "--port-retries" "0"))))) (loop repeat 30 until (car (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name)) do (sleep-for 0 500) finally do (unless (car (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name)) (ein:log 'warn "Jupyter server failed to start, cancelling operation") (ein:jupyter-server-stop t))) (when (and (not no-login-p) (ein:jupyter-server-process)) (unless login-callback (setq login-callback #'ignore)) (add-function :after login-callback (apply-partially (lambda (proc* buffer url-or-port) (ein:set-process-sentinel proc* url-or-port)) proc)) (ein:jupyter-server-login-and-open login-callback)))) ;;;###autoload (defalias 'ein:run 'ein:jupyter-server-start) ;;;###autoload (defalias 'ein:stop 'ein:jupyter-server-stop) (defun ein:undocumented-shutdown (url-or-port) (ein:query-singleton-ajax (list 'shutdown-server url-or-port) (ein:url url-or-port "api/shutdown") :type "POST" :timeout 3 ;; content-query-timeout and query-timeout default nil :sync t)) ;;;###autoload (defun ein:jupyter-server-stop (&optional force log) (interactive) (ein:and-let* ((url-or-port (first (ein:jupyter-server-conn-info))) (_ok (or force (y-or-n-p "Stop server and close notebooks?")))) (ein:notebook-close-notebooks t) (loop repeat 10 do (ein:query-running-process-table) until (zerop (hash-table-count ein:query-running-process-table)) do (sleep-for 0 500)) (lexical-let* ((proc (ein:jupyter-server-process)) (pid (process-id proc))) (ein:log 'info "Signaled %s with pid %s" proc pid) (signal-process pid 15) (run-at-time 2 nil (lambda () (ein:log 'info "Resignaled %s with pid %s" proc pid) (signal-process pid 15)))) ;; `ein:notebooklist-sentinel' frequently does not trigger (ein:notebooklist-list-remove url-or-port) (kill-buffer (ein:notebooklist-get-buffer url-or-port)) (when log (with-current-buffer ein:jupyter-server-buffer-name (write-region (point-min) (point-max) log))))) (provide 'ein-jupyter)