Grammar and info accuracy improvements for the README. Trying to catch up to a
jupyter world in ein-console, though not 100% there yet.
Fixing an annoying error in debugger comint buffer that was ocurring when
quitting an ipdb debugging session.
Be more forgiving in detecting version; this change is mostly so EIN
works with recently released Jupyter/IPython 4.0.
Adding some additional comments to documentation to note that EIN seems
to work with Jupyter.
Compiling ein when nxhtml is not installed causes an error when
compiling ein-mumamo.el. Since it seems unreasonable to force mumamo as
a dependency (it is not in MELPA) better to move mumamo support to its
own, optional package.
Also some long overdue upates to documentation.
Updating documentation to list current requirements for ein. (require
'ein-loaddefs) is redundant when loading from MELPA.
For manual installation users can uncomment this line.
Renaming to ein2 in preparation for submitting to melpa. Note this
changes how you load ein! Call (require 'ein2) now instead of (require
Note also that you can't load both ein and ein2 at the same time, so you
should delete ein from your packages before trying ein2.
Progressing back towards having automated testing via travis. Updated
contact info for ein:dev-bug-report-template and updated requirements in
Start using request.el_ for smoother experience.
It also helps to reduce workarounds for url.el in EIN.
All the tests are passed and I have no errors so far.
It also supports login as it used be (i.e., still
the support is experimental).
.. _request.el: