Optional argument PROCESS means do not return until output has been
received from PROCESS.
If jupyter notebook is fast enough and made all the outputs, at the
time of invoking accept-process-output will block until timeout.
Revert "ein-jupyter: Try waiting for process output before logging in."
This reverts commit 9cae1ba153.
Some environment can be slow so that even if "The Jupyter Notebook is
running" appears, the notebook URL with token is not available.
Test exactly for the URL.
1. no need to install git explicitly.
2. install emacs before `cask install`, otherwise the cask packages
are installed for system emacs.
3. pip installation as root, otherwise the debug session
travis_run_install hangs with 'Permission Denied'.
Don't think we were handling https:// url's correctly.
Also some code cleanup in ein-connect; fix longstanding bug in ein:load-files,
and tweak default timeout for starting a jupyter session from within emacs.
Trying to increase reliability of starting a juptyer server from Emacs. Deferred
is cool, but a pain to understand for this old brain.
Fix some typos in ein-ob and be smarter selecting completion backend when
connecting a python buffer to a jupyter notebook.
Instead of just enabling auto complete why not just connect to the notebook ala
Update dependencies documented in README.rst
Force version check when starting the jupyter server - ein seems to be easily
confused in this regard.
Will try to use ein completion backend configured by user when editing ein
source blocks in org.
Also slightly more robust inspecting in ein_inspector.py
Order entries in notebooklist by file type (i.e. file extension). Add function
'ein:jupyter-server-stop to 'kill-emacs-hook.
Fixed link in documentation.
Add configurable timeout (see `ein:jupyter-server-run-timeout`) that will
hopefully abort calls to `ein:jupyter-server-run` that hang; this is to help
with issues like those reported in #176.
Also update documentation, dependencies in preparation for 0.13.0 release.
Also update loaddefs and add an additional option for ein's completion backend:
`ein:use-custom-backend'. When enabled EIN will not automatically use any
autocompletion mechanism, instead leaving the configuration details to the user.
When running against jupyterhub master (which will someday be v0.8) can know log
in and make calls to the contents api.
Everything is working except for opening websocket connections.
`ein:jupyterhub-connect' is now interactive and will query for url, user, and
password before trying to authenticate in Jupyterhub and start a server for the
We can do all of these through the function `ein:jupyterhub-connect'. Everything
works great until we actually try to access the running notebook server at which
point the hub redirects us to the login page. I've bumped to the mailing list,
we will see if anyone there can help.