SRC=$(shell cask files) PKBUILD=2.3 ELCFILES = $(SRC:.el=.elc) ifeq ($(TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SLUG),) TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SLUG := $(shell git config --global$(shell basename `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`) endif ifeq ($(TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH),) TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH := $(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) endif ifeq ($(TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA),) TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA := $(shell if git show-ref --quiet --verify origin/$(TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH) ; then git rev-parse origin/$(TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH) ; fi)) endif .DEFAULT_GOAL := test-compile README.rst: lisp/ein.el cask eval "(progn \ (add-to-list 'load-path \"./lisp\") \ (load \"ein-notebook\") \ (describe-minor-mode \"ein:notebook-mode\") \ (with-current-buffer \"*Help*\" (princ (buffer-string))))" 2>/dev/null \ | tools/ "KEYS NOTEBOOK" "key.*binding" > README.rst0 sed "/CI VERSION/c"`grep -o 'emacs-[0-9][.0-9]*' .travis.yml | sort -n | head -1 | grep -o '[.0-9]*'` README.rst0 > README.rst1 grep ';;' lisp/ein.el \ | awk '/;;;\s*Commentary/{within=1;next}/;;;\s*/{within=0}within' \ | sed -e 's/^\s*;;*\s*//g' \ | tools/ "COMMENTARY" README.rst1 > README.rst0 cask eval "(progn \ (add-to-list 'load-path \"./lisp\") \ (load \"ein-connect\") \ (describe-minor-mode \"ein:connect-mode\") \ (with-current-buffer \"*Help*\" (princ (buffer-string))))" 2>/dev/null \ | tools/ "KEYS CONNECT" README.rst0 "key.*binding" > README.rst rm README.rst0 README.rst1 .PHONY: autoloads autoloads: emacs -Q --batch --eval "(package-initialize)" --eval "(package-generate-autoloads \"ein\" \"./lisp\")" .PHONY: clean clean: cask clean-elc rm -rf test/test-install rm -f log/*websocket* rm -f features/Untitled*.ipynb rm -f test/Untitled*.ipynb .PHONY: dist-clean dist-clean: clean rm -rf dist .PHONY: test-compile test-compile: clean autoloads # TODO When we are ready to properly compile, replace the disaster here # with (setq byte-compile-error-on-warn t) --dickmao cask install ! ( cask build 2>&1 | awk '{if (/^ /) { gsub(/^ +/, " ", $$0); printf "%s", $$0 } else { printf "\n%s", $$0 }}' | egrep -a "not known|Error|free variable|error for|Use of gv-ref|multiple times|Unused|but requires" ) cask clean-elc .PHONY: quick quick: test-compile test-unit .PHONY: test-jupyterhub test-jupyterhub: # jupyterhub slightly temperamental with json-readtable-error # seems to be affecting ob-ipython too but probably my bug.. just need to find it -cask exec ecukes --tags @jupyterhub .PHONY: test test: quick test-int test-poly .PHONY: test-poly test-poly: cask exec ert-runner -L ./lisp -L ./test -l test/testfunc.el test/test-poly.el test/test-func.el cp test/test-poly.el features/support/test-poly.el cask exec ecukes; (ret=$$? ; rm -f features/support/test-poly.el && exit $$ret) .PHONY: test-int test-int: cask exec ert-runner -L ./lisp -L ./test -l test/testfunc.el test/test-func.el cask exec ecukes .PHONY: test-unit test-unit: cask exec ert-runner -L ./lisp -L ./test -l test/testein.el test/test-ein*.el .PHONY: test-install test-install: mkdir -p test/test-install if [ ! -s "test/test-install/$(PKBUILD).tar.gz" ] ; then \ cd test/test-install ; curl -sLOk$(PKBUILD).tar.gz ; fi cd test/test-install ; tar xfz $(PKBUILD).tar.gz cd test/test-install ; rm -f $(PKBUILD).tar.gz cd test/test-install/package-build-$(PKBUILD) ; make -s loaddefs mkdir -p test/test-install/recipes cd test/test-install/recipes ; curl -sLOk ! ( emacs -Q --batch -L test/test-install/package-build-$(PKBUILD) \ --eval "(require 'package-build)" \ --eval "(require 'subr-x)" \ --eval "(package-initialize)" \ --eval "(add-to-list 'package-archives '(\"melpa\" . \"\"))" \ --eval "(package-refresh-contents)" \ --eval "(setq rcp (package-recipe-lookup \"ein\"))" \ --eval "(unless (file-exists-p package-build-archive-dir) \ (make-directory package-build-archive-dir))" \ --eval "(let* ((my-repo \"$(TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SLUG)\") \ (my-branch \"$(TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH)\") \ (my-commit \"$(TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA)\")) \ (oset rcp :repo my-repo) \ (oset rcp :branch my-branch) \ (oset rcp :commit my-commit))" \ --eval "(package-build--package rcp (package-build--checkout rcp))" \ --eval "(package-install-file (car (file-expand-wildcards (concat package-build-archive-dir \"ein*.tar\"))))" 2>&1 | egrep -a "Error: " ) .PHONY: dist dist: rm -rf dist cask package .PHONY: install install: dist emacs -Q --batch --eval "(package-initialize)" \ --eval "(add-to-list 'package-archives '(\"melpa\" . \"\"))" \ --eval "(package-refresh-contents)" \ --eval "(package-install-file (car (file-expand-wildcards \"dist/ein*.tar\")))"