Multilang support for c, c++11, c++14, and c++17. Org babel source blocks are
also support.
Dropping (for a moment) testing against python27 on travis.
Replace `defun*' with `cl-defun', `loop' with `cl-loop',
`case' with `cl-case', `assert' with `cl-assert',
`destructuring-bind' with `cl-destructuring-bind',
`multiple-value-bind' with `cl-multiple-value-bind',
`equalp` with `cl-equalp`, `defstruct' with `cl-defstruct`
&c &c &c
Use lexical-binding instead of lexical-let.
Add declarations and defvar to avoid breakage.
M-x customize-group RET ein
Toggle Ein:Polymode
Avoid trying to emulate jump-to-definition, eldoc, and autocompletion
functionalities that Elpy will always do better.
In light of #425 and #456, provide more guidance on curl errors.
Also, clean up eldoc stub. Leveraging elpy's eldoc perfection seems
the only sensible choice, however.
Do not assume python... leverage ESS to improve R interaction.
Fix both undo and fontify in the presence of toggling cells (`C-c
Fix and test switching kernels
Ideally these should converge to the same thing. Since many hash
tables are keyed off `url-or-port`, forgetting to
normalize `url-or-port` with `ein:url` leads to missed cache hits and
general malaise. So we try to do that.
Address a FIXME: apply callbacks to `ein:notebook-list-login-and-open`.
Removed py3.5 from travis build matrix to reduce developer strain.
(ein:narrow-to-cell, ein:python-indent-line-function)
(ein:python-indent-region): New functions.
(ein:ml-lang-setup-python): Set
`indent-line-function` to `ein:python-indent-line-function` and
`indent-region-function` to `ein:python-indent-region`.
Images weren't being save to json in the way they should have. Mostly had to do
with how the attirbutes were being ordered. This is still, unfortunately, a
nasty bit code but it still seems to work.