The standard way to avoid this problem is to use autoload instead of require.
This way ESS is not required to compile and run EIN and it is only loaded if the user actually uses it.
Ideally these should converge to the same thing. Since many hash
tables are keyed off `url-or-port`, forgetting to
normalize `url-or-port` with `ein:url` leads to missed cache hits and
general malaise. So we try to do that.
Address a FIXME: apply callbacks to `ein:notebook-list-login-and-open`.
Removed py3.5 from travis build matrix to reduce developer strain.
Not sure if it is really doing anything, but ein:use-company-jedi-backend is now
a valid setting for ein:completion-backends.
More useful is that connected buffers now use ein's company completeion backend,
so completion should now work across all backends all across ein. Now let's get
something working in org!
Code for getting matches uses deferred and calls to `ein:completer-complete',
avoiding the hacks needed with `ein:completer-finish-completing-company' (names
are shorter too!). Using deferred makes reading the code a bit easier, I think.
EIN will also try to prepare function annotations via the python oinfo object.
Performance is not ideal when the completion candidate list is long, so there is
a new customizable variable `ein:allow-company-annotations' to control this
ein company backend now dutifully looks for the file and line where an object is
defined when company so asks it. When ein fails in its duty it fails silently
and I am not sure yet if that is the correct behavior. For now it will stand,
until I think of something better.
ein company backend will now show results of inspect_request in a company
documentation buffer when company requests documentation via the doc-buffer
The backend was working properly only when completing at the beginning of the
lines. For example, completing `import IPython.` would end up replacing the
import and moving IPython to the beginning of the line. EIN's company backend no
longer does this.
There is now a company mode backend for ein. It generates completions by sending
complete_request to the running kernel so for the moment no jedi integration.
Configuring is maybe non-obvious - user should at minimum set
`ein:use-auto-complete` and `ein:use-auto-complete-superpack` to nil. Adding a
`(require 'ein-company)` probably should be done somewhere in the user's init
file. This could all be done better so I will attempt to address in later
Almost a direct copy and paste from ein-ac.el. Will have to
iterate on this more than a few times to figure out a good system
for generation completion candidates for company mode.