;;; ein-connect.el --- Connect external buffers to IPython ;; Copyright (C) 2012- Takafumi Arakaki ;; Author: Takafumi Arakaki ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;; ein-connect.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ein-connect.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with ein-connect.el. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; FIXME: There is a problem when connected notebook is closed. ;; This can be fixed in some ways: ;; * Turn off ein:connect when the command that uses kernel is invoked ;; but corresponding notebook was closed already. ;; * Connect directly to ein:kernel and make its destructor to care ;; about connecting buffers. ;;; Code: (require 'eieio) (eval-when-compile (require 'auto-complete nil t)) (require 'ein-notebook) (require 'ein-shared-output) (declare-function ein:notebooklist-list-notebooks "ein-notebooklist") (declare-function ein:notebooklist-open-notebook-global "ein-notebooklist") ;;; Utils (defun ein:maybe-save-buffer (option) "Conditionally save current buffer. Return `t' if the buffer is unmodified or `nil' otherwise. If the buffer is modified, buffer is saved depending on the value of OPTION: ask : Ask whether the buffer should be saved. yes : Save buffer always. no : Do not save buffer." (if (not (buffer-modified-p)) t (case option (ask (when (y-or-n-p "Save buffer? ") (save-buffer) t)) (yes (save-buffer) t) (t nil)))) ;;; Configuration (defcustom ein:connect-run-command "%run -n" "``%run`` magic command used for `ein:connect-run-buffer'. Types same as `ein:notebook-console-security-dir' are valid." :type '(choice (string :tag "command" "%run") (alist :tag "command mapping" :key-type (choice :tag "URL or PORT" (string :tag "URL" "") (integer :tag "PORT" 8888) (const default)) :value-type (string :tag "command" "%run")) (function :tag "command getter" (lambda (url-or-port) (format "%%run -n -i -t -d")))) :group 'ein) (defun ein:connect-run-command-get () (ein:choose-setting 'ein:connect-run-command (ein:$notebook-url-or-port (ein:connect-get-notebook)))) (defcustom ein:connect-save-before-run 'yes "Whether the buffer should be saved before `ein:connect-run-buffer'." :type '(choice (const :tag "Always save buffer" yes) (const :tag "Always do not save buffer" no) (const :tag "Ask" ask)) :group 'ein) (defcustom ein:connect-aotoexec-lighter nil "String appended to the lighter of `ein:connect-mode' (`ein:c') when auto-execution mode is on. When `nil', use the same string as `ein:cell-autoexec-prompt'." :type '(choice (string :tag "String appended to ein:c" "@") (const :tag "Use `ein:cell-autoexec-prompt'." nil)) :group 'ein) ;;; Class (ein:deflocal ein:@connect nil "Buffer local variable to store an instance of `ein:$connect'") (defclass ein:$connect () ((notebook :initarg :notebook :type ein:$notebook) (buffer :initarg :buffer :type buffer) (autoexec :initarg :autoexec :initform nil :type boolean :document "Auto-execution mode flag. See also the document of the `autoexec' slot of `ein:codecell' class."))) (defun ein:connect-setup (notebook buffer) (with-current-buffer buffer (setq ein:@connect (ein:$connect "Connect" :notebook notebook :buffer buffer)) ein:@connect)) ;;; Methods (defun ein:connect-to-notebook (nbpath) "Connect any buffer to notebook and its kernel." (interactive (list (completing-read "Notebook to connect [URL-OR-PORT/NAME]: " (ein:notebooklist-list-notebooks)))) (ein:notebooklist-open-notebook-global nbpath (lambda (notebook -ignore- buffer) (ein:connect-buffer-to-notebook notebook buffer)) (list (current-buffer)))) (defun ein:connect-to-notebook-buffer (buffer-or-name) "Connect any buffer to opened notebook and its kernel." (interactive (list (completing-read "Notebook buffer to connect: " (mapcar #'buffer-name (ein:notebook-opened-buffers))))) (let ((notebook (buffer-local-value 'ein:notebook (get-buffer buffer-or-name)))) (ein:connect-buffer-to-notebook notebook))) (defun ein:connect-buffer-to-notebook (notebook &optional buffer) "Connect BUFFER to NOTEBOOK." (unless buffer (setq buffer (current-buffer))) (let ((connection (ein:connect-setup notebook buffer))) (when (ein:eval-if-bound 'ac-sources) (push 'ac-source-ein-cached ac-sources)) (with-current-buffer buffer (ein:connect-mode)) (ein:log 'info "Connected to %s" (ein:$notebook-notebook-name notebook)) connection)) (defun ein:connect-get-notebook () (oref ein:@connect :notebook)) (defun ein:connect-get-kernel () (ein:$notebook-kernel (ein:connect-get-notebook))) (defun ein:connect-eval-buffer () "Evaluate the whole buffer. Note that this will run the code inside the ``if __name__ == \"__main__\":`` block." (interactive) (ein:connect-eval-string-internal (buffer-string)) (ein:log 'info "Whole buffer is sent to the kernel.")) (defun ein:connect-run-buffer (&optional ask-command) "Run buffer using ``%run``. Ask for command if the prefix ``C-u`` is given. Variable `ein:connect-run-command' sets the default command." (interactive "P") ;; FIXME: this should be more intelligent than just `buffer-file-name' ;; to support connecting IPython over ssh. (ein:aif (buffer-file-name) (let* ((default-command (ein:connect-run-command-get)) (command (if ask-command (read-from-minibuffer "Command: " default-command) default-command)) (cmd (format "%s %s" command it))) (if (ein:maybe-save-buffer ein:connect-save-before-run) (progn (ein:connect-eval-string-internal cmd) (ein:log 'info "Command sent to the kernel: %s" cmd)) (ein:log 'info "Buffer must be saved before %%run."))) (error (concat "This buffer has no associated file. " "Use `ein:connect-eval-buffer' instead.")))) (defun ein:connect-run-or-eval-buffer (&optional eval) "Run buffer using the ``%run`` magic command or eval whole buffer if the prefix ``C-u`` is given. Variable `ein:connect-run-command' sets the command to run. You can change the command and/or set the options. See also: `ein:connect-run-buffer', `ein:connect-eval-buffer'." (interactive "P") (if eval (ein:connect-eval-buffer) (ein:connect-run-buffer))) (defun ein:connect-eval-region (start end) (interactive "r") (ein:connect-eval-string-internal (buffer-substring start end)) (ein:log 'info "Selected region is sent to the kernel.")) (defun ein:connect-eval-string (code) (interactive "sIP[y]: ") (ein:connect-eval-string-internal code) (ein:log 'info "Code \"%s\" is sent to the kernel." code)) (defun ein:connect-eval-string-internal (code) (let ((cell (ein:shared-output-get-cell)) (kernel (ein:connect-get-kernel)) (code (ein:trim-indent code))) (ein:cell-execute cell kernel code))) (defun ein:connect-request-tool-tip-command () (interactive) (let ((notebook (ein:connect-get-notebook))) (ein:kernel-if-ready (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook) (let ((func (ein:object-at-point))) ;; Set cell=nil. In fact, the argument cell is not used. ;; FIXME: refactor `ein:notebook-request-tool-tip' (ein:notebook-request-tool-tip notebook nil func))))) (defun ein:connect-request-help-command () (interactive) (ein:notebook-request-help (ein:connect-get-notebook))) (defun ein:connect-request-tool-tip-or-help-command (&optional pager) (interactive "P") (if pager (ein:connect-request-help-command) (ein:connect-request-tool-tip-command))) (defun ein:connect-complete-command () (interactive) (ein:notebook-complete-at-point (ein:connect-get-notebook))) (defun ein:connect-complete-dot () "Insert dot and request completion." (interactive) (insert ".") (let ((notebook (ein:connect-get-notebook))) (when (and notebook (ein:kernel-live-p (ein:$notebook-kernel notebook))) (ein:notebook-complete-at-point notebook)))) (defun ein:connect-pop-to-notebook () (interactive) (pop-to-buffer (ein:notebook-buffer (ein:connect-get-notebook)))) ;;; Auto-execution (defun ein:connect-assert-connected () (assert (ein:$connect-p ein:@connect) nil "Current buffer (%s) is not connected to IPython notebook." (buffer-name))) (defun ein:connect-execute-autoexec-cells () "Call `ein:notebook-execute-autoexec-cells' via `after-save-hook'." (ein:connect-assert-connected) (let ((notebook (ein:connect-get-notebook))) (ein:notebook-with-buffer notebook (ein:notebook-execute-autoexec-cells notebook)))) (defun ein:connect-toggle-autoexec () "Toggle auto-execution mode of the current connected buffer. Note that you need to set cells to run in the connecting buffer or no cell will be executed. Use the `ein:notebook-turn-on-autoexec' command in notebook to change the cells to run." (interactive) (ein:connect-assert-connected) (oset ein:@connect :autoexec (not (oref ein:@connect :autoexec))) (let ((autoexec-p (oref ein:@connect :autoexec))) (if autoexec-p (add-hook 'after-save-hook 'ein:connect-execute-autoexec-cells nil t) (remove-hook 'after-save-hook 'ein:connect-execute-autoexec-cells t)) (ein:log 'info "Auto-execution mode is %s." (if autoexec-p "enabled" "disabled")))) ;;; ein:connect-mode (defvar ein:connect-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (let ((map ein:connect-mode-map)) (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'ein:connect-run-or-eval-buffer) (define-key map "\C-c\C-r" 'ein:connect-eval-region) (define-key map (kbd "C-:") 'ein:connect-eval-string) (define-key map "\C-c\C-f" 'ein:connect-request-tool-tip-or-help-command) (define-key map "\C-c\C-i" 'ein:connect-complete-command) (define-key map "\C-c\C-z" 'ein:connect-pop-to-notebook) (define-key map "\C-c\C-a" 'ein:connect-toggle-autoexec) (define-key map "\M-." 'ein:pytools-jump-to-source-command) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-.") 'ein:pytools-jump-to-source-command) (define-key map "\M-," 'ein:pytools-jump-back-command) (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-,") 'ein:pytools-jump-back-command) map) (defun ein:connect-mode-get-lighter () (if (oref ein:@connect :autoexec) (format " ein:c%s" (or ein:connect-aotoexec-lighter ein:cell-autoexec-prompt)) " ein:c")) (define-minor-mode ein:connect-mode "Minor mode for communicating with IPython notebook. \\{ein:connect-mode-map}" :lighter (:eval (ein:connect-mode-get-lighter)) :keymap ein:connect-mode-map :group 'ein (ein:complete-on-dot-install ein:connect-mode-map 'ein:connect-complete-dot)) (provide 'ein-connect) ;;; ein-connect.el ends here