;;; ein-jupyterhub.el --- Interface to Jupyterhub -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2016 - John Miller ;; Authors: Takafumi Arakaki ;; John M. Miller ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;; ein-jupyterhub.el is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ein-jupyterhub.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with ein-jupyter.el. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;;; ;;; An interface to the Jupyterhub login and management API as described in ;;; http://jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/index.html ;;; ;; ;;; Code: (require 'ein-query) (require 'ein-websocket) (require 'ein-notebooklist) (require 'anaphora) (defvar *ein:jupyterhub-connections* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) (defstruct ein:$jh-conn "Data representing a connection to a jupyterhub server." url-or-port version user token) (defstruct ein:$jh-user "A jupyterhub user, per https://jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_static/rest-api/index.html#/definitions/User" name admin groups server pending last-activity) (defsubst ein:jupyterhub-user-path (url-or-port &rest paths) "Goes from URL-OR-PORT/PATHS to URL-OR-PORT/user/someone/PATHS" (let ((user-base (aif (gethash url-or-port *ein:jupyterhub-connections*) (ein:$jh-user-server (ein:$jh-conn-user it))))) (apply #'ein:url url-or-port user-base paths))) (defsubst ein:jupyterhub-api-path (url-or-port &rest paths) (apply #'ein:url url-or-port "hub/api" paths)) (defun ein:jupyterhub--store-cookies (conn) "Websockets use the url-cookie API" (let* ((url-or-port (ein:$jh-conn-url-or-port conn)) (parsed-url (url-generic-parse-url url-or-port)) (host-port (if (url-port-if-non-default parsed-url) (format "%s:%s" (url-host parsed-url) (url-port parsed-url)) (url-host parsed-url))) (securep (string= (url-type parsed-url) "https")) (cookies (append (request-cookie-alist (url-host parsed-url) "/hub/" securep) (ein:aand (ein:$jh-conn-user conn) (ein:$jh-user-server it) (request-cookie-alist (url-host parsed-url) it securep))))) (dolist (c cookies) (ein:websocket-store-cookie c host-port (car (url-path-and-query parsed-url)) securep)))) (cl-defun ein:jupyterhub--login-complete (dobj conn &key response &allow-other-keys) (deferred:callback-post dobj (list conn response))) (defmacro ein:jupyterhub--add-header (header) `(setq my-settings (plist-put my-settings :headers (append (plist-get my-settings :headers) (list ,header))))) (defmacro ein:jupyterhub-query (conn-key url cb cbargs &rest settings) `(let ((my-settings (list ,@settings))) (ein:and-let* ((conn (gethash ,conn-key *ein:jupyterhub-connections*))) (ein:jupyterhub--add-header (cons "Referer" (ein:url (ein:$jh-conn-url-or-port conn) "hub/login"))) (aif (ein:$jh-conn-token conn) (ein:jupyterhub--add-header (cons "Authorization" (format "token %s" it))))) (apply #'ein:query-singleton-ajax ,url ,url :error (lambda (&rest args) (ein:log 'error "ein:jupyterhub-query--error (%s) %s (%s)" ,url (request-response-status-code (plist-get args :response)) (plist-get args :symbol-status))) :complete (lambda (&rest args) (ein:log 'debug "ein:jupyterhub-query--complete (%s) %s (%s)" ,url (request-response-status-code (plist-get args :response)) (plist-get args :symbol-status))) :success (lambda (&rest args) (apply ,cb (request-response-data (plist-get args :response)) ,cbargs)) my-settings))) (defsubst ein:jupyterhub--query-login (callback username password conn) (ein:jupyterhub-query (ein:$jh-conn-url-or-port conn) (ein:url (ein:$jh-conn-url-or-port conn) "hub/login") #'ein:jupyterhub--receive-login `(,callback ,username ,password ,conn) ;; :type "POST" ;; no type here else redirect will use POST :parser #'ignore :data `(("username" . ,username) ("password" . ,password)))) (defun ein:jupyterhub--receive-version (data url-or-port callback username password) (let ((conn (make-ein:$jh-conn :url-or-port url-or-port :version (plist-get data :version)))) (setf (gethash url-or-port *ein:jupyterhub-connections*) conn) (ein:jupyterhub--query-login callback username password conn))) (defun ein:jupyterhub--receive-user (data callback username password conn iteration) (let ((user (make-ein:$jh-user :name (plist-get data :name) :admin (plist-get data :admin) :groups (plist-get data :groups) :server (plist-get data :server) :pending (plist-get data :pending) :last-activity (plist-get data :last_activity)))) (setf (ein:$jh-conn-user conn) user) (ein:jupyterhub--store-cookies conn) (if (not (ein:$jh-user-server user)) (if (<= iteration 0) (ein:jupyterhub--query-token callback username password conn) (ein:display-warning "jupyterhub cannot start single-user server" :error)) (ein:notebooklist-open* (ein:jupyterhub-user-path (ein:$jh-conn-url-or-port conn)) nil nil callback)))) (defsubst ein:jupyterhub--query-user (callback username password conn iteration) (ein:jupyterhub-query (ein:$jh-conn-url-or-port conn) (ein:jupyterhub-api-path (ein:$jh-conn-url-or-port conn) "users" username) #'ein:jupyterhub--receive-user `(,callback ,username ,password ,conn ,iteration) :type "GET" :parser #'ein:json-read)) (defun ein:jupyterhub--receive-login (_data callback username password conn) (ein:jupyterhub--store-cookies conn) (ein:jupyterhub--query-user callback username password conn 0)) (defsubst ein:jupyterhub--query-server (callback username password conn) (ein:jupyterhub-query (ein:$jh-conn-url-or-port conn) (ein:jupyterhub-api-path (ein:$jh-conn-url-or-port conn) "users" username "server") #'ein:jupyterhub--receive-server `(,callback ,username ,password ,conn) :type "POST" :parser #'ein:json-read)) (defun ein:jupyterhub--receive-token (data callback username password conn) (setf (ein:$jh-conn-token conn) (plist-get data :token)) (ein:jupyterhub--query-server callback username password conn)) (defun ein:jupyterhub--receive-server (_data callback username password conn) (ein:jupyterhub--query-user callback username password conn 1)) (defun ein:jupyterhub--query-token (callback username password conn) (ein:jupyterhub-query (ein:$jh-conn-url-or-port conn) (ein:jupyterhub-api-path (ein:$jh-conn-url-or-port conn) "authorizations/token") #'ein:jupyterhub--receive-token `(,callback ,username ,password ,conn) :type "POST" :data (json-encode `((:username . ,username) (:password . ,password))) :parser #'ein:json-read)) (defsubst ein:jupyterhub--query-version (url-or-port callback username password) (ein:jupyterhub-query url-or-port (ein:jupyterhub-api-path url-or-port) #'ein:jupyterhub--receive-version `(,url-or-port ,callback ,username ,password) :type "GET" :parser #'ein:json-read)) ;;;###autoload (defun ein:jupyterhub-connect (url-or-port username password callback) "Log on to a jupyterhub server using PAM authentication. Requires jupyterhub version 0.8 or greater. CALLBACK takes two arguments, the resulting buffer and the singleuser url-or-port" (interactive (let ((url-or-port (ein:notebooklist-ask-url-or-port)) (pam-plist (ein:notebooklist-ask-user-pw-pair "User" "Password"))) (loop for (user pw) on pam-plist by (function cddr) return (list url-or-port (symbol-name user) pw (lambda (buffer _url-or-port) (pop-to-buffer buffer)))))) (ein:jupyterhub--query-version url-or-port callback username password)) (provide 'ein-jupyterhub)