Return the results of execution as a single string instead of a list of strings.
This allows some more flexibility when dealing with :results parameters and
seems to fix a bug with inserting matplotlib images. Hint: try using `:results
value raw`.
Content api tries to handle redirects, pointing new content towards the
redirected url instead of the one supplied by the user. Login with redirects not
working, though.
Other fixes:
- Fixed bug in ein-ac that was generating errors outside of ein buffers.
- New function `ein:pyools-set-figure-size` as shortcut for modifying
matplotlib figsize rcParam.
- ob-ein will output tracebacks when ein source block generates an error.
Using C-c', users can create a temporary buffer running an appropriate
mode to edit the contents of a notebook cell. This functionality is
intentionally very similar to what org-mode provides for editing blocks
of code or other.